Archive for tag: Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity

Archive pour tag : Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity

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Following a long-standing tradition, on the occasion of today’s Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, patron saint of Constantinople, Pope Francis has sent a delegation to Istanbul to convey his greetings and the assurance of his “fraternal affection” to the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew I.

The visit is part of the annual exchange of Delegations between the Holy See and the Patriarchate for their respective patronal feasts, on 29 June in Rome, the Feast of St. Peter and Paul, and on 30 November in Istanbul, Türkiye.

In his message, Pope Francis highlights listening without condemning as the primary path toward unity between Catholics and Orthodox Christians, expressing his hope that the upcoming celebrations 1,700th anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea may offer an opportunity to strengthen the fraternal relations they have developed over the past six decades.
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Posted: Nov. 30, 2024 • Permanent link:
Categories: Vatican NewsIn this article: Bartholomew I, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Kurt Koch, Orthodox, Vatican
Transmis : 30 nov. 2024 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Vatican NewsDans cet article : Bartholomew I, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Kurt Koch, Orthodox, Vatican

At the heart of Catholic ecumenism, there is a paradox. For Catholics, the papacy stands as a focus of unity. The pope exercises a primacy within the church as the successor to the apostles of unity, Peter and Paul, who established the church in Rome and whose tombs continue to be places of pilgrimage. Yet, despite this ministry of unity, the papacy itself is the greatest obstacle to unity in the church today.

In 1995 Pope John Paul II issued his encyclical on Christian unity, Ut Unum Sint, “That All May be One.” Known for his many great (and long) encyclicals and other letters to the church, the saintly John Paul invited us to a spiritual conversion both as individual Christians and as a church. He spoke about how the cause of Christian unity is not an appendix to the church’s work but an integral aspect of our mission as the body of Christ called to unity, holiness, catholicity, and apostolicity. He reminded us that spiritual ecumenism is at the heart of the ecumenical movement, and he invited us to pray regularly for the unity that Christ willed for the church. He called us to work, together with other Christians, in justice and social action for the common good.

He acknowledged that for many Christians separated from us, the history of the papacy and its claims to exercise authority in the church and world constituted an original cause of division that continues to be a source of irritation and a reminder of the great chasm between our churches. He noted that central to the papal claims is that he is the successor to the apostle Peter, the first among the Twelve. This “primacy” is a character, or charism, not only of the pope, but also of patriarchs of the Eastern churches, archbishops within their metropolitan territories, and bishops within their presbyterate. Primacy, like other charisms, is a gift of the Holy Spirit for building up the church in unity. The pope as primate of the universal church has a universal ministry of unity.
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Posted: Sept. 26, 2024 • Permanent link:
Categories: One BodyIn this article: Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, papacy, petrine ministry, Ut Unum Sint
Transmis : 26 sept. 2024 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : One BodyDans cet article : Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, papacy, petrine ministry, Ut Unum Sint

The reason why the 2024 edition of the Vatican yearbook has re-inserted “Patriarch of the West” as one of the historical titles of the pope appears to be a response to concerns expressed by Orthodox leaders and theologians.

For months after the yearbook, the Annuario Pontificio, was released, the Vatican press office said it had no explanation for the reappearance of the title, which Pope Benedict XVI had dropped in 2006.

But new documents from the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity place the change squarely in the middle of a broad discussion among all mainline Christian churches on the papacy and the potential role of the bishop of Rome in a more united Christian community.

Members of the dicastery proposed that “a clearer distinction be made between the different responsibilities of the Pope, especially between his ministry as head of the Catholic Church and his ministry of unity among all Christians, or more specifically between his patriarchal ministry in the Latin Church and his primatial ministry in the communion of Churches.”
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Posted: June 13, 2024 • Permanent link:
Categories: CNS, DocumentsIn this article: dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, papacy, petrine ministry, Ut Unum Sint
Transmis : 13 juin 2024 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : CNS, DocumentsDans cet article : dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, papacy, petrine ministry, Ut Unum Sint

On 19 September 2023, the last day of the Thirteenth Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in Krakow, Poland, Cardinal Kurt Koch, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity (DPCU), and Revd Dr Anne Burghardt, General Secretary of the LWF, presented a “Common Word” [English and German] during an ecumenical prayer and baptismal commemoration.
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Posted: Sept. 21, 2023 • Permanent link:
Categories: Documents, NewsIn this article: Anne Burghardt, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, document, ecumenism, Kurt Koch, Lutheran World Federation
Transmis : 21 sept. 2023 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Documents, NewsDans cet article : Anne Burghardt, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, document, ecumenism, Kurt Koch, Lutheran World Federation

During an ecumenical prayer service at the assembly of the Lutheran World Federation, the Vatican’s chief ecumenist and the federation’s general secretary formally called for a joint reflection on the Augsburg Confession, a fundamental statement of Lutheran faith.
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Posted: Sept. 20, 2023 • Permanent link:
Categories: CNS, Dialogue, DocumentsIn this article: Augsburg Confession, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Lutheran World Federation
Transmis : 20 sept. 2023 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : CNS, Dialogue, DocumentsDans cet article : Augsburg Confession, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Lutheran World Federation

Leaders from the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity convened on 9 May to plan for the period 2023-2030.

