No peace among the nations without peace among the religions;
No peace among the religions without dialogue between the religions;
No dialogue between the religions without investigation of the foundations of the
Global Ethic project
Pas de paix dans le monde sans paix entre les religions;
pas de paix entre les religions sans dialogue entre les religions;
pas de dialogue entre les religions sans une recherche sur les principes à l'intérieur
de chaque religion.
Projet d'éthique planétaire
Below you will find links to various religious communities, interreligious institutes
and dialogues, and interreligious resources. The understanding of
"interreligious" used here involves the interaction between the living faiths of
the world. Thus, for example, Christian-Muslim dialogue is considered to be interreligious
while internal Christian dialogue is reserved to the "ecumenical"
This page presumes the evident value of dialogue between religious traditions. We are
not proposing a blending of traditions, nor are we opposing such dialogue. These resources
are intended to allow members of all faiths to learn more about each other and to
appreciate more fully the riches of the world's religious experiences.
We have not confirmed the accuracy of all of these URL's. We would be interested in
your Please help us to make this a better resource.
Religious communities
Religions et cultes
- Al Shura
- Association of Progressive
Muslims of Canada
- Bahá'í World
Official site of the Bahá'í faith
- Canadian Council of Muslim
The Golden Rule poster, developed by the Scarboro Missions
Interfaith Dialogue office. You are free to download, post and print (in volume) the poster in numerous languages:
Bilingual - English & French,
- Canadian Islamic
- First Nations Seeker
Directory of Canada's First Nations portals
- Islamic Circle of North America
- Islamic Foundation
- Islamic Society, York Region
- Le monde bahá'í
La foi bahá'íe
- Mormon links (The Church of Jesus Christ
and Latter-Day Saints)
Many Christian communities do not consider Mormons to be Christian on
account of differing understandings about the Trinity, the historic creeds, and the canon
of Scripture. However, in view of the fact that our website is dedicated to dialogue,
links are provided to various resources that may be of interest to our users.
- Muslim Canadian
"The Muslim Canadian Congress is a grassroots organization that provides a voice to
Muslims who are not represented by existing organizations; organizations that are either
sectarian or ethnocentric, largely authoritarian, and influenced by a fear of modernity
and an aversion to joy." [from the website]
- Toronto Area Regional Islamic
- Union of American Hebrew Congregations
- Unitarian Universalist Association
- World Council of
Churches "Religions of the World"
A webpage containing links to religious communities around the world.
Interreligious institutes and dialogues
Instituts et dialogues interreligieux
- Across Boundaries Multifaith
"ABMI is a new Canadian educational organization providing a
venue in which people from diverse traditions and beliefs can begin to communicate with
one another, in a context of growing mutual understanding and sympathy. The activities of
ABMI include: publishing Voices Across Boundaries, a bimonthly magazine treating
public events from a perspective of faith and matters of faith in an accessible way;
publishing Vox Feminarum, a twice-yearly magazine focusing on feminist
spirituality; sponsoring regular lectures, seminars, mini-courses and research; developing
study materials; organizing multifaith conferences and summer retreats; maintaining a
website." [from the website]
- Amicizia
Ebraico-Christiana di Torino (Italy)
- The Australian Council of
Christians and Jews (Victoria, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, West
- Canadian Council of Christians and Jews
"The CCCJ was incorporated in 1947. It reflected the European
origins of most Canadians, seeking to build bridges between Christians and Jews who shared
almost two thousand years of religious tension and antisemitic hostility that climaxed in
the Holocaust. Business, political, and religious leaders came together, guided by a
vision of Canada as a nation founded on, bound together by, and dedicated to the moral
ideals of peace, justice, freedom of conscience and the universal Brotherhood/Sisterhood
of humanity.
"The Council seeks by educational means to promote justice, friendship, understanding
and cooperation among Canadians differing in race, religion or ethnic origin. It analyzes
and moderates intergroup prejudices which distort cultural, social, business, and
political relations with a view to establish a social order where the ideals of peace and
justice become the standards of human relationships.
