Archive for tag: Saskatoon

Archive pour tag : Saskatoon

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As President of LTS, I am pleased to announce the appointment of the Rev. Dr. Kayko Driedger Hesslein as William Hordern Professor of Theology. Dr. Driedger Hesslein brings deep roots in Lutheran theology and a strong presence in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, including in Western Canada.
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Posted: Oct. 28, 2022 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Kayko Driedger Hesslein, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon
Transmis : 28 oct. 2022 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Kayko Driedger Hesslein, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon

For the past year, a group of Christians and Muslims has been meeting for monthly conversations about faith.

“Islam and Christianity are two world religions that share a common theological root to Abrahamic tradition,” says group member Carol Pek, a Roman Catholic. “These two religions also share complex histories of conflict and coexistence. While the groundwork to build understanding between Christians and Muslims has been laid down by Christian and Muslim leaders, the idea is still not fully articulated in many local contexts.”

This reality led retired Catholic priest, Fr. Bernard de Margerie, and Fachrizal Halim, a Sunni Muslim who teaches Islamic Studies at St. Thomas More College, to get together a year ago to discuss the possibility of launching a Christian/Muslim conversation group.

Says Halim, “There is a genuine interest on the part of Muslims to know about Christianity and how it is defined by Christians, rather than perpetuating our own Muslim understanding of Christianity.”
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Posted: Dec. 21, 2019 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Christian, dialogue, interfaith, Islam, Muslim, Saskatoon
Transmis : 21 déc. 2019 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Christian, dialogue, interfaith, Islam, Muslim, Saskatoon

Christianity and Islam are two world religions that share a common theological root to Abrahamic tradition. The two religions also share complex histories of conflict and coexistence that span from the Middle Ages until the present day. While the groundwork to build understandings between Christians and Muslims has been laid down by Christian and Muslim leaders, the idea is still not fully articulated in a local context.

Wishing to pursue such an initiative among ordinary Christians and Muslims in Saskatoon, Fr. Bernard de Margerie, a Roman Catholic priest, and Fachrizal Halim, a Sunni Muslim professor of Islamic Studies at St. Thomas More College, Saskatoon, met in December, 2018 to discuss the possibility of having a Christian-Muslim conversation group. Both saw an urgent need to know more about each other’s faith and the importance of developing respect and friendships between the two faith communities.
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Posted: Dec. 10, 2019 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Christian, dialogue, interfaith, Islam, Muslim, Saskatoon
Transmis : 10 déc. 2019 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Christian, dialogue, interfaith, Islam, Muslim, Saskatoon

Horizon College and Seminary in Saskatoon is a prime example of the time-honoured claim that nothing stays the same.

Originally established in Star City, Sask., in 1935 by the Pentecostal denomination as Bethel Bible Institute, the Bible school relocated to Avenue A in Saskatoon in 1937. Following a move to Jackson Avenue in the 1960s, it was renamed Central Pentecostal College. In 2007 it became Horizon College and Seminary.

In 2016, Horizon launched Horizon 8.0 and became a Canadian pioneer in adopting a system of competency-based Christian education.

Horizon president Jeromey Martini explains competency-based education (CBE) as one that bases its teaching curriculum on actual roles in society and then assesses students on their ability to perform those roles.
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Posted: Nov. 24, 2018 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Saskatoon, theological education
Transmis : 24 nov. 2018 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Saskatoon, theological education

Rev. Canon Colin Clay and Rev. Bernard de Margerie share a unique connection. On June 1, 1958, both were ordained for Christian ministry, one as an Anglican, the other as a Catholic.

Clay, along with 15 deacons and 14 other priests, was ordained at 800-year-old Southwark Anglican Cathedral in London, England. The congregation was so large the event was ticketed and it was, Clay says, “a very long service.”

On the same day, de Margerie was the only priest ordained at Saint-Philippe-Neri Roman Catholic Parish in Vonda, Sask. The day, he says, was extremely cold and Mass was held outdoors. He points to a photograph of the small gathering where his parents are sitting under blankets.

de Margerie’s call to the priesthood came in high school when he was studying with Jesuits in Winnipeg/St. Boniface. His inclination was to become a Jesuit priest, until his bishop advised him, “The francophone community of Saskatchewan needs more leadership than the Jesuits need you, Bernard.”
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Posted: May 26, 2018 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Bernard de Margerie, ecumenism, Saskatoon
Transmis : 26 mai 2018 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Bernard de Margerie, ecumenism, Saskatoon

Pastor Harry Strauss, co-chair of the Saskatoon Catholic and Evangelical Dialogue, has written a small group resource specifically for dialogue. It is entitled Catholics and Evangelicals in Dialogue: A Small Group Discussion Guide. It is 7 sessions in length, addressing the topics of revelation, the church, salvation, baptism, communion, the communion of the saints, and missional engagement. It is designed for laypeople, shaped as a user-friendly resource. Anticipated outcomes include new friendships, shaped around spiritually engaging conversations, and most importantly, relational growth in Jesus Christ. The material has been field tested some, with good results. However, there is a desire for additional testing. If interested in being part of this effort, particularly in initiating and leading a small group, please contact Pastor Harry Strauss at or call 306-280-7147.
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Posted: Mar. 22, 2017 • Permanent link:
Categories: ResourcesIn this article: Catholic, Evangelicals, resources, Saskatoon
Transmis : 22 mars 2017 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ResourcesDans cet article : Catholic, Evangelicals, resources, Saskatoon

Pope Francis has named Bishop Donald Bolen of Saskatoon, Sask., as the new archbishop of Regina.

Archbishop Bolen’s appointment was announced July 11 at the Vatican. He succeeds Archbishop Daniel Bohan, who died in January.

Archbishop Bolen is known nationally and internationally for his work promoting Christian unity. From 2001 to 2008 he worked at the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity at the Vatican, before returning to Regina in 2009. Since his return, he has served as a bishop member of the Christian unity council and as co-chair of the International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission. Since 2013 he has served as co-chair of the Joint International Commission for Dialogue between the World Methodist Council and the Roman Catholic Church.

Speaking of his new appointment, Archbishop Bolen, who was ordained a priest in Regina and served as archdiocesan vicar general and chair of the archdiocesan ecumenical commission, said: “To be moved from the Diocese of Saskatoon is painful, because it has been such a grace-filled experience to live and to serve here as bishop, but, at the same time, to move to the Archdiocese of Regina is to go home. I am profoundly grateful to remain in my home province.”
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Posted: July 11, 2016 • Permanent link:
Categories: CNSIn this article: Donald Bolen, Regina, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon
Transmis : 11 juil. 2016 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : CNSDans cet article : Donald Bolen, Regina, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon

A social media campaign to help educate Canadians about Muslim women has its roots in Saskatoon.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at launched a national campaign this week based around the Twitter hashtag #JeSuisHijabi.

“After the Paris attacks … there’s a lot of misconceptions in Canada and the U.S.,” 17-year-old Naiela Anwar explained. “We thought it was important that we gave our point of view, and show that not all Muslims are like that.

