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News archive for 2007

Archives d'actualités pour 2007

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This article deals with the first chapter of cardinal Walter Kasper’s booklet “A Handbook of Spiritual Ecumenism” (HSE). The chapter is entitled “Deepening Christian Faith,” and is laid out in two parts. Paragraphs are numbered, making consultation and reference easier.

The first part of this chapter bears the title “The Word of God in Sacred Scripture,” and provides us with much teaching and encouragement. The focus is on how the Word of God in the bible can help Christians come closer to each other: “Everything that can be done to make members of the Churches and Ecclesial Communities read the Word of God, and to do that together when possible… reinforces this bond of unity that already unites them, helps them to be open to the unifying action of God and strengthens the common witness to the saving Word of God which they give to the world.” (at the start of the chapter).
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Posted: Apr. 13, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: Reconciliation & unityIn this article: Bernard de Margerie, spiritual ecumenism, Walter Kasper
Transmis : 13 avril 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Reconciliation & unityDans cet article : Bernard de Margerie, spiritual ecumenism, Walter Kasper

On Wednesday April 11, Pope Benedict XVI published a new book in German on the subject of creation and evolution. The book apparently arises out of the Schülerkreis, a group of his graduate students that continue to meet with him each fall. The annual gatherings have attracted a great deal of attention since Benedict was elected pope, particularly because the participants — each a former student of Benedict — represent some of the most well-known and highly-regarded theologians in Germany and around the world. In 2006 the gathering was held at Castel Gandolfo on the subject of creation and evolution.

It should be remembered that, in his 1950 encyclical Humanae Generis, Pope Pius XII taught that the “hypothesis” of evolution does not conflict with Catholic faith so long as it does not deny “that the spiritual soul is immediately created by God.” In 1996, John Paul II went further and stated that new knowledge leads to the recognition that the theory of evolution is more than an hypothesis. He pointed out, as many biologists would also insist, that there are “theories” of evolution rather than one theory.
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Posted: Apr. 13, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Benedict XVI, books, creation, evolution, Joseph Ratzinger
Transmis : 13 avril 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Benedict XVI, books, creation, evolution, Joseph Ratzinger

Church unity hasn’t happened yet, but Catholics and Anglicans have a new list of concrete suggestions for ways to bring the two churches closer. A joint commission of Catholic and Anglican bishops has produced a 42-page report which aims “to bridge the gap between the elements of faith we hold in common and the tangible expression of that shared belief in our ecclesial lives.” The result of work by theologians and bishops in North America, Europe and Australia, Growing Together in Unity and Mission summarizes the agreements reached in 40 years of Anglican-Roman Catholic dialogue, setting out common belief in the Trinity, the church as communion in mission, Scripture, Baptism, Eucharist, ministry, authority in the church, discipleship and holiness, and the Blessed Virgin Mary. It also sets out in eight boxed sections areas of disagreement. The disagreements take up 15 of the 126 numbered paragraphs in the document.
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Posted: Apr. 13, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: Catholic Register, DialogueIn this article: Anglican, Catholic, Christian unity, dialogue, ecumenism, IARCCUM, mission, witness
Transmis : 13 avril 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Catholic Register, DialogueDans cet article : Anglican, Catholic, Christian unity, dialogue, ecumenism, IARCCUM, mission, witness

A forum on religions’ contribution to a sustainable Saskatoon will be held April 12-13 at Nutana Park Mennonite Church, 1701 Ruth Street. Road Map 2020 and Multi-Faith Saskatoon are collaborating to present a forum on sustainability and faith.
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Posted: Apr. 12, 2007 • Permanent link: In this article: environment, events, interfaith, Saskatoon Transmis : 12 avril 2007 • Lien permanente : Dans cet article : environment, events, interfaith, Saskatoon

Film of captured female sailor Faye Turney shown on Iranian television has highlighted concerns about the increasing number of women forces personnel at risk of abuse and exploitation by an enemy. But they are here to stay

The headlines said it all: warrior, mother, pawn. They were referring to the plight of Leading Seaman Faye Turney, the 26-year-old ship’s boat crewman from the frigate HMS Cornwall, seized by Iranian Revolutionary Guards in the upper Gulf on 23 March along with seven Royal Marines and seven fellow sailors.

