Gathered in My Name

 — Jan. 18, 200618 janv. 2006

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2006
18-25 January

The theme of this coming Week of Prayer for Christian Unity sets before us a promise of Jesus: “where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them” (Matthew 18, 20). Being as receptive as possible to the presence of Jesus in our midst requires that Christians learn to live an ‘ecumenism of life’ together, accompanying our theological search for unity. This means sharing and learning from each other’s spiritual traditions, customs, and insights while working concretely together in the service of building up the kingdom of God on earth.

An ecumenism of life entails common prayer, common witness, and common mission wherever possible, as we increasingly come to share in the life of the Holy Spirit together. It entails sharing the ordinary aspects of our lives with each other, so that we can increasingly recognize each other as sisters and brothers in Christ, welcoming in each other the very presence of Christ.

The worship service from the 2006 WPCU international resource package is available for download in MS-Word format. Adapt this resource in your own settings, and print the service freely in your own church bulletins.

Service schedules are now available for Saskatoon, Montreal, and North Battleford.

The texts for the 8 days of Biblical reflection are also available on this website.

Further background information on the Week of Prayer is available on the “Ecumenism in Canada” website at

Posted: Jan. 18, 2006 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: 2006, Christian unity, prayer
Transmis : 18 janv. 2006 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : 2006, Christian unity, prayer

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