“We condemn greatly the terror attacks that took place. That is not the true Islam.”
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Posted: Dec. 3, 2015 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Islam, Muslim, Saskatoon
Transmis : 3 déc. 2015 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Islam, Muslim, Saskatoon

An international Evangelical-Roman Catholic consultation will meet in Saskatoon Aug. 31 to Sept. 4, offering the public a rare chance to learn more about the international dialogue process, and the relationship between Catholic and Evangelical Christians around the world.

The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) and the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity convened this round of international consultation in 2009. The group of 14 theologians, pastors and other leaders from Brazil, Columbia, the Philippines, Guatemala, Kenya, Spain, Italy, Germany, the United States and Canada have been discussing challenging issues that have divided Catholics and Evangelicals, including the relationship between scripture and tradition, and the role of the church in salvation.

At the international level, there have been two earlier phases of dialogue between Roman Catholics and Evangelicals. The first phase resulted in the 1984 report Evangelical-Roman Catholic Dialogue on Mission. The broad focus of the report was on the Christian mission, but it included initial treatment of a variety of theological points of tension, including the scriptures, salvation, the church, Mary and the saints, and the sacraments. A second phase of dialogue (1993- 2002) produced a report entitled Church, Evangelization and the Bonds of Koinonia.

The current round of international consultation has held meetings in São Paulo, Brazil (2009); Rome, Italy (2011); Wheaton/Chicago, USA (2012); Guatemala City, Guatemala (2013); Bad Blankenburg, Germany (2014), and finally this year’s gathering in Saskatoon.
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Posted: Aug. 24, 2015 • Permanent link:
Categories: Evangelical-Roman Catholic DialogueIn this article: Christian unity, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Saskatoon, World Evangelical Alliance
Transmis : 24 aoüt 2015 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Evangelical-Roman Catholic DialogueDans cet article : Christian unity, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Saskatoon, World Evangelical Alliance

On Thursday, April 30, Dr. Gordon Smith of Ambrose University in Calgary gave a public lecture entitled “What Can Evangelicals Learn from Catholic Christians? An Evangelical Response”. Smith is the president of Ambrose University, a college affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene and the Christian & Missionary Alliance Church of Canada. He is also a professor of theology and a spiritual director. He has spoken on other occasions about the importance of Evangelical-Catholic relations for the contemporary church. He was invited to Saskatoon by the Evangelical-Roman Catholic Dialogue of Saskatoon to offer a reflection from an Evangelical perspective on the Catholic Church following the reforms of the Second Vatican Council.

Following Dr. Smith’s presentation, Gertrude Rompré and Dr. Jeromey Martini offered responses. Rompré is the director of Mission and Ministry at St. Thomas More College in Saskatoon. Martini is the president of Horizon College in Saskatoon, a professor of New Testament Studies, and a member of the local dialogue group. An extended period was available for question and answer, with questions about the details of Smith’s talk as well as the continuing prospects for dialogue. A video of Smith’s presentation is available. Over the next days additional video segments will be added here, including respondents Gertrude Rompré and Dr. Jeromey Martini. Smith’s outline is available as well.
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Posted: May 4, 2015 • Permanent link:
Categories: Dialogue, Evangelical-Roman Catholic DialogueIn this article: Catholic, dialogue, Evangelicals, Gordon Smith, Saskatoon
Transmis : 4 mai 2015 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Dialogue, Evangelical-Roman Catholic DialogueDans cet article : Catholic, dialogue, Evangelicals, Gordon Smith, Saskatoon

Connections between liturgical renewal and the ecumenical movement were explored in a public lecture Jan. 20 at St. Thomas More College in Saskatoon.

The evening presentation during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity was part of the third annual De Margerie Series on Christian Reconciliation and Unity, sponsored by STM, the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, and named in honour of local ecumenical pioneer Rev. Bernard de Margerie. The 2014 series also included a public workshop about music and prayer (see related article) and a workshop for clergy and lay ministry leaders about baptism.

In the public lecture, speaker Dr. Karen Westerfield Tucker described connections between liturgy and dialogue as an “ecumenism of life.”

A presbyter in the United Methodist Church and professor of worship at Boston University who serves on the international Methodist-Roman Catholic dialogue, Westerfield Tucker began with a look at the impact of the Second Vatican Council on ecumenism and liturgy, for both Catholics and non-Catholics.

“Many non-Catholic communities engaged in their own bold ventures of liturgical reform in the years following the council,” said Westerfield Tucker.
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Posted: Jan. 28, 2015 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: De Margerie Series, ecumenism, liturgy, Saskatoon, Second Vatican Council
Transmis : 28 janv. 2015 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : De Margerie Series, ecumenism, liturgy, Saskatoon, Second Vatican Council

The Evangelical-Roman Catholic Dialogue in Saskatoon has recently issued a draft “Common Statement of Faith” after three years of study. The text is offered to our sponsoring churches for study and discernment, with the prayer that this text might be adopted as a sufficient statement for further dialogue and common mission.

The dialogue is sponsored by the Saskatoon Evangelical Ministers’ Fellowship (SEMF) and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon. The group was established in 2011 to build upon earlier efforts to draw our churches together. The twenty members of the dialogue are drawn from across the Evangelical and Catholic communities with both clergy and lay people well represented. The dialogue spent two years exploring issues that have historically divided Catholics and Evangelicals before concluding that a statement of the faith we share in common would assist in promoting the growing relationship between our churches. Over a year in drafting and revision, the statement offered to our church at this time is not intended to be a final or complete exposition of these doctrinal matters or of all of the matters essential to Christian faith. We intend to give an account of the hope that we share for the visible witness of Jesus Christ by his followers in Saskatoon.
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Posted: Sept. 18, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: Evangelical-Roman Catholic DialogueIn this article: Catholic, Christian unity, dialogue, ecumenism, Evangelicals, Saskatoon, statements of faith
Transmis : 18 sept. 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Evangelical-Roman Catholic DialogueDans cet article : Catholic, Christian unity, dialogue, ecumenism, Evangelicals, Saskatoon, statements of faith

The Anglican-run University College of Emmanuel and St. Chad has awarded an honorary fellowship to the seventh bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, Donald Bolen. Bolen, 53, a well-respected ecumenist in Canada and internationally, received the honour May 9 in recognition of his work in building Anglican-Roman Catholic relations, according to a press statement. Anglican Diocese of Saskatoon Bishop David Irving, who is also the university’s chancellor, presented the award during the 13th Joint Convocation of the Saskatoon Theological Union, where Bolen was the convocation speaker. In a telephone interview, Bolen said it was “a great privilege and a great delight,” to have been bestowed the award. “It’s been a great joy to work with Anglicans to foster reconciliation,” said Bolen. There is a “deep bond of friendship and deep relations between Anglicans and Roman Catholics. We hold so much in common that it’s a lovely field of ecumenism to work in.”
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Posted: May 30, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: Anglican JournalIn this article: Anglican, Catholic, Donald Bolen, Saskatoon
Transmis : 30 mai 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Anglican JournalDans cet article : Anglican, Catholic, Donald Bolen, Saskatoon

Bishop Don Bolen of Saskatoon is Canada’s most ecumenically minded bishop.