Manipulating Faye Turney seems to be central to the tactics of her captors, whoever they really are in the baffling mosaic of intrigue and loyalties in the Revolutionary Guard and the dwindling circle of militant student followers of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian President. They certainly appear to be more disturbed over her role as a woman serving on operations with a British man-o’-war than that of her commanders.
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Posted: Apr. 7, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: Tablet
Transmis : 7 avril 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Tablet

Social Justice Institute 2007: Whose Story? Whose Justice? Imagining Alternatives – with keynote speakers Lee Cormie, Paul Hansen, Kathy Vandergrift, and several other workshop options. This ecumenical event will be held at Newman Theological College, Edmonton. Overnight accomodation, meals available. For brochure with agenda, registration form, more information contact 780-467-2833 or email:
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Posted: Apr. 5, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: ConferencesIn this article: events, justice
Transmis : 5 avril 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ConferencesDans cet article : events, justice

All are invited to an ecumenical Friends of L’Arche Prayer Night, hosted by the L’Arche Saskatoon Project, on Tuesday, April 3 from 7:00-7:45 pm in the chapel at Queen’s House (601 Taylor St. W). We will be participating in a liturgy of the washing of one another’s feet. L’Arche Saskatoon Project is part of an international network of communities where people with and without intellectual disabilities share life together in the spirit of the Gospel and of the Beatitudes that Jesus preached. For more information, contact Wyndham Thiessen at 262-7243 or Robert and Margaret Sanche at 374-5501.
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Posted: Apr. 3, 2007 • Permanent link: In this article: events, L'Arche, prayer Transmis : 3 avril 2007 • Lien permanente : Dans cet article : events, L'Arche, prayer

After eight years of preparation, the Council of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), meeting in Lund, Sweden, from 20 to 27 March, adopted a historic statement on the episcopal ministry.

The full title of the statement is Episcopal Ministry within the Apostolicity of the Church – The Lund Statement by the Lutheran World Federation – A Communion of Churches. It has been developed as a clarification of how the Lutheran churches understand the character and purpose of the ministry of oversight in the church, paying particular attention to how this ministry serves the church’s apostolicity – its continuity with Christ and the apostles.
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Posted: Apr. 2, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: episcopé, Lutheran, Lutheran World Federation
Transmis : 2 avril 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : episcopé, Lutheran, Lutheran World Federation

Le cardinal Walter Kasper, président de l’office au Vatican chargé de promouvoir l’unité des chrétiens, publiait récemment un livret de 96 pages intitulé Manuel d’œcuménisme spirituel (titre abrégé : MOES). La parution de cet ouvrage est un évènement heureux, tant pour les catholiques que pour leurs frères et soeurs d’autres confessions.
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Posted: Mar. 30, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: Reconciliation & unityIn this article: Bernard de Margerie, books, spiritual ecumenism, Walter Kasper
Transmis : 30 mars 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Reconciliation & unityDans cet article : Bernard de Margerie, books, spiritual ecumenism, Walter Kasper

(CECC – Ottawa) Le pape Benoît XVI a nommé Mgr Richard Smith archevêque d’Edmonton. Au moment de sa nomination et depuis son ordination épiscopale en juin 2002, il était évêque de Pembroke. Le siège épiscopal d’Edmonton était vacant depuis le départ de Mgr Thomas Collins qui, en décembre dernier, a été nommé archevêque de Toronto. L’archidiocèse d’Edmonton compte 75 prêtres diocésains, 87 prêtres religieux, deux diacres permanents, 379 religieux et religieuses, et 52 agents de pastorale laïcs au service d’une population de plus de 333 000 catholiques répartis dans 137 paroisses et missions.
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Posted: Mar. 27, 2007 • Permanent link: Transmis : 27 mars 2007 • Lien permanente :

(Ottawa-CCCB) His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI named Bishop Richard Smith as Archbishop of Edmonton. Since his episcopal ordination in June 2002, he has served as Bishop of Pembroke. The Edmonton see has been vacant since Archbishop Thomas Collins was appointed Archbishop of Toronto. The Archdiocese of Edmonton has a population of 333,000 Catholics in 137 parishes and missions served by 75 diocesan priests, 87 religious priests, two permanent deacons and 379 religious Brothers and Sisters as well as 52 lay pastoral workers.
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Posted: Mar. 27, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Catholic
Transmis : 27 mars 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Catholic

The St. Thomas More Just Youth group is hosting a Solidarity and Justice Coffeehouse on Friday, March 23 at 7 p.m. in the STM Cafeteria (1437 College Drive). The cost is $5.00 per person and all proceeds will go to Development and Peace. Come enjoy this wonderful evening of world music and entertainment!

