Archive for tag: doctrinal development

Archive pour tag : doctrinal development

When Pope Francis gave his first full-length interview after his election in 2013, he was asked about the importance of the church providing solid points of reference in a rapidly changing world. The new pope pulled out his thumb-worn breviary and read out a Latin quote from a fifth-century French monk.

Highlighting the words of St. Vincent of Lérins, Pope Francis raised a curtain onto his pontificate: presenting a little-known but once highly influential theologian whose name and citations would soon appear in a number of papal speeches, documents and interviews over the next decade.

The pope’s favourite quote? That Christian doctrine should follow the true and legitimate rule of progress, so doctrine may be “consolidated by years, enlarged by time, refined by age.”
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Posted: Aug. 4, 2022 • Permanent link:
Categories: CNS, NewsIn this article: doctrinal development, Pope Francis
Transmis : 4 aoüt 2022 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : CNS, NewsDans cet article : doctrinal development, Pope Francis