Archive for tag: ecumenical spring

Archive pour tag : ecumenical spring

Like many Canadians, I really like to garden. There’s something about mucking around in the dirt, planting seeds and tending plants, that restores the soul after a long winter or even just at the end of a busy work week. And how rewarding it feels to see your own flowers in bloom or to harvest tasty vegetables from your own garden plot. It represents the fruits, literally, of a lot of hard work, from clearing and tilling soil, to watering and weeding, to pruning and fending off critters – all for the joy of tasting your own tomatoes or savouring the blissful fragrance of your own roses in bloom.
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Posted: June 29, 2021 • Permanent link:
Categories: One Body, OpinionIn this article: ecumenical spring
Transmis : 29 juin 2021 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : One Body, OpinionDans cet article : ecumenical spring