The leaders met in a prayerful and collegial atmosphere to evaluate past collaboration between the WCC and the Roman Catholic Church during the 2013-2022 strategic period. They then went on to share the 2023-2030 WCC strategic objectives, and to reaffirm and refine future ways of working, with particular reference to the work of the Joint Working Group, WCC commissions, and collaboration with other dicasteries and Catholic organisations with reference to the current ecumenical and global landscapes.
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Posted: May 10, 2023 • Permanent link:
Categories: WCC NewsIn this article: Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Joint Working Group, WCC
Transmis : 10 mai 2023 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : WCC NewsDans cet article : Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Joint Working Group, WCC

As in previous years, during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity L’Osservatore Romano published a series of articles prepared by the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity on the ecumenical relations of the Holy See. The texts, which are published in Italian, offer an update on the ecumenical situation and on initiatives undertaken in 2022.
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Posted: Jan. 31, 2023 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, ecumenism
Transmis : 31 janv. 2023 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, ecumenism

The fifth meeting of Phase III of the international dialogue between the Baptist World Alliance (BWA) and the Catholic Church took place 12-16 December 2022 in Rome, hosted by the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity (DPCU).
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Posted: Dec. 16, 2022 • Permanent link:
Categories: Communiqué, NewsIn this article: Baptist World Alliance, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity
Transmis : 16 déc. 2022 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Communiqué, NewsDans cet article : Baptist World Alliance, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity

Two parallel dialogues were established with the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church and the Malankara (Jacobite) Syrian Orthodox Church, respectively in 1989 and 1990, and were maintained even after the foundation in 2003 of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches.
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Posted: Dec. 14, 2022 • Permanent link:
Categories: Communiqué, NewsIn this article: Catholic, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church
Transmis : 14 déc. 2022 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Communiqué, NewsDans cet article : Catholic, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church

From 25 to 28 November 2022 representatives of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity and of the Office for International Ecumenical Relations of the Salvation Army met in London at the William Booth Training College, in the first of a new series of Conversations, on the theme: “Discipleship for Mission”.
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Posted: Dec. 1, 2022 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Salvation Army
Transmis : 1 déc. 2022 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Salvation Army

“If there is no resurrection of the dead, neither is Christ risen! But if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty, your faith also empty “(1 Cor 15:13 ff). With these words, the apostle Paul affirms with absolute clarity that the Christian faith stands or falls with the paschal mystery. The early Church condensed this fundamental conviction in the formula: “Take away the resurrection and you will immediately destroy Christianity.” Given the central importance of the paschal mystery in the Christian faith, it is understandable that Christians wish to celebrate it on a common date.
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Posted: Oct. 24, 2022 • Permanent link:
Categories: News, OpinionIn this article: Date of Easter, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Kurt Koch, Nicaea
Transmis : 24 oct. 2022 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : News, OpinionDans cet article : Date of Easter, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Kurt Koch, Nicaea

Pope Francis has appointed an Irish Benedictine to lead the Vatican’s dialogue with the Anglican Communion. The Irish Catholic reports Fr. Martin Browne OSB, a monk at Glenstal Abbey in Murroe, County Limerick, Ireland will shortly take up the post in the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity.  He succeeds Fr. Anthony Currer as the official for Methodist and Anglican Relations.
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Posted: Oct. 7, 2022 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity
Transmis : 7 oct. 2022 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity

Mercredi 5 octobre, le Pape François a reçu en audience privée les membres de la Commission mixte internationale méthodiste-catholique (MERCIC). La Commission, inaugurée en 1967 et dont les rencontres se sont succédées depuis sans interruption, se trouve actuellement à Rome à la Casa Maria Immacolata pour la première réunion plénière de son douzième cycle de dialogue. À l’audience avec le Saint-Père, les participants étaient accompagnés du Cardinal Kurt Koch, Préfet du Dicastère pour la promotion de l’unité des chrétiens.
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Posted: Oct. 6, 2022 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Catholic, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, MERCIC, Methodist, World Methodist Council
Transmis : 6 oct. 2022 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Catholic, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, MERCIC, Methodist, World Methodist Council

Pope Francis received members of the Methodist-Roman Catholic International Commission (MERCIC) in a private audience on Wednesday 5 October. The Commission, which began work in 1967 and has met since without interruption, is currently meeting in Rome at the Casa Maria Immacolata for the first plenary meeting of its twelfth round of dialogue. The Commission was accompanied to the audience by Cardinal Kurt Koch, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity.
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Posted: Oct. 6, 2022 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Catholic, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, MERCIC, Methodist, World Methodist Council
Transmis : 6 oct. 2022 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Catholic, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, MERCIC, Methodist, World Methodist Council

On September 16, 2022 the International Lutheran Council’s (ILC) 2022 World Conference adopted a resolution calling for continued ecumenical conversations with the Roman Catholic Church, and approving the Final Report of the conversations of the ILC and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) which was published in 2021.
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Posted: Sept. 21, 2022 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, International Lutheran Council
Transmis : 21 sept. 2022 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, International Lutheran Council

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) have issued a joint press release announcing the online publication of the report of the Fifth Phase of the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity. The report is entitled Baptism and Growth in Communion. The new document, which has been in preparation for the past seven years, includes important impulses for ongoing theological and ecclesiological discussion and makes “a significant step in proposing a differentiating consensus on baptism.”

The report seeks to find a language for the ecclesial dimensions of growth in communion. It concludes with six commitments setting out a road map for the ongoing dialogue and for the growing cooperation at all levels between Lutherans and Catholics. It highlights particular events over recent years that have contributed to the journey ‘from conflict to communion’, notably the joint commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in Lund, Sweden, the Declaration of Intent endorsing fuller collaboration between the LWF’s World Service arm and the Caritas Internationalis network, as well as local initiatives such as the visit of Pope Francis to the Lutheran parish in Rome in 2015.
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Posted: Apr. 7, 2022 • Permanent link:
Categories: Lutheran World InformationIn this article: baptism, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Dirk Lange, Lutheran World Federation
Transmis : 7 avril 2022 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Lutheran World InformationDans cet article : baptism, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Dirk Lange, Lutheran World Federation

As in previous years, during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity L’Osservatore Romano published a series of articles prepared by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity on the ecumenical relations of the Holy See. The texts, which are published in Italian, offer an update on the ecumenical situation and on initiatives undertaken in 2021.
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Posted: Jan. 27, 2022 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, ecumenism
Transmis : 27 janv. 2022 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, ecumenism

The final report on conversations between the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) and the International Lutheran Council (ILC) has now been released.

