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2008 is the 100th anniversary of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in the United States. In 1908, the Rev. Paul Wattson, founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement, suggested that the period between January 18 and 25 be an octave of prayer for Christian unity. In this proposal, he was giving form to Pope Leo XIII’s 1894 call for an octave of prayer, and to earlier suggestions from the Lambeth Conference and various other leaders. Wattson and the Friars observed the octave at Graymoor beginning in 1908, and championed the octave throughout the United States. In France, efforts to establish the octave in France were led by Fr. Paul Couturier beginning in the late 1920s. Further details can be found in our “A brief history of the Week of Prayer” written by Nicholas Jesson.

2008 offers an opportunity to look back at our efforts at Christian unity and to recognize the central importance of prayer together in Jesus’ name. A new website for the 100th anniversary observances has been established at the Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute.
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Posted: Jan. 5, 2008 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Graymoor, WPCU
Transmis : 5 janv. 2008 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Graymoor, WPCU

A hundred years on from the establishing of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, how much further forward are we? And what exactly are we praying for during this week of prayer? On the whole, it’s become a fixture for most “mainstream” denominations, a few days when the more enthusiastic or more biddable members of the congregation turn up to someone else’s church for a well-mannered but often rather lukewarm joint service or two, or perhaps for a talk by a prominent local leader.

The aspiration that we end up relating better with each other, or even that we end up more willing to engage in witness and work together is entirely worthy, and is probably widely fulfilled. But are we praying for anything more than this?

For some people, the answer is clearly “no”. To look beyond this fostering of local goodwill, they would say, is always in danger of slipping towards the yearning for some universal institution with clear central control – at worst, a Pullmanesque Magisterium, some people’s nightmare of Roman Catholicism.
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Posted: Dec. 22, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: TabletIn this article: Archbishop of Canterbury, Christian unity, Rowan Williams, WPCU
Transmis : 22 déc. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : TabletDans cet article : Archbishop of Canterbury, Christian unity, Rowan Williams, WPCU

The United Nations General Assembly has approved a resolution calling for a moratorium on the use of the death penalty in all member states. The resolution passed on Tuesday by a vote of 104 to 54 with 29 abstentions. This is the third attempt to pass a moratorium resolution in the General Assembly. Previous attempts in 1994 and 1999 failed. The current resolution called on member states to “progressively restrict the use of the death penalty and reduce the number of offences for which it may be imposed.”
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Posted: Dec. 21, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: capital punishment, human rights, justice, United Nations
Transmis : 21 déc. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : capital punishment, human rights, justice, United Nations

Designer babies, nanotechnology, and genetically modified crops were a few of the topics covered at a Dec. 2-5 consultation in Johannesburg, SA. The Global Consultation for Genetics, New Biotechnologies, and the Ministry of the Church gathered 45 church representatives, scientists, young people, indigenous people, disabled people, and theologians to talk about biotechnology, defined as the industrial use of microorganisms or biological substances.
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Posted: Dec. 20, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: WCC News
Transmis : 20 déc. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : WCC News

Ce matin près la Salle-de-Presse du Saint-Siège, le Cardinal William Joseph Levada, Préfet de la Congrégation pour la doctrine de la foi, Mgr.Angelo Amato, SDB, Secrétaire de ce même dicastère, le Cardinal Francis Arinze, Préfet de la Congrégation pour le culte divin et la discipline des sacrements, et le Cardinal Ivan Dias, Préfet de la Congrégation pour l’évangélisation des peuples, ont présenté la Note doctrinale sur certains aspects de l’évangélisation.

Le Cardinal Levada a d’abord dit que ce document veut répondre “à une certaine confusion quand à la question de savoir si les catholiques doivent témoigner de leur foi”, et qu’il envisage “certains points précis semblant entraver la réalisation du mandat missionnaire donné par le Christ”.
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Posted: Dec. 14, 2007 • Permanent link:
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Transmis : 14 déc. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : News

This morning in the Holy See Press Office, the presentation took place of a “Doctrinal Note on some aspects of evangelization” prepared by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Cardinal Levada explained that the document is intended to respond “to a certain confusion about whether Catholics should give testimony about their faith in Christ. The congregation,” he said, “decided to address some specific points which seem to undermine the fulfillment of Christ’s missionary mandate. It does so under three general headings:” the anthropological, ecclesiological and ecumenical implications of evangelization.
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Posted: Dec. 14, 2007 • Permanent link:
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Transmis : 14 déc. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : News

