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We recommend the following books on ecumenical and interreligious relations for your library.

There are now 218 books in our booklist.

Nous recommandons ces livres pour votre bibliothèque.

Il y a maintenant 218 livres dans notre liste.

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A History of the Ecumenical Movement: vol. 3, 1968-2000

A History of the Ecumenical Movement: vol. 3, 1968-2000
Tsetsis, Georges, Hugh McCullum, John Briggs, & Mercy Oduyoye, eds.
WCC Publications, 2004
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1355-5,

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Intersecting Voices: Critical Theologies in a Land of Diversity

Intersecting Voices: Critical Theologies in a Land of Diversity
Schweitzer, Don & Derek Simon, eds.
Novalis, 2004
ISBN: 978-2-8950-7383-3,
Subject: political theology, Canadian contextual theology

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Just Policing:
Mennonite-Catholic Theological Colloquium, 2002

Just Policing: Mennonite-Catholic Theological Colloquium, 2002
Kauffman, Ivan J., ed.
Pandora Press, 2004
ISBN: 978-1-8947-1048-0,

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On Baptism: Mennonite-Catholic Theological Colloquium, 2001-2002

On Baptism: Mennonite-Catholic Theological Colloquium, 2001-2002
Schlabach, Gerald W., ed.
Pandora Press, 2004
ISBN: 978-1-8947-1047-3,

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Praying Over the Broken Body of Christ

Praying Over the Broken Body of Christ
Nighswander, Dan
Mennonite Church Canada, 2004,

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Sacrament of Unity: The Eucharist and the Church

Sacrament of Unity: The Eucharist and the Church
Kasper, Walter Cardinal
Herder & Herder (Crossroad Publishing), 2004
ISBN: 978-0-8245-2314-5,
Subject: Church, Eucharist, sacraments, Christian unity

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Three Views on Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism

Three Views on Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism
Stamoolis, James J., ed.
HarperCollins Canada / Zondervan, 2004
ISBN: 978-0-3102-3539-2,
Subject: Evangelicalism, Eastern Orthodoxy, dialogue

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Visible Church - Visible Unity: Ecumenical Ecclesiology and

Visible Church - Visible Unity: Ecumenical Ecclesiology and
Tjørhom, Ola
The Liturgical Press, 2004
ISBN: 978-0-8146-2873-7,

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With a Demonstration of the Spirit and of Power: Seventh International Consultation of United and Uniting Churches

With a Demonstration of the Spirit and of Power: Seventh International Consultation of United and Uniting Churches
Best, Thomas F., ed.
WCC Publications, 2004
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1395-1,

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Dictionary of the Ecumenical Movement, 2nd ed.

Dictionary of the Ecumenical Movement, 2nd ed.
Lossky, Nicholas, Jose Miguez Bonino, John Pobee, Thomas F. Stransky, Geoffrey Wainwright, and Pauline Webb, eds.
WCC Publications, 2003
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1354-8,

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The Dignity of Difference: How to Avoid the Clash of Civilizations

The Dignity of Difference: How to Avoid the Clash of Civilizations
Sacks, Jonathan
Continuum, 2003
ISBN: 978-0-8264-6850-5,

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Ecumenical Considerations for Dialogue and Relations with People of Other Religions

Ecumenical Considerations for Dialogue and Relations with People of Other Religions
World Council of Churches
WCC Publications, 2003
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1365-4,

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I Believe, Despite Everything: Reflections of an Ecumenist

I Believe, Despite Everything: Reflections of an Ecumenist
Tillard, J.-M. R.
The Liturgical Press, 2003
ISBN: 978-0-8146-2492-0,

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In One Body Through the Cross: The Princeton Proposal for Christian Unity

In One Body Through the Cross: The Princeton Proposal for Christian Unity
Braaten, Carl E. & Robert W. Jenson, eds.
Eerdmans, 2003
ISBN: 978-0-8028-2298-7,

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Justification and the Future of the Ecumenical Movement: The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification

Justification and the Future of the Ecumenical Movement: The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification
Rusch, William G., ed.
The Liturgical Press, 2003
ISBN: 978-0-8146-2733-4,
Subject: Lutheran-Catholic dialogue, ecumenical movement

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The Unity We Have and the Unity We Seek: Ecumenical Prospects for the Third Millennium

The Unity We Have and the Unity We Seek: Ecumenical Prospects for the Third Millennium
Morris, Jeremy & Nicholas Sagovsky, eds.
T & T Clark International, 2003
ISBN: 978-0-5670-8879-6,

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The Vision of the Ecumenical Movement and How It has been Impoverished by Its Friends

The Vision of the Ecumenical Movement and How It has been Impoverished by Its Friends
Kinnamon, Michael
Chalice Press, 2003
ISBN: 978-0-8272-4006-3,

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Blessed One: Protestant Perspectives on Mary

Blessed One: Protestant Perspectives on Mary
Gaventa, Beverly Roberts & Cynthia L. Rigby, eds.
Westminster John Knox Press, 2002
ISBN: 978-0-6642-2438-7,

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Catholics and Evangelicals: Do They Share a Common Future?

Catholics and Evangelicals: Do They Share a Common Future?
Rausch, Thomas P., ed.
Novalis, 2002
ISBN: 978-0-8091-3986-6,

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Christianity and the Religions: From Confrontation to Dialogue

Christianity and the Religions: From Confrontation to Dialogue
Dupuis, Jacques
Orbis Books, 2002
ISBN: 978-1-5707-5440-1,

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