"The Council has since its beginning been a symbol of peace in action, proving that
Jews and Christians could work together, despite real differences, to promote dialogue,
education and community action for everyone's benefit. As the religious composition of
Canadian society has been changing over the years, the Council has engaged in interfaith
relations and dialogues other than between Christians and Jews. However, as our name
implies, we want to continue to encourage the fight against every kind of bigotry,
prejudice and hate based on fear and ignorance, by building confidence mainly between the
two communities.
"We believe that all communities can find a high common ground on which to work
together, if we allow ourselves to be inspired by the spiritual values of the world's
great faiths. It is not enough "to live and let live" each in isolation; not
enough to speak out only when there is trouble, or when "I" or "my
people" are victims; not enough to rely on government programs and civil servants to
make the country work. In the interest of the country truly "strong and free",
each of us must actively and constantly be "my brother's and sister's
keeper"." (from the Jewish-Christian
Relations website)
- Canadian Council of
Christians and Jews - Alberta
"The Council's programs in the 1950's and 1960's helped lay the
secure foundation for the peaceful building of the Canadian cultural mosaic before the
invention of the word multiculturalism. After 1950 Chapters of the Council were
established in major cities of Western Canada and for many years the Council had its
office for the Western Region in Calgary. In 1987 the Canadian Council of Christians and
Jews, Alberta, was formed on a strictly volunteer basis. ... The Presbyterian, Lutheran,
United, Roman Catholic and Anglican churches (PLURA) and the Orthodox, Conservative and
Liberal synagogues are officially represented on the Board of the Alberta Region. These
representatives work side by side with a number of volunteer directors." (from the
- Centro de Estudios
Judeo-Cristianos (Spain)
- Christian - Jewish Dialogue of Toronto
"The CJDT works to promote, encourage and facilitate a better
understanding between members of the Christian and Jewish communities, with the hope of
eliminating the prejudice and bigotry which has marred Christian-Jewish relations for
generations. The CJDT does not believe in proselytizing." (from the website)
- Christian - Jewish Relation &
"CJRE is a ministry of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion in North
America. Begun in 1986, CJRE is inspired by the commitment expressed by Vatican Council II
in Nostra Aetate regarding the relationship of the church to the Jewish people.
Conscious that Christianity is linked to Judaism from its origin to its final destiny,
CJRE seeks to: witness in the church and in the world that God's faithful love for the
Jewish people has never been revoked; (cf., Pope John Paul II); ensure the rights of all
people by helping to bring the values of the Christian and Jewish faith traditions to work
for a just peace through understanding, reconciliation and partnership." [from the
- Commission on Interreligious
Affairs of Reform Judaism (U.S.A.)
- CoNexus Multifaith Media
"Offering books, calendars, music, gifts, CD-ROMs, posters, and
video on: understanding world religions and spiritual traditions; interfaith and
faith-based organizations to serve your needs; new ways of creating a sense of community
and cooperation among religions." CoNexus distributes the "Golden Rule"
poster designed and produced by the Scarboro Mission Interfaith Dialogue office. They also
distribute the Multifaith Calendar, produced by the Multifaith Action Society,
Port Moody, British Columbia. To order or for information, call toll-free: 1-877-784-7779,
or contact the at .