La Note doctrinale sur certains aspects de l’évangélisation, élaborée par la Congrégation pour la doctrine de la foi, a été publiée aujourd’hui.
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Posted: Dec. 14, 2007 • Permanent link:
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Transmis : 14 déc. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : News

A consultation has been held in London to review the progress of the report of the Anglican – Methodist International Commission “Sharing in the Apostolic Communion”, which was received by the World Methodist Council in 1996 and the Lambeth Conference in 1998. The meeting was chaired by the Revd Professor Robert Gribben, Chair of the Standing Committee for Ecumenics and Dialogues of the World Methodist Council, and Bishop Harold Miller, Bishop of Down and Dromore in the Church of Ireland, nominated by the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Secretary General on behalf of the Anglican Communion. Five members were nominated by each church for the purpose of this review. The meeting took place from 30 October to 1 November 2007 at the historic Wesley’s Chapel.
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Posted: Dec. 14, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Anglican, Methodist
Transmis : 14 déc. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Anglican, Methodist

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, and the governors of the Anglican Centre in Rome are delighted to announce the appointment of the Very Revd David Richardson as the Archbishop’s Representative to the Holy See and Director of the Centre. David Richardson is Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral, Melbourne Australia and was previously Dean of St Peter’s Cathedral, Adelaide. David Richardson succeeds the Right Reverend John Flack, former Suffragan Bishop of Huntingdon, as the Archbishop of Canterbury’s personal representative in the Holy See. Bishop John retires in February. David Richardson will take up his appointment after Easter.
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Posted: Dec. 10, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Anglican, Rowan Williams
Transmis : 10 déc. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Anglican, Rowan Williams

Aujourd’hui est publiée la seconde Encyclique de Benoît XVI, Spe Salvi, qui comprend une introduction suivie de huit chapitres, et qui s’ouvre passage de l’Epître aux romains où Paul dit que nous avons été sauvés dans l’espérance.
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Posted: Nov. 30, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Benedict XVI, Catholic, encyclicals
Transmis : 30 nov. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Benedict XVI, Catholic, encyclicals

A memorial service to commemorate the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 28th at 11:40 a.m. at St. Andrew’s College Chapel (1121 College Drive). This event is co-sponsored by the University of Saskatchewan Campus Ministry and the Saskatoon Peace Coalition. For more information, contact Gertrude at 966-8929.
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Posted: Nov. 28, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: nonviolence, prayer, Saskatoon, women
Transmis : 28 nov. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : nonviolence, prayer, Saskatoon, women

The retired bishop of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador, Don Harvey, has left the Anglican Church of Canada to become a bishop in the South American province of the Southern Cone, a decision that the primate of the Canadian church acknowledged would pose “complications” for the already fragile unity within the local church and the worldwide Anglican Communion.
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Posted: Nov. 16, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: Anglican JournalIn this article: Anglican, Canada
Transmis : 16 nov. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Anglican JournalDans cet article : Anglican, Canada

When I teach my students about the ecumenical movement, I tell them that the establishment of the World Council of Churches in 1948 is an historic achievement. It is historic because the WCC is the principal instrument of the ecumenical movement in the 20th century. It is historic because it sets a benchmark in church history for the commitment of the churches to walk together. It is an achievement of unparalleled importance because it brought together the historic churches of the Reformation together with the Eastern churches in a commitment to seek visible unity and common witness. However, even in 1948 there was an awareness that there were essential voices missing from the ecumenical table.
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Posted: Nov. 12, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: 2007, Christian unity, events, Global Christian Forum, statements
Transmis : 12 nov. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : 2007, Christian unity, events, Global Christian Forum, statements

[Nairobi] Réunis au Kenya, des responsables issus de toutes les principales traditions chrétiennes et provenant de différents pays – de l’Arménie au Zimbabwe – ont promis d’organiser des réunions aux niveaux international, régional et local afin d’aller plus loin dans la réconciliation et la compréhension.

