Archive for tag: Pope Francis

Archive pour tag : Pope Francis

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Pope Francis met on Thursday with members of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission, telling them that the cause of unity is not an optional undertaking. The 18 Anglican and Catholic members of the commission, known as ARCIC III, are holding their annual encounter this week at an ancient retreat house in the Alban hills, south of Rome.The original Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission was founded in the wake of a historic meeting in 1966 between a Pope and an Archbishop of Canterbury – the first since the Reformation and the Church of England’s breakaway from Rome. On that occasion, Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Michael Ramsey inaugurated a dialogue “founded on the Gospels and on the ancient common traditions” which they hoped would lead to “unity in truth for which Christ prayed”. Meeting with the members of ARCIC III, Pope Francis noted the current session is studying the relationship between the universal Church and the local Church – a question central to his own reform programme – with particular reference to difficult decision-making over moral and ethical questions. These discussions, the Pope said, and the forthcoming publication of five jointly agreed statements from the previous phase of the dialogue, remind us that ecumenism is not a secondary element in the life of the Church and that the differences which divide us must not be seen as inevitable. Despite the seriousness of the challenges, he said we must trust even more in the power of the Spirit to heal and reconcile what may not seem possible to our human understanding. Finally Pope Francis highlighted the powerful testimony of Christians from different Churches and traditions who have been victims of violence and persecution. The blood of these martyrs, he said, will nourish a new era of ecumenical commitment to fulfill the last will and testament of the Lord: that all may be one.
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Posted: Apr. 30, 2015 • Permanent link:
Categories: Vatican NewsIn this article: ARCIC, dialogue, ecumenism, Pope Francis
Transmis : 30 avril 2015 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Vatican NewsDans cet article : ARCIC, dialogue, ecumenism, Pope Francis

For the first time a delegation of the Conference of European Rabbis, presided by Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, has met with the Successor of Peter in the Vatican. Pope Francis, who received them this morning, expressed his joy at this event, and at the same time offered his condolences, which he extended to the Jewish community of Rome, for the death yesterday of the ex Grand Rabbi of Rome, Elio Toaff, a “man of peace and dialogue”, who received Pope John Paul II during his historical visit to the Great Synagogue of Rome in April 1986. For this reason, the current Chief Rabbi of Rome, Riccardo Di Segni, was not present at the meeting.

In his address to the delegation, the Pope emphasized that the dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Jewish communities continues to progress as it has for half a century; 28 October will mark the fiftieth anniversary of the conciliar Declaration Nostra Aetate, which is still the reference point for efforts in this regard. “With gratitude to the Lord, may we recall these years, rejoicing in our progress and in the friendship which has grown between us”, he said.
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Posted: Apr. 20, 2015 • Permanent link:
Categories: Vatican NewsIn this article: Judaism, pope, Pope Francis, Rabbis
Transmis : 20 avril 2015 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Vatican NewsDans cet article : Judaism, pope, Pope Francis, Rabbis

The Catholic Church supports the efforts of scientists to study the causes and effects of climate change and insists governments and businesses must get serious about specific commitments for protecting the environment.

But Pope Francis, like his predecessors, does not pretend to have a technical solution to the problem. However, he does feel a responsibility to remind Christians of their religious obligation to safeguard creation, beginning with human beings who are created in the image and likeness of God.

Clearing his calendar for a week in late March, Pope Francis rolled up his sleeves to put the final touches on an encyclical letter about the environment; building on what he and his predecessors have said, the document — planned for publication early in the summer — is expected to present ecology as the ultimate pro-life, pro-poor, pro-family issue.

For Pope Francis, like Pope Benedict XVI, safeguarding creation is not simply about protecting plants and animals, or just about ensuring the air, water and land will support human life for generations to come. Those things are part of the task.
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Posted: Mar. 26, 2015 • Permanent link:
Categories: CNSIn this article: ecology, encyclicals, Pope Francis, poverty
Transmis : 26 mars 2015 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : CNSDans cet article : ecology, encyclicals, Pope Francis, poverty

The Right Rev. John P. Chalmers, moderator of the Church of Scotland, accompanied by a group of representatives of the same Church, were received in audience this morning by the Holy Father who, in his greeting, expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to meet and share with them a common commitment to the service of the Gospel and the cause for Christian unity.

“Scotland’s rich cultural and historical traditions have been shaped by outstanding saintly witnesses to Christ from various confessions”, he observed. “The present state of ecumenical relations in Scotland clearly shows that what we, as Christians, hold in common is greater than all that divides us. On this basis the Lord is calling us to seek ever more effective ways to overcome old prejudices and to find new forms of understanding and cooperation”.
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Posted: Feb. 16, 2015 • Permanent link:
Categories: Vatican NewsIn this article: Church of Scotland, Pope Francis, Presbyterian, Rome
Transmis : 16 févr. 2015 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Vatican NewsDans cet article : Church of Scotland, Pope Francis, Presbyterian, Rome

Pope Francis on Friday received the participants in a meeting – this week – of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches.

The Oriental Orthodox Churches those Orthodox Eastern Christian churches which recognize only the first three ecumenical councils, and rejected the formulae of the Council of Chalcedon, at which certain central Christological doctrines were dogmatically defined, most especially the dual nature – fully divine and fully human, perfectly united though without mixing, blending or alteration – of Christ.