- Council for a Parliament of the World's
"The mission of the Council for a Parliament of the World's
Religions is to cultivate harmony between the world's religious and spiritual communities
and foster their engagement with the world and its other guiding institutions in order to
achieve a peaceful, just, and sustainable world. The vision of the Council for a
Parliament of the World's Religions is of a just, peaceful and sustainable world in which:
The Earth and all life are cherished, protected, healed and restored; Religious and
cultural fears and hatreds are replaced with understanding and respect; People everywhere
come to know and care for their neighbors; The richness of human and religious diversity
is woven into the fabric of communal, civil, societal and global life; The world's most
powerful and influential institutions move beyond narrow self-interest to realize the
common good; Religious and spiritual communities live in harmony and contribute to a
better world from their riches of wisdom and compassion; All people commit to living out
their highest values and aspirations." [from the website]
- Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian
Relations (USA)
- Council of Christians
and Jews (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia)
- Council of Christians and Jews
(United Kingdom)
- Council of Christians and Jews
- Council of Christians and Jews
(Western Australia)
- Council of Muslim Communities of
- Deutscher
KoordinierungsRat der Gesellschaften fuer Christlich-Juedische Zusammenarbeit
der deutschen Gesellschaften
- Dialogue Institute
The Dialogue Institute leads and sustains a movement of interreligious and intercultural dialogue within an academic setting, on a global scale. It draws its energy from intellectual inquiry, critical thinking and open exchange, enjoying its unique position on the urban campus of a secular public university. The Dialogue Institute works collaboratively with other universities, non-governmental organizations, and the business and public sectors and aims at creating an atmosphere of trust and fostering knowledge and mutual understanding in a global context.
Based at Temple University in Philadelphia, as an outreach arm of the
Journal of Ecumenical Studies, the work of the Dialogue Institute focuses in six primary areas: Interreligious dialogue training for groups of scholars, religious leaders, community activists and others; International networking and program development; Muslim-Christian-Jewish
"trialogues," seminars, projects and conferences; Development and distribution of ecumenical and interreligious resources; Advancement of interreligious scholarship, in cooperation with the Temple University Religion Department; Promoting awareness and action on behalf of religious freedom.
- Ecumenical Institute for
Jewish-Christian Studies (Southfield, Michigan)
- Edmonton Interfaith Centre for Education & Action
- Encounter World Religions Centre
(Guelph, Ontario)
- Florida Interfaith
Networking in Disaster
FIND is a coalition of faith-based organizations, partnered with
allied agencies and each other, which promotes networking to prepare Florida's communities
for the effects of disaster, and in the aftermath, facilitates spiritual and long-term
practical aid.
- Fondation Éthique
Planétaire recherche, formation, rencontre entre les cultures et entre les religions
Le problème d'une « éthique planétaire » remonte au livre-programme
intitulé Projet d'éthique planétaire (1990 ; traduction française aux Editions du
Seuil, 1991). Dans ce livre, l'auteur, Hans Küng, lance et justifie l'idée que les
religions ne pourront contribuer à la paix dans le monde qu'en réfléchissant à ce qui
dès à présent leur est commun dans le domaine des convictions éthiques. Un consensus
de base doit être réalisé dans l'avenir autour de valeurs permanentes indiscutables, de
critères de jugement intagibles et d'attitudes personnelles fondamentales. Le
« projet d'éthique planétaire » est porté par les convictions essentielles
suivantes : pas de paix dans le monde sans paix entre les religions ; pas de
paix entre les religions sans dialogue entre les religions ; pas de dialogue entre
les religions sans une recherche sur les principes à l'intérieur de chaque religion.
Cette recherche autour des principes à promouvoir a abouti à un premier résultat
d'importance: la « Déclaration sur l'éthique planétaire », proclamée par
l'Assemblée des religions du monde à Chicago en 1993 et rédigée d'abord dans ses
grandes lignes par Hans Küng, dans le cadre et à l'initiative de l'Institut d'Etudes
Œcuméniques de l'Université de Tübingen. Avec cette Déclaration, des représentants
de toutes les religions se sont, pour la première fois, mis d'accord sur des principes
d'une éthique planétaire. Ils se sont engagés en faveur de quatre orientations
irréversibles, à concrétiser dans les situations particulières : engagement à
promouvoir une culture de la non-violence et du respect de toute vie ; engagement à
promouvoir une culture de la solidarité et un ordre économique juste ; engagement
à promouvoir une culture de la tolérance et une vie selon la vérité ; engagement
à promouvoir une culture de l'égalité et du partenariat entre hommes et femmes.