The coffeehouse is sponsored by Just Youth along with the Newman Centre, St. Thomas More College and the University of Saskatchewan Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Services Office. Just Youth is a student-led Development and Peace group. It organizes education campaigns and activities on campus, and encourages students to become involved in local justice initiatives.
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Posted: Mar. 23, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: development, environment, justice, peace, Saskatoon, STM
Transmis : 23 mars 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : development, environment, justice, peace, Saskatoon, STM

Cardinal Walter Kasper, head of the Vatican office responsible for promoting Christian unity, recently published a 96-page booklet entitled A handbook of Spiritual Ecumenism (abbreviated hereafter as HSE). This is a welcome work for both Catholics and fellow-Christians of other church traditions.
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Posted: Mar. 23, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: Reconciliation & unityIn this article: Bernard de Margerie, books, spiritual ecumenism, Walter Kasper
Transmis : 23 mars 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Reconciliation & unityDans cet article : Bernard de Margerie, books, spiritual ecumenism, Walter Kasper

The First General Assembly of the Communion of Churches in India (CCI) held at Santhigiri, Aluva, from March 7-10, was a significant event in the history of ecumenism in India. It marked the beginning of a new development of church relationship and common action among the CNI, the CSI, and the Mar Thoma Church . About seventy representatives from the three Churches including their heads and chief office bearers came together to affirm their preparedness to explore new ways of growing in mutual understanding, and a deepening of their experience of oneness in Christ.
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Posted: Mar. 22, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: ACNSIn this article: ecumenism, India
Transmis : 22 mars 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ACNSDans cet article : ecumenism, India

Stop Aggression! Peace Teach-In is being held in Saskatoon on March 17th at St. Thomas More College (University of Saskatchewan) from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The keynote speaker is writer and activist, Professor Michael Mandel (Osgoode Hall Law School, York University). March 17, 2007 is a pan-Canadian day of action for peace on the fourth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. Visit the Canadian Peace Alliance website for events across the country.
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Posted: Mar. 17, 2007 • Permanent link: In this article: peace, Saskatoon Peace Coalition Transmis : 17 mars 2007 • Lien permanente : Dans cet article : peace, Saskatoon Peace Coalition

We encourage you to explore RJ City, a website that seeks to be “an adventurous and perhaps audacious attempt to imagine a city of 1,000,000 responding as restoratively as possible to all crimes, all victims and all offenders.” RJ is shorthand for restorative justice, an approach to justice that seeks to restore the relationships broken by criminal behaviour. “Restorative justice is a broad term which encompasses a growing social movement to institutionalize peaceful approaches to harm, problem-solving and violations of legal and human rights.” [Wikipedia] Numerous examples of restorative justice are described on this website, and elsewhere on the internet. Perhaps the most familiar form to Canadians is the use of Aboriginal sentencing circles.
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Posted: Mar. 15, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: ResourcesIn this article: conflict transformation, restorative justice
Transmis : 15 mars 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ResourcesDans cet article : conflict transformation, restorative justice

The Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Dr. Helen Caldicott, MD, will speak in Saskatoon on Wednesday, March 7th at 7:30 p.m. at Third Avenue United Church. Her lecture is entitled “Nuclear Power is Not the Answer to Climate Change.” For further information, contact Marion at 306-373-0309; Inter-Church Uranium Committee:; or email
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Posted: Mar. 7, 2007 • Permanent link: In this article: environment, events, nuclear industry, Saskatoon Transmis : 7 mars 2007 • Lien permanente : Dans cet article : environment, events, nuclear industry, Saskatoon

Nous avons un nouveau weblog à annoncer. Commençant immédiatement, un nouveau blog intitulé « Réconciliation et unité » seront disponibles sur le site web « œcuménisme au Canada ». Écrit par l’abbé Bernard de Margerie, le blog est prévu comme endroit pour partager des idées et l’inspiration au sujet de la mission œcuménique de l’église. Bernard était le directeur de fondation du Prairie Centre for Ecumenism en 1984, et a été activement engagé dans l’œcuménisme local au Canada puisque l’appel du deuxième Conseil de Vatican en 1959. Ces dernières années, Bernard avait travaillé au développement des ressources pour la prière œcuménique.
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Posted: Mar. 2, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: Reconciliation & unityIn this article: Bernard de Margerie, website
Transmis : 2 mars 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Reconciliation & unityDans cet article : Bernard de Margerie, website