In remarks prepared for the occasion and delivered during the noon audience in the Apostolic Palace at the Vatican, Pope Francis praised the progress of the Commission in its dozen years of work, and called on all participants to continue their journey in a spirit of brotherhood. “I express my hope that this work will bear rich fruit for our common theological research and help us to experience ever more fully our fraternal friendship,” the Holy Father said.
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Posted: Jan. 30, 2015 • Permanent link:
Categories: Vatican NewsIn this article: Catholic, dialogue, Oriental Orthodox, Pope Francis
Transmis : 30 janv. 2015 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Vatican NewsDans cet article : Catholic, dialogue, Oriental Orthodox, Pope Francis

Even as their theological dialogues continue in the search for full agreement on doctrinal issues, divided Christians are called to work together for justice and peace, especially in the Middle East, Pope Francis said.

“May the intercession and example of the many martyrs and saints who have borne courageous witness to Christ in all our churches sustain and strengthen you and your Christian communities,” the Pope told church leaders from the region.

Pope Francis met Jan. 30 with members of the International Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches, which include churches with large communities in Syria, Iraq and throughout the Middle East.

The Oriental Orthodox churches participating in the dialogue include the Coptic, Syriac, Armenian, Ethiopian, Eritrean and Malankara Orthodox Syrian churches.

“At this time,” the Pope said, “we especially feel dismay and deep sadness at what is happening in the Middle East, especially in Iraq and Syria,” where Islamic State militants continue their campaign of terror.

“I think of all those living in the region, including our Christian brothers and sisters, and many minorities, who are experiencing the effects of a prolonged and painful conflict,” he said.
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Posted: Jan. 30, 2015 • Permanent link:
Categories: CNSIn this article: Catholic, dialogue, Oriental Orthodox, Pope Francis
Transmis : 30 janv. 2015 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : CNSDans cet article : Catholic, dialogue, Oriental Orthodox, Pope Francis

At the conclusion of the week of prayer for Christian Unity on Sunday, ministers and congregations from many different denominations gathered with Pope Francis in the Basilica of St Paul Outside the Walls for Vespers marking the feast of the conversion of the Apostle of the Gentiles.

Among those taking part for the first time was Reverend Tara Curlewis, former General Secretary of the National Council of Churches in Australia. An ordained minister of the Uniting Church in Australia, she’s also worked closely with the World Council of Churches and until recently co-chaired Australia’s National Dialogue of Christians, Muslims and Jews.

She talked to Philippa Hitchen about her own ministry and about the goal of the wider ecumenical movement today…
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Posted: Jan. 26, 2015 • Permanent link:
Categories: Vatican NewsIn this article: Christian unity, ecumenism, Pope Francis, WPCU
Transmis : 26 janv. 2015 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Vatican NewsDans cet article : Christian unity, ecumenism, Pope Francis, WPCU

On Sunday and before the Angelus, the Pope recalled the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and its theme, “Give me a drink”, the sentence uttered by Jesus to the Samaritan woman.

He told the faithful gathered that the “desire for unity” of the disciples of Jesus is part of our “thirst not only material for water, but above all our thirst for a full life, free from the slavery of evil and death.”

He went on to say that “Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promises because it is he who gives to the Holy Spirit, the ‘living water’ that quenches our restless hearts, hungry for life, love, freedom, peace, thirsty for God.
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Posted: Jan. 25, 2015 • Permanent link:
Categories: Vatican NewsIn this article: Christian unity, peace, Pope Francis, WPCU
Transmis : 25 janv. 2015 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Vatican NewsDans cet article : Christian unity, peace, Pope Francis, WPCU

The vital role that men and women religious of different Christian Churches play in the ecumenical journey was at the heart of Pope Francis’s meeting on Saturday with participants in a conference on consecrated life and the search for Christian Unity. The three day meeting, which concludes on Sunday, comes in the context of both this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and the Year of Consecrated Life. Participants are concluding each day with Vespers in the Orthodox, Anglican and Catholic traditions, including the liturgy presided over by Pope Francis in the Basilica of St Paul’s Outside the Walls on Sunday.
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Posted: Jan. 24, 2015 • Permanent link:
Categories: Vatican NewsIn this article: Bose, Christian unity, Pope Francis, religious life, spiritual ecumenism, Taizé
Transmis : 24 janv. 2015 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Vatican NewsDans cet article : Bose, Christian unity, Pope Francis, religious life, spiritual ecumenism, Taizé

Visiting a nation torn apart for 30 years by a civil war that pit Buddhists against Hindus and Muslims, with Christians both bystanders and sometimes victims, Pope Francis was expected to have something important to say about interfaith relationships. He delivered that Tuesday in Sri Lanka, telling a cross-section of the country’s religious leaders that harmony among different faiths is critical, but it cannot come at the expense of the distinctive identity of each. Citing the teachings of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), Francis said that the Catholic Church has a “deep and abiding respect for other religions.”
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Posted: Jan. 13, 2015 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Asia, Buddhist, dialogue, Hindu, interfaith, Muslim, Pope Francis
Transmis : 13 janv. 2015 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Asia, Buddhist, dialogue, Hindu, interfaith, Muslim, Pope Francis

Four French Imams, who’ve been part of a Catholic-Muslim delegation visiting the Vatican this week, have expressed their shock and condemnation of the attack on the satirical magazine ‘Charlie Hebdo’. Wednesday’s attack by masked gunmen in Paris left 12 people dead, with several others in critical condition.

In a statement at the end of their 3 day visit to Rome, the delegation, which includes Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, urges all believers to combat hatred and all forms of violence which destroy life, violate the dignity of the human person and undermine peaceful coexistence between peoples.