The five-year informal dialogue began in 2014 when a working group was organized by the PCPCU and the ILC. In this final report, the results of the dialogue are presented to Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the PCPCU and Bishop Hans-Jörg Voigt, Chairman of the ILC.
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Posted: Nov. 30, 2021 • Permanent link:
Categories: Communiqué, NewsIn this article: dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, International Lutheran Council
Transmis : 30 nov. 2021 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Communiqué, NewsDans cet article : dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, International Lutheran Council

In a joint letter of 28 October 2021, Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and Cardinal Mario Grech, General Secretary of the Synod of Bishops, addressed the Bishops responsible for ecumenism in their Episcopal Conferences and Synods of the Oriental Catholic Churches.

In the letter, the two Cardinals offer practical suggestions aimed at implementing the ecumenical dimension of the synodal process in Dioceses, Episcopal Conferences, and Synods.
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Posted: Nov. 7, 2021 • Permanent link:
Categories: DocumentsIn this article: dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, synodality
Transmis : 7 nov. 2021 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : DocumentsDans cet article : dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, synodality

Dans une lettre conjointe datée du 28 octobre 2021, le Cardinal Kurt Koch, Président du Conseil pontifical pour la promotion de l’unité des chrétiens, et le Cardinal Mario Grech, Secrétaire général du Synode des évêques, se sont adressés aux évêques responsables de l’œcuménisme des Conférences épiscopales et des Synodes des Églises orientales catholiques.

Par cette lettre, les deux cardinaux entendent offrir quelques suggestions pratiques pour assurer la dimension œcuménique du processus synodal dans les diocèses et les Conférences épiscopales et les Synodes des Églises orientales catholiques.
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Posted: Nov. 7, 2021 • Permanent link:
Categories: DocumentsIn this article: dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, synodality
Transmis : 7 nov. 2021 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : DocumentsDans cet article : dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, synodality

The final report on the Lutheran-Mennonite-Roman Catholic Trilateral Conversation has been published. The report summarizes five years of theological consultations between the three communions on the understanding and practice of baptism in light of contemporary pastoral and missional challenges facing all three Christian communities.

“The report shows that today these three churches agree that baptism is for discipleship,” says Mennonite delegation member Larry Miller. “It raises the question for each of these churches: are there ways of acknowledging our different practices of baptism that grow the unity for which Jesus prayed?”

Representatives of the Catholic Church (Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity), Lutheran World Federation (LWF), and Mennonite World Conference (MWC) met from 2012–2017 to discuss understanding and practice of baptism.
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Posted: Aug. 12, 2020 • Permanent link:
Categories: Dialogue, NewsIn this article: baptism, Catholic, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Lutheran World Federation, Mennonite World Conference
Transmis : 12 aoüt 2020 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Dialogue, NewsDans cet article : baptism, Catholic, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Lutheran World Federation, Mennonite World Conference

On Friday, 22 November 2019, an ecumenical prayer service including a commemoration of common baptism was held in the basilica of the Sant’Anselmo Benedictine Abbey in Rome.

The event marked the 20th anniversary of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification signed on Reformation Day 1999 (31 October) by the Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic Church. A facsimile of the document was placed on a lectern in the apse of Sant ̍ Anselmo.

The Joint Declaration was subsequently approved by the World Methodist Council, the World Communion of Reformed Churches and the Anglican Communion.

The prayer service in Sant’Anselmo was conducted following the liturgical order drawn up by the Lutheran World Federation and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity for the international anniversary celebrations.
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Posted: Nov. 28, 2019 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Anglican Communion, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, JDDJ, justification by faith, World Communion of Reformed Churches, World Methodist Council
Transmis : 28 nov. 2019 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Anglican Communion, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, JDDJ, justification by faith, World Communion of Reformed Churches, World Methodist Council

After five years of meetings by an international commission of Mennonites, Lutherans and Roman Catholics on the topic of baptism, John Rempel, the commission’s Mennonite representative, presented a trilateral report from that dialogue at an event called “One Baptism? A Symposium on Baptism and the Christian Life,” at Waterloo North Mennonite Church on Nov. 8.

Pastors, denominational leaders, professors and some students from Conrad Grebel University College attended the Anabaptist Learning Workshop event, sponsored by Grebel and Mennonite Church Eastern Canada.

Framed around scriptures emphasizing the image of the church as one body with one baptism, the symposium began and ended with times of worship. In between, Rempel summarized the report and then invited three people, one from each tradition, to respond. They formed a panel that fielded further comments and questions.