The annual World Day of Prayer will be observed on March 2, the first Friday of March. The 2007 theme — United Under God’s Tent — has been prepared by women from Paraguay. Worship services are planned around the world. In Saskatoon, the following services are scheduled:
2 p.m. at Calvin Goforth Presbyterian Church, Sommerfeld & 3rd Street
2 p.m. at Knox United Church, 838 Spadina Crescent East at 24th Street
7 p.m. at Parkview Presbyterian Church, 821 Avenue E North
2 p.m. at St. James Anglican Church, 607 Dufferin Avenue at 12th Street
2 p.m. at Wildwood Mennonite Church, 1502 Acadia Drive

Further information about the World Day of Prayer can be found on the website of the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada (WICC) at
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Posted: Mar. 2, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: events, Women's Inter-Church Council of Canada, World Day of Prayer
Transmis : 2 mars 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : events, Women's Inter-Church Council of Canada, World Day of Prayer

Hot off the press! We have a new weblog to announce. Starting immediately, a new blog entitled “Reconciliation & unity” will be available on the Ecumenism in Canada site. Written by Fr. Bernard de Margerie, the blog is intended as place to share ideas and inspiration about the ecumenical mission of the church. Bernard was the founding director of the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism in 1984, and has been actively engaged in local ecumenism in Canada since the call of the Second Vatican Council in 1959. In recent years, Bernard has been working on the development of resources for ecumenical prayer.
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Posted: Mar. 2, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: Reconciliation & unityIn this article: Bernard de Margerie, prayer, website
Transmis : 2 mars 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Reconciliation & unityDans cet article : Bernard de Margerie, prayer, website

Une lecture qui m’a beaucoup influencé, ces dernières années, est celle d’un petit livre intitulé In One Body through the Cross – The Princeton Proposal for Christian Unity (*)
[en un seul corps, au moyen de la croix – La proposition de Princeton au sujet de l’unité chrétienne]. Les auteurs y plaident éloquemment en faveur d’une unité des chrétiens qui soit clairement unité ecclésiale visible (incluant toutes diversités légitimes), la pleine communion du Corps unique du Christ.
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Posted: Mar. 1, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: Reconciliation & unityIn this article: Bernard de Margerie, spiritual ecumenism, Walter Kasper
Transmis : 1 mars 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Reconciliation & unityDans cet article : Bernard de Margerie, spiritual ecumenism, Walter Kasper

One particular reading has strongly influenced me over the past few years, a small book entitled In One Body through the Cross – The Princeton Proposal for Christian Unity.(*) In it the authors plead for a journey towards unity in which the unity sought is clearly that of the one Church of Christ (in all its positive diversities), the visible unity of the one Body.
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Posted: Mar. 1, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: Reconciliation & unityIn this article: Bernard de Margerie, spiritual ecumenism, Walter Kasper
Transmis : 1 mars 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Reconciliation & unityDans cet article : Bernard de Margerie, spiritual ecumenism, Walter Kasper

Il s’agit d’abord d’une attitude intérieure : avoir ou recevoir le désir sincère d’obtenir ce que l’on demande dans la prière. On prie pour la réconciliation et l’unité des chrétiens parce qu’on désire vraiment que, par la grâce de Dieu, les divisions soient abolies.
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Posted: Mar. 1, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: Reconciliation & unityIn this article: Bernard de Margerie, spiritual ecumenism, Walter Kasper
Transmis : 1 mars 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Reconciliation & unityDans cet article : Bernard de Margerie, spiritual ecumenism, Walter Kasper

The first thing here is an inner attitude: the desire to pray this kind of prayer because one has a strong desire for divisions among Christians and their churches to be healed.
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Posted: Mar. 1, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: Reconciliation & unityIn this article: Bernard de Margerie, spiritual ecumenism, Walter Kasper
Transmis : 1 mars 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Reconciliation & unityDans cet article : Bernard de Margerie, spiritual ecumenism, Walter Kasper

Ce titre évoque le chemin que les églises chrétiennes ont à parcourir vers la pleine unité ou communion (koinonia) entre elles. Les églises sont encore et toujours, dans une large mesure, étrangères les unes aux autres. Appelées à se convertir, toutes et chacune, elles ont à se retourner les unes vers les autres, à reconnaître, humblement et en pratique, combien le Seigneur les confie les unes aux autres, combien elles appartiennent ensemble, avec leur riche diversité, au seul et unique Corps du Christ.
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Posted: Mar. 1, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: Reconciliation & unityIn this article: Bernard de Margerie, spiritual ecumenism, Walter Kasper
Transmis : 1 mars 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Reconciliation & unityDans cet article : Bernard de Margerie, spiritual ecumenism, Walter Kasper