- Global Ethic Foundation
for Inter-cultural and Inter-religious Research, Education and Encounter
"The question of a Global Ethic stems from Professor Hans Küng's
book "Global Responsibility" (1990), which was first published in English in
1991. This book developed programmatically the idea that the religions of the world can
make a contribution to the peace of humankind only if they reflect on those elements of an
ethic which they already have in common: on a fundamental consensus on binding values,
irrevocable standards and personal attitudes. ... The first major result of this
investigation of the foundation of the religions was the "Declaration towards a
Global Ethic" which was endorsed by the Parliament of the World's Religions in
Chicago in 1993. The draft was written by Hans Küng in the Institute for Ecumenical
Research at the University of Tübingen. With this declaration, for the first time
representatives of all the religions reached agreement on principles for a global ethic
and committed themselves to four irrevocable directives, which took the following concrete
form: Commitment to a culture of non-violence and respect for life; Commitment to a
culture of solidarity and a just economic order; Commitment to a culture of tolerance and
a life of truthfulness; Commitment to a culture of equal rights and partnership between
men and women." (from the website)
- Interfaith Center of New York
- Interfaith Conference of
Metropolitan Washington
- Interfaith Dialogue
(Canberra, Australian Capital Territory)
- Interfaith Ministries (Wichita, Kansas)
- Interfaith News
- Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston
- Interfaith Voices for Peace and
"A communications network for faith-based activist groups. Our
network provides a variety of ways that representatives from these groups can interact
with one another in the search for a common peace and justice agenda. We believe that the
fundamental principles of most religions have much in common, and that these principles
can provide a foundation for enlightened social action."
- International
Association for Religious Freedom
- International Council of Christians and
"Serving as the umbrella organisation of 36 national
Jewish-Christian dialogue organisations world-wide. The ICCJ member organisations
world-wide over the past five decades have been successfully engaged in the historic
renewal of Jewish-Christian relations. Founded as a reaction to the Holocaust, the Shoah,
in the awareness that ways must be found to examine the deeply engrained roots of
mistrust, hatred and fear that culminated in one of the worst evils in human history,
theologians, historians and educators included the still fragile structure of
enlightenment and the human rights movements of the inter-war period. ... In more recent
years the ICCJ and its members increasingly engaged in the Abrahamic dialogue: the
encounter between Jews, Christians and Muslims. The ICCJ's efforts to promote
Jewish-Christian dialogue provide models for wider interfaith relations, particularly
dialogue among Jews, Christians, and Muslims. ... Through its annual conferences and other
consultations the ICCJ offers a platform where people of different religious backgrounds
examine current issues across national and religious boundaries, enabling face-to-face
exchanges of experience and expertise." [from the website]
- International Fellowship of Christians
and Jews
"The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews was founded
in 1983 to promote understanding and cooperation between Jews and Christians and to build
broad support for Israel and other shared concerns. Our vision is that Jews and Christians
will reverse their 2,000-year history of discord and replace it with a relationship marked
by dialogue, understanding, respect and cooperation. Based in Chicago and
Jerusalem, IFCJ operates under the leadership of Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein and is
governed by an independent board of directors, people from both faith groups who share our
strong belief in building bridges between the Christian and Jewish communities."