Mennonite World Conference (MWC) engaged in the trilateral dialogue because “Jesus Christ calls us to be one.” Participation was seen as a way to build on previous reconciliation efforts between the denominations, nurturing mutual understanding and cooperation.
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Posted: Nov. 20, 2019 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: baptism, Catholic, Christian unity, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Lutheran World Federation, Mennonite World Conference
Transmis : 20 nov. 2019 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : baptism, Catholic, Christian unity, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Lutheran World Federation, Mennonite World Conference

The working group established in 2014 to conduct an informal dialogue between the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity (PCPCU) and the International Lutheran Council (ILC) completed its task during a final session held September 23-26. 2019 on the campus of Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Taking part from the Roman Catholic Church were Dr. Josef Freitag (Lantershofen, Germany), Dr. Wolfgang Thönissen (Paderborn, Germany), Dr. Burkhard Neumann (Paderborn), and Fr. Augustinus Sander O.S.B. (who has recently moved from Germany to Rome). Taking part on behalf of the churches of the ILC were Dr. Werner Klän (Lübeck, Germany), Dr. Gerson Linden (São Leopoldo, Brazil), Dr. John Stephenson (St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada), and Dr. Roland Ziegler (Fort Wayne, Indiana). In addition, the chairman of the ILC, Bishop Hans-Jörg Voigt (Hanover, Germany) of Germany’s Independent Evangelical Lutheran, attended the sessions in a guest capacity.
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Posted: Oct. 10, 2019 • Permanent link:
Categories: Communiqué, NewsIn this article: dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, International Lutheran Council
Transmis : 10 oct. 2019 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Communiqué, NewsDans cet article : dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, International Lutheran Council

Participants at a historic gathering of church leaders from five Christian World Communions have issued a statement recommitting themselves to communicating the biblical message of salvation in new ways to contemporary society. We “wish to make more visible our common witness, in worship and service, on our journey together towards visible unity, walking together, praying together and working together.”
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Posted: Apr. 3, 2019 • Permanent link:
Categories: Communiqué, Lutheran World InformationIn this article: Anglican Communion, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, JDDJ, justification by faith, Lutheran World Federation, World Communion of Reformed Churches, World Methodist Council
Transmis : 3 avril 2019 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Communiqué, Lutheran World InformationDans cet article : Anglican Communion, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, JDDJ, justification by faith, Lutheran World Federation, World Communion of Reformed Churches, World Methodist Council

The five Christian denominations closely associated with the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ) are taking part in a private consultation and public events this week to discuss how to take the document further. The JDDJ was originally agreed by the Roman Catholic Church and the Lutheran World Federation in 1999. The significant ecumenical text has been described as resolving the doctrinal dispute at the heart of the Reformation; and has since been adopted or affirmed by the World Communion of Reformed Churches, the World Methodist Council and the Anglican Consultative Council.
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Posted: Mar. 27, 2019 • Permanent link:
Categories: ACNSIn this article: Anglican Communion, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, JDDJ, justification by faith, Lutheran World Federation, World Communion of Reformed Churches, World Methodist Council
Transmis : 27 mars 2019 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ACNSDans cet article : Anglican Communion, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, JDDJ, justification by faith, Lutheran World Federation, World Communion of Reformed Churches, World Methodist Council

It is not uncommon to read optimistic appraisals of how the cause of Christian unity is progressing. There are in fact undeniable signs of continuing progress in relations between the divided churches as set out, for example, in the study document From Conflict to Communion, describing the substantial advance of relations between Catholics and Lutherans in fifty years of dialogue.

But not all is plain sailing. To the careful observer there are also signs of frustration and even retrenchment. To not a few, the traditional ways of doing ecumenism seem no longer capable of meeting new challenges coming from developments both within the Catholic Church and within the other Churches, our ecumenical partners.
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Posted: Jan. 24, 2019 • Permanent link:
Categories: TabletIn this article: Brian Farrell, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity
Transmis : 24 janv. 2019 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : TabletDans cet article : Brian Farrell, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity

The second meeting of the third phase of international ecumenical conversations between the Baptist World Alliance (BWA) and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity took place Dec. 10-14 in Rome at the Domus Internationalis Paulus VI. The Baptist delegation was led by co-chair Frank Rees, associate professor and chair of the academic board at the University of Divinity in Australia; the Catholic delegation was led by co-chair Bishop Arthur Serratelli, bishop of Paterson, New Jersey. The meeting took up the theme of the “Context of Common Witness.” This discussion reflected on the global cultural context in which common Christian witness is being conducted today in six continents of the world.
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Posted: Dec. 26, 2018 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Baptist, Catholic, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity
Transmis : 26 déc. 2018 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Baptist, Catholic, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity

The fourth (and fifth) meeting of the International Lutheran Council (ILC) – Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) dialogue group took place September 17-21, 2018 at the facilities of Lutherische Kirchenmission in Bleckmar, Germany. The goal of this “informal dialogue is to find out whether an official dialogue between ILC and PCPCU on the world level is possible and might be fruitful.”

Four working groups submitted papers for plenary discussion; they were are established as follows: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Thönissen (Paderborn, Germany) and Prof. Dr. John Stephenson (St. Catharines, Canada) worked on the topic of Justification; PD Dr. Burkhard Neumann (Paderborn) and Prof. Dr. Roland Ziegler (Fort Wayne, USA) on Synérgeia and Sacrifice; Prof. Dr. Josef Freitag (Lantershofen, Germany) and Prof. Dr. Gerson Linden (São Leopoldo, Brazil) on Ministry and Ordination; Father Augustinus Sander (Erfurt, Germany) and Prof. Dr. Werner Klän (Lübeck, Germany) on Eucharist and the Sacrifice of the Mass (ApolCA XXIV).
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Posted: Oct. 9, 2018 • Permanent link:
Categories: Communiqué, NewsIn this article: dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, International Lutheran Council
Transmis : 9 oct. 2018 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Communiqué, NewsDans cet article : dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, International Lutheran Council

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) together with the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU), as well as the Methodist, the Reformed and the Anglican communion will start a consultation process to discuss spiritual and ecclesial implications of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification.