This title evokes the journey Christian churches are called to undertake, or persevere on, toward full unity or communion (koinonia). Still estranged from each other, churches are called to gospel conversion: to turn around toward each other, humbly recognizing how deeply they belong to each other and together in their rich diversities, as the one and only Body of Christ.
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Posted: Mar. 1, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: Reconciliation & unityIn this article: Bernard de Margerie, spiritual ecumenism, Walter Kasper
Transmis : 1 mars 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Reconciliation & unityDans cet article : Bernard de Margerie, spiritual ecumenism, Walter Kasper

Le dimanche 25 mars 2007 marque le bicentenaire de la fin de la traite des esclaves dans l’Empire britannique. La loi sur l’abolition mettait officiellement un point final au transport forcé de millions d’Africains arrachés à leur pays pour être expatriés vers les Amériques via le Passage du milieu. Le Canada, alors membre de l’Empire britannique, a pratiqué lui aussi l’esclavage. L’impact de l’esclavage persiste, tandis qu’on assiste à l’émergence de formes modernes d’esclavage. La lutte est loin d’être terminée. Des Africains réduits en esclavage et des personnes de foi ont pris la tête du mouvement en faveur de l’abolition de la traite des esclaves, mais la version moderne du racisme, qui tente de justifier l’esclavage des Africains, demeure une réalité dans de trop nombreuses Églises et sociétés. Il faut que les gens de foi s’engagent à nouveau dans la lutte contre le racisme dans nos Églises, dans notre pays, dans le monde entier. Le Réseau œcuménique canadien contre le racisme (ROCCR) invite les Églises à souligner cet anniversaire en s’engageant elles aussi sur le chemin de la guérison, de la réconciliation et de la transformation de nos relations. Nous vous offrons à titre de ressource cette pochette documentaire sur la justice raciale.
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Posted: Mar. 1, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: News, ResourcesIn this article: Canadian Ecumenical Anti-Racism Network, racism
Transmis : 1 mars 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : News, ResourcesDans cet article : Canadian Ecumenical Anti-Racism Network, racism

Sunday, March 25th 2007 marks the 200th anniversary of the ending of the slave trade in the British Empire. The abolition law brought to an official end the forced transportation of millions of Africans from their homeland, across the Middle Passage, to the Americas. Canada was part of the British Empire and participated in the practice of slavery. Slavery’s impact continues at the same time as modern forms of slavery are appearing. The struggle is far from over. Enslaved Africans and people of faith led the movement to abolish the slave trade. But the modern form of racism which developed to justify the enslavement of Africans remains a reality in too many of our churches and societies. People of faith need to commit anew to addressing the racism in our churches, our country and our world. The Canadian Ecumenical Anti Racism Network (CEARN) invites churches to commemorate this anniversary by participating in the ongoing journey we must take towards healing, reconciliation and the transformation of our relationships.
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Posted: Mar. 1, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: ResourcesIn this article: Canadian Council of Churches, Canadian Ecumenical Anti-Racism Network, racism
Transmis : 1 mars 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ResourcesDans cet article : Canadian Council of Churches, Canadian Ecumenical Anti-Racism Network, racism

An ecumenical panel will give a presentation on Sunday, February 25th on the topics of “The role of Mary in the Church” and the “Understanding of the Eucharist.” The controversial issues have been the subject of extensive ecumenical dialogue over the past 40 years. The Keynote speakers are the Rev. Canon Colin Clay (Anglican), Marie-Louise Ternier-Gommers (Roman Catholic), and Bishop Allan Grundahl (Lutheran). The panel will present at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, February 25, 2007 at St. Philip Neri Roman Catholic Parish, at the corner of Taylor Avenue and Munroe Street. This event is sponsored by St. Philip Neri Parish, St. Timothy Anglican Church, and Redeemer Lutheran Church.
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Posted: Feb. 25, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: DialogueIn this article: events, Saskatoon, workshop
Transmis : 25 févr. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : DialogueDans cet article : events, Saskatoon, workshop

When Catholic cardinals meet in conclave they tend to do so under the stern eye of God in the Sistine Chapel. Anglican primates are different; this past week they have been meeting privately in the agreeable surroundings of a beach-front hotel overlooking the shimmering Indian Ocean just outside Dar es Salaam. Where the cardinals have Swiss Guards to protect them, the Anglicans have enjoyed what we journalists took to calling satirically the ring of steel: a group of young askari cadets, dressed in white shirts and black berets, who nervously fingered their truncheons when anyone approached.
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Posted: Feb. 24, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: TabletIn this article: Anglican Communion, Christian unity, human sexuality, Rowan Williams
Transmis : 24 févr. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : TabletDans cet article : Anglican Communion, Christian unity, human sexuality, Rowan Williams

