Archive for tag: doctrine

Archive pour tag : doctrine

Following its last meeting in Toronto on February 6, 2016, the Hindu–Catholic Dialogue of Canada released a joint statement to reaffirm the importance of hospitality in receiving the stranger and welcoming refugee. “Hospitality is among the most sacred values in many religious traditions, including Hinduism and Christianity,” stated the members of the dialogue. The statement concluded with an appeal to all peoples in Canada “to offer our prayers to those reeling in response to war, terror, and hate…” and urging “all Canadians to respond with openness, care and generosity to those refugees who find their ways to our shores, and indeed to all strangers in our midst. Dialogue and encounter are among our most important resources for meeting the demands of the present refugee crisis.”

The theme of the last meeting of the Hindu-Catholic Dialogue was on the Theology of Incarnation in both Catholic and Hindu traditions. The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) has eight appointees on this national dialogue, with the Most Reverend Daniel Miehm, Auxiliary Bishop of Hamilton, serving as the Catholic Co-Chair. Dr. Tinu Ruparell, Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Calgary, is the Hindu Co-Chair. The Hindu-Catholic Dialogue meets twice annually and is scheduled to meet again in August 2016.
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Posted: Mar. 31, 2016 • Permanent link:
Categories: Communiqué, DialogueIn this article: Canada, Catholic, dialogue, doctrine, Hindu, incarnation, interfaith
Transmis : 31 mars 2016 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Communiqué, DialogueDans cet article : Canada, Catholic, dialogue, doctrine, Hindu, incarnation, interfaith

À la suite de sa dernière réunion, le 6 février 2016 à Toronto, le Dialogue hindou-catholique du Canada a publié une déclaration commune pour réaffirmer l’importance de l’hospitalité pour accueillir l’étranger et bien recevoir le réfugié. « L’hospitalité est une valeur des plus sacrées dans plusieurs traditions religieuses, dont l’hindouisme et le christianisme », ont affirmé les membres du dialogue. La déclaration concluait par un appel à toute la population du Canada afin d’offrir « des prières pour ceux et celles qui souffrent des conséquences de la guerre, de la terreur et de la haine… » et par une interpellation à « toutes les Canadiennes et tous les Canadiens à faire preuve d’ouverture d’esprit, de sollicitude et de générosité à l’endroit des réfugiés qui arrivent chez nous, de même qu’à l’égard de tous les étrangers parmi nous. Le dialogue et la rencontre sont les ressources les plus importantes dont nous disposions pour répondre aux exigences de la crise actuelle des réfugiés. »

Le thème de la dernière réunion du Dialogue hindou-catholique portait sur la théologie de l’incarnation pour les traditions catholique et hindoue. Huit délégués de la Conférence des évêques catholiques du Canada (CECC) participent à ce dialogue national, dont le coprésident catholique, Mgr Daniel Miehm, évêque auxiliaire à Hamilton. M. Tinu Ruparell, Ph.D., professeur d’études religieuses à l’Université de Calgary, est le coprésident hindou. Le dialogue catholique-hindou se réunit deux fois par année, et sa prochaine réunion est prévue pour août 2016.
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Posted: Mar. 31, 2016 • Permanent link:
Categories: Communiqué, DialogueIn this article: Canada, Catholic, dialogue, doctrine, Hindu, incarnation, interfaith
Transmis : 31 mars 2016 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Communiqué, DialogueDans cet article : Canada, Catholic, dialogue, doctrine, Hindu, incarnation, interfaith

[Vatican City, VIS] A “Doctrinal Note on some aspects of evangelization” prepared by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith was made public today. Accompanying the publication is an English-language summary outlining the main points of the new document.
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Posted: Dec. 14, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: DocumentsIn this article: Catholic, doctrine, evangelism/evangelization, Vatican
Transmis : 14 déc. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : DocumentsDans cet article : Catholic, doctrine, evangelism/evangelization, Vatican

In 1954, four years after the solemn definition of the doctrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven, Pope Pius XII declared a Marian Year. With greater or lesser enthusiasm, Catholic Europe responded, and in my home town, on the east coast of Ireland, the response took spectacular form. The women were invited to donate jewellery, the men money, towards the creation of a solid-gold crown for the statue of the Blessed Virgin in our parish church. It was a poor community, yet the response to the appeal for the Virgin’s crown was remarkable, many of the women even donating their wedding rings. The statue, an insipid, life-sized plaster replica of Our Lady of Lourdes, white-robed, blue-sashed, smallbusted, neither a recognisably maternal nor even a very convincingly human image, was duly decorated with a crown which would have paid several times over for any one of the houses in which most of the donors lived.
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Posted: Feb. 6, 1999 • Permanent link:
Categories: TabletIn this article: Catholic, doctrine, Mary
Transmis : 6 févr. 1999 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : TabletDans cet article : Catholic, doctrine, Mary

As a child, a friend of mine used to be told by his nanny: Before you say anything, ask yourself: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? The same three questions may well be asked about the current proposal to define Mary as Co-Redeemer.

Is it true? The answer to that question depends on the way in which we interpret the title Co-Redeemer, along with the related titles Mediator of All Graces and Advocate of the People of God. As a member of the Orthodox Church I have no objection to these three titles in themselves — provided that they are rightly understood.

Indeed, closely similar language occurs in the prayers and hymns used in the Christian East. With the greatest frequency in Orthodox worship we say to the Virgin Mary, Most Holy Mother of God, save us. In our invocations to other members of the Communion of Saints, including St John the Baptist, except on very rare occasions we never say more than … pray for us.
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Posted: Jan. 17, 1998 • Permanent link:
Categories: TabletIn this article: Catholic, doctrine, ecumenism, Mary, Orthodox
Transmis : 17 janv. 1998 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : TabletDans cet article : Catholic, doctrine, ecumenism, Mary, Orthodox

On 2 January, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith published a Notification, signed by the prefect, Cardinal Ratzinger, and by the secretary, Archbishop Bertone, and approved by Pope John Paul II, which declared that Fr Tissa Balasuriya OMI of Sri Lanka “has deviated from the integrity of the truth of the Catholic faith and, therefore, cannot be considered a Catholic theologian; moreover, he has incurred excommunication latae sententiae (can. 1364, par. 1)”. This canon states that an apostate from the faith, a heretic or a schismatic incurs an • automatic excommunication. The charge of “deviation from the truth of the faith” indicates that it is for heresy, rather than for apostasy or schism, that Fr Balasuriya has been excommunicated.
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Posted: Jan. 18, 1997 • Permanent link:
Categories: TabletIn this article: Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, doctrine, ordination, women
Transmis : 18 janv. 1997 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : TabletDans cet article : Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, doctrine, ordination, women

Pope John Paul, in an encyclical issued Wednesday, reaffirmed Roman Catholic doctrines on the immaculate conception of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ; her virgin birth, and assumption to heaven – teachings some Protestants say block Christian unity.

But the Pope said in the 114-page encyclical that Christians should find in Mary a source of unity rather than a cause of division.

The encyclical, a pastoral letter addressed by a pope to the entire Roman Catholic church, is the sixth since Pope John Paul’s election in 1978.
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Posted: Mar. 26, 1987 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: doctrine, encyclicals, John Paul II, Mary
Transmis : 26 mars 1987 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : doctrine, encyclicals, John Paul II, Mary