Welcome to our new website entitled “Ecumenism in Canada.”

 — Sept. 1, 20031 sept. 2003

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I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit… I am giving you these commands so that you may love one another.” (John 15:5 and 17)

Welcome to our new website entitled “Ecumenism in Canada.”

This site was developed jointly by the only two Canadian centres working in the area of interchurch and interfaith relations: the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatoon, and the Canadian Centre for Ecumenism, Montreal. It aims to show the many fruits produced by the Christian Church in Canada.

We will examine all the fruit stemming from ecumenical efforts, such as dialogues, covenants, cooperative ventures, and common commitments between churches. This fruit stems from the desire to abide in the vine by making real the love all disciples of Christ have received for one another. The ecumenical movement recognises the common roots shared by all Christian believers. It understands the multitude and diversity of the different Christian traditions as a sign of fruitful abundance.

Our website is an instrument for information and sharing which allows believers of different traditions to deepen their knowledge and understanding of one another and to come to greater mutual appreciation. The site shows what has already been achieved on the ecumenical journey and hopes to contribute to the growing together of all Christians towards a more visible unity in the world.

Posted: Sept. 1, 2003 • Permanent link: ecumenism.net/?p=69
Categories: NewsIn this article: Canada, Centre Canadien d’œcuménisme, Christian unity, ecumenism, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, website
Transmis : 1 sept. 2003 • Lien permanente : ecumenism.net/?p=69
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Canada, Centre Canadien d’œcuménisme, Christian unity, ecumenism, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, website

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