Compiled by Nicholas Jesson
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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
- Una sancta.: (Periodical)
- Orientierung.: (Periodical)
- At-one-ment.: (Periodical)
- Oekumenische Einheit.: (Periodical)
- Messager de l'exarchat du Patriarche Russe en Europe Occidentale.: (Periodical)
- Revue catholique des églises.: (Periodical)
- Oekumenische Rundschau.: (Periodical)
- Die Eiche.: (Periodical)
- Oecumenisch Christendom.: (Periodical)
- Oekumenisches Jahrbuch.: (Periodical)
- Reunion magazine.: (Periodical)
- WCC exchange.: (Periodical)
- Czech ecumenical news.: (Periodical)
- Œcuménisme en marche.: (Periodical)
- National Council of Churches Living Ecumenical Series.: (Periodical)
- , The Ecumenical Movement, the churches and the World Council of Churches: an
Orthodox contribution to the reflection process on the common understanding and vision of
the WCC: the proceedings of the inter-Orthodox consultation, Chambesy, 19-24 June 1995
(Geneva: WCC.
- Internationale oekumenische Bibliographie.: (Periodical)
- The Ecumenist: a journal for promoting Christian unity.: (Periodical)
- International review of mission.: (Periodical)
- , The Danger and unreasonableness of a toleration: in reference to some late papers
which have passed concerning liberty of conscience 275:9 ed. [3], 6 p vols, Early
English books, 1641-1700 (London: Printed for Walter Davis, 1685).
- , The first Canadian Christian Conference, held in Shaftesbury Hall, Toronto, from
Monday, Oct. 21st, until Friday, Oct. 25th, 1878 197, [1] p vols (Toronto: Willard
Tract Depository and Bible House, Shaftesbury Hall, 1878).
- , Christian unity and the bishops' declaration: lectures delivered in 1895 under the
auspices of the Church Club of New York ix, 194 p vols (New York: E. & J. B.
Young, 1895).
- , Christian unity and the gospel 293 p vols (New York: George H. Doran Co, 1923).
- , Secularism and Christian unity: three charges delivered by the Bishop of Southwark
in October, 1929, on the occasion of the second visitation of his diocese, and an address
given to church workers (London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1929).
- , The third hour 10 v vols (New York: The Third Hour Foundation, 1946).
- , Professional life as Christian vocation: a report on laymen's institutes and
groups, 1947-1948 82 p vols (Geneva: Oikumene, 1948).
- , Contributions to a Christian social ethic 66 p vols (Geneva: Oikumene, 1949).
- Unity studies. 1950. Garrison, NY, National Office, Chair of Unity Octave, Franciscan
Friars of the Atonement.: (Periodical)
- , The laity--the Christian in his vocation: an ecumenical survey prepared under the
auspices of the World Council of Churches viii, 58 p vols (London: SCM Press, 1954).
- , The service of Holy Communion according to the rite of the Methodist Church in the
United States of America at the time of meeting of the second assembly of the World
Council of Churches: celebrants, Bishop Ivan Lee Hold ... [et al.]: First Methodist
Church, Evanston, Ill. ... Sunday, August 22, 1954, 10:00 A.M 23 p vols (Evanston:
First Methodist Church, 1954).
- , You, your church and your job: a discussion program on "The Laity - the
Christian in his vocation" (a topic of the Evanston assembly). Complete report of
section VI included 61 p vols (New York: National Council of Churches of Christ in the
U.S.A, 1955).
- Sammlung: Nachrichten. 1957.: (Periodical)
- Ecumenical youth news. 1960.: (Periodical)
- , Le Christ et les églises 277 p vols, Chrétienne nouvelle (Paris:
Editions Universitaires, 1961).
- , Christians and social change in Latin America: findings of the First Latin American
Evangelical Consultation on Church and Society, 23rd to 27th July, 1961, Huampani, Peru
22 p vols (Montevideo: Latin America Commission on Church and Society; Dept. on Church and
Society of the World Council of Churches, Geneva, 1961).
- , Minutes of the Assembly of the International Missionary Council, November 17-18,
1961, and of the First Meeting of the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism of the
World Council of Churches, December 7-8, 1961 at New Delhi 93 p vols (London:
Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, 1961).
- Internationale ökumenische Bibliographie = International ecumenical bibliography =
Bibliographie œcuménique internationale. 2-1-1962.: (Periodical)
- , Das Erbe der Reformation in katholischer Sicht: Studien zur ökumenischen Begegnung
mit dem Protestantismus 140 p vols, Ruf und Antwort (Wien: Herder, 1963).