Pope Francis, who met with the delegation just as the attack was taking place, denounced the killings and offered prayers for the victims and their families. Also taking part in the delegation was Bishop Michel Dubost, who heads the French bishops’ council for interfaith relations. Philippa Hitchen talked to him about the Muslim leaders’ reactions to the attack and about the difficulty of promoting interreligious dialogue in France today…
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Posted: Jan. 8, 2015 • Permanent link:
Categories: Vatican NewsIn this article: Catholic, France, interfaith, Muslim, Pope Francis, violence
Transmis : 8 janv. 2015 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Vatican NewsDans cet article : Catholic, France, interfaith, Muslim, Pope Francis, violence

Christianity has something to say about human dignity, and “it would be a shame” if differing positions on the sanctity of all human life or on marriage were to increase the divisions among Christian churches and communities, Pope Francis said. “Questions related to the dignity of the human person at the beginning and end of life, as well as those related to the family, marriage and sexuality, cannot be concealed or overlooked just because we do not want to jeopardize the ecumenical consensus already reached,” he said Dec. 18 during a meeting with German Catholics and Lutherans. “Ecumenical dialogue today can no longer be separated from the reality and lives of our churches,” the pope told leaders of the German Lutheran Church and members of the German Catholic bishops’ ecumenical commission. Pope Francis praised the German Catholic-Lutheran dialogue commission for its joint study on “God and human dignity,” a study which is drawing to a close. Different theological understandings of the church and different opinions about what would constitute unity also seem to be moving Christians further from one another, Pope Francis said; but instead of resigning themselves to their divided state, “we must concentrate on the next possible step.” After 50 years of formal dialogue he said, “the notable progress that, with the help of God, has been made is a solid foundation of sincere friendship lived in faith and spirituality.”
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Posted: Dec. 18, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: CNSIn this article: 2017, Catholic, dialogue, Lutheran, Pope Francis
Transmis : 18 déc. 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : CNSDans cet article : 2017, Catholic, dialogue, Lutheran, Pope Francis

Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, leaders of the millennium-long separated Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches, have issued resounding and historic calls for the reunification of their global communities. Speaking to one another after a solemn Orthodox divine liturgy in St. George, an historic Christian center, Sunday, both leaders pledged to intensify efforts for full unity of their churches, saying such unity already exists among Christians dying in conflicts in the Middle East. For his part, Francis made what appears to be the strongest and most encompassing call yet from a Catholic pontiff for unity. Seeking to assure Orthodox leaders that restoration of full communion between the churches would respect Eastern traditions, he said reunion would “not signify the submission of one to the other, or assimilation.” “I want to assure each one of you here that, to reach the desired goal of full unity, the Catholic church does not intend to impose any conditions except that of the shared profession of faith,” said the pope.
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Posted: Nov. 30, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Bartholomew I, Catholic, dialogue, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Orthodox, pope, Pope Francis
Transmis : 30 nov. 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Bartholomew I, Catholic, dialogue, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Orthodox, pope, Pope Francis

We, Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, express our profound gratitude to God for the gift of this new encounter enabling us, in the presence of the members of the Holy Synod, the clergy and the faithful of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, to celebrate together the feast of Saint Andrew, the first-called and brother of the Apostle Peter. Our remembrance of the Apostles, who proclaimed the good news of the Gospel to the world through their preaching and their witness of martyrdom, strengthens in us the aspiration to continue to walk together in order to overcome, in love and in truth, the obstacles that divide us.
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Posted: Nov. 30, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: Communiqué, Vatican NewsIn this article: Bartholomew I, dialogue, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, interfaith, pope, Pope Francis
Transmis : 30 nov. 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Communiqué, Vatican NewsDans cet article : Bartholomew I, dialogue, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, interfaith, pope, Pope Francis

On the Canadian Thanksgiving holiday, Pope Francis celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving for two new Canadian saints: St. François de Laval and St. Marie de l’Incarnation. The two were made saints in April when Pope Francis set aside the normal process. The two were significant in spreading Catholicism in New France, both among the French settlers and the indigenous peoples. Laval (1623-1708) was the first bishop of Québec. Marie de l’Incarnation (1599-1672), an Ursuline sister, was responsible for establishing the first schools in the fledgling colony at Québec and for extending education to girls and natives. Pope Francis has described the new saints as models of spreading the faith. “Missionaries have gone out to call everyone, in the highways and byways of the world,” Francis said in his homily. “In this way they have done immense good for the Church, for once the Church stops moving, once she becomes closed in on herself, she falls ill, she can be corrupted, whether by sins or by that false knowledge cut off from God which is worldly secularism.”
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Posted: Oct. 14, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Anglican, Canada, Catholic, ecumenism, Pope Francis, saints
Transmis : 14 oct. 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Anglican, Canada, Catholic, ecumenism, Pope Francis, saints

On Friday October 10th a delegation of Bishops from the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches (CEEC) met for several hours in Rome with Pope Francis. The purpose of the meeting was to continue talks on Christian unity that began almost a year ago between Pope Francis and his long-time friend, CEEC Bishop Tony Palmer. Bishop Palmer, whose iPhone video of Pope Francis pleading for increased unity among Christians went viral after it was presented to a gathering of Protestant Evangelicals, tragically lost his life in highway crash in the UK earlier this year. In spite of this, Pope Francis wanted the talks to move forward; and he has encouraged Bishop Tony’s wife Emialana and CEEC Ecumenical officer Bishop Robert Wise to continue advancing the dialogue of Christian unity that he and Bishop Palmer had begun.
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Posted: Oct. 10, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Evangelicals, Pope Francis
Transmis : 10 oct. 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Evangelicals, Pope Francis