“We have now five signatories of this ecumenical declaration,” says Kaisamari Hintikka, LWF Assistant General Secretary for Ecumenical Relations. “We feel we are called to ask together what kind of spiritual and ecclesiastical consequences the JDDJ might have for our churches.”
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Posted: June 5, 2018 • Permanent link:
Categories: Lutheran World InformationIn this article: Anglican Communion, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, JDDJ, justification by faith, Lutheran World Federation, World Communion of Reformed Churches, World Methodist Council
Transmis : 5 juin 2018 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Lutheran World InformationDans cet article : Anglican Communion, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, JDDJ, justification by faith, Lutheran World Federation, World Communion of Reformed Churches, World Methodist Council

During a special service to commemorate 500 years of the Reformation at the Westminster Abbey today, representatives of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the Roman Catholic Church received the Anglican Communion’s affirmation of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ).

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby presented LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge and the Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) Bishop Dr Brian Farrell with the 2016 Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) resolution “welcoming and affirming the substance of the JDDJ.”

The event was witnessed by the General Secretaries of the World Methodist Council (WMC) and the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) Rev. Ivan Abrahams and Rev. Dr Chris Ferguson respectively.

Addressing the congregation, Archbishop Welby said, “When the Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic Church signed the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification in 1999, you resolved the underlying theological question of 1517, in a decisive moment for all churches in the search for unity and reconciliation.” The ACC resolution, he said, “welcomed and affirmed the substance of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification, noting its profound convergences with our own dialogues with Lutherans and Catholics.”

Receiving the Anglican action on the JDDJ, General Secretary Junge said its public presentation on Reformation Day itself was significant on the journey toward church unity. “We are grateful to God that together with Catholic, Methodist and Reformed sisters and brothers, we are witnessing today the affirmation of the substance of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification by the Anglican Communion. May this moment serve as an important witness on the way of growing unity among our churches,” he said.
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Posted: Oct. 31, 2017 • Permanent link:
Categories: Lutheran World InformationIn this article: Anglican Communion, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, JDDJ, Lutheran World Federation, World Communion of Reformed Churches, World Methodist Council
Transmis : 31 oct. 2017 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Lutheran World InformationDans cet article : Anglican Communion, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, JDDJ, Lutheran World Federation, World Communion of Reformed Churches, World Methodist Council

A five-year discussion of baptism among Mennonites, Catholics and Lutherans has yielded new insights.

Representatives of the Catholic Church’s Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, the Lutheran World Federation, and the Mennonite World Conference gathered Feb. 9-14 in Augsburg, Germany for the fifth and final meeting of the Trilateral Dialogue Commission on Baptism.

John Rempel of Canada said reflecting on each group’s practice of baptism helped participants learn to respect, trust and challenge each other.

“From the Lutherans, I have seen more clearly that their concern about justification by grace through faith is not that discipleship is a secondary matter,” said Rempel, who is professor emeritus of Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, Ind., and the Toronto School of Theology. “Their concern is that following Christ be a lifestyle of gratitude for God’s grace and not good works to earn God’s favour.

“From the Catholics, I have learned that the sacrament of baptism does not have an automatic role in salvation. If someone persistently lives life against the Spirit of Christ, baptism will not save them.”
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Posted: Mar. 21, 2017 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: baptism, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Lutheran World Federation, Mennonite World Conference
Transmis : 21 mars 2017 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : baptism, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Lutheran World Federation, Mennonite World Conference

As we mark the annual week of prayer for Christian Unity, Catholics have much to celebrate because 2016 was “truly an ecumenical year”. That’s the view of Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, who accompanied Pope Francis on all his ecumenical journeys throughout the past year.

The cardinal was reflecting on the theme for this week of prayer which is centred on a verse from St Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians: ‘Reconciliation: the love of Christ compels us’. Members of the Council of Christian Churches in Germany were asked to prepare material on this theme which is set in the context of this year’s 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

Cardinal Koch says the leitmotif for this week of prayer is reconciliation, proposed by Christians in Germany, where the Reformation began. While we have much gratitude for the Reformation and the rediscovery of all that is in common between Lutherans and Catholics, he says, we must also recognise the painful history of the last 500 years. Though Luther did not want to divide the Church, he notes the “horrible confessional wars” that followed the Reformation “transformed Europe into a red sea of blood”. We must acknowledge both of these pages, he says, working for repentance and reconciliation, but also showing gratitude for the gifts of the Reformation.
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Posted: Jan. 18, 2017 • Permanent link:
Categories: Vatican NewsIn this article: Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Kurt Koch, WPCU
Transmis : 18 janv. 2017 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Vatican NewsDans cet article : Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Kurt Koch, WPCU

Third Meeting of the Informal Dialogue Group between the International Lutheran Council and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. On October 14-15, the Informal Dialogue Group between the International Lutheran Council (ILC) and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity met. This time the gathering took place at the Johann-Adam-Möhler-Institute for Ecumenism in Paderborn, Germany.

The conversations centered on the Lutheran perception of the Roman Catholic liturgy. They focused particularly on the Roman Catholic understanding of the presence of Christ’s sacrifice and the sacrifice of the Church in the Lord’s Supper. It became apparent that there were different ways of thinking—not only between Lutheran and Roman Catholic approaches to the topic, but also in the various Roman Catholic Eucharistic prayers themselves. The debate centered in particular on the problem whether and to what extent the Church might play a distinct, or “active”, role in the performance of the liturgy.