“Reconnaissant que l’unité est le tout premier don de Dieu à travers l’oeuvre du Saint-Esprit, nous nous engageons à promouvoir davantage de compréhension et de coopération entre chrétiens, tout en respectant la diversité de nos identités, traditions et dons individuels”, ont déclaré les responsables dans un communiqué publié à l’issue de la réunion, qui s’est tenue du 6 au 9 novembre.
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Posted: Nov. 12, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: Communiqué, ENI
Transmis : 12 nov. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Communiqué, ENI

After four days of meetings, some 240 leaders of a broad range of churches, confessions and interchurch organizations from over 70 countries agreed to carry forward what they call “the Global Christian Forum process”, an open platform for encounter and dialogue whose goal is to “foster mutual respect, explore and address common challenges”.

Participants broke into a spontaneous doxology when the final draft of a “Message from the Global Christian Forum to Brothers and Sisters in Christ Throughout the World” was approved at the last session of the meeting, which took place 6-9 November in Limuru, near Nairobi, Kenya.
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Posted: Nov. 12, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Global Christian Forum
Transmis : 12 nov. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Global Christian Forum

“L’unité de l’Eglise, c’est comme la bicyclette: si on s’arrête, on tombe.” Cette affirmation provocante a été lancée par le missiologue coréen Wonsuk Ma aux participants du Forum chrétien mondial, qui s’est tenu du 6 au 9 novembre à Limuru, prés de Nairobi, Kenya.

Dans un exposé fondamental présenté le deuxième jour de cette réunion, M. Ma a examiné l’évolution de l’unité et de la mission chrétiennes au cours du dernier siècle, affirmant que dans la mission, la manière apparemment contradictoire d’insister sur “la vie avant la mort” et sur “la vie après la mort”, qui a divisé les chrétiens “traditionnels” et “évangéliques” pendant des décennies représentent deux tendances en fait complémentaires et indispensables l’une à l’autre.
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Posted: Nov. 9, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Global Christian Forum
Transmis : 9 nov. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Global Christian Forum

[Nairobi] Leaders meeting in Kenya belonging to all main Christian traditions, and from countries ranging from Armenia to Zimbabwe, have pledged to convene international, local and regional meetings to deepen reconciliation and understanding.

“Recognising that unity is first and foremost God’s gift through the work of the Holy Spirit, our commitment is to press on in promoting ever greater understanding and cooperation among Christians, while respecting the diversity of our identities, traditions and individual gifts,” the leaders said in a statement issued at the end of the 6-9 November meeting.
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Posted: Nov. 9, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: ENIIn this article: Global Christian Forum
Transmis : 9 nov. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ENIDans cet article : Global Christian Forum

Pentecostal theologian and scholar Cheryl Bridges-Johns proposed a radical reinvention of the ecumenical movement in a keynote address delivered on the third day of the Global Christian Forum which takes place 6-9 November in Limuru, near Nairobi, Kenya.

Bridges-Johns, a professor at the Theological Seminary of the Church of God in Cleveland (Tennessee), US, sparked a vivid discussion with her lecture, which elaborated on a statement from the 1961 New Delhi assembly of the World Council of Churches: “the achievement of unity will involve nothing less than a death and rebirth of many forms of church life as we have known them”.
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Posted: Nov. 9, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: WCC NewsIn this article: Global Christian Forum
Transmis : 9 nov. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : WCC NewsDans cet article : Global Christian Forum

[Nairobi] Evangelical, Pentecostal and Charismatic leaders attending a world Christian forum in Kenya that has brought together many of Christianity’s diverse strands, say it offers new opportunities, but they also warn of possible difficulties ahead.

“When you share your journey and discover how other people have travelled and find similarities in the journey, that helps you to travel together,” commented the Rev. Richard Howell of the Evangelical Fellowship of India.
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Posted: Nov. 8, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: ENI, Evangelical-Roman Catholic DialogueIn this article: Global Christian Forum
Transmis : 8 nov. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ENI, Evangelical-Roman Catholic DialogueDans cet article : Global Christian Forum

“Church unity is like riding a bicycle. We will fall unless we go forward.” This affirmation was posed as a challenge by Korean missiologist Wonsuk Ma to participants at the Global Christian Forum taking place on 6-9 November in Limuru, near Nairobi, Kenya.

In a keynote address delivered on the second day of the forum, Ma analyzed Christian developments in unity and mission over the last century. He affirmed that in Christian mission, the seemingly contradictory emphases on “life before death” and on “life after death” – which have separated “mainline” and “evangelical” Christians for decades – are actually complementary and in need of each other.