Pope Francis has given his blessing to the Vatican’s international cricket team as it prepares to take on the Church of England. The side of Catholic priests are preparing for their first tour to England, which will include a match with the Church of England XI in Canterbury. Pope Francis, who is a supporter of Buenos Aires football side San Lorenzo, put on a cricket cap and signed a bat that the team will take with them during their tour of England, which begins on Friday. After the tour the bat will be auctioned in order to raise money for a joint Catholic and Anglican campaign against modern-day slavery and indentured labour, the Global Freedom Network, the Vatican said. The papal XI will play matches against chaplains of the British armed forces at Aldershot and the Royal Household Cricket Club at Windsor Castle, as well as two other games. Then in Canterbury on September 19 the team will take on the Anglican XI.
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Posted: Sept. 10, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: TabletIn this article: Anglican, Church of England, ecumenism, Pope Francis, Vatican
Transmis : 10 sept. 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : TabletDans cet article : Anglican, Church of England, ecumenism, Pope Francis, Vatican

During his visit with an evangelical pastor and his congregation in the Italian city of Caserta, Pope Francis apologized for the persecution of Pentecostal Christians by Italian Catholics. His remarks were greatly welcomed by evangelical leaders, who responded in a similar way. They also apologized to Catholics. The president of the World Evangelical Alliance, Rev. Geoff Tunnicliffe, said he was sorry about the discrimination that Protestants, including Evangelical Christians, also imposed on Catholics. “While we can disagree theologically, this should never lead to discrimination or persecution of the other,” he said. The Rev also added that the Pope’s step in apologizing is a great example, and should be a message to the entire world, especially for those countries where tensions between Catholics and Protestants remain. Geoff Tunnicliffe attended the Pope’s Inauguration Mass. He also visited the Vatican for the Pope’s meeting with evangelical leaders at Casa Santa Marta. The World Evangelical Alliance represents about 600 million Protestants in nearly 130 countries.
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Posted: July 30, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Catholic, Evangelicals, Pope Francis, World Evangelical Alliance
Transmis : 30 juil. 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Catholic, Evangelicals, Pope Francis, World Evangelical Alliance

Pope Francis has taken the first steps towards forging unprecedented bonds with evangelical and charismatic Protestant groups, CCN has learned. The Pope met for three hours June 24 with several evangelical and charismatic leaders over lunch at his residence inside the Vatican. Occurring outside of the Pope’s official schedule, the meeting had no formal agenda or secretaries present. Bishop Tony Palmer, ecumenical officer of the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches (CEEC), said the meeting could lead towards concrete steps for a visible unity after 500 years of division. Following a discussion about religious persecution and religious liberty, the Pope and his guests discussed the creation of a global initiative specifically for the persecuted Church, according to Brian Stiller, global ambassador for the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). In a report for Revival Magazine, Bruno Ierullo, co-chairman of United in Christ North America, who did not attend the meeting, said it marked “the beginning of a Joint Declaration between this large faction of the Evangelical world and the Roman Catholic Church.” United in Christ promotes ongoing dialogue between emerging charismatic churches and the Roman Catholic Church.
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Posted: July 10, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: Catholic RegisterIn this article: Evangelicals, Pope Francis, World Evangelical Alliance
Transmis : 10 juil. 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Catholic RegisterDans cet article : Evangelicals, Pope Francis, World Evangelical Alliance

Archbishop Justin gave Pope Francis the following gifts during their meeting in Rome on 16 June.

Lambeth Palace Fig Tree Cutting

The Ficus carica ‘White Marseilles’ fig tree was brought to Lambeth Palace by the last Roman Catholic Archbishop of Canterbury, Cardinal Reginald Pole in 1556. It probably came from southern Italy where Pole spent a lot of time. The fruits are white fleshed and very rich and sweet, they are ripe when the skins turn a chartreuse colour and start to split.
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Posted: June 16, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Anglican, Archbishop of Canterbury, Catholic, Justin Welby, pope, Pope Francis
Transmis : 16 juin 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Anglican, Archbishop of Canterbury, Catholic, Justin Welby, pope, Pope Francis

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, made a fraternal visit to Pope Francis in Rome on June 16, 2014. The following addresses contain the full text of their published remarks. Addition news stories and photos are available on this website.
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Posted: June 16, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Anglican, Archbishop of Canterbury, Catholic, Justin Welby, pope, Pope Francis
Transmis : 16 juin 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Anglican, Archbishop of Canterbury, Catholic, Justin Welby, pope, Pope Francis

Pope Francis met on Monday with the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, saying he hoped their meeting would serve to “strengthen further our bonds of friendship and our commitment to the great cause of reconciliation and communion between Christian believers.”

The audience came on the second day of the Anglican leader’s visit to Rome which also included a meeting with a meeting with the St Egidio community, Vespers at St Gregorio on the Caelian Hill, a visit to Rome’s Joel Nafuma Refugee Centre and an encounter with the ecumenical Global Freedom Network for the eradication of human trafficking.
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Posted: June 16, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Anglican, Catholic, Justin Welby, Pope Francis
Transmis : 16 juin 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Anglican, Catholic, Justin Welby, Pope Francis

On his return from Jerusalem, where he met with Pope Francis at the Holy Sepulchre, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, has revealed an important appointment for unity between Catholics and Orthodox: a gathering at Nicaea in 2025, where the first real ecumenical council of the undivided Church was celebrated.

