Disciples / Roman Catholic dialogue explores evangelization

 — May 30, 200030 mai 2000

[May 30, 2000 – DNS] “Evangelization” was the major focus of a May 18-24 meeting of the 16-member Disciples of Christ-Roman Catholic International Dialogue Commission which gathered at the Atlantic School of Theology in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

The Most Rev. Basil Meeking, emeritus bishop of Christchurch, New Zealand, presented a paper for the Roman Catholic Church which outlined basic understandings of “mission,” “evangelization,” and “witness” in relation to the church’s teaching and its unity. The Rev. Paul A. Crow, Jr., retired ecumenical officer for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and co-chairperson of the Commission, prepared the Disciples paper on “Mission, Evangelism and Ecclesiology among the Disciples of Christ.”

Four Bible studies were also offered, related to the theme of the meeting, that informed the commission’s discussion and dialogue. The Rev. Eugene Boring, professor of New Testament at Brite Divinity School in Ft. Worth, Texas, explored the importance and impact of Psalm 90. Msgr. John Meier, professor at the University of Notre Dame (Ind.), explored basic understandings of gospel and evangelism in the New Testament as a whole, while giving particular attention to the Gospel of Mark.

Discussion throughout the week sought to identify both common understandings and differences between Disciples and Roman Catholics around the meeting theme, as well as to name issues which challenge both traditions as each engages in witness and evangelism in today’s world.

An “agreed account” of the dialogue affirmed that the Church is “by nature a missionary community, a community of those who are sent by God into the world to share in the proclamation of the good news of the sovereign action of God to redeem the world (Matthew 28:18-20).”

In carrying out the task of evangelization, both churches took note of the challenge to the relationship between the gospel and today’s culture. In the agreed account it was acknowledged that the gospel “has to be preached to a world in which local and regional cultures are being displaced by a media-constructed consumerist world-view that presents the acquisition of costly things as the key to a full life.”

The meeting was enriched by the visit of the full commission to the Wyndholme Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, to participate in its Sunday morning worship service. While there, the Most Rev. Daniel Buechlein, Archbishop of Indianapolis and co-chairperson of the commission, delivered the sermon.

This meeting was the seventh session in this third phase of international dialogue between Disciples of Christ and the Roman Catholic Church (1994-2002) that has explored the overall theme: “The Individual and the Church.” It is anticipated that the next two sessions (2001 and 2002) will produce an agreed statement bringing together insights and common affirmations from work of the previous meetings.

The Rev. Robert K. Welsh, president of the Council of Christian Unity, serves as staff to the dialogue team on behalf of the Disciples of Christ. Msgr. John Mutiso-Mbinda, secretary in the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity in the Vatican, serves as staff from the Roman Catholic Church.

Posted: May 30, 2000 • Permanent link: ecumenism.net/?p=13
Categories: NewsIn this article: Catholic, Christian unity, dialogue, Disciples of Christ, ecumenism, evangelism/evangelization
Transmis : 30 mai 2000 • Lien permanente : ecumenism.net/?p=13
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Catholic, Christian unity, dialogue, Disciples of Christ, ecumenism, evangelism/evangelization

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