Members of the dialogue between the Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church met in Kerala, India (12 Dec. 2022). Credit: DPCU
Members of the dialogue between the Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church met in Kerala, India (12 Dec. 2022). Credit: DPCU
Members of the dialogue between the Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church met in Kerala, India (12 Dec. 2022). Credit: DPCU
Members of the dialogue between the Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church met in Kerala, India (12 Dec. 2022). Credit: DPCU
Members of the dialogue between the Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church met in Kerala, India (12 Dec. 2022). Credit: DPCU
Members of the dialogue between the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church and the Catholic Church met in Kerala, India (13 Dec. 2022). Credit: DPCU
Members of the dialogue between the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church and the Catholic Church met in Kerala, India (13 Dec. 2022). Credit: DPCU
Members of the dialogue between the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church and the Catholic Church met in Kerala, India (13 Dec. 2022). Credit: DPCU
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Dialogue with the Malankara Orthodox Churches
— Dec. 14, 202214 déc. 2022
As customary every year a delegation of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity took part in the theological dialogues with the Malankar Orthodox Churches, held in Kerala, India, from 12–14 December 2022. The delegation comprised Bishop Brian Farrell, Secretary of the Dicastery, and Revd Hyacinthe Destivelle, Official responsible for the Oriental Orthodox Churches. Two parallel dialogues were established with the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church and the Malankara (Jacobite) Syrian Orthodox Church, respectively in 1989 and 1990, and were maintained even after the foundation in 2003 of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches.
As planned in the last meeting in 2019 (see report), Revd Dr Addai Jacob and Revd Dr Philip Nelpuraparampil presented papers on the fruits of the dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church, and Revd Dr Jacob Thekkeparampil offered a reflection on “The Church According to Jacob of Sarug”, with special reference to Simon Peter’s role. The Commission also deliberated on a revised version of the Joint Pastoral Guidelines for Inter-Church Marriages.
The Catholic Church was represented by Archbishop Thomas Mar Koorilos, Archbishop Mathew Moolakatt, Bishop Selvister Ponnumuthan, Revd Fr Augustine Kadeparambil, Revd Fr Xavier Koodapuzha, Revd Fr Philip Nelpuraparampil, Revd Fr Jacob Thekkeparampil, and Revd Fr Hyacinthe Destivelle (Co-Secretary).
The Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church delegation comprised Metropolitan Mor Anthimos Mathews, Metropolitan Mor Timotheos Mathews, Revd Adai Jacob (Co-Secretary), Revd Fr Kuriakose Moolayil, Revd Fr Shibu Cherian, Revd Fr Daniel Thattaryil, Revd Fr Biju Parekkatil Mathai, Revd Dr Kuriakose Kollanoor, Revd Dr Prince Paulose, and Dr Anish K. Joy.
As planned in the 2019 meeting (see report), Revd Philip Nelpuraparampil and Metropolitan Abraham Mar Stephanos presented papers on the fruits of the dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. Metropolitan Joseph Mar Dionysius presented a paper entitled “Impacts of Climate Change and Ecological Concerns: Response Strategy of Adaptation and Mitigation”. Revd Reji Mathew offered a paper entitled “Guidelines for Common Catechism”, reflecting on the need of the publishing of common Catechetical texts in the current context of crisis of the transmission of faith. The Commission discussed updates on various practical projects: a “Source Book on Ecclesiastical History”, a “Common Patristic Readings for 365 Days”, and diverse proposals for pastoral cooperation.
The Catholic Church was represented by Archbishop Thomas Mar Koorilos, Archbishop Mathew Moolakatt, Bishop Selvister Ponnumuthan, Bishop Mar Joseph Kallarangatt, Revd Fr Augustine Kadeparambil, Revd Fr Xavier Koodapuzha, Revd Fr Philip Nelpuraparampil, Revd Fr Jacob Thekkeparampil, and Revd Fr Hyacinthe Destivelle (Co-Secretary).
The Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church delegation comprised Metropolitan Yakub Mar Irenaios, Metropolitan Yuhanon Mar Chrysostomos, Metropolitan Joseph Mar Dionysius, Metropolitan Abraham Mar Stephanos (Co-Secretary), Metropolitan Yuhanon Mar Dioscoros, Revd Baby Varghese, Revd Reji Mathew, Revd Jossi Jacob, Revd Jose John, Revd Koshy Vaidyan, and Revd Mathew Varghese.