The next meeting is scheduled for June 2017 in St. Louis, Missouri. In preparing for this meeting, cross-confessional pairings were formed. They are meant to engage with the following topics: the understanding of co-operation of the Church (“synergeia”) and sacrifice; the theological understanding of “time”, that is to say the relationship between the history of salvation and the “event” of salvation, or the issue of the realization of salvation in the liturgy; the understanding of sacrifice against the background of article 24 of the Augsburg Confession and its Apology, and in The Examination of the Council of Trent by Martin Chemnitz, looking also at the document “The Eucharist” (1978); and questions concerning the office of the ministry and ordination. Moreover, they plan to identify and describe areas of major agreement between the Roman Catholic Church and the churches in the International Lutheran Council. The resulting texts will serve to steer the further debates in the year to come, and secure the results of this informal dialogue.
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Posted: Nov. 7, 2016 • Permanent link:
Categories: Communiqué, NewsIn this article: Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, International Lutheran Council, liturgy
Transmis : 7 nov. 2016 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Communiqué, NewsDans cet article : Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, International Lutheran Council, liturgy

Pope Francis will join people from all over the world in celebration of the ecumenical developments of the Catholic and Lutheran Churches. The event takes place 31 October in southern Sweden. The celebration will be divided into two, one in a cathedral in Lund and one for 10,000 people in a sports arena in Malmö.

The 31 October is called “Reformation Day” by Lutherans. It was the day Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg.

The Lund Cathedral ceremony will be a prayer with the pope and the president of the Lutheran church together. It’s the first time for something like this to happen. Then later that day, there will be performances, songs and prayers in Malmö. All of them will be under the general theme of “Together in Hope”.

The programme will include testimonies of people from around the world. One of the speakers is Marguerite Barankitse, the “Mother of Burundi”. She is the founder of “Maison Shalom”. It helps orphans of the civil war lead a normal life. They can get an education and have a chance at a good future. She has experienced brutal war, but continues to have hope for peace.
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Posted: Oct. 25, 2016 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Lutheran World Federation, Pope Francis, Reformation
Transmis : 25 oct. 2016 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Lutheran World Federation, Pope Francis, Reformation

The relationship between the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) and the Roman Catholic Church was both broadened and deepened during a series of meetings at the Vatican on Friday, 10 June. WCRC and Roman Catholic officials, including Pope Francis, found reasons for celebration as well as a renewed urgency to work more closely together.

“It was both a joy and a mission fulfilled today to have a strong response from Pope Francis to affirm our common mission,” said Chris Ferguson, WCRC general secretary.

In his official address to Pope Francis, Ferguson stated that it was with a sense of both “joy and urgency” that these meetings were taking place. “Our joy comes from knowing that through repentance and dialogue we are growing closer to the unity that is Christ’s gift to the church, so that all may believe,” he said, noting the progress made through official dialogues and the process of associating with the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ).
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Posted: June 13, 2016 • Permanent link:
Categories: Communiqué, NewsIn this article: Dicastery for Justice and Peace, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Reformed churches, World Communion of Reformed Churches
Transmis : 13 juin 2016 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Communiqué, NewsDans cet article : Dicastery for Justice and Peace, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Reformed churches, World Communion of Reformed Churches

On May 6-7, 2016 the Dialogue Group of the International Lutheran Council (ILC) and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) met for the second time. The venue was the Augustinian Monastery at Erfurt, Germany. Delegates on the Roman Catholic side were Dr. Josef Freitag (Erfurt, Germany) Dr. Grant Kaplan (Mainz, Germany/St. Louis, USA), Dr. Burkhard Neumann (Paderborn, Germany) and Fr. Dr. Augustinus Sander (Maria Laach, Germany). Delegates on the Lutheran side were Rev. Dr. Albert Collver III (St. Louis, USA), Dr. Werner Klän (Oberursel, Germany) Dr. John Stephenson (St. Catharines, Canada), Dr. Roland Ziegler (Ft. Wayne, USA). Unable to attend the meeting were Lutheran delegate Dr. Gerson Linden (Sao Leopoldo, Brasil) and Roman Catholic delegate Dr. Wolfgang Thoenissen (Paderborn, Germany).
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Posted: May 12, 2016 • Permanent link:
Categories: Communiqué, NewsIn this article: dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, International Lutheran Council
Transmis : 12 mai 2016 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Communiqué, NewsDans cet article : dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, International Lutheran Council

Father Tony Currer, officer responsibile for Anglican Relations at the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU), brought a message of greeting to all the participants of the 16th Anglican Consultative Council Meeting, in Lusaka (8 to 19 April) from His Eminence Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the PCPCU.
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Posted: Apr. 12, 2016 • Permanent link:
Categories: ACNSIn this article: Anglican Consultative Council, Catholic, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Kurt Koch
Transmis : 12 avril 2016 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ACNSDans cet article : Anglican Consultative Council, Catholic, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Kurt Koch

Representatives of the Roman Catholic Church and the International Lutheran Council (ILC) met October 7-8 on the campus of the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Oberursel, Germany to initiate a three-year series of informal academic dialogues. Bishop Hans-Jörg Voigt, Chairman of the ILC, greeted the participants and wished them God’s blessing and good progress for their discussions.

The way had been paved for this consultation by a three-year series of talks carried out on a national level within Germany. Because of the positive developments achieved at that time, representatives of the Johann-Adam-Möhler Institute and the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Oberursel had appealed for discussions to continue on an international basis.
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Posted: Oct. 16, 2015 • Permanent link:
Categories: Communiqué, NewsIn this article: dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, International Lutheran Council
Transmis : 16 oct. 2015 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Communiqué, NewsDans cet article : dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, International Lutheran Council

An international Evangelical-Roman Catholic consultation will meet in Saskatoon Aug. 31 to Sept. 4, offering the public a rare chance to learn more about the international dialogue process, and the relationship between Catholic and Evangelical Christians around the world.

The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) and the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity convened this round of international consultation in 2009. The group of 14 theologians, pastors and other leaders from Brazil, Columbia, the Philippines, Guatemala, Kenya, Spain, Italy, Germany, the United States and Canada have been discussing challenging issues that have divided Catholics and Evangelicals, including the relationship between scripture and tradition, and the role of the church in salvation.