Rather than be split by a much-trumpeted schism,the Anglican Communion emerged from its meeting in Tanzania this week as a new kind of twenty-first century Church, reflecting changes in ecclesial and geopolitical power

Will the Anglican Communion survive? Before the Primates’ Meeting in Africa this week there was much discussion of schism, and an atmosphere of crisis prevailed. At the heart of the problem is how Anglicans reconcile the value they place on diocesan and provincial structure of autonomy at the national level with the legitimacy given to a comprehensive range of practices and positions with the bonds of ecclesial communion that allow the Communion coherence as one effective, united, interdependent worldwide body of Christians. Given that, what does the Anglican Communion mean? Is it a fellowship of independent national churches with historical roots in the Church of England that worship through a provincial expression of the Book of Common Prayer, or is it a hierarchical system with the Archbishop of Canterbury at the top as a sort of mini-Pope?
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Posted: Feb. 24, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: TabletIn this article: Anglican Communion, Christian unity, human sexuality, Rowan Williams
Transmis : 24 févr. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : TabletDans cet article : Anglican Communion, Christian unity, human sexuality, Rowan Williams

Each year during Lent, churches across Saskatoon encourage study and reflection on a variety of Christian topics. This year, we have the following programmes to announce. Some have already begun, but you can join in at any time.

Ecumenical Lenten Worship. The churches of the Nutana Park Ecumenical Committee are again hosting their annual Lenten worship series. The services are held Wednesday mornings at 7:30 a.m. at Calvin Goforth Presbyterian Church, 3rd Street at Sommerfeld. The services are planned and led by the various churches of the neighbourhood.

Reconsidering Jesus. This series of 5 talks will be held at Knox United Church, Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. beginning on February 28. The program seeks to further ongoing discussion throughout the church of the relevance and meaning of Jesus in his person and works. The talks will be led by various leaders in Saskatoon’s faith community. For further details, call Knox Church at 306-244-0159.

Searching the Scriptures. This is a series of 5 talks held at St. Timothy’s Anglican Church, 2101 Lansdowne Avenue, Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. starting February 28. The free program will study the weekly lectionary readings with Dr. Mary Ann Beavis, a biblical scholar and professor of religious studies at St. Thomas More College. Dr. Beavis will introduce participants to historical as well as traditional Jewish and Christian methods of interpretation.
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Posted: Feb. 24, 2007 • Permanent link: In this article: prayer, Saskatoon, study Transmis : 24 févr. 2007 • Lien permanente : Dans cet article : prayer, Saskatoon, study

A weekend for young adults led by Brother Emile of Taizé will be held in Edmonton from February 23 to 25th, 2007. “Leaving Discouragement Behind – Finding new Hope” is the theme of the weekend. This ecumenical time of prayer, reflection, and sharing is part of Taizé’s “Pilgrimage of Trust across the Earth.”
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Posted: Feb. 23, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Edmonton, events, prayer, Taizé
Transmis : 23 févr. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Edmonton, events, prayer, Taizé

The Massachusetts Council of Churches executive director Diane Kessler “stunned” the Council with her announcement of retirement at the end of June 2007. What was more stunning was the legacy she has left after thirty-two years of service.

As Director of the Council, Kessler was responsible for direction and public presentation of the Council’s work in areas such as education and evangelism for Christian unity, ecumenical worship, cooperation with local councils of churches, ecumenical and interfaith dialogue, and social mission and prophetic witness.

Kessler, an Andover Newton graduate and ordained United Church of Christ minister, started with the Council in 1975 as an associate director, and became director in 1988. In those three decades she was able to help the 17 member denominations take ideas and transfer them into action, for example, by fostering an atmosphere of openness in ecumenical and interfaith relations, by developing a legislative campaign against casino gambling, and by founding the Ecumenical Institute of New England which has currently educated 500 people. She has done this while ensuring responsible stewardship of the Council’s resources, which come primarily from its member denominations. Kessler served as diplomatic liaison among religious leaders and denominations. “I have always thought it important to treat all churches with appreciation and respect,” she said. “Their diverse spiritual traditions enrich all of us.”
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Posted: Feb. 15, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: ecumenism, USA
Transmis : 15 févr. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : ecumenism, USA