Speaking exclusively with AsiaNews, Bartholomew says that together with Pope Francis “we agreed to leave as a legacy to ourselves and our successors a gathering in Nicaea in 2025, to celebrate together, after 17 centuries, the first truly ecumenical synod, where the Creed was first promulgated”. The Council of Nicaea (now Iznik, 130 km south-east of Istanbul), brought together more than 300 bishops from East and West in 325 and is considered the first true ecumenical council. It was there that the formula of the Creed was decided, similar to the one recited during the liturgy today, saying that Jesus “is consubstantial to the Father,” to counter the Arian ideology.
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Posted: May 29, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: 1700th anniversary, Bartholomew I, Catholic, Nicaea 2025, Orthodox, Pope Francis, synods
Transmis : 29 mai 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : 1700th anniversary, Bartholomew I, Catholic, Nicaea 2025, Orthodox, Pope Francis, synods

Like our venerable predecessors Pope Paul VI and Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras who met here in Jerusalem fifty years ago, we too, Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, were determined to meet in the Holy Land “where our common Redeemer, Christ our Lord, lived, taught, died, rose again, and ascended into Heaven, whence he sent the Holy Spirit on the infant Church” (Common communiqué of Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras, published after their meeting of 6 January 1964). Our meeting, another encounter of the Bishops of the Churches of Rome and Constantinople founded respectively by the two Brothers the Apostles Peter and Andrew, is a source of profound spiritual joy for us. It presents a providential occasion to reflect on the depth and the authenticity of our existing bonds, themselves the fruit of a grace-filled journey on which the Lord has guided us since that blessed day of fifty years ago.
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Posted: May 26, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: Communiqué, Vatican NewsIn this article: Bartholomew I, Catholic, dialogue, Orthodox, Pope Francis
Transmis : 26 mai 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Communiqué, Vatican NewsDans cet article : Bartholomew I, Catholic, dialogue, Orthodox, Pope Francis

The historic meeting between Pope Paul VI and Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras in Jerusalem in January 1964 was a joyful occasion that swept aside centuries of division and has born good fruit, said Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and Archbishop Demetrios, primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America and chairman of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, in a joint statement, May 15.

The statement anticipated the May 25 meeting of Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in Jerusalem.

Archbishop Kurtz and Archbishop Demetrios said the growing closeness between Catholic and Orthodox Christians over the last 50 years has allowed them “to speak with one voice” on issues facing society.

“We commit ourselves to increased cooperation in these areas, including social, economic, and ethical dilemmas, and we call our people to pray for the success of the upcoming meeting between Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in Jerusalem for the glory of God and the promotion of Christianity in our wounded world,” the statement said.
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Posted: May 15, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: CommuniquéIn this article: Bartholomew I, Pope Francis
Transmis : 15 mai 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : CommuniquéDans cet article : Bartholomew I, Pope Francis

The motto and logo of Pope Francis’ visit to the Holy Land

Ut unum sint is the motto chosen for Pope Francis’ visit to the Holy Land. The website announced this following the Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land which was held in Tiberias on 11-12 March. There the heads of the Catholic communities in Israel, Palestine, Jordan and Cyprus presented the logo and motto for the Pope’s pilgrimage scheduled for 24-26 May.

The motto of the pilgrimage, according to the website, “is at the very core of his trip to the Holy Land”. Francis and Bartolomaios are scheduled to meet in the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre to commemorate and renew the desire and longing for unity among Christians, expressed by Pope Paul VI and Orthodox Patriarch Athenagoras 50 years ago in Jerusalem. In addition, the logo depicts the embrace between the two brothers, Apostles Peter and Andrew: the first two disciples called by Jesus in Galilee, patrons respectively of the Church of Rome and the Church of Constantinople.
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Posted: Mar. 15, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: Vatican NewsIn this article: Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, ecumenism, pope, Pope Francis
Transmis : 15 mars 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Vatican NewsDans cet article : Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, ecumenism, pope, Pope Francis

This is a story that is classic Pope Francis: in late December he picked up the phone and called a Pentecostal bishop, Tony Palmer, to invite him to visit. By all accounts, they had been friends for a number of years already and this was just a social visit, so it wasn’t planned and facilitated by Vatican staff. When the Vatican’s daily news briefing on January 14 listed Bishop Palmer’s visit, the only detail given was that he is the ecumenical officer for the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches, a Pentecostal group that identifies as Anglican, but is not affiliated with the Anglican Communion.

That generated considerable curiosity, particularly in ecumenical circles. Until now, the Vatican has not had any formal contacts with non-Communion Anglicans. No further details were available until this week when a video was posted on YouTube. During their visit in January, Pope Francis and Bishop Palmer recorded a video message on the bishop’s iPhone. The message was for a conference of leaders from Kenneth Copeland Ministries, a Pentecostal mega-church ministry. Palmer was scheduled to address the conference a few days later, so Francis offered to send greetings. They recorded the video on the spot, and there is no indication that the Vatican staff were aware of its existence until it appeared on YouTube two days ago.
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Posted: Feb. 20, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Catholic, Christian unity, ecumenism, Pentecostal, Pope Francis
Transmis : 20 févr. 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Catholic, Christian unity, ecumenism, Pentecostal, Pope Francis

Almost a year after Francis’ election and with the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity at an end, it is now possible to give a first overview of the Pope’s initiatives to promote ecumenism. “For me ecumenism is a priority” Francis told Vatican Insider and Italian newspaper La Stampa in last December’s interview.

Some of the choices he made even at the very start of his pontificate had a very positive impact of ecumenism.
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Posted: Jan. 28, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Bartholomew I, papacy, pope, Pope Francis
Transmis : 28 janv. 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Bartholomew I, papacy, pope, Pope Francis

On Saturday, Pope Francis presided over evening Vespers at Saint Paul’s Outside the Walls Basilica where he was joined by members of the many different Christian Churches present here in Rome.

The celebration, which lands on the Feast of Saint Paul, marks the closing of the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity which has been exploring the theme, taken from St Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, “Has Christ been divided?”