[from the website]
- International Interfaith
Center (IIC, Oxford, UK)
"IIC facilitates networking, encounter, education and research
between religious and spiritual individuals, organisations, and communities throughout the
world. IIC promotes international interfaith activity to: Create understanding and harmony
between people of diverse faith traditions; Identify positive models to support
cooperation, peacebuilding and human rights; Address global critical issues; Contribute to
conflict transformation. IIC initiates projects, conferences, seminars, publications and
consultancies to further these aims and encourage the peaceful and harmonious engagement
of religious and secular people in our world." (from the website)
- Interreligiöse
Arbeitsstelle - INTR°A
The Institute for Interreligious Studies, Institut de Recherches Interreligieuses,
Nachrodt, Deutschland. Email:
- Interreligious Coordinating Council in
- Israel Interfaith
- Jewish Christian Relations
"This site (owned and maintained by the International Council of Christians and Jews)
is concerned with issues in the on-going Christian-Jewish dialogue. It is not about
conversion or Christian-Jewish messianism. Here are articles, bibliographies and other
resources, pages of Christian-Jewish organizations, addresses of and links to institutes
and groups involved in the dialogue, statements of churches, joint statements, as well as
news, events and reports. Many contributions are also available in German, Spanish,
Portuguese and Russian." [from the website]
- Koordinierungsausschuss für
christlich-jüdische Zusammenarbeit (Oesterreich / Austria)
- Litzom k Litzu (Russia)
- Monastic Interreligious
"MID was established by the Benedictine Confederation in 1978 to
assume a leadership role in the dialogue between Christianity and the great religions of
the East, in cooperation with all others engaged in this dialogue. ... MID encourages the
participation of North American Christian monastics in the encounter between Eastern
religions and Christianity by developing conversations, encounters, and mutual exchange
between monastics of different religions." (from the website)
- Multi-Faith Saskatoon
"Multi-Faith Saskatoon (MFS) brings people together from
different faiths in a spirit of friendship and celebration, to promote understanding and
good will between faith communities. We believe that promoting amity, dialogue and
co-operation among members of different faiths fosters a 'community of religions' in which
the common ethical and spiritual values of all faiths can be better appreciated. Rooting
out religious intolerance and prejudice as a source of conflict by means of interfaith
dialogue is a growing phenomenon at local, national and international levels." [from
the website]
- National Christian Leadership Conference
for Israel (U.S.A.)
- National Conference for Community and
Justice (New York, NY)
- National Workshop on
Christian-Jewish Relations (NWCJR)
"In late November of 1973, some seventy-five people came together
at a retreat center outside Dayton, Ohio, for what the organizers billed as the first
national workshop on Catholic-Jewish relations. Addressing the forum were such luminaries
of the dialogue as Dr. Eva Fleischner, Rabbi Irving Greenberg, and Rev. Edward Flannery.
Subsequent workshops (Memphis 1975; Detroit 1977; Los Angeles 1978; Dallas 1980; Milwaukee
1981; Boston 1983; St. Louis 1984; Baltimore 1986; Minneapolis 1987; Charleston 1989;
Chicago 1990; Pittsburgh 1992; Tulsa 1994 and Stamford 1996) have enlarged the sponsorship
to include Protestant and Orthodox Christians and major Jewish agencies such as the
American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation League, as well as both the Reform and
Conservative branches of Judaism. ... The national workshops, which were the brainchild of
a local women's "living room" dialogue group, have over the years both reflected
the cutting edge of the relationship and moved forward its agenda. Many, perhaps most, of
the leading figures of the Jewish-Christian dialogue, nationally and internationally, have
addressed the Workshop in its plenary or seminar sessions. Its attendance has grown to
over a thousand participants." (Dr. Eugene J. Fischer, from the website)
"The Network for Inter Faith Concerns (NIFCON) is one of the
official networks of the Anglican Communion. The Lambeth Conference in 1998
recognised NIFCON as a way of sharing news, information, ideas and resources among
provinces of the Anglican Communion. NIFCON was also charged to monitor Muslim-Christian
relations and to report regularly. The Anglican Consultative Council at its Eleventh
Plenary meeting (ACC-11) in September 1999 reaffirmed the Lambeth Resolution. Through this
Web site, we hope to keep you informed on events, courses and articles on Inter Faith
matters and serve as a resource for you."
