Anglicans and Roman Catholics celebrate Pentecost together

 — June 22, 201122 juin 2011
By Joanne Shurvin-Martin, Anglican Journal

Anglicans from the diocese of Qu’Appelle and Roman Catholics from the archdiocese of Regina celebrated Pentecost Sunday together at Holy Rosary Cathedral in Regina. The joint service was the result of the covenant between the two dioceses, signed in January 2011. The two dioceses occupy roughly the same geographic area in southern Saskatchewan.

The covenant was signed by Anglican Bishop Gregory Kerr-Wilson and Roman Catholic Archbishop Daniel Bohan. The agreement commits the dioceses to specific initiatives. These include annual shared services with the two bishops, keeping and upholding each church and its leaders in prayer, working together on various issues, and jointly working with First Nations elders to promote reconciliation and healing. The bishops commit to maintaining communications, especially when new developments in one church may present challenges for the other. Anglican and Roman Catholic parishes are encouraged to undertake joint activities in worship, mission, education and social justice.

During the Pentecost service, Deacon Michael Jackson reported on developments in the early stages of the covenant relationship. Jackson is the Anglican co-chair of the committee to lead and monitor implementation of the covenant. At least two parishes in Qu’Appelle have held services with their Roman Catholic neighbours. The two dioceses held a workshop for readers, and plan a similar training session for intercessors. Roman Catholic deacons joined the semi-annual meeting of Anglican deacons with Bishop Kerr-Wilson. There are plans for an annual service on Pentecost and possibly another service, alternating between the two cathedrals.

The Pentecost service began with the renewal of the baptismal covenant and featured scripture readings and intercessions by lay people from both denominations, and homilies by both bishops.

Posted: June 22, 2011 • Permanent link:
Categories: Anglican JournalIn this article: Anglican, Catholic
Transmis : 22 juin 2011 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Anglican JournalDans cet article : Anglican, Catholic

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