Saturday’s celebrations coincide with the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul.
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Posted: Jan. 25, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Christian unity, ecumenism, Pope Francis, spiritual ecumenism, WPCU
Transmis : 25 janv. 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Christian unity, ecumenism, Pope Francis, spiritual ecumenism, WPCU

Pope Francis dedicated the catechesis of this Wednesday’s general audience to the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which ends next Saturday, the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul. It is a spiritual initiative in which Christian communities have participated for over one hundred years, and is a time dedicated to prayer for the unity of all baptised persons, in accordance with Christ’s will “that they may all be one”. Every year an ecumenical group from one region in the world, under the guidance of the World Council of Churches and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, suggests the theme and prepares the activities for the Prayer Week. This year the initiatives were prepared by the Churches and Ecclesiastical Communities of Canada, who have proposed the question posed by St. Paul to the Christians of Corinth: “Has Christ been divided?”
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Posted: Jan. 22, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: Vatican NewsIn this article: ecumenism, Pope Francis, WPCU
Transmis : 22 janv. 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Vatican NewsDans cet article : ecumenism, Pope Francis, WPCU

For Pope Francis, the reform of the Catholic Church and its structures “isn’t a project, but an exercise of the Spirit” that will take time, said Honduran Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga.

The cardinal, co-ordinator of Pope Francis’ Council of Cardinals, which is working on the reform of the Roman Curia and advising him on Church governance, spoke about the Pope and his approach during a Dec. 4 book presentation at the Vatican.

Other cardinals on the council were in attendance as well for the presentation of Jesuit Father Antonio Spadaro’s book, La Mia Porta ‘E Sempre Aperta (My Door is Always Open), an expanded version of the interview with Pope Francis published in Jesuit periodicals around the world in September. Rodriguez said the title of the book could well be the main theme of Pope Francis’ pontificate.
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Posted: Dec. 5, 2013 • Permanent link:
Categories: CNSIn this article: Curial reform, pope, Pope Francis, Vatican
Transmis : 5 déc. 2013 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : CNSDans cet article : Curial reform, pope, Pope Francis, Vatican

The Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium recently delivered by Pope Francis concerning the proclamation of the Gospel in today’s world has stirred interest and appreciation from the World Council of Churches (WCC) as a challenging and inviting document.

“The Apostolic Exhortation is more than simply conveying the message of the Synod on evangelization, but addresses the need for the renewal of the church at all levels from the perspective of the call to be a missional church,” WCC general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit said.

“The tone of the document is open and both challenging and inviting,” he added. “It is really inspiring to read as we now try to implement the mandate from our recent assembly in Busan, Republic of Korea. It provides an inspiring interaction between ecclesiological reflections, missionary perspectives and concerns about economic, ecological justice and peace building as significant missionary dimensions of the church.”

“At the recent WCC 10th assembly in Busan we too highlighted the need for the renewal of the church both through a new mission statement that speaks of mission being from the margins of society, and the movement of the church and ecumenical movement toward justice and peace,” Tveit said.

Tveit added that he sees parallels between the “pilgrimage of justice and peace” the WCC fellowship of 345 member churches will be embarking on, especially now after the November assembly and the reflections of Pope Francis.

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Posted: Dec. 2, 2013 • Permanent link:
Categories: WCC NewsIn this article: Catholic, evangelism/evangelization, mission, Pope Francis, WCC, WCC Commission on World Mission and Evangelism
Transmis : 2 déc. 2013 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : WCC NewsDans cet article : Catholic, evangelism/evangelization, mission, Pope Francis, WCC, WCC Commission on World Mission and Evangelism

During an audience with Pope Francis at the Vatican earlier today, leaders from The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) expressed gratitude for the partnership with the Roman Catholic Church that makes it possible for churches to strengthen their commitment to the poor and vulnerable.

“As people who have been encountered by Christ, we are called to accompany the poor and vulnerable. The message of reconciliation entrusted to us turns into the hope for our fragmented world and its yearning for peace with justice,” LWF President Bishop Dr Munib A. Younan said in LWF’s greeting to the pope.

Younan expressed gratitude for the ecumenical milestones of the partnership with Catholics, including the recent publication of the report “From Conflict to Communion: Lutheran-Catholic Common Commemoration in 2017.”

By jointly approaching a shared history which includes elements of pain “the promise of healing appears on the horizon,” Younan said of the publication that outlines the mutual responsibility by Lutherans and Catholics for a common approach to the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017.

The June 2013 report by the Lutheran–Roman Catholic Commission on Unity marked the first time that both partners have worked together at the global level to tell the history of the Reformation as part of their commitment to deepen Christian unity. Baptism is the focus of ongoing dialogue by the commission, which will mark its 50th anniversary in 2017.
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Posted: Oct. 21, 2013 • Permanent link:
Categories: Lutheran World Information, Vatican NewsIn this article: Lutheran World Federation, pope, Pope Francis, spiritual ecumenism
Transmis : 21 oct. 2013 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Lutheran World Information, Vatican NewsDans cet article : Lutheran World Federation, pope, Pope Francis, spiritual ecumenism

Writing in one of Italy’s major secular newspapers, Pope Francis called for a “sincere and rigourous dialogue” between the Church and non-believers as an “intimate and indispensable expression” of Christian love.

The Pope’s words appeared in a 2,600-word letter published in the Sept. 11 edition of the Rome daily La Repubblica, in reply to recent articles by Eugenio Scalfari, a co-founder and former editor-in-chief of the newspaper.

An “open and unprejudiced dialogue” between Christians and those of no religious faith is “rightful and precious” today for at least two reasons, Pope Francis wrote. Such a dialogue could “open doors for a serious and fertile encounter” between secular culture and Christian culture, which have lost the ability to communicate due largely to modern views of faith as the “darkness of superstition opposed to the light of reason.”
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Posted: Sept. 12, 2013 • Permanent link:
Categories: CNSIn this article: atheists, pope, Pope Francis
Transmis : 12 sept. 2013 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : CNSDans cet article : atheists, pope, Pope Francis

Pope Francis is leading the Catholic Church on an extraordinary campaign to prevent President Barack Obama’s proposed military strike on Syria.