Read the complete article on Dr. Ma’s address to the Global Christian Forum on our website.
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Posted: Nov. 8, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: WCC NewsIn this article: Global Christian Forum
Transmis : 8 nov. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : WCC NewsDans cet article : Global Christian Forum

[Nairobi] Un éminent représentant du Vatican a déclaré que l’Eglise catholique romaine saluait le Forum chrétien mondial, qui est un rassemblement sans précédent des divers courants du christianisme.

“Lorsque les chrétiens sont divisés, la proclamation de l’Evangile souffre et c’est là une douleur que nous devons tous ressentir”, a déclaré l’évêque Brian Farrell, secrétaire du Conseil pontifical pour la promotion de l’unité des chrétiens.
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Posted: Nov. 8, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: ENIIn this article: Global Christian Forum
Transmis : 8 nov. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ENIDans cet article : Global Christian Forum

[Nairobi] A senior Vatican official has said the Roman Catholic Church welcomes a new Global Christian Forum intended to bring together the diverse strands of Christianity as never before.

“When Christians are divided, the preaching of the gospel suffers and this is a pain we all have to feel,” said Bishop Brian Farrell, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, addressing a 6-9 November meeting of the forum near Nairobi.
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Posted: Nov. 8, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: ENIIn this article: Catholic, Global Christian Forum
Transmis : 8 nov. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ENIDans cet article : Catholic, Global Christian Forum

Le professeur John St. H. Gibaut de l’Université Saint-Paul, Ottawa, nommé Directeur de la Commission Foi et Constitution du Conseil œcuménique des églises à Genève. Selon un communiqué de presse de l’université, le professeur Gibaut prendra ses fonctions à Genève, en janvier 2008.
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Posted: Nov. 7, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Anglican
Transmis : 7 nov. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Anglican

Professor John St. H. Gibaut, from St. Paul University in Ottawa, has been appointed as the new director of the World Council of Churches‘ Commission on Faith and Order. According to a press release from the university, Prof. Gibaut will take up his duties in Geneva in January, 2008.
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Posted: Nov. 7, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Anglican
Transmis : 7 nov. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Anglican

A unique gathering of high level church leaders to start Tuesday, 6 November near Nairobi, Kenya, features the broadest range of Christian traditions ever represented at a global meeting, allowing for a discussion of unprecedented ecumenical breadth on what Christians are called to do – together if possible – in the world today.

The 6-9 November gathering, called the Global Christian Forum, brings together about 250 high level representatives of all the main Christian traditions and of their global organizations at the Jumuia Conference Centre in Limuru, near Nairobi.

The Forum’s stated purpose is to create a new, open space in which a broad range of Christian churches and interchurch organizations can gather in a multilateral setting to foster mutual respect and explore and address together common challenges. It aims to include all streams of Christianity, including those which have not been in conversation with one another. In Limuru about half of the participants will be Evangelicals and Pentecostals.

Over four days, with the theme “Our Journey with Jesus Christ, the Reconciler,” participants will discuss how best to promote dialogue and co-operation on issues of Christian unity and common witness to the world. They will debate proposals for the future of the Forum, and it is hoped that a “Letter to the Churches” will summarize the results of the meeting.
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Posted: Nov. 6, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: Evangelical-Roman Catholic Dialogue, WCC NewsIn this article: Global Christian Forum
Transmis : 6 nov. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Evangelical-Roman Catholic Dialogue, WCC NewsDans cet article : Global Christian Forum

Une réunion de hauts responsables d’Eglises telle qu’on en n’a jamais vue se déroulera près de Nairobi, Kenya, à partir du mardi 6 novembre. Jamais encore des traditions chrétiennes aussi diverses ne se sont retrouvées pour une rencontre mondiale d’une telle envergure œcuménique; on y parlera de ce que les chrétiens sont appelés à faire dans le monde d’aujourd’hui – si possible ensemble.

