Archive for tag: Anglican Communion

Archive pour tag : Anglican Communion

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An international Anglican commission considered a number of ongoing and proposed ecumenical dialogues at its meeting in Dublin from Sept. 12-19, according to a news release from the Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS).

The Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order (IASCUFO) “reflected on the Christian calling to work for the visible unity of God’s Church as ambassadors for Christ in the ministry of reconciliation,” according to ACNS.

The commission received updates from ecumenical dialogues with Lutherans, Methodists, the Orthodox, Reformed, and Roman Catholics. Regarding Anglican-related work, the group discussed the proposed Anglican Communion Covenant, the Anglican “instruments of communion,” theological anthropology and reception.
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Posted: Sept. 19, 2012 • Permanent link:
Categories: ENIIn this article: Anglican Communion, dialogue, ecumenism, IASCUFO
Transmis : 19 sept. 2012 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ENIDans cet article : Anglican Communion, dialogue, ecumenism, IASCUFO

The fourth meeting of the Anglican-Methodist International Commission for Unity in Mission (AMICUM) took place near Baltimore, Maryland, 10-16 February 2012, hosted by the World Methodist Council, at the Bon Secours Spiritual Center. Members of the Commission worshipped together morning and evening, and the Eucharist was celebrated according to both traditions.

The Commission spent time considering the ministry of oversight in a way that honours the traditions of both world families. It paid careful attention to how Anglicans and Methodists have expressed the form and understanding of mission, episcopal ministry, and apostolicity.
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Posted: Feb. 16, 2012 • Permanent link:
Categories: ACNS, CommuniquéIn this article: AMICUM, Anglican Communion, dialogue, World Methodist Council
Transmis : 16 févr. 2012 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ACNS, CommuniquéDans cet article : AMICUM, Anglican Communion, dialogue, World Methodist Council

As the Lambeth Conference of 2008 comes to an end, I want to offer some further reflections of my own on what the bishops gathered in Canterbury have learned and experienced. Those of you who have been present here will be able to share your own insights with your people, but it may be useful for me to add my own perspectives as to where we have been led. For the vast majority of bishops, it seems, this has been a time when they have felt God to have been at work. The Conference was not a time for making new laws or for binding decisions; in spite of the way some have expressed their expectations, Lambeth Conferences have never worked straightforwardly in this way. The Conference Design Group believed strongly that the chief need of our Communion at the moment was the rebuilding of relationships – the rebuilding of trust in one another – and of confidence in our Anglican identity. And it was with this in mind that they planned for a very different sort of Conference, determined to allow every bishop’s voice to be heard and to seek for a final outcome for which the bishops were genuinely able to recognize an authentic account of their own work.
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Posted: Aug. 26, 2008 • Permanent link:
Categories: ACNS, OpinionIn this article: Anglican Communion, Lambeth Conference, Rowan Williams
Transmis : 26 aoüt 2008 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ACNS, OpinionDans cet article : Anglican Communion, Lambeth Conference, Rowan Williams

The Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON), which was held in Jerusalem from 22-29 June 2008, is a spiritual movement to preserve and promote the truth and power of the gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ as we Anglicans have received it. The movement is global: it has mobilised Anglicans from around the world. We are Anglican: 1148 lay and clergy participants, including 291 bishops representing millions of faithful Anglican Christians. We cherish our Anglican heritage and the Anglican Communion and have no intention of departing from it. And we believe that, in God’s providence, Anglicanism has a bright future in obedience to our Lord’s Great Commission to make disciples of all nations and to build up the church on the foundation of biblical truth (Matthew 28:18-20; Ephesians 2:20). GAFCON is not just a moment in time, but a movement in the Spirit, and we hereby:

• launch the GAFCON movement as a fellowship of confessing Anglicans
• publish the Jerusalem Declaration as the basis of the fellowship
• encourage GAFCON Primates to form a Council.
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Posted: June 29, 2008 • Permanent link:
Categories: Communiqué, NewsIn this article: Anglican Communion, GAFCON, human sexuality
Transmis : 29 juin 2008 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Communiqué, NewsDans cet article : Anglican Communion, GAFCON, human sexuality

