Archive for tag: development

Archive pour tag : development

Pope Francis on Nov. 22 initiated a major shake-up within the Catholic Church’s leading humanitarian and social service confederation, removing its top leadership in response to an internal review process that reportedly revealed serious management and morale issues inside the organization.
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Posted: Nov. 22, 2022 • Permanent link:
Categories: NCRIn this article: Caritas Internationalis, development, social justice
Transmis : 22 nov. 2022 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NCRDans cet article : Caritas Internationalis, development, social justice

Hong Kong – As the 4 to 10 May meeting of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) drew to a close, participants emphasized the importance of social witness and openness in ecumenical dialogue.

“There seem to be many obstacles from a human point of view, and it does not seem likely to have fully visible unity in the near future,” New Zealand Anglican Archbishop David Moxon, the co-chairperson of the meeting, said on May 8. “We can, however, do a lot of things together during this slow process,” he added.

“As we discussed in the meeting, there can be more collaborations between us, such as (humanitarian agencies) Caritas International and the Global Anglican Relief and Development Alliance,” he said.

The Hong Kong ecumenical gathering is the second meeting for the third phase of ARCIC, which is focused on the examining the question of moral decision-making within the local and universal church.
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Posted: May 11, 2012 • Permanent link:
Categories: Dialogue, ENIIn this article: Anglican, ARCIC, Catholic, development, dialogue
Transmis : 11 mai 2012 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Dialogue, ENIDans cet article : Anglican, ARCIC, Catholic, development, dialogue

Beyond the traditional categorization of climate change as an environmental issue, it is clearly also a development issue; a poverty reduction, food security, economics, health, human rights, governance and equality issue. It is a Millennium Development Goal issue. (UN Millennium Campaign)

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Posted: Oct. 9, 2009 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Canada, climate change, development, ecology, environment, KAIROS Canada, poverty
Transmis : 9 oct. 2009 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Canada, climate change, development, ecology, environment, KAIROS Canada, poverty

May 21-24, 2008, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon

Each year, the Canadian Community Economic Development Network holds a national conference to bring together those who support community-based efforts to improve social conditions and create economic opportunities in Canada and beyond. The 2008 National Community Economic Development (CED) Conference is hosted by the Canadian CED Network in partnership with Quint Development Corporation.

As the premier CED event in Canada, the conference aims to:

• Strengthen CED practitioners and organizations
• Advance a pan-Canadian policy agenda for CED
• Contribute to skills development and capacity building
• Increase the profile of CED as a viable approach to the economic revitalization of Canadian communities.

Each year, the conference attracts over 400 CED practitioners, civil society representatives, civil servants, business and co-operative developers, and academics for dozens of learning and information sharing sessions, inspirational keynote speakers, networking opportunities, and local site visits. The annual conference provides an opportunity for participants to pause and reflect on our grassroots beginnings, while coming together to develop a vision for what we wish to achieve.

**Registration will be open mid-February 2008**
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Posted: May 21, 2008 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: community development, development, events
Transmis : 21 mai 2008 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : community development, development, events

The St. Thomas More Just Youth group is hosting a Solidarity and Justice Coffeehouse on Friday, March 23 at 7 p.m. in the STM Cafeteria (1437 College Drive). The cost is $5.00 per person and all proceeds will go to Development and Peace. Come enjoy this wonderful evening of world music and entertainment!

The coffeehouse is sponsored by Just Youth along with the Newman Centre, St. Thomas More College and the University of Saskatchewan Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Services Office. Just Youth is a student-led Development and Peace group. It organizes education campaigns and activities on campus, and encourages students to become involved in local justice initiatives.
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Posted: Mar. 23, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: development, environment, justice, peace, Saskatoon, STM
Transmis : 23 mars 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : development, environment, justice, peace, Saskatoon, STM