It is with great sadness that “Ecumenism in Canada” notes the passing of Dr. George Vandervelde, an ecumenist widely known and respected in Canada, the United States and around the world. Vandervelde was emeritus professor at the Institute of Christian Studies in Toronto since his retirement in 2004, and lecturer at Wycliffe College in the Toronto School of Theology. A lifelong member of the Christian Reformed Church, he was for many years an active participant in the Canadian Council of Churches’ Faith and Witness Commission, and the U.S. National Council of Churches’ Faith and Order Commission. He was convenor of the World Evangelical Alliance’s Ecumenical Issues Taskforce and secretary of the WEA‘s dialogue with the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. Although it is an exaggeration to credit him with single-handedly establishing the Evangelical-Roman Catholic dialogue, his passion for this important work marked his entire career.
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Posted: Jan. 30, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: MemorialsIn this article: Christian Reformed Church in North America, Christian unity, ecumenism
Transmis : 30 janv. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : MemorialsDans cet article : Christian Reformed Church in North America, Christian unity, ecumenism

Une nouvelle série télévisée canadienne intitulée “La petite mosquée dans la prairie” attire l’attention des médias du monde entier depuis son lancement le 9 janvier. Des journaux comme The New York Times, le Jerusalem Post, le quotidien saoudien Arab News et d’autres ont parlé de la série dans leurs colonnes. Cette série suit d’un regard humoristique les efforts d’un jeune imam, fraîchement débarqué de la grande ville où il était avocat, pour mener un petit groupe de musulmans qui a réussi à convaincre un prêtre anglican de les laisser établir une mosquée dans la cave de l’église locale.
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Posted: Jan. 30, 2007 • Permanent link: In this article: Canada, Islam, TV Transmis : 30 janv. 2007 • Lien permanente : Dans cet article : Canada, Islam, TV

[Toronto] A new Canadian television series, “Little Mosque on the Prairie” has attracted worldwide media attention since its debut on 9 January. Coverage of the show has made the pages of newspapers such as The New York Times, the Jerusalem Post and the Saudi Arabian daily newspaper, Arab News, and further afield.
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Posted: Jan. 30, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: ENIIn this article: Canada, Islam, TV
Transmis : 30 janv. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ENIDans cet article : Canada, Islam, TV

Bishop Douglas Albert Ford, who stressed ecumenism as diocesan bishop of Saskatoon, died Jan. 23 at the age of 89. Read the complete Anglican Journal obituary of Bishop Douglas Ford at
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Posted: Jan. 29, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: Anglican Journal, MemorialsIn this article: Anglican, Saskatoon
Transmis : 29 janv. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Anglican Journal, MemorialsDans cet article : Anglican, Saskatoon

The Friends of Sophia are pleased to be hosting Dr. Barbara Reid, OP, who will be presenting a series of three lectures entitled “The Passion of Christ: A Feminist Perspective.” Planned for January 28 and 29, 2007, the lectures will be held at St. Andrew’s College and St. Thomas More College on the university campus. Further details are available on the Friends of Sophia website at
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Posted: Jan. 28, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Christian feminism, events, Friends of Sophia, Scripture
Transmis : 28 janv. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Christian feminism, events, Friends of Sophia, Scripture

The Friends of Sophia will be hosting Dr. Barbara E. Reid, O.P. on January 28 & 29, 2007. Dr. Reid is professor of New Testament at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, and a Dominican Sister of Grand Rapids, Michigan. An educator, scholar, and retreat director, she is the author of “New Collegeville Commentary on
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Posted: Jan. 28, 2007 • Permanent link: In this article: Christian feminism, events, Friends of Sophia, Scripture Transmis : 28 janv. 2007 • Lien permanente : Dans cet article : Christian feminism, events, Friends of Sophia, Scripture

Once again, Scripturefest will be held at Queen’s House, Saskatoon. Theme: “The bread that we break – the cup that we bless: Scriptural perspectives on the Lord’s Table.” Keynote speaker will be Christian Eberhart, 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Cost: $35 (with lunch).
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Posted: Jan. 27, 2007 • Permanent link: In this article: education, Saskatoon, Scripture Transmis : 27 janv. 2007 • Lien permanente : Dans cet article : education, Saskatoon, Scripture

When Pope Benedict XVI was elected to replace the inimitable Pope John Paul II, he promised to carry on his beloved successor’s work, particularly that related to ecumenism. As is often the case, the press of events can overtake the best laid plans and so ecumenism has often appeared to play second fiddle to other issues.

Yet it remains deeply and ineradicably imbedded in the church’s teaching, thanks to the Second Vatican Council and the post-council popes.