When Catholic cardinals meet in conclave they tend to do so under the stern eye of God in the Sistine Chapel. Anglican primates are different; this past week they have been meeting privately in the agreeable surroundings of a beach-front hotel overlooking the shimmering Indian Ocean just outside Dar es Salaam. Where the cardinals have Swiss Guards to protect them, the Anglicans have enjoyed what we journalists took to calling satirically the ring of steel: a group of young askari cadets, dressed in white shirts and black berets, who nervously fingered their truncheons when anyone approached.
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Posted: Feb. 24, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: TabletIn this article: Anglican Communion, Christian unity, human sexuality, Rowan Williams
Transmis : 24 févr. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : TabletDans cet article : Anglican Communion, Christian unity, human sexuality, Rowan Williams

Rather than be split by a much-trumpeted schism,the Anglican Communion emerged from its meeting in Tanzania this week as a new kind of twenty-first century Church, reflecting changes in ecclesial and geopolitical power

Will the Anglican Communion survive? Before the Primates’ Meeting in Africa this week there was much discussion of schism, and an atmosphere of crisis prevailed. At the heart of the problem is how Anglicans reconcile the value they place on diocesan and provincial structure of autonomy at the national level with the legitimacy given to a comprehensive range of practices and positions with the bonds of ecclesial communion that allow the Communion coherence as one effective, united, interdependent worldwide body of Christians. Given that, what does the Anglican Communion mean? Is it a fellowship of independent national churches with historical roots in the Church of England that worship through a provincial expression of the Book of Common Prayer, or is it a hierarchical system with the Archbishop of Canterbury at the top as a sort of mini-Pope?
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Posted: Feb. 24, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: TabletIn this article: Anglican Communion, Christian unity, human sexuality, Rowan Williams
Transmis : 24 févr. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : TabletDans cet article : Anglican Communion, Christian unity, human sexuality, Rowan Williams

The Episcopal Church of Burundi wishes to express appreciation for the Windsor Report, and to congratulate the Lambeth Commission that produced it. It is an interesting, coherent, and sensitive report that challenges the Communion to dialogue constructively as a way forward.

The Episcopal Church of Burundi remains totally committed to the Anglican Communion and will continue to endeavour to “keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3). We should always be mindful of the Gospel imperative to maintain unity and communion that is rooted in truth and love.
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Posted: Nov. 12, 2004 • Permanent link:
Categories: ACNS, CommuniquéIn this article: Anglican Communion, human sexuality, Lambeth Commission
Transmis : 12 nov. 2004 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ACNS, CommuniquéDans cet article : Anglican Communion, human sexuality, Lambeth Commission

The Most Revd Peter Kwong, Primate of Hong Kong, today released the first details of the reception process being adopted by the Reception Reference Group appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury in conjunction with the Primates’ Standing Committee on the 20 October this year, following the publication of the Windsor Report 2004 in London on 18 October.

Full details will be placed on the Anglican Communion web site in the coming week.

“There will be three major threads to the process that the group are adopting”, the Archbishop commented, “First, we shall be using the official channels of the Anglican Communion to undertake consultation with the provinces and churches of the Anglican Communion, its official commissions and networks. This will also include approaches to Anglican mission agencies and ecumenical partners.”
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Posted: Nov. 5, 2004 • Permanent link:
Categories: ACNS, CommuniquéIn this article: Anglican Communion, Windsor Process
Transmis : 5 nov. 2004 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ACNS, CommuniquéDans cet article : Anglican Communion, Windsor Process

The Primates’ Standing Committee, meeting in London, between 18 and 20 October, 2004, received the Windsor Report at the same time that copies of the report were circulated to the Primates at 9.00am prior to its publication at 12 noon here in London.

We would like to begin by thanking Archbishop Robin Eames and his Commission, together with the staff who supported them, for the hard work and dedication which is represented by this document. The Commission members came from a wide range of geographical backgrounds, and brought many different perspectives to their work. That they have been able to commend this report unanimously to the members of the Anglican Communion is a sign of hope to our Communion. If there is a real desire to walk together in our discipleship of Christ, then a course can be plotted to maintain the highest degree of Communion possible, in spite of differences about the way in which Christ’s Gospel is to be interpreted in a diverse and troubled world.
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Posted: Oct. 20, 2004 • Permanent link:
Categories: ACNS, CommuniquéIn this article: Anglican Communion, human sexuality, Lambeth Commission
Transmis : 20 oct. 2004 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ACNS, CommuniquéDans cet article : Anglican Communion, human sexuality, Lambeth Commission

