Preparing for Ecumenical Ministries

 — Sept. 23, 200923 sept. 2009

Saskatoon Theological Union (St. Andrew’s College) will be offering a “Preparing for Ecumenical Ministries” course from January 18-22, 2010, for credit or audit. It will run from 9-5 daily. The instructor will be Sandra Beardsall (Professor of Church History and Ecumenics).

The course description is as follows:

Increasing numbers of Christian communities are working ecumenically to facilitate mission and ministry, especially in areas of depopulation or other financial struggle. Many of these choose to link formally as “ecumenical shared ministry” congregations or clusters.

This course will explore the dynamics particular to developing and sustaining ecumenical ministry initiatives in congregational settings. It will introduce participants to the structures of such ministries, and consider issues that are unique to ecumenical congregational relationships. It will include the study of pertinent theological documents and denominational agreements, practical issues like the production of covenants and constitutions, and the pastoral challenges that affect all congregations, but with attention to the nuances for ecumenical ministries, attending to sources of support for clergy and other congregational leaders. Finally, the course will engage questions of our personal struggles and delights in confronting Christian identity and otherness.

Participants will identify and strengthen their gifts for ecumenical ministries, in the context of these many aspects of faith, theology, and leadership. It is open to those already serving in ecumenical ministries (may be taken for STM credit) as well as those who wish to explore the possibilities. An audit course costs $300; credit is $600.

For further information, or to register, contact the Registrar at or call 1-877-644-8970.

Posted: Sept. 23, 2009 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: education, Saskatoon, shared ministry
Transmis : 23 sept. 2009 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : education, Saskatoon, shared ministry

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