He worked seven years for the Pontifical Commission for Promoting Christian Unity in Rome where he co-ordinated Vatican participation in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and watched and encouraged official dialogues between the Catholic Church and Anglicans and Methodists. Though now leading one of Western Canada’s most important dioceses, he remains a member of the Vatican’s ecumenical commission, co-chairs the Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity and Mission, is a member of the Methodist-Roman Catholic International Commission, sits on the Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue of Canada and is a member of the Evangelical-Roman Catholic International Consultation.
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Posted: Jan. 24, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: Catholic RegisterIn this article: bishops, Catholic, Christian unity, Donald Bolen, ecumenism, Saskatoon
Transmis : 24 janv. 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Catholic RegisterDans cet article : bishops, Catholic, Christian unity, Donald Bolen, ecumenism, Saskatoon

What one speaker described as a “fellowship of the burning heart” was evident Nov. 14 in the spirit of joy characterizing the second Catholic-Evangelical worship service to be held in Saskatoon, this time hosted by Circle Drive Alliance Church. The reference to the gospel story from Luke about the disciples on the road to Emmaus – who felt their hearts burning within them at the words of the resurrected Jesus Christ – resonated during the celebration of joy and thanksgiving for shared Christian faith and love of God’s word. The celebration began with Evangelical leaders entering down one aisle, and Catholic leaders down another. Rev. Eldon Boldt of Circle Drive Alliance and Saskatoon Catholic Bishop Donald Bolen then each lit a candle from a central candle, symbolizing Christ. When the celebration ended, the two leaders carried out the lit candles in the unity of a procession of both Catholic and Evangelical Christians down a single aisle.
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Posted: Nov. 15, 2013 • Permanent link:
Categories: Evangelical-Roman Catholic DialogueIn this article: Catholic, dialogue, Evangelicals, prayer, Saskatoon, spiritual ecumenism
Transmis : 15 nov. 2013 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Evangelical-Roman Catholic DialogueDans cet article : Catholic, dialogue, Evangelicals, prayer, Saskatoon, spiritual ecumenism

For more than two years, a group of Evangelical and Catholic Christians in Saskatoon have been meeting to talk about their common faith in Jesus Christ, discussing what is shared, as well as examining where their understandings and convictions differ.

Formally appointed by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon and the Saskatoon Evangelical Ministers Fellowship, the local dialogue group is now in the process of writing a joint statement, just as a second Catholic-Evangelical worship service is being planned for Saskatoon Nov. 14.

It was after the first shared worship service in March 2011 at St. Paul’s Catholic Cathedral that a small group of church and ecumenical leaders met to try and find ways for the two traditions to further engage in common prayer, common witness, common mission and common study. A dialogue group was subsequently launched, with the first meeting held in December 2011.

Rev. Harry Strauss, associate pastor at Forest Grove Community Church (left) and a member of the Saskatoon Evangelical Ministers Fellowship, and Nicholas Jesson, ecumenical officer for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, are part of the 20-member dialogue group, which includes 10 representatives from each tradition.

Both Strauss and Jesson are also serving on a four-member committee that is now drafting a joint statement emerging from two years of conversation, study and relationship building.

Strauss describes the joint statement: “We confess our common faith, we acknowledge our differences and we affirm our common mission.”

Although the joint statement is not finished, there are plans to introduce portions at the 7 p.m. Nov. 14 Evangelical-Catholic worship service being hosted by Circle Drive Alliance Church, led by Pastor Eldon Bolt.
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Posted: Oct. 30, 2013 • Permanent link:
Categories: Evangelical-Roman Catholic Dialogue, NewsIn this article: Catholic, dialogue, ecumenism, Evangelicals, Saskatoon, witness
Transmis : 30 oct. 2013 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Evangelical-Roman Catholic Dialogue, NewsDans cet article : Catholic, dialogue, ecumenism, Evangelicals, Saskatoon, witness

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon and St. Thomas More College are pleased to inaugurate a new series of lectures and workshops that will bring to Saskatoon distinguished ecumenists from around the world. Our hope is that this will be an annual event, sometimes in conjunction with the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

The series is named in honour of Fr. Bernard de Margerie. Those who know him, know that his greatest complement is to remind you to “stay humble.” His own humility is one of the many virtues he has brought to ecumenical ministry for over fifty years. Bernard is best known for his work in founding the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism in 1984, and serving as its first director for the next decade, but his ecumenical interest was sparked long before by Pope John XXIII who opened the Catholic Church to the ecumenical movement. Bernard’s vision for the ecumenical movement has always placed prayer at the centre. Spiritual ecumenism, which is fostered in prayer together and for each other, promotes humility about the distinctive aspects of our own faith and life. Through the early years of Catholic ecumenism, in the euphoria of new relationships between our churches, Bernard patiently and prayerfully built firm relationships that have seen us through the so-called “ecumenical winter.”
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Posted: Jan. 21, 2013 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Bernard de Margerie, Christian unity, ecumenism, Saskatoon, speaker
Transmis : 21 janv. 2013 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Bernard de Margerie, Christian unity, ecumenism, Saskatoon, speaker

While the Tim Hortons Brier is going on at the Credit Union Centre, a concurrent national curling event will take place at the Nutana Curling Club. That event is the Friars’ Briar, a bonspiel for clergy from all denominations and regions of Canada. The Friars’ Briar is national in theory, says Augustana Lutheran Pastor David
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Posted: Mar. 23, 2012 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: clergy, Saskatoon
Transmis : 23 mars 2012 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : clergy, Saskatoon

A number of church leaders gathered for an early morning meeting Oct. 12 at St. George Anglican parish in Saskatoon, to receive an update about Station 20West and discuss plans for another ecumenical Advent campaign in support of Good Food Junction Cooperative Grocery Store.

Good Food Junction continues to work to raise funds to equip and stock the cooperative grocery store, which is one part of Station 20 West, now under construction in the city’s core neighbourhood. During an Advent campaign undertaken by a number of Christian churches in Saskatoon last year, some $150,000 was raised for the project.

An estimated $350,000 to $400,000 is still needed to equip and stock the grocery store, permitting it to open without debt, something that the business plan deems necessary to ensure the Good Food Junction’s ongoing viability, said Ralph Winterhalt, the cooperative grocery store’s business development manager. “If that grocery store can open without debt for equipment, and has its inventory paid for, it’s going to be a very successful project in the core neighbourhoods.”
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Posted: Nov. 12, 2011 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: poverty, Saskatoon
Transmis : 12 nov. 2011 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : poverty, Saskatoon

Evangelical and Catholic Christians recently gathered to pray and to celebrate their common faith in Jesus Christ at a joyful gathering at St. Paul’s Cathedral in Saskatoon.

Sharing song, scripture and prayer, some 300 people attended the groundbreaking gathering March 22, 2011. Pastor Harry Strauss of Forest Grove Community Church, representing the Saskatoon Evangelical Ministers Fellowship, and Bishop Donald Bolen of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon presided together at the service. Welcoming all those attending from many denominations and local churches, Bolen described the origins of the event, which he traced back to the prayer and friendship experienced when three Catholic women joined those in the Evangelical community gathering regularly to pray for local Alliance Church Pastor Ken Rutherford, who was ill with cancer and who died in September 2010.

