It is ironic that ecumenists — dedicated to the dialogue of religions and cultures — have produced an unbelievable number of acronyms. These acronyms, intended to make dialogue more accurate and efficient, have become a barrier to participation by people who have not yet learned this esoteric language.
On our website, we have made an effort to avoid using acronyms without providing a definition. However, there are probably times when a list of acronyms will be useful. The list below includes acronyms for ecumenical and interreligious agencies, as well as a few for non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Although many of the acronyms are in English, there are a few in French and other languages commonly used in the ecumenical movement. The same acronym may have more than one meaning. We have given preference to Canadian usage in this list. If the definition provided here does not fit the context of the acronym you are seeking, it will likely be found by searching Google.
If you would like to suggest an acronym to add to our list, please email the editor at
Il est ce ironique des œcuménistes — consacré au dialogue des religions et des cultures — ont produit un nombre incroyable d’acronymes. Ces acronymes, eus l’intention pour rendre le dialogue plus précis et efficace, sont devenus une barrière à la participation par les personnes qui n’ont pas encore appris cette langue ésotérique.
Sur notre siteweb, nous avons fait un effort d’éviter d’employer des acronymes sans fournir une définition. Cependant, il y a probablement des périodes quand une liste d’acronymes sera utile. La liste ci-dessous inclut des acronymes pour les agences œcuméniques et interreligieuses, aussi bien qu’uns pour des organisations nonnes gouvernemental (O.N.G.s). Bien que plusieurs des acronymes soient en anglais, il y a uns dans langues françaises et autres utilisées généralement dans le mouvement œcuménique. Le même acronyme peut avoir plus d’un signifier. Nous avons donné la préférence à l’utilisation canadienne dans cette liste. Si la définition fournie ici n’adapte pas le contexte de l’acronyme que vous cherchez, il sera probablement trouvé en recherchant Google.
Si vous voudriez suggérer un acronyme pour ajouter à notre liste, svp email le éditeur à
All African Conference of Churches
American Academy of Religion
American Bible Society
Action by Churches Together
Atlantic Ecumenical Council
L’Association Française des Foyers Mixtes Interconfessionnels Chrétiens
Amnesty International
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Association of Interchurch Families
Alliance réformée mondiale
American Theological Library Association
Association of Presbyterian Church Educators
Asian Pacific Economic Council
Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission
Atlantic School of Theology
Association of Theological Schools
Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry,
WCC 1982
Catholic Fund for Overseas Development, Britain
Canadian Bible Society
Council of Churches of Britain & Ireland
Canadian Council of Churches
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
Canadian Council of Christians and Jews
Church Council on Justice and Corrections, Canada
Canadian Centre for Ecumenism
Canadian Churches’ Forum for Global Ministries
Centre Canadien d’Œcuménisme
Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace
Christian Churches Together in the U.S.A.
Churches’ Council on Theological Education, Canada
Conference of European Churches
Canadian Environmental Law Association
Canadian Evangelical Theological Association
Christian-Jewish Dialogue of Toronto
Christian-Jewish Relation & Encounter, Sisters of Sion
Consejo Latinoamericano de Iglesias
Consultation on Church Union, USA
Conseil œcuméniques des églises
Citizens for Public Justice, Canada
Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
Churches Together in England
Canadian Theological Society
Catholic Theological Society of America (& Canada)
Churches Uniting In Christ (formerly COCU)
Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, WCC
Churches Together in Wales
Decade to Overcome Violence
Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance
Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel
Ecumenical Church Loan Fund, WCC
Episcopal Church in the United States of America (now
Evangelicals & Catholics Together
Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
Edmonton Interfaith Centre for Education & Action
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Ecumenical News International
Ecumenical Network for Youth Action
Église unie du Canada
Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe
Faith and Order
Fédération luthérienne mondiale
Fédération Universelle des Associations Chrétiennes d’Étudiants
Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity and Mission
International Bible Society
International Council of Christians and Jews
Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility
International Committee of the Red Cross
Inter-Church Uranium Committee Educational Co-operative
Interchurch Families International Network
Interchurch Families Young Adults Group
International Monetary Fund
International Missionary Council (now CWME)
Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification
Journal of Ecumenical Studies
Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation
Joint Working Group
Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives
Conférence des Eglises européennes
Lutheran-Anglican-Roman Catholic
Lausanne Committee for World Evangelism
Local Ecumenical Partnership
Lutheran World Relief
Mennonite Central Committee
Middle East Council of Churches
Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, USA
National Association of Evangelicals, USA
North American Academy of Ecumenists
North American Interfaith Network
National Council of Churches
Non-Governmental Organization
National Farmers’ Union
Northern Ireland Mixed Marriage Association
Nutana Park Ecumenical Committee, Saskatoon
New Revised Standard Version (of Bible)
National Workshop on Christian Unity, USA
National Workshop on Christian-Jewish Relations, USA
Orthodox Church in America
Organisations nonnes gouvernemental
Organisation des Nations unie
Prairie Centre for Ecumenism
Presbyterian Church USA
Parish Ecumenical Contact
Presbyterian, Lutheran, United, Roman Catholic, Anglican
Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund
Presbyterian World Service and Development
Roman Catholic Church
Reformed Ecumenical Council
Réseau œcuménique justice et paix, Québec
South African Council of Churches
Southern African Conference of Catholic Bishops
Student Christian Movement
Society of Biblical Literature
Standing Commission of Orthodox Bishops in America
Saskatoon Evangelical Ministers Fellowship
Summer Ecumenical Institute
South East Saskatoon Interchurch Group
Saskatoon Inner City Council of Churches
Service International de Documentation Judéo-Chrétienne/International Service of Jewish-Christian Documentation
Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge, England
Saskatoon Theological Union
Toronto Journal of Theology
Toronto School of Theology
Theological Working Group
Universal Bible Society
United Nations
United Nations Commission on Human Rights
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
United Nations High Commission for Refugees
United Nations Human Rights Council (formerly UNCHR)
United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Vancouver School of Theology
World Conference on Religion and Peace
Western Diocesan and Eparchial Co-ordinators of Ecumenism
World Evangelical Alliance
World Health Organization
Women’s Interchurch Council of Canada
World Student Christian Fellowship
World Trade Organization
Young Men’s Christian Association
Young Women’s Christian Association