I welcome the sincerity and hard work of those who have prepared ‘The Windsor Report 2004‘. After an initial reading it is clear to me that the report falls far short of the prescription needed for this current crisis. It fails to confront the reality that a small, economically privileged group of people has sought to subvert the Christian faith and impose their new and false doctrine on the wider community of faithful believers. We have watched in sadness as sisters and brothers who have sought to maintain their allegiance to the faith once delivered to the saints have been marginalized and persecuted for their faith. We have been filled with grief as we have witnessed the decline of the North American Church that was once filled with missionary zeal and yet now seems determined to bury itself in a deadly embrace with the spirit of the age. Instead of a clear call for repentance we have been offered warm words of sentimentality for those who have shown no godly sorrow for their actions and harsh words of condemnation for those who have reached out a helping hand to friends in need of pastoral and spiritual care.
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Posted: Oct. 20, 2004 • Permanent link:
Categories: ACNS, CommuniquéIn this article: Anglican Communion, human sexuality, Lambeth Commission, Peter Akinola
Transmis : 20 oct. 2004 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ACNS, CommuniquéDans cet article : Anglican Communion, human sexuality, Lambeth Commission, Peter Akinola

I have the honour to submit to you the Report of the Lambeth Commission on Communion, entitled ‘The Windsor Report 2004′. In the last twelve months, we have laboured hard and prayerfully listened to all shades of opinion across the Anglican Communion, and have been able to come to a common mind on a diagnosis for the current situation in the life of the Communion, and the remedies which could be offered.

We have made a remarkable journey. The Commission members had strongly held and differing opinions on both the presenting issues and their underlying causes, and we have not been afraid to discuss those views openly and honestly in our work. But equal to all of this is our central belief that the forty-four churches of the Anglican Communion belong together in witness and common mission for the sake of the Gospel, and this has helped us to develop a set of unanimous recommendations.
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Posted: Oct. 18, 2004 • Permanent link:
Categories: ACNS, CommuniquéIn this article: Anglican Communion, human sexuality, Lambeth Commission
Transmis : 18 oct. 2004 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ACNS, CommuniquéDans cet article : Anglican Communion, human sexuality, Lambeth Commission

I welcome the publication of the Windsor Report. I was privileged to be part of the Lambeth Commission, and despite some very honest exchanges, we were able to come together as a Commission to offer what I believe represents a genuine way forward for the future of the Anglican Communion.

The report we have agreed now offers to our brothers and sisters in Christ very real ways in which we could begin to strengthen our common life in the Lord, and to strengthen the workings of the Instruments of Unity so that they will be able to function more effectively in drawing our forty-four churches into greater interdependence and mutual life.
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Posted: Oct. 18, 2004 • Permanent link:
Categories: ACNS, CommuniquéIn this article: Anglican Communion, human sexuality, Lambeth Commission
Transmis : 18 oct. 2004 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ACNS, CommuniquéDans cet article : Anglican Communion, human sexuality, Lambeth Commission

The meeting of the Anglican-Oriental Orthodox International Commission, which was to have taken place at Walsingham from Tuesday 28 October to Sunday 2 November 2003, has been postponed at the suggestion of the Heads of the Coptic Orthodox Church (His Holiness Pope Shenouda III), the Syrian Orthodox Church (His Holiness Patriarch Zakka I) and the Armenian Orthodox Church, Catholicosate of Cilicia (His Holiness Catholicos Aram I), who met in Antelias, Lebanon, on 17 and 18 October 2003.

The present time is clearly a moment of uncertainty in the life of the Anglican Communion, with the consecration of a homosexual person in a committed, same-sex relationship as a Bishop within the Episcopal Church (USA). The developments facing the Communion were addressed in the Statement of the Primates of the Anglican Communion who met together with the Moderators of the United Churches at Lambeth Palace, London, on 15 and 16 October, to consider their reactions and the way forward for the Communion. In the light of that meeting, the Archbishop of Canterbury has set up a Commission which will look at the future structures of the Communion in the light of decisions taken in the Episcopal Church (USA) and in the Anglican Church of Canada.
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Posted: Nov. 17, 2003 • Permanent link:
Categories: ACNS, CommuniquéIn this article: Anglican Communion, dialogue, human sexuality, Oriental Orthodox
Transmis : 17 nov. 2003 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ACNS, CommuniquéDans cet article : Anglican Communion, dialogue, human sexuality, Oriental Orthodox

The visit to Ridley Hall Theological College, Cambridge, England by Shaykh Fawzy El-Zafzaf, President of the Committee for Dialogue with the Monotheistic Faiths of Al Azhar, the renowned Islamic university and Centre in Cairo, Egypt, marks a significant new development in the building of relations between the Anglican Communion and Al Azhar.