“It was Ken’s request that those who gathered would also pray for the wounded body of Christ in the city of Saskatoon,” said Bolen, who attended one of the prayer services, where he first met Ken’s wife Lenna. “Eventually I got to meet Pastor Ken as well, and I was stirred by his profound desire for unity and reconciliation.”

In a sermon shared with Bolen and Strauss, Lenna Rutherford recalled her husband’s experience of joy when he introduced two of his beloved friends to each other – something that also reflected his experience of connecting to other friends through a mutual love of Jesus Christ.

Christ had introduced Ken to many other dear friends. Ken found them in many shapes and presentations, they came from many pastoral and priestly places, in various denominations across the city and Ken found that he was called to see not from a worldly, or religious, or denominational point of view, but from Christ’s point of view, which was: “let me introduce you to someone I love so much that I died for them too.’”
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Posted: Mar. 25, 2011 • Permanent link:
Categories: Evangelical-Roman Catholic DialogueIn this article: Catholic, dialogue, Evangelicals, prayer, Saskatoon, spiritual ecumenism
Transmis : 25 mars 2011 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Evangelical-Roman Catholic DialogueDans cet article : Catholic, dialogue, Evangelicals, prayer, Saskatoon, spiritual ecumenism

According to Pastor Harry Strauss, the Saskatoon Evangelical Ministers Fellowship (SEMF) intention is to build up fellowship among its members and within the wider community.

Strauss is an associate pastor at Forest Grove Community Church and chair of SEMF which is an association and fellowship of pastors and leaders from about 40 evangelical churches in the city. It also includes representatives from a dozen or so para-church organizations like Youth for Christ, Power to Change, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship and Christian Counselling Services.

SEMF has been operating for many years as an organization that sees its membership constantly changing.

“The heart of our mission is to foster a spirit of unity among Christian ministers and ministries in the city,” Strauss says.

The group meets monthly, and in recent years has become involved in a number of interesting initiatives.
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Posted: Dec. 24, 2010 • Permanent link:
Categories: Evangelical-Roman Catholic Dialogue, NewsIn this article: Christian unity, ecumenism, Evangelicals, Saskatoon
Transmis : 24 déc. 2010 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Evangelical-Roman Catholic Dialogue, NewsDans cet article : Christian unity, ecumenism, Evangelicals, Saskatoon

Church leaders support Good Food Junction; Grocery store heart of Station 20 West Advent sees many churches encouraging members to give a special gift to charity. This year, local church leaders suggest these gifts be directed to the Good Food Junction project at Station 20 West. Earlier this week, local leaders from a variety of
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Posted: Nov. 27, 2010 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: justice, poverty, Saskatoon
Transmis : 27 nov. 2010 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : justice, poverty, Saskatoon

The leaders of many Saskatoon churches gathered on Wednesday, November 24th to sign a letter of support for Station 20 West’s Good Food Junction grocery store. The churches have agreed to work together as an ecumenical advent project, to raise much-needed funds for the equipment required by the store.

At today’s public event, the Rev. Amanda Currie (Presbyterian Church in Canada) and Bishop Donald Bolen (Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon) offered their reflections on this project. Speaking about the dream of having a full-service grocery store in the core neighbourhoods, Currie said: “What may come as a surprise to many people across Saskatoon is that many of the families and individuals who live in the core neighbourhoods are not dreaming that they’ll get to move to the East side. Their dream is the transformation of their own neighbourhoods. And that is a dream that can become a reality.”

“We do have differences which separate us as Christian communities, but nevertheless we chose to stand together today,” said Bolen, the Roman Catholic bishop of Saskatoon. “We hope this is an invitation to all of Saskatoon to rise above differences, political differences, differences of neighbourhoods or perspective, to join in support of people of Pleasant Hill.”

“The only politics that really belongs here is the politics of providing food to people who need food, to providing food security for this neighbourhood,” said Bolen.
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Posted: Nov. 24, 2010 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: ecumenism, justice, poverty, Saskatoon
Transmis : 24 nov. 2010 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : ecumenism, justice, poverty, Saskatoon

Special needs met in a special place; Former Presbyterian church becomes resource for the mentally challenged Several decades ago, five lots of city land on McKercher Drive were donated to the Presbyterian Church in Canada by the McKercher family, long-time members of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. A plan was eventually put together to develop a
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Posted: Oct. 30, 2010 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Presbyterian Church in Canada, Saskatoon
Transmis : 30 oct. 2010 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Presbyterian Church in Canada, Saskatoon

Webcam for the new Saskatoon cathedral construction

Construction began last winter on Holy Family Cathedral and Pastoral Centre, the largest project in the history of the RC Diocese of Saskatoon, and the first Catholic cathedral to be built in Canada since St. Boniface cathedral in Winnipeg was rebuilt after a 1968 fire. A webcam is now available to view the progress of the construction. The image updates every 30 seconds.
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Posted: Aug. 6, 2010 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Catholic, Saskatoon
Transmis : 6 aoüt 2010 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Catholic, Saskatoon

Bishop-elect Donald Bolen’s mission; Spiritual shepherd plans to promote reconciliation Monsignor Donald Bolen plans to be a shepherd to the faithful. However, the bishop-elect of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon also sees his ecumenical mission as bringing about reconciliation among all Christians. As bishop, he hopes to lead the Catholic faithful to deeper discipleship
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Posted: Mar. 20, 2010 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: bishops, Catholic, Donald Bolen, Saskatoon
Transmis : 20 mars 2010 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : bishops, Catholic, Donald Bolen, Saskatoon

Glad tidings for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon arrived a few days before Christmas with the appointment of Msgr. Donald Bolen of Regina as seventh bishop of the diocese.

Pope Benedict XVI’s appointment of Bolen as bishop was announced Dec. 21 in Rome. The diocese of Saskatoon has been without a bishop since September, when former bishop Albert LeGatt was inaugurated as Archbishop of St. Boniface, Manitoba.

Bolen, 48, is presently serving as vicar-general of the Archdiocese of Regina, and pastor of St. Joseph parish, Balgonie; St. Agnes at Pilot Butte; and St. Peter’s Colony, Kronau.

… continued
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Posted: Dec. 21, 2009 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: bishops, Canada, Catholic, Donald Bolen, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon
Transmis : 21 déc. 2009 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : bishops, Canada, Catholic, Donald Bolen, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon

New Anglican bishop elected for Saskatoon: David Irving

David Irving, currently the executive archdeacon of the diocese of Kootenay, has been elected the new bishop of the diocese of Saskatoon. Bishop-elect Irving will replace Bishop Rodney Andrews , who is retiring on Feb. 28.

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Posted: Nov. 18, 2009 • Permanent link:
Categories: Anglican JournalIn this article: Anglican Church of Canada, bishops, Saskatoon
Transmis : 18 nov. 2009 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Anglican JournalDans cet article : Anglican Church of Canada, bishops, Saskatoon

Saskatoon Theological Union (St. Andrew’s College) will be offering a “Preparing for Ecumenical Ministries” course from January 18-22, 2010, for credit or audit. It will run from 9-5 daily. The instructor will be Sandra Beardsall (Professor of Church History and Ecumenics).

