Archive for tag: war on terror

Archive pour tag : war on terror

The Saskatoon Peace Coalition is sponsoring a town hall meeting to discuss the Canadian participation in the ongoing war in Afghanistan. What is this conflict about: Nation building? War on terror? Control oil resources? Canada – U.S. relations? Political agenda? There will be a moderated panel discussion followed by an opportunity for questions from the
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Posted: June 8, 2006 • Permanent link: In this article: Afghanistan, Canada, peace, war on terror Transmis : 8 juin 2006 • Lien permanente : Dans cet article : Afghanistan, Canada, peace, war on terror

Is resistance futile? The Church, Empire, and Post-9/11 Global Orders The St. Andrew’s College Winter Refresher is February 5 to 8, 2006. Theme speaker is Mark Lewis Taylor, professor of theology and culture at Princeton Theological Seminary. Additional workshops will be offered, and the whole experience can be taken as a one credit-hour course with
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Posted: Feb. 5, 2006 • Permanent link: In this article: events, peace, war on terror Transmis : 5 févr. 2006 • Lien permanente : Dans cet article : events, peace, war on terror