As we celebrate the 2007 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Jan. 21-28), we would do well to recall some initiatives of the last year that did not produce the kind of documents we usually associate with ecumenical dialogue, but represent progress in a way that cannot be summed up in precise theological language.
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Posted: Jan. 27, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: Catholic RegisterIn this article: ecumenism, WPCU
Transmis : 27 janv. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Catholic RegisterDans cet article : ecumenism, WPCU

Rev. Bernard de Margerie was a young priest, newly ordained, when Pope John XXIII put out a call for Vatican II in 1959. “Pope John was supposed to be a caretaker pope,” de Margerie recalls. “Nobody expected him to do anything remarkable.” In fact, Pope John called a general council of the Roman Catholic Church
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Posted: Jan. 24, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Bernard de Margerie, ecumenism, Saskatoon
Transmis : 24 janv. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Bernard de Margerie, ecumenism, Saskatoon

Des responsables d’Eglise de Jérusalem ont averti les factions palestiniennes en conflit qu’elles risquaient de déclencher une guerre civile et, proposant de jouer les médiateurs, ils les ont exhortés à mettre fin à la violence afin de pouvoir se concentrer sur la priorité absolue de leur peuple : l’indépendance.

“En tant que responsables des Eglises chrétiennes à Jérusalem préoccupés par la situation actuelle dans les territoires palestiniens, nous tenons à exprimer nos craintes pour nos populations, qu’elles soient chrétiennes ou musulmanes, en raison de la détérioration des relations entre les leaders du Fatah et du Hamas et entre leurs forces armées,” ont-ils déclaré.
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Posted: Jan. 17, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: Communiqué, ENIIn this article: 2007, Jerusalem, Palestine, peace
Transmis : 17 janv. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Communiqué, ENIDans cet article : 2007, Jerusalem, Palestine, peace

Church leaders in Jerusalem have warned warring Palestinian factions they could trigger civil war and, offering to play a mediating role, they are urging an end to violence in order for them to focus on the true priority of their people – independence.

“As leaders of the Christian churches in Jerusalem concerned at the present situation in the Palestinian Territories we feel we must voice our anxiety for all our people – Christian and Muslim alike – at the deteriorating relations between Fatah and Hamas leaders and the armed forces,” they said.
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Posted: Jan. 17, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: ENIIn this article: 2007, church leaders, Jerusalem, Palestine, peace, statements
Transmis : 17 janv. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ENIDans cet article : 2007, church leaders, Jerusalem, Palestine, peace, statements

The outgoing president of the North American Academy of Liturgy and a leading Catholic liturgist has told The Catholic Register the most recent translation of the Roman Missal is “a step backwards” for ecumenical relations.

“It’s going to feel like the ecumenical movement has taken a hit,” Fr. Paul Turner, pastor of St. Munchin Church in Missouri and author of a half-dozen books on Catholic liturgy, said following an opening liturgy for the North American Academy of Liturgy annual meeting in Toronto Jan. 4.

New, more literal, translations from Latin of liturgical texts scheduled to hit parishes in two years are a departure from the Second Vatican Council’s movement toward common texts with Anglican, Lutheran and other churches, Turner said. Those common texts were a specific goal of council fathers in the 1960s, and non-Catholic scholars were consulted by Catholic liturgists and translators in the past.

“That same effort is not being made today,” he said.
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Posted: Jan. 17, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: Catholic RegisterIn this article: Catholic, liturgy
Transmis : 17 janv. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Catholic RegisterDans cet article : Catholic, liturgy

The International Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and Reconciliation, an annual event in Saskatoon since 1987, draws its theme Jan. 21-28 from Mark 7:37: “He even makes the deaf to hear and the mute to speak.” It is a theme that resonates with Rev. Jan Bigland-Pritchard, director of the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism which
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Posted: Jan. 13, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Saskatoon, WPCU
Transmis : 13 janv. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Saskatoon, WPCU

Conflict is not necessarily a bad thing. Yet in the churches there is a fear of conflict, and a tendency to go for peace at any price, sweeping conflict under the carpet until it cannot be contained. The 2007 Summer Ecumenical Institute aims to help church people build a vision of how conflict can become a force for good in our communities, and to equip participants with the basic skills they need to become active peace-builders in their own settings.

The Summer Ecumenical Institute (SEI) — scheduled for June 26 to 29 in Saskatoon — is sponsored by the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism.
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Posted: Jan. 7, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: ConferencesIn this article: 2007, Christian unity, conflict, events, peace, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, resolution, Saskatoon, Summer Ecumenical Institute
Transmis : 7 janv. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ConferencesDans cet article : 2007, Christian unity, conflict, events, peace, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, resolution, Saskatoon, Summer Ecumenical Institute

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