… continued
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Posted: Sept. 23, 2009 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: education, Saskatoon, shared ministry
Transmis : 23 sept. 2009 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : education, Saskatoon, shared ministry

A Time for Hope: A National Marriage Enrichment Conference
March 19-20, 2010
Sheraton Cavalier, Saskatoon, SK

1-877-661-5005, ext 229
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Posted: Sept. 16, 2009 • Permanent link:
Categories: ConferencesIn this article: 2010, marriage, Saskatoon
Transmis : 16 sept. 2009 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ConferencesDans cet article : 2010, marriage, Saskatoon

At the end of June this year, Fr. Bernard de Margerie retired from active ministry after over 50 years. During these years he has served in parish ministry across the RC Diocese of Saskatoon, and in a number of specialized ministries. The Prairie Centre for Ecumenism claims Fr. Bernard as our own. He was the founder of the Centre back in 1984, and served as the executive director until 1994. He has continued to have an active role in ecumenism in Saskatoon and across the diocese in more recent years. At retirement, he was pastor of Paroisse Sts-Martyrs-Canadiens in Saskatoon, and ecumenical officer for the diocese.
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Posted: Aug. 6, 2009 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Bernard de Margerie, Christian unity, Saskatoon, WPCU
Transmis : 6 aoüt 2009 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Bernard de Margerie, Christian unity, Saskatoon, WPCU

Christian unity has come a long way in the past 50 years, but there is still a long way to go in the face of many complex factors that are slowing progress, said Rev. Tom Ryan, CSP, director of the Paulist Office for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations, based in Washington, D.C.

“During the past four decades, the rediscovery of our brotherhood and sisterhood in Christ, along with the result of several bilateral and multilateral dialogues, have presented an historical shift and a new situation,” he said during a keynote address June 4 at a Summer Ecumenical Institute held in Saskatoon. “There is a new situation emerging in which we can be said to be facing a crisis in the dual sense of the term: on the one hand danger, and on the other hand opportunity.”

Paradoxically, the crisis in today’s ecumenical movement is related to its success. “The closer we come to one another, the more we feel the differences that still exist,” Ryan said. “After resolving many misunderstandings and establishing a basic consensus concerning the essentials of our faith, we’ve now reached the inner core of our differences.”
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Posted: June 25, 2009 • Permanent link:
Categories: DialogueIn this article: Christian unity, Saskatoon, Summer Ecumenical Institute
Transmis : 25 juin 2009 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : DialogueDans cet article : Christian unity, Saskatoon, Summer Ecumenical Institute

A history of the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism (PCE), a book entitled God’s Reconciling Grace, is a story of ecumenism over 25 years.

The editorial committee consists of Vern Ratzlaff, Ursula Wigg, Carol Pek, and Colin Clay with contributions from Fr. Bernard de Margerie and a cast of thousands, says Rev. Jan Bigland-Pritchard, director of the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism.

“The book is filled with stories of ecumenical co-operation in Saskatchewan, focusing on the Prairie Centre, but not exclusively,” she says.

God’s Reconciling Grace ($10) will be launched at a banquet on June 4 that is part of the Summer Ecumenical Institute, a conference being held from June 2-5 at Queen’s House of Retreats.
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Posted: May 30, 2009 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: books, Canada, ecumenical centre, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon
Transmis : 30 mai 2009 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : books, Canada, ecumenical centre, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon

Summer Ecumenical Institute 2009: Telling our story, shaping our future: Christian unity and reconciliation in Canada

June 2-5, 2009 in Saskatoon, SK

The Summer Ecumenical Institute will function as a stock-taking and a vision-building exercise for the grassroots ecumenical community in Canada. 2009 marks the 25th anniversary of the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism. It is also the 50th anniversary of the announcement by Pope John XXIII of the Second Vatican Council, one of whose main aims was the advancement of Christian unity. It is 50 years since our founder, Fr. Bernard de Margerie, received his call to the path of ecumenism. There is much to celebrate!

More details at
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Posted: Mar. 21, 2009 • Permanent link:
Categories: ConferencesIn this article: Christian unity, education, Saskatoon, Summer Ecumenical Institute
Transmis : 21 mars 2009 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ConferencesDans cet article : Christian unity, education, Saskatoon, Summer Ecumenical Institute

The Prairie Centre for Ecumenism is sponsoring an ecumenical Lenten study of reforms that shape the Christian church of the 21st century. Nick Jesson, one of the presenters, describes the series as “a forward look so we can understand where the church came from and how we are building it for the future.” The study
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Posted: Feb. 21, 2009 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatoon, workshop
Transmis : 21 févr. 2009 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatoon, workshop

An Ecumenical Lenten Study of five reforms that will shape the church of the 21st Century. Join Sandra Beardsall and Nick Jesson as we examine the bricks and mortar of Christ’s church and plan for the years ahead. This is a community-build, everyone has a part in building the house of God.

Topics include:

Mar. 2 @ 6:45 pm • Checking the Blueprints — Listening Anew to the Word of God in Scripture;
Mar. 9 @ 6:45 pm • Firming Up the Foundation — Rethinking the nature and mission of the church;
Mar. 16 @ 6:45 pm • Moving the Walls — Reimagining the life of worship;
Mar. 23 @ 6:45 pm • Barn-Raising Together — Searching for Christian unity; and
Mar. 30 @ 6:45 pm • Meeting the Neighbours — Inter-religious relations.

Five Monday evenings beginning March 2 at St. James’ Anglican Church, Saskatoon (corner of Dufferin & 12th Street)
Sessions begin at 6:45 pm. No registration required.
Each evening will include prayer, fellowship, an introduction to the theme, and group discussion.
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Posted: Feb. 13, 2009 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatoon, workshop
Transmis : 13 févr. 2009 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatoon, workshop

The leaders of seven Saskatoon churches entered into covenant with each other on Sunday, January 25. The Covenant commits the churches to work and pray together for Christian unity, and expresses a continuing commitment to support for the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism.

… continued
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Posted: Jan. 26, 2009 • Permanent link:
Categories: DocumentsIn this article: ecumenical centre, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatoon
Transmis : 26 janv. 2009 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : DocumentsDans cet article : ecumenical centre, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatoon

Women in Ministry: Lives Taken, Blessed, Broken & Shared

“Women who serve professionally in ecclesial ministry have much to offer the church and have much to share with one another.” It is with this conviction that the second Women in Ministry gathering will take place at Queen’s House Retreat and Renewal; Centre, Saskatoon, from February 15 to 17, 2009. This year’s gathering takes inspiration from the book “Life of the Beloved” by Henri Nouwen.

The purpose of bringing together ordained and lay women employed in ecclesial ministry of all Christian traditions is to share and celebrate our journeys of faith and of call, to learn from and to support each other. Ministry commitments and responsibilities can have a way of insulating us from one another if we are not intentional about forging connections and encounters.

