Archive for tag: millenials

Archive pour tag : millenials

If you ever go to the Vine, bring your Bible, some business cards, and a good pair of walking shoes. But, most importantly, bring your voice, because those who attend this conference—mostly Gen-Xers—like to talk. They talk in the hallways, they talk over lunch, and they talk in panel discussions that cover topics from “Glorifying God in the Arts” to “The Soul of the Internet.” Everyone serves as panelist, commentator, or moderator for at least one panel discussion. At last year’s event, one especially lively panel explored “The Silent Priests: Media and Culture.” A Princeton seminarian held forth about popular Christian icons, and a doctoral candidate at the University of Chicago explained why evangelicals make such lousy movies. Carlos Aguilar, a performance artist-cum-Talbot School of Theology student, explained “What Aristotle and Snoop Doggy Dogg Can Teach Our Youth.”
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Posted: Feb. 5, 2001 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: ecumenism, millenials
Transmis : 5 févr. 2001 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : ecumenism, millenials