Communiqué from Mennonite-Anglican Dialogue in Canada

 — Aug. 14, 202414 aoüt 2024

The Mennonite-Anglican Dialogue in Canada was created in 2017 with a mandate to build up understanding and to encourage greater partnership between these two distinct Christian communities. A first term of the dialogue was held between 2018 and 2022 under the sponsorship of Mennonite Church Canada and the Anglican Church of Canada. In 2023, the sponsoring bodies agreed to a second phase of the dialogue to commence in 2024.

The first meeting of this second iteration of Mennonite-Anglican Dialogue was held from May 31 to June 2 in Treaty 1 Territory in the city of Winnipeg. It was hosted by Mennonite Church Canada at their offices and on the campus of Canadian Mennonite University.

The purpose of the first in-person meeting was primarily to build relationships of trust within the dialogue group through practices of a methodology known as “receptive ecumenism.” In contrast to some older models of ecumenical engagement, which emphasized the need for doctrinal consensus as the primary basis for Christian unity, receptive ecumenism operates under the premise that the unity to which followers of Jesus are called is not one that relies on complete uniformity in all matters of faith and order. Rather, churches are called to listen to the distinctives of other traditions as potential gifts and opportunities for enrichment instead of seeing them as obstacles to be eliminated and overcome. A receptive posture is much more inclined towards asking “What can I learn from you?” than “What do you need to learn from me?”

This round of dialogue has been asked to focus its work on two main themes: 1) the work of the churches in Indigenous justice and decolonization and 2) understandings and practices of ministry and orders of ministry. As this was the first meeting of a new group, much of the attention was centred on orienting the members to the topics and beginning to identify possible areas where there is strong potential for mutual enrichment and tangible collaboration. The discussions were fruitful, and the dialogue members arrived at a consensus on a plan for how to engage together in these areas in greater depth over the course of the next 12 months through a series of online meetings. After that time, a summary report, complete with recommendations to the nationwide church bodies, will be produced.

Members of the dialogue include:

Mennonite Church Canada

Anglican Church of Canada

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

Posted: Aug. 14, 2024 • Permanent link:
Categories: Communiqué, NewsIn this article: Anglican Church of Canada, dialogue, Mennonite Church Canada, receptive ecumenism
Transmis : 14 aoüt 2024 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Communiqué, NewsDans cet article : Anglican Church of Canada, dialogue, Mennonite Church Canada, receptive ecumenism

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