On Sept. 4, the pope appealed to leaders of the G-20 nations to “lay aside the futile pursuit of a military solution” to the Syrian civil war and promote instead a “peaceful solution through dialogue and negotiation.” The next day, his foreign minister sent the same message in a special meeting with the Vatican diplomatic corps. And on Sept. 7, the pope was scheduled to lead a prayer vigil for Syria in St. Peter’s Square — an event that the Vatican spokesman, Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, said would be unprecedented, in both scale and importance of setting, as a papal gesture for peace.

Exceptional as they are, however, Pope Francis’ actions have followed in close continuity with the spirit and record of his predecessors.

On the first visit by a pope to the United Nations, in 1965, Pope Paul VI memorably called for “No more war, war never again.” Blessed John Paul II was a constant campaigner for peace, calling the interfaith meetings in Assisi, praying for an end to violence in the Balkans, and doing everything he could, publicly and privately, to prevent the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
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Posted: Sept. 7, 2013 • Permanent link:
Categories: CNSIn this article: peace, pope, Pope Francis
Transmis : 7 sept. 2013 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : CNSDans cet article : peace, pope, Pope Francis

Many Catholics who identify themselves as either conservatives or progressives will be disappointed in Pope Francis, whose program of spiritual renewal, doctrinal continuity and emphasis on the poor fits none of the traditional moulds, a top German cardinal said.

Cardinal Walter Kasper, a theologian and retired president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, said Pope Francis will also face resistance within the curia, which needs both organizational revamping and a change of mentality.

Attempts at reform will bring resistance and difficulties “just like with every big institution,” he said in a July 16 interview with the Italian newspaper Il Foglio.

“However, this pope is very determined: He knows what he wants,” he said.
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Posted: July 17, 2013 • Permanent link:
Categories: CNSIn this article: church reform, Pope Francis, Walter Kasper
Transmis : 17 juil. 2013 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : CNSDans cet article : church reform, Pope Francis, Walter Kasper

The new encyclical, issued by Pope Francis, Lumen fidei, is a splendid document that deserves to be pondered prayerfully. Its clarity and depth will repay multiple readings by all in the Church – indeed, by all who are seeking the meaning and truth of human existence.

However, one section will prove of particular interest to theologians. Number thirty-six of the encyclical sets forth briefly, but in a remarkably rich way, an understanding of the task of theology. From one perspective, of course, it is a traditional view (as the footnote reference to Bonaventure and Aquinas shows). But it places that traditional understanding into an intersubjective context that brings out, in a new and deeper way, its significance and implications.

The Pope writes: “God is a subject who makes himself known and perceived in an interpersonal relationship.” Thus the theologian cannot approach the theological task in a distant, neutral manner, as would a scientist or a mere observer. Theology flourishes through participatory knowledge in which reason, will, and affections are all engaged. The encyclical appeals to the biblical notion of the “heart” and insists that, as Blessed John Henry Newman expresses it: cor ad cor loquitur — heart speaks to heart. Theology reflects upon the Word of God, fully revealed, in the death and resurrection of Jesus, as abiding Love. The heart of God speaks to our heart his Word of Love in interpersonal encounter.
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Posted: July 13, 2013 • Permanent link:
Categories: OpinionIn this article: encyclicals, Pope Francis, theology
Transmis : 13 juil. 2013 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : OpinionDans cet article : encyclicals, Pope Francis, theology

Three rabbis and a Pope: High praise for Francis after visit to Vatican

“This man is a mensch.” Standing alone, this is an unremarkable sentence. But from a rabbi about a pope?
This was what Rabbi Shmuel Goldin of Congregation Ahavath Torah in Englewood, the president of the Orthodox Rabbinical Council of America, said about Pope Francis.

Here’s another thought, from Rabbi Noam Marans of Teaneck, the Conservative rabbi who is director of interreligious and intergroup relations at the American Jewish Committee (AJC).

“Pope Francis is the quintessential religious symbol par excellence; unassuming, unscripted, warm. It is a religious experience to be in his presence.”

And a third, from Rabbi Dr. Eugene Korn of New Milford, the Orthodox rabbi who is the American director of the Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation in Israel.

“He is very warm.”

The three of them were among the 25 or so Jews who met with the pope last week. Each represents his organization in the umbrella group called the International Jewish Committee for Interreligious Consultations (which is abbreviated as IJCIC, uneuphoniously pronounced Idge-kick). IJCIC is the official liaison between the Jewish world and the Vatican.
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Posted: July 5, 2013 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: IJCIC, interfaith, Judaism, Pope Francis
Transmis : 5 juil. 2013 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : IJCIC, interfaith, Judaism, Pope Francis

“Your presence is the sign of the profound bond that unites the Church of Constantinople with the Church of Rome in faith, in hope, and in charity,” Pope Francis said this morning on receiving the delegation of the Ecumenical Patriarch, which had arrived in Rome to celebrate the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul. The tradition of exchanging visits for the occasions of the respective patronal feasts dates back to 1969. The Pope emphasized that “fraternal gathering is an essential part of the journey towards unity.”