Facilitated by Marie-Louis Ternier-Gommers, Rev. Amanda Currie, Rev. Debbie Walker, and Elizabeth Nickel. There will be a special guest presenter, Bishop Cindy Halmarson of the ELCIC Saskatchewan Synod.

Pre-registration is required at least two weeks in advance in order to ensure that the program has adequate attendance to proceed.
Register online at Queen’s House, use the Registration form, or phone (306) 242-1916; fax (306) 653-5941; or email
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Posted: Dec. 24, 2008 • Permanent link:
Categories: ConferencesIn this article: events, ministry, Saskatoon, women
Transmis : 24 déc. 2008 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ConferencesDans cet article : events, ministry, Saskatoon, women

Join the Saskatoon faith communities on December 31st for candle lighting, quiet music, reflections, and prayer for peace. An annual tradition in Saskatoon, the interfaith Gathering for Peace is held at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Spadina Crescent and 22nd Street East on New Year’s Eve at 7:30 pm. This year, the theme is “Combating poverty, Building Peace”.

The evening begins with candle lighting and quiet reflection, followed by song, readings from various religious texts, and reflections from the multi-faith community. The evening ends with a time for fellowship with hot apple cider and cookies.

Please join us at 7:30 pm on New Year’s Eve at St. Paul’s Cathedral. Everyone, of all religious traditions, is welcome.
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Posted: Dec. 22, 2008 • Permanent link: In this article: 2008, interfaith, multifaith, peace, prayer, Saskatoon Transmis : 22 déc. 2008 • Lien permanente : Dans cet article : 2008, interfaith, multifaith, peace, prayer, Saskatoon

Multifaith Reflection on Restorative Justice

Across Canada, the theme for Restorative Justice Week 2008 is “Fostering a Restorative Worldview”. In Saskatoon, the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism is hosting a symposium entitled “A Multifaith Reflection on Restorative Justice … an evening of shared perspectives”. The symposium will be held Wednesday, November 19th at Knox United Church (Spadina Crescent & 24th Street) from 6 to 9:30 pm.

A meatless supper wil be shared at 6 pm, with a panel of speakers at 7 pm: Claire Ewert Fisher (Christian), Cantor Neil Schwartz (Jewish), a representative from the Islamic Association of Saskatoon, and Harvey Thunderchild (Traditional Aboriginal).

Registration: $15 before November 12th, or $18 after November 12th, $8 under-waged. Students free if registered in advance, or $8 at door. Doors open for registration at 5:15 pm. Register by cheque, payable and sent to: Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, 600 – 45th Street West, Saskatoon, SK S7L 5W9. It is necessary to know in advance if registrants plan to attend the supper. For more information call 306-653-1633.
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Posted: Nov. 6, 2008 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: 2008, interfaith, justice, multifaith, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, restorative justice, Saskatoon
Transmis : 6 nov. 2008 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : 2008, interfaith, justice, multifaith, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, restorative justice, Saskatoon

The God of Women & the Women of God

The Friends of Sophia fall program features a series with Dr. Mary T. Malone, retired chair of Religious Studies at St. Jerome’s University & the University of Waterloo. Dr. Malone is the author of numerous publications including Women and Christianity (3 vols, 2000-2003) and Praying with the Women Mystics (2006). Dr. Malone will make three presentations:

• Women Mystics, 1150-1450 CE — Sunday, September 21, 2 to 4 pm in St. Andrew’s College Lounge
• Retrieving Women’s Christian Story — Monday, September 22, 11:30 to 1 pm in St. Thomas More College, room 344A
• Do the Medieval Women Mystics Have a Message for Our Time? — Monday, September 22, 7:30 pm in St. Thomas More College Auditorium. Reception to follow.

The Friends of Sophia is an interdenominational group of women, dedicated to nurturing Christian feminist spirituality through educational opportunities, shared experience and liturgical celebration. For further information email or
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Posted: Sept. 18, 2008 • Permanent link: In this article: feminist, Friends of Sophia, Saskatoon, theology Transmis : 18 sept. 2008 • Lien permanente : Dans cet article : feminist, Friends of Sophia, Saskatoon, theology

Sacramental sharing in Saskatoon – UPDATE

As reported here in February, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon has issued a revised policy on Sacramental Sharing. This policy is the product of many years of reflection by Bishop Albert LeGatt and the diocesan ecumenical commission. The policy initially introduced in 2005 was revised and re-issued as a result of wide consultations during the implementation of the policy.

When the revised policy was issued last winter, one document originally issued in 2005 remained unchanged. The “Pastoral Notes” issued by Bishop LeGatt are intended to assist priests and lay-people in interpreting and implementing the diocesan policy. Bishop LeGatt has personally undertaken revision of the notes over the past summer, and the revised notes are now available on our website.

• Pastoral Notes for Sacramental Sharing in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon (rev. August 22, 2008)

The Notes and the Directives are commended to the people of Saskatoon for study, reflection, and implementation. Questions and comments may be directed to the Saskatoon Diocesan Commission for Ecumenism through the Catholic Pastoral Centre or to the bishop’s ecumenical officer Fr. Bernard de Margerie.

It should be noted that the diocesan policy described in these documents is based on and derived from the Vatican’s Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism and the Code of Canon Law. Nevertheless, the Saskatoon policy is issued for the Roman Catholic diocese of Saskatoon. It is not intended for the other Catholic dioceses and eparchies in Saskatchewan or elsewhere. In other places, in the absence of local directives the Vatican’s directory and the Code of Canon Law should be consulted.
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Posted: Sept. 12, 2008 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Catholic, eucharist, sacramental sharing, Saskatoon
Transmis : 12 sept. 2008 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Catholic, eucharist, sacramental sharing, Saskatoon

Upcoming programs at the PCE in 2008-2009

2009 marks the 50th anniversary of the announcement by Pope John XXIII of the Second Vatican Council, one of whose two main aims was the advancement of Christian unity. It is also 50 years since Fr. Bernard de Margerie received his call to the ministry of ecumenism, and 25 years since the founding of the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism. The theme running throughout our 2008-09 programs will be The Ministry of Christian Reconciliation and Unity: Giving Thanks for the Past, Committing to the Future.

A number of our regular programs have been dedicated to this theme, and some special projects are being planned as well. Here is some preliminary information and dates for this year:

• Ecumenical Contacts Workshop
• Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
• 6th Annual Ecumenical Scripturefest
• Summer Ecumenical Institute

Ecumenical Contacts Workshop

Saturday, October 25th, 2008 at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Spadina & 20th St.). Beginning with registration at 8:30 a.m., closing at 12:00. “All the Saints Gather for Prayer: theory and practice of prayer together for Christian unity and reconciliation.” Progress in ecumenism comes out of prayer, especially prayer together. We will prepare for our 2009 year of celebrations by exploring theory and best practice for planning worship ecumenically. Led by Nick Jesson and Amanda Currie with others. Worship resources table available. Please join us.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

January 18-25, 2009 Theme: “That they may become one in your hand” (Ez. 37:17)
Our Week of Prayer observances in Saskatoon will be as rich as usual. Mark your calendars with the closing service of the Week of Prayer on the “50-50-25” theme. We have much to celebrate at this service. Plan to join us at McClure United Church in Saskatoon at 3:00 p.m., January 25th.