Sous le nom de Forum chrétien mondial, cette rencontre, qui se tiendra au Centre de conférences de Jumuia à Limuru, près de Nairobi, rassemblera du 6 au 9 novembre près de 250 représentants de haut niveau de toutes les traditions chrétiennes et de leurs organisations mondiales.
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Posted: Nov. 5, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Global Christian Forum
Transmis : 5 nov. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Global Christian Forum

The Ecumenical Health Care Network of the Canadian Council of Churches invites every congregation and community across the country to join in a time of celebration and renewal of Canada’s commitment to ensuring the preservation and strengthening of its universal public health care system, better known as Medicare. To this end, we have named the week of November 18th “Celebrate Medicare Week.”

In the past, Canada’s churches have played an invaluable role in defending access to care based on need not on ability to pay, and as a living statement of how we care for one another in Canadian society. In the words of a former vice-president of the Canadian Council of Churches, Karen MacKay-Llewellyn, “Defending public health care in a system that promises accessibility to all Canadians at the same level of quality, is a matter at the heart of our Christian confession, and this must rest at the heart of our public witness.”
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Posted: Oct. 31, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Canada, Canadian Council of Churches, Ecumenical Health Care Network, health care, justice
Transmis : 31 oct. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Canada, Canadian Council of Churches, Ecumenical Health Care Network, health care, justice

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon will be holding a Diocesan Eucharistic Congress from October 26-28, 2007. A Eucharistic Congress is not a common event in any diocese, so it will be as unfamiliar to Catholics as it is to other Christians. Essentially, the Congress is a period of intense study and reflection about the many dimensions of the eucharistic mystery. As Bishop Albert LeGatt describes it, “A Eucharistic Congress… is an occasion to gather all the baptized, the Body of Christ, for the purpose of giving praise to Christ for the gift of the Eucharist.”
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Posted: Oct. 26, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: events, prayer, Saskatoon, workshop
Transmis : 26 oct. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : events, prayer, Saskatoon, workshop

[Port d’Espagne] L’Alliance réformée mondiale (ARM) a accepté de s’unir au Conseil œcuménique réformé (COR) pour former une nouvelle “entité mondiale” qui rassemblerait près de 87 millions de chrétiens réformés.

“Il s’agit d’un moment vraiment très important”, a déclaré le pasteur Clifton Kirkpatrick, président de l’ARM, après la décision unanime prise le 22 octobre par le Comité exécutif de l’Alliance, réuni à Trinité-et-Tobago, de s’unir avec le COR, dont le Comité exécutif avait accepté la proposition en mars.
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Posted: Oct. 24, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: ENI, WCRCIn this article: World Communion of Reformed Churches
Transmis : 24 oct. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ENI, WCRCDans cet article : World Communion of Reformed Churches

[Port of Spain] The World Alliance of Reformed Churches has agreed to unite with the Reformed Ecumenical Council to create a new “global entity” that will group 80 million Reformed Christians.

“This is a truly, truly important moment,” said WARC president the Rev. Clifton Kirkpatrick after the alliance’s executive committee, meeting in Trinidad, voted unanimously on 22 October to unite with the REC, whose executive committee had agreed to the proposal in March.
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Posted: Oct. 23, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: ENIIn this article: World Communion of Reformed Churches
Transmis : 23 oct. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ENIDans cet article : World Communion of Reformed Churches

A letter from Rt. Rev. Rodney Andrews (Anglican bishop of Saskatoon), Rev. Cynthia Halmarson (ELCIC bishop of the Saskatchewan Synod) and Most. Rev. Albert LeGatt (Roman Catholic bishop of Saskatoon) has been sent to the editor of the Saskatoon StarPhoenix. The letter addresses the living conditions at the Saskatoon Correctional Centre, a prison and detention centre operated by the Province of Saskatchewan. The issues raised in the letter have been brought to the attention of the churches and the community by the chaplains serving at the correctional centre.
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Posted: Oct. 19, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: 2007, church leaders, criminal justice, Saskatoon, statements
Transmis : 19 oct. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : 2007, church leaders, criminal justice, Saskatoon, statements

The Rev. Mark S. Hanson, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), announced Oct. 6 that the Rev. Donald J. McCoid, former bishop of the ELCA Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod, Pittsburgh, will lead the church’s Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations section for four years, effective Nov. 1.

McCoid, 63, completed his service Aug. 31 as a synod bishop, a role in which he served since 1988. He had previously announced he would not be available for re-election as bishop.