“The search for unity among Christians is an urgent task—you have said that ‘it is not a luxury, but an imperative’—from which, today more than ever, we cannot prescind. In our world that hungers and thirsts for truth, love, hope, peace, and unity, our witness demands that we should at last be able to proclaim, with one voice, the good news of the Gospel and celebrate together the Divine Mysteries of our new life in Christ. We are well aware that unity is primarily a gift from Gift that we must pray for unceasingly, but we all have the task of preparing the conditions, of cultivating the soil of the heart so that this extraordinary grace may be received.”
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Posted: June 28, 2013 • Permanent link:
Categories: Vatican NewsIn this article: Bartholomew I, Catholic, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Orthodox, Pope Francis, Vatican
Transmis : 28 juin 2013 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Vatican NewsDans cet article : Bartholomew I, Catholic, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Orthodox, Pope Francis, Vatican

Pope Francis, who recently spoke of a need to increase the common responsibility all bishops hold for the universal church, told a delegation of Orthodox leaders that the Catholic Church can learn from the synod structure of the Eastern Christian churches.

Dialogue for Christian unity is not a theoretical exercise for theologians, but an essential, practical tool for growing in faith and for evangelization, Pope Francis told a delegation from the Ecumenical Orthodox Patriarchate of Constantinople.

“This is not merely a theoretical exercise, but one of getting to know each other’s traditions in order to understand and even learn from them,” the pope said during the meeting June 28.

Pope Francis said he was referring particularly “to the reflection of the Catholic Church on the meaning of episcopal collegiality and the tradition of synodality, so typical of the Orthodox churches,” in which the synods function as a symbol of the unity of the local churches and as a governing body united to the patriarch or spiritual leader of the church.
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Posted: June 28, 2013 • Permanent link:
Categories: CNSIn this article: Catholic, church reform, collegiality, dialogue, Orthodox, Pope Francis, synodality
Transmis : 28 juin 2013 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : CNSDans cet article : Catholic, church reform, collegiality, dialogue, Orthodox, Pope Francis, synodality

Pope Francis and Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury, spiritual leader of the Anglican Communion, pledged to support each other with their prayers and to continue the search for full unity between their communities.

Meeting at the Vatican June 14, praying together in the Redemptoris Mater Chapel in the Apostolic Palace and eating lunch together in the papal residence, both remarked on the fact that Pope Francis’ inaugural Mass was celebrated March 19 and Archbishop Welby’s installation was March 21.

“Since we began our respective ministries within days of each other, I think we will always have a particular reason to support one another in prayer,” Pope Francis said. He also thanked the new Anglican leader for praying for him during his installation at Canterbury Cathedral.

Archbishop Welby told him, “I pray that the nearness of our two inaugurations may serve the reconciliation of the world and the church.”
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Posted: June 14, 2013 • Permanent link:
Categories: CNSIn this article: Anglican, Archbishop of Canterbury, Catholic, pope, Pope Francis
Transmis : 14 juin 2013 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : CNSDans cet article : Anglican, Archbishop of Canterbury, Catholic, pope, Pope Francis

A couple of interesting ecumenical developments occurred of late regarding [Catholic] relations with the Coptic Orthodox Church and the Anglican Communion. First, His Holiness Tawadros II, the Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church, has been on an official visit to Rome (since the third century the Patriarchs of Alexandria have used the title “pope”). He arrived on May 9 and left May 13. The visit marked the first time that Pope Francis has received the head of another Christian church or ecclesial community since his installation in March, and it is also Pope Tawadros’ first trip outside Egypt since his election last November.
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Posted: May 22, 2013 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Anglican, Catholic, Coptic, ecumenism, Pope Francis
Transmis : 22 mai 2013 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Anglican, Catholic, Coptic, ecumenism, Pope Francis

The visit of Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, “strengthens the bonds of friendship and brotherhood that already exist between the See of Peter and the See of Mark, heir to an inestimable heritage of martyrs, theologians, holy monks, and faithful disciples of Christ, who have borne witness to the Gospel from generation to generation, often in situations of great adversity,” said Pope Francis on receiving the head of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt this morning. The pontiff remarked on the memorable meeting that took place, 40 years ago, between the predecessors of both, Pope Paul VI and Pope Shenouda III, which united them “in an embrace of peace and fraternity, after centuries of mutual distance.”
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Posted: May 10, 2013 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Catholic, Christian unity, Coptic, ecumenism, Oriental Orthodox, patriarch, Pope Francis, Vatican
Transmis : 10 mai 2013 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Catholic, Christian unity, Coptic, ecumenism, Oriental Orthodox, patriarch, Pope Francis, Vatican

Pope Francis has set up an advisory board of eight cardinals from around the world to help him govern the Catholic Church and to help him reform it. Briefing journalists Saturday the head of the Holy See press office, Rev. Federico Lombardi, said the communiqué came exactly one month since Pope Francis’ election following the February 11 resignation of his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI. He said it shows that Pope Francis “listens attentively” to the suggestions of the College of Cardinals – his closest collaborators. The formation of the group came after reading the mood of cardinals at the conclave that elected the pontiff on March 13. That meeting took place behind closed doors. The Vatican spokesman also noted that the group will have no legislative power and that its main function is to “help” and “advise” the Pope. Lombardi also noted the advisers would in no way interfere in the normal functions of the Roman Curia, the body responsible for daily governance of the Vatican and the Catholic Church.
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Posted: Apr. 13, 2013 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Catholic, pope, Pope Francis, Vatican
Transmis : 13 avril 2013 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Catholic, pope, Pope Francis, Vatican

The archbishop of Havana, Cardinal Jaime Lucas Ortega y Alamino, on Saturday read from a document given him by Pope Francis, outlining the speech he gave during the pre-conclave General Congregation meetings of the Cardinals. Cardinal Ortega had been so impressed with the speech he asked the then-Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio for a copy of the intervention. Following the conclave, Cardinal Ortega received permission from Pope Francis to share the information.
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Posted: Mar. 27, 2013 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: church, pope, Pope Francis, Vatican
Transmis : 27 mars 2013 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : church, pope, Pope Francis, Vatican

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