At the international level, there have been two earlier phases of dialogue between Roman Catholics and Evangelicals. The first phase resulted in the 1984 report Evangelical-Roman Catholic Dialogue on Mission. The broad focus of the report was on the Christian mission, but it included initial treatment of a variety of theological points of tension, including the scriptures, salvation, the church, Mary and the saints, and the sacraments. A second phase of dialogue (1993- 2002) produced a report entitled Church, Evangelization and the Bonds of Koinonia.

The current round of international consultation has held meetings in São Paulo, Brazil (2009); Rome, Italy (2011); Wheaton/Chicago, USA (2012); Guatemala City, Guatemala (2013); Bad Blankenburg, Germany (2014), and finally this year’s gathering in Saskatoon.
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Posted: Aug. 24, 2015 • Permanent link:
Categories: Evangelical-Roman Catholic DialogueIn this article: Christian unity, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Saskatoon, World Evangelical Alliance
Transmis : 24 aoüt 2015 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Evangelical-Roman Catholic DialogueDans cet article : Christian unity, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Saskatoon, World Evangelical Alliance

Last month, Rome was the venue of the 50-year anniversary of the Joint Working Group (JWG) of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Roman Catholic Church (RCC). Established in 1965, as a consequence of the pro-ecumenical Second Vatican Council, the JWG met in the Italian capital June 22–24 to begin its 10th round of ecumenical conversations.

Expressing gratitude for the “new momentum in collective efforts to manifest our common faith in God, the creator, and our commitment to common service,” WCC general secretary Olav Fykse Tveit addressed RCC leaders at a June 23 ceremony in the ecumenical Centro Pro Unione.

His remarks were summarized in a WCC media release. “The unity agenda remains at the heart of all our efforts for common witness and contributions to ensure more justice and peace for people and creation,” said Tveit. “We are grateful and even proud of 50 years as a working group between these great major ecumenical instruments in the world, the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the World Council of Churches.”
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Posted: July 7, 2015 • Permanent link:
Categories: Anglican JournalIn this article: Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Joint Working Group, Olav Fykse Tveit, WCC
Transmis : 7 juil. 2015 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Anglican JournalDans cet article : Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Joint Working Group, Olav Fykse Tveit, WCC

The five-year trilateral dialogue between Lutherans, Roman Catholics and Mennonites focusing on baptism has reached its halfway point, with the continued study on “Baptism and Incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church.”

The trilateral dialogue commission of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF), Mennonite World Conference (MWC) and the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU), held its third meeting, 9-13 February at Elspeet, Netherlands, on the topic, “Baptism: Communicating Grace and Faith.”

Besides hearing presentations on the topic of the meeting from all three dialogue parties, the commission this time paid special attention to baptismal rites in the Mennonite tradition. It further reviewed the work of the two previous meetings, and agreed on an outline for a final report due in 2017. The members also had opportunity to meet with leaders of the local Mennonite community to learn about the life of the Dutch Mennonite church today, including their practice of baptism in a highly secularized society.
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Posted: Feb. 20, 2015 • Permanent link:
Categories: Communiqué, Lutheran World InformationIn this article: baptism, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Lutheran World Federation, Mennonite World Conference
Transmis : 20 févr. 2015 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Communiqué, Lutheran World InformationDans cet article : baptism, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Lutheran World Federation, Mennonite World Conference

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) will jointly host an ecumenical event in the fall of 2016 as a continuation of the process “From Conflict to Communion” and to express the joint gifts received through dialogue, particularly in anticipation of the 500th Reformation anniversary in 2017. 2017 also marks 50 years of ecumenical dialogue between the LWF and the Roman Catholic Church.

Within the framework of the forthcoming Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, it is important for the LWF and PCPCU to communicate to the wider ecumenical constituency that they have begun deliberations on the details of the event that comes a year before the global Reformation anniversary.

The joint event in 2016 will highlight the solid ecumenical developments between Catholics and Lutherans which are captured in their joint report From Conflict to Communion – Lutheran-Catholic Common Commemoration of the Reformation in 2017.
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Posted: Jan. 15, 2015 • Permanent link:
Categories: Lutheran World Information, Vatican NewsIn this article: 2017, Catholic, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Lutheran World Federation, Reformation
Transmis : 15 janv. 2015 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Lutheran World Information, Vatican NewsDans cet article : 2017, Catholic, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Lutheran World Federation, Reformation

Every year those who hold official positions in the Anglican Communion with regard to Roman Catholic relations meet with their counterparts in the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) for what are termed “the Informal Talks”. These are sessions when information is shared about developments in each Communion (including our ecumenical relations with other partners) and the progress in the dialogue between us is monitored and assessed.

I participate in these “Informal Talks” in my role as the Anglican Co-Chairman of the International Anglican-Roman Catholic Communion for Unity and Mission (IARCCUM) along with the Anglican Co-Chairman of ARCIC, who also happens to be the Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome, Archbishop Sir David Moxon. The Anglican Communion’s Director of Unity, Faith and Order, the Revd Canon Dr Alyson Barnett-Cowan attends, as well as the Secretary General of the Communion, the Revd Canon Dr Kenneth Kearon. The Roman Catholic Church fields our opposite numbers.

At our recent sessions Canon Kearon, who has recently been elected Bishop of Limerick and Killaloe in his home Church of Ireland, was given a gift by Bishop Brian Farrell, the Secretary of the PCPCU. It was an Episcopal ring. Canon Kearon said of this moving gesture, “This is both a personal gift from someone who has become a good friend during our annual meetings and other conversations, and also symbolic of the deep relationships which now exist between our two Communions, which are now being expressed at every level of our Churches”.