McCoid will succeed the Rev. Randall R. Lee, who will conclude his service as section executive on Oct. 31. Lee, 51, has led ELCA Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations since 2002.
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Posted: Oct. 10, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: ELCA NewsIn this article: ecumenism, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Transmis : 10 oct. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ELCA NewsDans cet article : ecumenism, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

In their upcoming plenary Oct. 15-19, Canada’s bishops will focus their national activities to have more impact and will consider new communications strategies.

The bishops will debate reducing the number of national episcopal commissions from six to three, and the possible creation of standing committees that would include lay experts, said the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) General Secretary Msgr. Mario Paquette.

The bishops will also put evangelization front and centre during the public portion of the week-long gathering in Cornwall, Ont. On opening day, sociologist Reginald Bibby will present an array of social data on Canadian attitudes towards religious faith. The next day Halifax Auxiliary Bishop Claude Champagne will lay out the theological and teaching dimensions.

The bishops, however, must find a way to accomplish their mission with fewer resources.
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Posted: Sept. 28, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: CCCB
Transmis : 28 sept. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : CCCB

A groundbreaking survey of more than 6,000 American congregations reveals that churches spend a significant amount of time, energy and money in the ministries of health care. According to the survey, about 70 percent of responding churches provide direct health services, with 65 percent offering health education programs within their community. The survey defines direct services as provision of medical care to individuals by trained health care professionals.
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Posted: Sept. 18, 2007 • Permanent link:
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Transmis : 18 sept. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : News

Evangelical theology stresses the importance of a personal relationship with God in Jesus Christ and sees the transformation of individuals as an important part of the transformation of the world. However, the notion of a purely privatized faith in which the gospel only affects individual, personal or family life but has no wider implications for society must be rejected as inadequate.
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Posted: Sept. 15, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: environment, Evangelicals, justice, peace, social policy, statements, theology, World Evangelical Alliance
Transmis : 15 sept. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : environment, Evangelicals, justice, peace, social policy, statements, theology, World Evangelical Alliance

The Vatican has announced the excommunication of certain members of the Army of Mary, a sect in Canada whose teachings have been deemed dangerous and erroneous by church authorities.
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Posted: Sept. 14, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: CNSIn this article: Catholic
Transmis : 14 sept. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : CNSDans cet article : Catholic

Muslims in Canada today started fasting for the holy month of Ramadan. During the month, from dawn to sunset Muslims around the world abstain from food, drink and marital relations.
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Posted: Sept. 13, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Islam
Transmis : 13 sept. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Islam

Anyone who thought a look back at 20th-century history through the eyes of prayer would be comforting, uplifting or anodyne might want to begin with the 1919 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Organizers of this early version of the annual week of prayer pulled no punches when they began, “The crowning horror and blasphemy of our divisions is that we shut one another out from the one great Sacrament of Love.”
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Posted: Sept. 10, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: spiritual ecumenism, WPCU
Transmis : 10 sept. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : spiritual ecumenism, WPCU

At a time when the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople – today’s Istanbul – is facing growing hardships imposed by decisions of the Turkish judiciary, members of the worldwide ecumenical family have expressed support and solidarity to His All Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.
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Posted: Aug. 30, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Bartholomew I, Conference of European Churches, Eastern churches, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Orthodox, patriarch, Phanar, WCC
Transmis : 30 aoüt 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Bartholomew I, Conference of European Churches, Eastern churches, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Orthodox, patriarch, Phanar, WCC

The U.S. National Council of Churches is challenging the U.S. government’s detention policy for prisoners at the U.S. Naval Base in Guantanamo, Cuba. The NCC joined the American Jewish Committee, Anti-Defamation League, Jewish Council for Public Affairs, Muslim Public Affairs Council, and the Union for Reform Judaism, among others, in supporting two cases before the Supreme Court.
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Posted: Aug. 27, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: News
Transmis : 27 aoüt 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : News

L’Arche Saskatoon Giant Garage Sale is Friday, August 24, 4 – 9pm, & Saturday. August 25, 8am – 3pm, at Grace Westminster United Church Hall (505 10th Street E, just west of Broadway Ave.). Please bring your donated items to Grace Westminster (East entrance) on Thurs. Aug. 23, 1 – 7pm, or Fri. Aug. 24, 9am – 1pm. Proceeds will go towards the first L’Arche home in Saskatoon for people with intellectual disabilities. For more information, call Hilary at 343-7371 or Robert at 374-5501.
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Posted: Aug. 25, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: L'Arche, Saskatoon
Transmis : 25 aoüt 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : L'Arche, Saskatoon