6th Annual Ecumenical Scripturefest

Scripturefest, a program from Queen’s House of Retreats, will follow our theme for the year. It will be an occasion for reflecting and dialoguing about the scripture readings set for the 2009 Week of Prayer, “That They May Become One in Your Hand” (Ez. 37:17). Saturday, Jan. 24th at Queen’s House, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Keynote Speakers: Rev. David Jobling & Rev. Bill Richards. Cost is $35 (includes lunch). Please book ahead through Queen’s House (306-242-1916).

Summer Ecumenical Institute

Mark your calendars now for June 2-5, 2009 and plan to be with us at Queen’s House of Retreats in Saskatoon. The Summer Ecumenical Institute will follow our 50-50-25 theme, reviewing and celebrating the achievements of the ecumenical movement over the past 50 years, describing where the ‘growing edge’ is today and dreaming dreams for our future.

We are delighted that Fr. Tom Ryan, a much-sought-after speaker and retreat leader, has accepted the invitation to be one of our keynote speakers.

Further details will follow later in the fall.
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Posted: Aug. 29, 2008 • Permanent link:
Categories: Conferences, DialogueIn this article: events, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, prayer, Saskatoon
Transmis : 29 aoüt 2008 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Conferences, DialogueDans cet article : events, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, prayer, Saskatoon

Station 20 West Will Go Ahead – With Your Help!

I am writing with my Board’s unanimous backing to ask your financial and personal support for the re-designed Station 20 West project. The project seeks to raise $1.675 million by December 31, 2008 in order to build in the spring of 2009.

$8 million of provincial funding was withdrawn earlier this year from a project designed to bring food security, nutrition education and health services within the reach of residents of Saskatoon’s core neighbourhoods, many of whom cannot travel to get food and services.

Decision to go ahead
Public support since the announcement of the funding cut has been overwhelming. Saskatoon City Council unanimously agreed to give Station 20 West an extension on the time it has to begin building. The Station 20 West Board decided to go ahead with what was always at the heart of the project – a community grocery store, including a small café, with a commercial kitchen next door managed by CHEP to provide nutrition education and help for people wishing to develop small catering businesses. There will also be office space in the complex available for health and community services.

Why a community grocery store?
Access to affordable, quality food is difficult for those in the core neighbourhoods with no transport, and poor nutrition leads directly to poor health. The last grocery store closed over 10 years ago: the nearest one today is 2 kms away. Imagine a single mother trying to bring home a week’s shopping on the bus while managing 2 small children. Imagine an older person with arthritis waiting in the cold for up to half an hour for a bus, then struggling to bring heavy groceries home. This store is wanted and needed. Local people have already pledged to spend over $1 million at Good Food Junction during its first year.

Why a church-based appeal?
Church organizations and Christian people have been involved in Station 20 West from the outset, happy to partner with all who share this vision. A recent meeting of Saskatoon senior church leaders expressed strong support for the revised Station 20 West project. The Prairie Centre for Ecumenism wants to bring this need before the Christian community as a whole because:
• Serving and giving dignity to the poor was at the heart of Jesus’ ministry (Luke 4:18)
• The first apostles urged their churches to “remember the poor” (Galatians 2:10)
• Jesus loved bodies as well as souls – his healing miracles and feeding of large crowds (Matthew 14: 13-21) show his care for the whole person. As his followers, we take his example seriously.

Ways to give (and get a tax receipt)
• organize a fundraiser: e.g. St. John’s Anglican Cathedral recently had a community BBQ.
• have a ‘bakeless bake sale’, an event where everyone brings a financial gift instead of baking
• Invite a speaker from Station 20 West to your worship service, and take a special offering.
• If you have been blessed financially (perhaps through the recent increase in the value of your home) become part of the “Silver Dollars Club” – making a major gift in multiples of $1000.
• Contribute to the PCE Appeal online. Make sure to mark your donation ‘Station 20 West’ Cheques made out to ‘Prairie Centre for Ecumenism’ and marked ‘Station 20 West Appeal’ can be mailed to the PCE at 600- 45th St. West, Saskatoon S7L 5W9. 100% of all funds so marked will go to Station 20 West.

Find out more
• Station 20 West website
• Good Food Junction Grocery Store
• Look for Appeal updates on the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism website


Rev. Dr. Jan Bigland-Pritchard, Director, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism
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Posted: May 22, 2008 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: affordable housing, community development, Saskatoon, social policy
Transmis : 22 mai 2008 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : affordable housing, community development, Saskatoon, social policy

Nouvel évêque des Ukrainiens à Saskatoon

Père Bryan Bayda, C.Ss.R.(CECC – Ottawa) Sa Sainteté le pape Benoît XVI a procédé aujourd’hui à la nomination du Père Bryan Bayda, C.Ss.R., comme évêque éparchial de Saskatoon.

Le Saint-Père a accepté en même temps la démission de Mgr Michael Wiwchar, C.Ss.R., qui occupait ce siège épiscopal depuis 2001. Conformément au code de droit canonique fixant l’âge de la retraite à 75 ans, Mgr Wiwchar avait présenté sa démission au Souverain Pontife lors de son 75e anniversaire, le 9 mai 2007.

Mgr Bayda est né à Saskatoon, le 21 août 1961. Après ses études secondaires au Petit Séminaire Saint-Vladimir, à Roblin, au Manitoba, il a poursuivi sa formation académique à l’Université St. Michael’s College, à Toronto, où il a obtenu un baccalauréat en philosophie, en 1982, et une maîtrise en théologie, en 1987. Il a aussi obtenu un baccalauréat en éducation à l’Université du Manitoba, en 1990.

Mgr Bayda a prononcé ses vœux solennels au sein de la Congrégation des Pères rédemptoristes en 1986 et il a été ordonné prêtre en 1987. Il a ensuite occupé divers postes dans le domaine de l’éducation et de la formation à la vie spirituelle, en plus d’exercer un ministère pastoral dans plusieurs paroisses de l’Ouest canadien. Au moment de sa nomination, il était pasteur de la paroisse Our Lady of Perpetual Help, à Yorkton, en Saskatchewan.

L’éparchie ukrainienne (diocèse) de Saskatoon compte 21 prêtres diocésains, 8 prêtres religieux, 3 diacres permanents et une vingtaine de religieux et religieuses au service d’une population de près de 18 000 catholiques répartis dans 87 paroisses et missions.
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Posted: May 2, 2008 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Catholic, Saskatoon, Ukrainian Catholic
Transmis : 2 mai 2008 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Catholic, Saskatoon, Ukrainian Catholic

New Bishop of Saskatoon for Ukrainian Catholics

(CCCB – Ottawa) – His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI today appointed Father Bryan Bayda, C.Ss.R., as the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchial Bishop of Saskatoon.

The Holy Father also accepted the resignation of Most Reverend Michael Wiwchar, C.Ss.R., who held the position since 2001. Conforming to the mandatory age of retirement at 75, Bishop Wiwchar formally requested retirement following his 75th birthday in May 2007.

