A Call for Morally Responsible Investment

 — Aug. 11, 200511 aoüt 2005

In April 2005 the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Centre in Jerusalem issued A Call for Morally Responsible Investment: A Non-Violent Response to the Israeli Occupation [PDF]. An international conference under the same title will be held in Toronto from 26-29 October 2005. This international conference for CROs (Church Related Organizations) and NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) seeks to explore the emerging non-violent economic strategies to achieve a just peace in Israel-Palestine, including shareholder initiatives, partial divestment and boycotts.

Conference speakers include: Dr Hanan Ashrawi, internationally recognized spokesperson for peace and Palestinian rights, professor at Birzeit University, first Commissioner General for the Independent Palestinian Commission for Citizens’ Rights, and former member of the Cabinet of the Palestinian Authority; the Revd Dr Naim Ateek, Director, Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Centre in Jerusalem; Farid Esack, theologian from South Africa; Amneh Badran, former Director, Jerusalem Centre for Women; Jeff Halper, Coordinator of the Israeli Committee against House Demolitions (ICAHD), Jerusalem; Clifton Kirkpatrick, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.); and many more.

For registration information, program updates and a complete list of speakers, visit the Canadian Friends of Sabeel website. Registration deadline: 30 September 2005. Contact by mail: Conference Registrar, c/o KAIROS, 129 St. Clair Ave. West, Toronto, ON, Canada, M4V 1N5; tel: (416) 463-5312 ext. 235.

Posted: Aug. 11, 2005 • Permanent link: ecumenism.net/?p=155 In this article: divestment, Israel, Middle East, Palestine, peace, Sabeel Transmis : 11 aoüt 2005 • Lien permanente : ecumenism.net/?p=155 Dans cet article : divestment, Israel, Middle East, Palestine, peace, Sabeel

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