- North American Interfaith Network
- Ontario Consultants on
Religious Tolerance (
"We are a multi-faith group. As of 2006-JAN, we consist of one
Atheist, Agnostic, Christian, Wiccan and Zen Buddhist. Thus, the OCRT staff lack agreement
on almost all theological matters: belief in a supreme being, the nature of God,
interpretation of the Bible and other holy texts, whether life after death exists and what
form it takes, etc." Read the Statement of
beliefs of the OCRT
- Ontario Multifaith Council for Spiritual
and Religious Care
"The Ontario Multifaith Council on spiritual and Religious Care
is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization representing the wide range of
recognized faith groups in the province of Ontario. Through a Memorandum of Agreement, December
1992, with the Government of Ontario, the Ontario Multifaith Council was given the
responsibility to: ensure adequate and appropriate spiritual and religious care for
persons in the care of directly-operated and transfer payment institutions and community
based agencies and programs; assist in the formulation of appropriate responses to
spiritual and religious needs; collaborate in the development of policies and standards
which safeguard spiritual and religious rights; provide an effective liaison between the
faith groups on Ontario and the provincial government." (from the website)
- Overlegorgaan van Joden en
Christenen (Nederland - Holland)
- Quebec Interreligion Secretariat
- Relations
- Religious Freedom page
- Saskatoon
Interfaith Organizations
- Scarboro Missions "Interfaith Dialogue" office.
The Scarboro Missions are a Roman Catholic religious order actively
engaged in development and justice work in Latin America and the Caribeean. Their
headquarters is in Scarborough, a neighbourhood of the new Toronto mega-city. Members of
Scarboro are both clergy and laity. The Interfaith Diocalogue office has been actively
engaged in local and national dialogue projects since 1995. It is responsible for the
"Golden Rule" poster that has been widely circulated.
- Sisters of Our Lady of Sion
- Society of Christians and Jews
(Czech Republic)
- Three-Faiths-Forum (Great Britain)
- United Religions Initiative
- United States Conference of Religions
for Peace
"The USCRP, an affiliate of World Conference on Religion and Peace - International, is
an organization of representatives of religious communities in the United States operating
on the conviction that multi-religious cooperation and common action can be powerful
instruments in the quest for constructive social development, justice, and peace. USCRP
identifies shared commitments to peace among religious communities in the United States,
enhances mutual understanding among these communities, and assists them to mobilize their
resources as it facilitates collaboration to address issues of common concern. USCRP seeks
to contribute to the well-being of civil society and to advance peace-building efforts and
reconciliation in the United States and throughout the world."
- World Conference on Religion and Peace
"The World Conference on Religion and Peace is the largest
international coalition of representatives from the world's great religions who are
dedicated to achieving peace. Respecting cultural differences while celebrating our common
humanity, WCRP is active on every continent and in some of the most troubled places on
earth, creating multi-religious partnerships that mobilize the moral and social resources
of religious people to address their shared problems. ... The World Conference on Religion
and Peace was founded in 1970 to provide leaders of the world's many religions with a
forum in which they can share common concerns, address collective challenges, and express
their hopes for the future."
- World Interfaith Congress
"The World Interfaith Congress is an electronic roundtable forum
for faith-based organizations and their members. Representatives of participating
organizations interact at their convenience, exchanging ideas and dialogue, newsletters,
announcements and action alerts. Members of the general public may participate."
Interreligious resources
Ressources interreligieuse
- Divine Way of Spiritual Heart
Self-described as: "Materials and essays about the Spiritual
Evolution". Their submission included a recommendation to read the Declaration on
Fundamentals of the Common Religion by Vladimir Antonov.
- Faith & Values Media
"Faith & Values Media uses the electronic media to enrich spiritual life, heal wounds by advocating religious tolerance, and build bridges of understanding among people of faith.
Its member association is made up of denominations, organizations and individuals, who represent Christian, Jewish and Muslim groups in the United States. Together, these groups represent more than 200,000 congregations with 120 million congregants.