Father Bayda was born in Saskatoon on August 21, 1961. Upon completing high school at St. Vladimir’s College Minor Seminary in Roblin, Manitoba, he pursued studies at the University of St. Michael’s College in Toronto, where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts in philosophy in 1982 and a Master of Divinity in 1987. Further studies included a Bachelor of Education from the University of Manitoba in 1990 and a Diploma in Eastern Christian theology from the Sheptytsky Institute in Ottawa in 1997.

The newly appointed Eparchial Bishop of Saskatoon made his final profession as a member of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer on September 13, 1986 and was ordained to the priesthood on May 30, 1987. Redemptionists assignments have included serving as a teacher and director of St. Vladimir’s College and formation director of the major seminary of his community, and serving as parish priest in a number of parishes throughout Western Canada. Most recently, he was the pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Yorkton, within the Eparchy of Saskatoon.

The Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon includes 21 diocesan priests, three permanent deacons and more than 20 men and women religious who serve a population of 18,000 Catholics in 87 parishes and missions.
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Posted: May 2, 2008 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: bishops, Catholic, Saskatoon, Ukrainian Catholic
Transmis : 2 mai 2008 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : bishops, Catholic, Saskatoon, Ukrainian Catholic

Saskatoon Anglicans narrowly reject same-sex marriages

[Anglican Journal] The diocese of Saskatoon, at its biennial synod held April 4-6, narrowly defeated a resolution that would have allowed clergy to bless same-sex civil marriages.

The vote was 41 against, 38 for and four abstentions, said Lorea Eufemia, secretary/treasurer of the diocese.

Moved by Canon Colin Clay and seconded by Cathy Hartsook, the resolution said: “Be it resolved that this 68th Session of the Synod of the Diocese of Saskatoon request the bishop to allow clergy, whose conscience permits, to bless the duly solemnized and registered civil marriages between same-sex couples, where at least one party is baptized, and to authorize rites for such blessings.”

It was the first time the issue had come before the Saskatoon synod, and the debate lasted nearly an hour and a half, said Ms. Eufemia. Opinions did not divide along urban and rural lines, she said. “Some members of urban parishes voted against it and some rural parishes were for it,” she said. She also noted that the debate was characterized by “respect, kindness and love.” The bishop of Saskatoon, Rodney Andrews, who could not immediately be reached, was pleased by the tone of the debate, she said.

The diocese has been discussing the issue of same-sex blessings for the past couple of years, she said. Members of the gay support group Integrity have spoken at diocesan council, the St. Michael report (which considers whether it is a matter of church doctrine) has been distributed to parishes and parishes have held consultations on the issue.
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Posted: Apr. 11, 2008 • Permanent link:
Categories: Anglican JournalIn this article: Anglican, human sexuality, marriage, Saskatoon
Transmis : 11 avril 2008 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Anglican JournalDans cet article : Anglican, human sexuality, marriage, Saskatoon

As the Executive Director of an inter-church agency working in Saskatchewan to promote inter-church cooperation, I am writing to express my surprise and grave concern about the decision to cut $8 million of promised and committed provincial funding to the Station 20 West project. At a time of healthy budget surpluses, I cannot understand the provincial government’s reasoning and assume it must be based on lack of reliable information about the project.

This is no “throw-more-money-at-the-inner-city-quick-fix” solution, but rather a very well planned partnership between local community based organizations, social service providers, the Saskatoon Health Region, the University of Saskatchewan, the city of Saskatoon and local businesses. Its purpose is to address the very well documented discrepancies in social and health care provision between different areas of Saskatoon.

As last year’s Saskatoon health outcomes study showed, people in the core neighbourhoods have greatly increased likelihoods of serious illness and a much lower life expectancy. The main reason is poverty and the things that go with poverty, like no access to transport, lack of education and poor nutrition. The poor cannot easily travel for services, and a subsidized bus pass is of little use to a single parent hauling several young children around in the cold of winter.

Station 20 West is designed to address these issues, providing a free or low-cost dental clinic (through the U of S department of dentistry), a not-for-profit grocery store featuring good food at affordable prices (in an area where there hasn’t been a grocery store for 10 years), a library and other valuable facilities, along with much-needed affordable housing. The project will offer people living in the core neighbourhoods a chance to help themselves and raise themselves out of poverty. The long-term savings to the government in social service and health care costs, emergency room visits, welfare and corrections facility costs would far outstrip the promised and committed $8 million government investment.

Thousands of volunteer hours have been expended on this worthwhile project by community groups, businesses, church groups and the university. It has widespread community support and credibility. This project is far too important to be made into a political football.

My understanding of the Saskatchewan Party is that it is a grass-roots party which encourages community engagement and the promotion of self-sufficiency. Thus supporting Station 20 West fits with the Sask Party’s core values. It would put tools in the hands of the poor to help them to help themselves.

The Saskatchewan Party also, I think, believes in fairness and integrity. A decision to cut funding which has been promised and committed, and on the basis of which so many organizations and businesses have expended time and resources, appears to lack both fairness and integrity.

I urge the provincial government to reconsider.

Yours sincerely

Rev. Dr. Jan Bigland-Pritchard
Director, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism
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Posted: Apr. 2, 2008 • Permanent link: In this article: affordable housing, community development, health care, Saskatoon Transmis : 2 avril 2008 • Lien permanente : Dans cet article : affordable housing, community development, health care, Saskatoon

Community Walk for Station 20 West

All-Community Walk: Lets Keep Building Our Community
Support and Celebrate Station 20 West

Bring friends, family, and neighbours!!

Saturday April 5th, gather at 10am
Station 20 West Site, 20th Street West and Avenue L South

Station 20 West is a Community Enterprise Centre being constructed in the heart of Saskatoon’s core neighbourhoods.

The project will strengthen the economy and create skills and employment, provide much needed services and amenities, reduce poverty and health disparities, use LEED environmental design, and help revitalize the Westside core neighbourhoods.

The Provincial government has pulled their $8 million in promised and committed funding from the project, effectively stopping construction.

We will walk together to show community support to reinstate funding and let this innovative and much-needed community-building project reach its full potential.

• Community Walk Poster – download, print, and post in a public location
• Join the Station 20 West Facebook Group – for the latest information on the campaign to reinstate funding
• Community Walk invitation on Facebook – send invitations to your friends
• Sign the online petition to reinstate funding
• Visit the Station 20 West website to read about the project, see artistic renderings, and contribute to the capital campaign
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Posted: Apr. 1, 2008 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: affordable housing, community development, health care, Saskatoon
Transmis : 1 avril 2008 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : affordable housing, community development, health care, Saskatoon

10 a.m. Good Friday, March 21

This prayerful walk through the streets of Saskatoon features a reflection on the Way of the Cross focusing on justice and peace issues in the world today. For information, contact Tony Haynes at the Roman Catholic diocesan Justice and Peace office, 306-242-1500 or toll-free 1-877-661-5005.
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Posted: Mar. 21, 2008 • Permanent link: In this article: events, justice, peace, prayer, Saskatoon Transmis : 21 mars 2008 • Lien permanente : Dans cet article : events, justice, peace, prayer, Saskatoon

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