The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) will publish a revised Lectionary for Sundays and Solemnities. This is the book of readings used in the public worship of the Roman Catholic Church in Canada. The revised lectionary is expected to be available next spring in order to be used for the beginning of the following liturgical season – Year B – starting 30 November 2008.
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Posted: Aug. 24, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: books
Transmis : 24 aoüt 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : books

The CCC need back copies of Week of Prayer for Christian Unity services, and stories about celebrations before 1948. Please search your shelves, cupboards, attics, offices, for existing copies you might have. With your help, we can put together a complete collection. We will be producing an anthology of prayer services to help celebrate the centenary of the Octave of Christian Unity in 2008.
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Posted: Aug. 21, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Canada, Canadian Council of Churches, WPCU
Transmis : 21 aoüt 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Canada, Canadian Council of Churches, WPCU

CATHOLIC WOMEN IN MINISTRY: Changing the Way Things Are, by Marie-Louise Ternier-Gommers. Novalis (Montreal, QC ). © 2007, 216pp., $21.95. Reviewed by Gertrude Rompré.
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Posted: Aug. 21, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: books, Catholic, ecclesiology, ministry, ordination, theology, women
Transmis : 21 aoüt 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : books, Catholic, ecclesiology, ministry, ordination, theology, women

Margaret Pfeil wants peace. She wants it so much that three and a half years ago she moved into St. Peter Claver Catholic Worker community, a house of hospitality in South Bend, Ind. She believes in radical political participation, so she doesn’t vote except in local elections. Once her student loans are paid off, she hopes to practice tax resistance by living below the poverty line. Pfeil, an assistant professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame, wants peace but sometimes she finds she needs to look outside the Catholic church to find the resources and support to help her live her faith.
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Posted: Aug. 17, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Bridgefolk, Catholic, Mennonite, spiritual ecumenism
Transmis : 17 aoüt 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Bridgefolk, Catholic, Mennonite, spiritual ecumenism

On August 15th, the Canadian Centre for Ecumenism moved its offices across Montréal to a new street-front address on Réné Lévesque Ouest. The new address is: 1819 boul. Réné Lévesque O., Montréal QC, H3H 2P5. All phone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses will remain unchanged.
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Posted: Aug. 15, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Centre Canadien d’œcuménisme
Transmis : 15 aoüt 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Centre Canadien d’œcuménisme

The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) is ready to join the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Vatican in supporting a code of conduct to guide activities seeking converts to Christianity.
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Posted: Aug. 15, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: WCC News
Transmis : 15 aoüt 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : WCC News

The Apostolicity of the Church is the title of the current study document of the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity. With this document, the Commission completes the 1995-2006 fourth phase of the Lutheran-Catholic dialogue at the global level. The study document of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) is aimed at contributing toward deepening communion between the Roman Catholic Church and Lutheran churches. The document has been sent to the respective churches of the mandating bodies and to the wider public of persons and groups engaged in the ecumenical movement.
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Posted: July 13, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: Dialogue, NewsIn this article: apostolicity, Catholic, dialogue, ecumenism, Lutheran
Transmis : 13 juil. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Dialogue, NewsDans cet article : apostolicity, Catholic, dialogue, ecumenism, Lutheran

CHICAGO (ELCA) — In response to a document released by the Vatican July 10, the Rev. Mark S. Hanson, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), said the statement does not appear to change the Vatican’s previously stated positions, and it will not alter the ELCA’s commitment to ecumenism, including ongoing discussions
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Posted: July 11, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: ELCA NewsIn this article: ecclesiology, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Vatican
Transmis : 11 juil. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ELCA NewsDans cet article : ecclesiology, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Vatican

On Saturday, Pope Benedict XVI issued a motu proprio entitled Summorum Pontificum, on the use of the 1962 Latin Mass. The document has been widely expected for some months now.
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Posted: July 7, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: Documents, NewsIn this article: Benedict XVI, Catholic, eucharist
Transmis : 7 juil. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Documents, NewsDans cet article : Benedict XVI, Catholic, eucharist

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