As part of the agreement signed by Archbishop Carey, then Archbishop of Canterbury, and Shaykh Tantawy, the Grand Shaykh of Al Azhar in January 2002, the two parties committed themselves not only to regular ‘dialogue’ meetings, but also to find other ways in which they might learn more about the faith of each other. It was agreed to seek to establish reciprocal study visits in which staff and students of Al Azhar would spend time at Anglican theological institutions, and Anglican theologians and theological students would similarly visit Al Azhar. Shaykh Fawzy’s visit to Ridley Hall, 5-11 October 2003, during which he was accompanied by Bishop Mouneer Anis, the Anglican Bishop of Egypt and North Africa will, it is hoped, prove to be the first of a number of such exchanges.
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Posted: Nov. 4, 2003 • Permanent link:
Categories: ACNSIn this article: Al-Azhar, Anglican Communion, interfaith
Transmis : 4 nov. 2003 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ACNSDans cet article : Al-Azhar, Anglican Communion, interfaith

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has announced the makeup and the terms of reference for a Commission to look at life in the Anglican Communion in the light of recent events. It is to be made up of members appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury and will be chaired by the Most Revd Robin Eames, Archbishop of Armagh.

The Commission, which is expected to begin its work early in the New Year, was formed as a result of a request from the recent Primates meeting at Lambeth Palace to the Archbishop of Canterbury. It will take particular account of the decision to authorise a service for use in connection with same sex unions in the Diocese of New Westminster, Canada, and the expected Consecration of the Revd Canon V Gene Robinson as Bishop Co-adjutor of New Hampshire in the Episcopal Church (USA) on Sunday, November 2nd.
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Posted: Oct. 28, 2003 • Permanent link:
Categories: ACNS, CommuniquéIn this article: Anglican Communion, human sexuality, Lambeth Commission
Transmis : 28 oct. 2003 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ACNS, CommuniquéDans cet article : Anglican Communion, human sexuality, Lambeth Commission

I returned home from our meeting at Lambeth grateful for the spirit of candor in which we shared our thoughts and feelings. I thank God for the opportunity to come together in Christ’s name and for the strong bonds and mutual affection that exist between us. I pray that our common commitment to mission and God’s ongoing work of reconciliation will continue to bind us together in Christ in the days and years ahead. I remind myself that the church is not our possession but the risen body of Christ of which each one of us is a limb and member in virtue of our baptism.

As I tried to make plain in the course of our meeting, we in the Episcopal Church have been dealing openly with the place of homosexual persons in the life of our church for at least thirty years. Though the question still remains unresolved, the presence among us of deeply faithful men and women whose lives reveal the fruit of the Spirit, and whose primary affections are ordered to persons of the same sex, has brought us to this difficult, and very public, moment. I recognize that while many in our church give thanks for where we have come, many others are deeply pained and distressed. I further recognize how our decisions have also affected you and I hope you know how profoundly I regret the pain our Province’s action has caused many of you.
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Posted: Oct. 24, 2003 • Permanent link:
Categories: ACNS, CommuniquéIn this article: Anglican Communion, Episcopal Church, human sexuality, Primates Meeting
Transmis : 24 oct. 2003 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ACNS, CommuniquéDans cet article : Anglican Communion, Episcopal Church, human sexuality, Primates Meeting

he Bishop and Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire met today in response to the London meeting of the Primates from the 38 autonomous Provinces of the worldwide Anglican Communion for prayer, bible study and discussion. We acknowledge and affirm the wisdom of the Primates of the Anglican Communion in their statement. We echo their affirmation that “what we hold in common is much greater than that which divides us in proclaiming Good News to the world.”

We commend their resolve to follow the 1998 Lambeth resolution calling for the Church to “listen to the experience of homosexual persons, and … to assure them that they are loved by God and that all baptised, believing and faithful persons, regardless of sexual orientation, are full members of the Body of Christ.”
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Posted: Oct. 17, 2003 • Permanent link:
Categories: ACNSIn this article: Anglican Communion, Episcopal Church, human sexuality, Primates Meeting
Transmis : 17 oct. 2003 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ACNSDans cet article : Anglican Communion, Episcopal Church, human sexuality, Primates Meeting

At the final press conference at the end of the Primates’ Meeting yesterday, the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, USA, gave the following statement:

“I’d certainly like to underscore the Archbishop’s point about it being a difficult but truthful meeting. I think one thing that became very clear early on is that we seek to embody and proclaim the Gospel in very different contexts and what may, in fact, be good news to a majority in one province may, in fact, be bad news somewhere else in the world. And here I think particularly of my own province, the United States in which a majority, though not the whole province, has wrestled with the whole question of homosexuality for at least the last 30 years and come to a sense that men and women whose affections are ordered to members of the same sex are faithful members of the church; are people with whom we share ministry; are people we in many instances ordain, which of course has led to the confirmation of the election of the Bishop Elect of New Hampshire, which has caused such a division and certainly been one of the major focuses of our meeting here. But I do think what binds us together is deeper than some of the things that divide us and certainly the whole question of human sexuality; more particularly homosexuality; is far from settled and as we continue to struggle together I think it’s also important, as the Archbishop said, that we keep our focus on the mission we share because there is so much in the world that cries out for our attention beyond issues of human sexuality.
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Posted: Oct. 17, 2003 • Permanent link:
Categories: ACNS, CommuniquéIn this article: Anglican Communion, Episcopal Church, human sexuality, Primates Meeting
Transmis : 17 oct. 2003 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ACNS, CommuniquéDans cet article : Anglican Communion, Episcopal Church, human sexuality, Primates Meeting

It is with great gratitude to God and appreciation to the people of the Anglican Communion and other churches that we greet you in the name of Jesus Christ.

As we met this week at Lambeth we experienced the power of the Holy Spirit moving among us. We are so grateful to God for hearing the prayers and cries of his praying people to preserve both the truth and the unity of the Anglican Communion. We urge continued prayer that the whole Anglican Communion may continue by God’s power to witness to the transforming love of Jesus for all people.
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Posted: Oct. 17, 2003 • Permanent link:
Categories: ACNSIn this article: Anglican Communion, human sexuality, Primates Meeting
Transmis : 17 oct. 2003 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ACNSDans cet article : Anglican Communion, human sexuality, Primates Meeting

As you will know, the Primates of the Anglican Communion met together at Lambeth Palace on 15 and 16 October in response to recent developments within the Anglican Church of Canada and the Episcopal Church of the United States of America. These developments included the election of a priest in a committed same sex relationship as a bishop, and the authorisation by one diocese in Canada of a public Rite of Blessing for Same Sex Unions. In their Statement at the end of the meeting, the Primates said four main things – (a) they committed themselves to working together in the Communion as far as possible, (b) they reaffirmed the teaching of the Anglican Communion on sexual ethics, (c) they acknowledged that recent developments will damage the Communion, and (d) they established a commission to take matters further.

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Posted: Oct. 17, 2003 • Permanent link:
Categories: OpinionIn this article: Anglican Communion, Gregory Cameron, human sexuality, Primates Meeting
Transmis : 17 oct. 2003 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : OpinionDans cet article : Anglican Communion, Gregory Cameron, human sexuality, Primates Meeting

Good evening everyone. Thank you very much for joining us. I hope you’ve had a chance, at least, to glance at the statement which has been produced by our meeting which has, in fact, been unanimously agreed by the meeting of the primates. And I’d like to offer a few words of introduction to this before we turn to questions.

It has been a very remarkable couple of days in the life of the Anglican Communion and it has certainly been anything but easy. It has not been without pain. But it has been honest and open and I hope that we have grown in some real shared understanding as a result. And I do want to take this opportunity of paying tribute to my colleagues in the Communion for all the dedication and the energy and steadfastness in Christian service that they show generally and that they have shown in these two demanding days.
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Posted: Oct. 16, 2003 • Permanent link:
Categories: ACNSIn this article: Anglican Communion, human sexuality, Primates Meeting
Transmis : 16 oct. 2003 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ACNSDans cet article : Anglican Communion, human sexuality, Primates Meeting

The Primates of the Anglican Communion and the Moderators of the United Churches, meeting together at Lambeth Palace on the 15th and 16th October, 2003, wish to express our gratitude to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, for calling us together in response to recent events in the Diocese of New Westminster, Canada, and the Episcopal Church (USA), and welcoming us into his home so that we might take counsel together, and to seek to discern, in an atmosphere of common prayer and worship, the will and guidance of the Holy Spirit for the common life of the thirty-eight provinces which constitute our Communion.