The programming services of Faith & Values Media are available on Hallmark Channel,, and Faith & Values Media is a service of the National Interfaith Cable Coalition, Inc., established in 1987." [website]
- Interfaith Canada
"The beginning of peace and prosperity is the recognition that
diversity is essential. Today, a growing number of organizations across Canada are
becoming engaged in interfaith activity. To connect these organizations with each other,
Interfaith Canada maintains a database and directory of interfaith and multifaith groups
and activities across Canada. Using the database, Interfaith Canada will create
opportunities for networking, education, and coordinated and concerted activities that
reflect and promote religious diversity and interfaith cooperation. The organization will
coordinate with and serve like-minded provincial and regional organizations, all levels of
government, institutions of civil society, educational institutions and the private
sector. Interfaith Canada represents Canada's growing interfaith milieu on the
international interfaith and multifaith scenes. Interfaith Canada will undertake three
areas of work: dialogue; education; and extension services." [from the website]
- Multifaith Action Society
Situated in Port Moody, British Columbia, this group has been widely
known since 1987 for the production of a beautiful Multifaith Calendar. Calendars include an
introduction to each year's theme; accurate dates and explanations of significant
religious holidays and festivals alongside each month's calendar; concise information
about 13 religions present in North America; essays on the religious uses of calendars and
lunar cycles; and compelling photos and graphics.
- Multi-Faith
- Religions in Canada
A website prepared by the Canadian Department of National Defence. "The purpose of
this reference document is to provide general information and awareness about the various
religious and spiritual practices in Canada. It contains a description of major religious
and spiritual requirements and tenets, including celebrations and observances, as well as
dress, dietary, medical and health requirements. Although this is not the definitive guide
to all religions in Canada, it should assist Commanding Officers and supervisors to
understand and respond to requests for accommodation." [website]
- Les Religions au Canada
Ce site web est publié par le Department de la Défense Nationale et des Forces
Canadiennes. « Le but de cet ouvrage de référence est de fournir de l'information
sur les diverses pratiques religieuses et spirituelles pratiquées au Canada. Il contient
une description des principales croyances et exigences religieuses et spirituelles,
incluant les célébrations et observances, les exigences en matière de soins médicaux
et de santé, ainsi que les codes vestimentaires et alimentaires. Bien qu'il ne s'agisse
pas du guide qui fait autorité sur toutes les religions au Canada ... pour toutes les
religions au Canada, il devrait aider les Commandants et superviseurs à comprendre et à
répondre aux demandes d'aménagement. » [site web]
- Spiritual Culture Dialog Facing
Each Other (Russia)
- Spirituality & Health:
The Soul/Body Connection
"Reports on the people, the practices, and the ideas of the
current spiritual renaissance; offers self-tests, guidance on spiritual practices; reviews
of the latest resources for people on spiritual journeys; inspiration and insights from
leading teachers, researchers, and practitioners; and a forum for the active exchange of
ideas among various disciplines and communities; This website and our bimonthly print
magazine are published by Spirituality & Health Publishing, Inc., a wholly owned
subsidiary of Trinity Church,
Wall Street. The magazine and website are editorially independent. We strive to
address spiritual questions from a diversity of viewpoints, drawing on the world's wisdom
traditions as well as science, psychology, sociology, and medicine." [from the
- Temple of Understanding
- Unity Arts (Multifaith Books and
Interfaith Resources)
A Canadian based online web store and information resource
specializing in books and materials on Multifaith and Comparative Religions, World
Religions, Family and Virtues. They also distribute the Multifaith Calendar, produced by
the Multifaith Action Society in Port Moody, British Columbia.
- Vision TV
"Vision TV is the only multifaith and multicultural television
network in the world. As an independent, not-for-profit public service broadcaster, it is
dedicated to presenting programs that celebrate Canada's diversity and promote
understanding and tolerance between people of different faiths and cultures."