It was a gesture reminiscent of the visit of Archbishop of Canterbury Michael Ramsey to Pope Paul VI in 1966. At that time, the Pope gave an Episcopal ring to the Archbishop. That historic meeting led to the setting up of the Anglican Centre in Rome and to the inauguration of the official dialogue between the two Communions.
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Posted: Nov. 29, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: Dialogue, NewsIn this article: Anglican Communion, ARCIC, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, IARCCUM
Transmis : 29 nov. 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Dialogue, NewsDans cet article : Anglican Communion, ARCIC, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, IARCCUM

Discrimination, persecution and violence against Christians and churches around the world is set for further exposure after a group representing high profile Christian churches and organizations agreed to pursue together an international response on the issue.

A meeting convened by the Global Christian Forum in Strasbourg, France, including representatives from the Vatican, the World Council of Churches, the World Evangelical Alliance and the Pentecostal World Fellowship, agreed on 9 September to press ahead with a global gathering on the issue of ‘Christian discrimination, persecution and martyrdom’ for late 2015.
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Posted: Sept. 10, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Global Christian Forum, martyrdom, Pentecostal World Fellowship, persecution, religious freedom, WCC, World Evangelical Alliance
Transmis : 10 sept. 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Global Christian Forum, martyrdom, Pentecostal World Fellowship, persecution, religious freedom, WCC, World Evangelical Alliance

« Je demeure encouragé par notre travail mutuel » a commenté John Rempel de Toronto en Ontario, un des participants mennonites de la deuxième rencontre de la commission du dialogue trilatéral sur le baptême entre les mennonites, les catholiques er les luthériens qui a eu lieu du 26 au 31 janvier 2014.

Le thème général du dialogue qui s’étend sur une période de quatre ans est : « Baptême et intégration dans le Corps du Christ, l’Église ». Le sujet à l’étude cette année était « Le baptême : grâce de Dieu en Christ et péché humain ».

« Chacun a droit à un traitement égal même si nous sommes de loin la plus petite communion, dit Rempel, nous cherchons tous à repenser les questions dans le contexte du 21e siècle, pas seulement du 16e siècle. »
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Posted: July 4, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Catholic, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Lutheran World Federation, Mennonite World Conference
Transmis : 4 juil. 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Catholic, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Lutheran World Federation, Mennonite World Conference

“I continue to be inspired by the mutuality of our work,” commented John Rempel of Toronto, Ontario, one of the Mennonite participants in the 26-31 January 2014 second meeting of the Trilateral (Catholic, Lutheran, Mennonite) Dialogue Commission on Baptism. The general topic of the dialogue, which is to extend over four years, is “Baptism and Incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church.” The theme for this year was “Baptism: God’s Grace in Christ and Human Sin”.

“Everyone is treated equally even though we are by far the smallest confession,” noted Rempel. “We are all trying to rethink the issues in terms of the 21st century, not only the 16th century.” He commented further, “I find myself grappling especially with two aspects of this year’s meeting. I’m discovering how important sacraments are to Lutherans and Catholics as expressions of God’s initiative: God is mysteriously at work by means of prayer and water, whether we respond to it or not. And yet I can’t understand God’s initiative in the New Testament without the human response to grace.”
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Posted: July 4, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Catholic, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Lutheran World Federation, Mennonite World Conference
Transmis : 4 juil. 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Catholic, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Lutheran World Federation, Mennonite World Conference

Theologians from the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) met together 6-12 April at Coatbridge, Scotland, for their fourth session in the fourth phase of the International Reformed-Catholic Dialogue.

The theme designated for this current phase of the dialogue, which is slated to conclude in 2017, is “Justification and Sacramentality: The Christian Community as an Agent for Justice.”

The two teams discussed several papers on topics related to the theme of justice. Marina Behara presented a paper titled “Sanctification: The middle term between justification and justice.” Jorge Scampini presented a paper on “The relationship between the Eucharist and justice from a Catholic perspective.” George Hunsinger addressed the topic “The Eucharist and social ethics.” Peter De Mey offered a paper on “Justification and the universal call to holiness.”
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Posted: Apr. 16, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: CommuniquéIn this article: dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, ecumenism, justice, World Communion of Reformed Churches
Transmis : 16 avril 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : CommuniquéDans cet article : dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, ecumenism, justice, World Communion of Reformed Churches

Representatives of the Lutheran World Federation, the Mennonite World Conference and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity met in Strasbourg, France, from 26 to 31 January 2014 for the second meeting of the Trilateral Dialogue Commission. The general topic of the dialogue “Baptism and Incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church” was developed in the meeting through papers on the theme “Baptism: God’s Grace in Christ and Human Sin”. Archbishop Luis Augusto Castro Quiroga and Rev. Gregory Fairbanks (Catholic), Professors Alfred Neufeld and Fernando Enns (Mennonite) and Professor Friederike Nüssel (Lutheran) presented papers on this topic. The commission also continued to study the baptismal rites of each participating Christian tradition, with special attention in this meeting to the Lutheran tradition, particularly regarding the contextualization of baptismal rites in the African region. Papers on these themes were presented by Professor Sarah Hinlicky-Wilson and Rev. Dr Kenneth Mtata. The commission began its working days with prayers and joint reflections on biblical texts relating to baptism.
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Posted: Jan. 31, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: Communiqué, Lutheran World InformationIn this article: Catholic, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Lutheran World Federation, Mennonite World Conference
Transmis : 31 janv. 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Communiqué, Lutheran World InformationDans cet article : Catholic, dialogue, Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Lutheran World Federation, Mennonite World Conference

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