At a time of tension, we have struggled at great cost with the issues before us, but have also been renewed and strengthened in our Communion with one another through our worship and study of the Bible. This has led us into a deeper commitment to work together, and we affirm our pride in the Anglican inheritance of faith and order and our firm desire to remain part of a Communion, where what we hold in common is much greater than that which divides us in proclaiming Good News to the world.
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Posted: Oct. 16, 2003 • Permanent link:
Categories: ACNS, CommuniquéIn this article: Anglican Communion, human sexuality, Primates Meeting
Transmis : 16 oct. 2003 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ACNS, CommuniquéDans cet article : Anglican Communion, human sexuality, Primates Meeting

It’s almost always front-page news when a bishop says something obviously true. Dr George Carey has spent most of his time in office pretending he is the spiritual leader of 70 million people in the worldwide Anglican Communion (a figure that assumes about 24 million followers in England alone).

Now, in a final gesture towards his liberal successor, he has cited the obvious, that the Communion is deeply divided over homosexuality. It has, he says, reached “crisis point”.
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Posted: Sept. 18, 2002 • Permanent link:
Categories: News, OpinionIn this article: Anglican Communion, Anglican Consultative Council, Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, human sexuality, same-sex blessing
Transmis : 18 sept. 2002 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : News, OpinionDans cet article : Anglican Communion, Anglican Consultative Council, Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, human sexuality, same-sex blessing

To virtually all the 70 million Anglicans spread in an arc from London to Kuala Lumpur, the name Capilano College has no significance. But, if the outgoing Archbishop of Canterbury is to be believed, the college on the Pacific shores of Canada could soon be a name as infamous for religious schism as the Diet of Worms, the Edict of Nantes or the Council of Trent.
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Posted: Sept. 18, 2002 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Anglican Communion, Anglican Consultative Council, Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, human sexuality, same-sex blessing
Transmis : 18 sept. 2002 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Anglican Communion, Anglican Consultative Council, Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, human sexuality, same-sex blessing

The growing split between factions of the worldwide Anglican Communion has reached “crisis proportions” and the issue of homosexuality is tearing the church apart, the outgoing Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, has said.

In his swansong address as president of the Anglican Consultative Council, Dr Carey also took a swipe at the Sydney Diocese for its drive to allow lay people to give Holy Communion.
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Posted: Sept. 18, 2002 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Anglican Communion, Anglican Consultative Council, Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, human sexuality, lay presidency, same-sex blessing
Transmis : 18 sept. 2002 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Anglican Communion, Anglican Consultative Council, Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, human sexuality, lay presidency, same-sex blessing

The issue of homosexuality could push the Anglican Church to the brink, the Archbishop of Canterbury has warned.

Dr George Carey said divisions in the Church had reached “crisis” point.

In a farewell address as president of the Anglican Consultative Council, a senior church body, he warned of the danger of breakaway groups emerging.
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Posted: Sept. 17, 2002 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Anglican Communion, Anglican Consultative Council, Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, human sexuality, same-sex blessing
Transmis : 17 sept. 2002 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Anglican Communion, Anglican Consultative Council, Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, human sexuality, same-sex blessing

The retiring archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, yesterday warned of the risk of fragmentation in the 70 million-strong worldwide Anglican communion, of which he is the nominal leader, on the issue of homosexuality in the church.
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Posted: Sept. 17, 2002 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Anglican Communion, Anglican Consultative Council, Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, human sexuality, same-sex blessing
Transmis : 17 sept. 2002 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Anglican Communion, Anglican Consultative Council, Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, human sexuality, same-sex blessing

Together with Cardinal Cassidy and our colleagues at our ecumenical forum, I want to say how pleased we are to be here this evening and to share in this act of worship. As you will be aware, for the first time, Anglican and Roman Catholic Leaders from around the world are meeting together in order to discuss the problems and challenges that lie before us on the road to the full visible unity of our two Churches. Of course, our two Churches have travelled a long way together during the last forty or so years and we have much in common. This evening gives us an opportunity to celebrate that fact.

Nevertheless we know that some Protestant Christians object to this theological dialogue. They fear that Reformation principles are being abandoned and gospel faith is being traduced. I reply that the journey the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion have taken since the Second Vatican Council has not been a journey away from the Christian faith but a pilgrimage together into its heart. Polemics lead to hatred and division. Partnership leads to the promise of mutual service and eventual union.
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Posted: May 17, 2000 • Permanent link:
Categories: ACNSIn this article: Anglican Communion, Archbishop of Canterbury, Catholic, George Carey, IARCCUM
Transmis : 17 mai 2000 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ACNSDans cet article : Anglican Communion, Archbishop of Canterbury, Catholic, George Carey, IARCCUM

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