- , Decree on ecumenism 26 p vols (Washington: National Catholic Welfare
Conference, 1964).
- , Decretum de Oecumenismo. -- 22 p vols (Vatican City: Typis Polyglottis
Vaticanis, 1964).
- , Kirchenmusik in ökumenischer Schau - 2. Internationaler Kongress für Kirchenmusik
in Bern, 22. bis 29. September 1962, Kongressbericht Ser. 2, v. 11 ed. 101 p vols, Publikationen
der Schweizerischen Musikforschenden Gesellschaft (Bern: P. Haupt, 1964).
- , Survey of church union negotiations, 1961-1963 no. 43 ed. 40 p vols, Faith
and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1964).
- , Consultation en abrégé: un résumé des rapports et des discours 120 p vols
(Enugu?: Nigeria orientale, 1965).
- , Cambridge sermons on Christian unity 92 p vols (London: Oldburne, 1966).
- , Survey of church union negotiations, 1963-1965 no. 47 ed. 43 p vols, Faith
and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1966).
- , The Development Apocalypse: (or), Will international justice kill the ecumenical
movement?. -- 152 p vols, RISK (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1967).
- , Unity trends 2 v vols (Huntingdon, IN: Our Sunday Visitor, 1967).
- , What I have learned: a collection of twenty autobiographical essays by great
contemporaries from the Saturday review 318 p vols (New York: Simon and Schuster,
- , In commemoration of the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr: Mineskonsert. Uppsala
Domkyrka onsdagen den 17 juli 1968 kl 23:00 [4] p vols (Uppsala: World Council of
Churches, 1968).
- , Uppsala speaks: Section reports of the 4th assembly of the World Council of
Churches, Uppsala 1968 97 p vols (Geneva, 1968).
- , Namibia: The struggle for liberation (Geneva: World council of churches, 1971).
- , Modern eucharistic agreement vi, 89 p vols (London: S.P.C.K, 1973).
- Aujourd'hui credo: mensuel de l'église unie. 1974.: (Periodical)
- Oecumene. --. 1975.: (Periodical)
- , Jesus Christ frees and unites: preparatory material for the Fifth Assembly of the
World Council of Churches, Jakarta, Indonesia, July 23-August 8, 1975 North American
edition ed. 47 p vols (New York: Friendship Press, 1975).
- , Survey of church union negotiations, 1973-1975 [308]-349 p. -- vols, Faith
and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1976).
- , Christian education: shared approaches: general prospectus, fall, 1978-summer 1979
32 p vols (Chicago: Covenant Press, 1977).
- , Survey of church union negotiations, 1975-1977 231-259 p. -- vols, Faith and
order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1978).
- , Oecumene 3: international bibliography 1978-1980 = bibliographie internationale
1978-1980 292 p vols, RIC: Supplement (Strasbourg Cedex: Cerdic Publications,
- , The Kingdom on its way: meditations and music for mission 76 p vols, The
Risk book series (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1980).
- , Your kingdom come: Bible studies for the church year based on the World Council of
Churches mission and evangelism theme, Melbourne, 1980 40 p vols (New York: Friendship
Press, 1980).
- , Your kingdom come: mission perspectives: report on the World Conference on Mission
and Evanglism, Melbourne, Australia, 12-25 May, 1980 ix, 283 p vols (Geneva:
Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, World Council of Churches, 1980).
- , Voices of solidarity: a story of Christian lay centres, academies, and movements
for social concern 56 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1981).
- , Survey of church union negotiations, 1979-1981 32 p. -- vols, Faith and
order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1982).
- , Oecumene 4: international bibliography 1980-1983 = bibliographie internationale
1980-1983 320 p vols, RIC: Supplement (Strasbourg: Cerdic, 1983).
- , Survey of church union negotiations, 1981-1983 p. 404-430. -- vols, Faith
and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1984).
- , Christian unity -- now is the time: report of the Multilateral Church Conversation
in Scotland (Edinburgh: St. Andrew Press, 1985).
- , Ecumenism in action: three church bodies look at ecumenical settings for adult
ministries in congregations: a report on local ecumenical activities involving
congregations of the Episcopal Church, the Lutheran Church, the Roman Catholic Church
33, 25, 6, 8 p vols (Philadelphia, PA: Division for Parish Services, Lutheran Church in
America, 1987).
- , Pentecostal churches and the ecumenical movement (Pasadena, Calif: s.n., 1987).
- , A challenge to refugee workers and communicators in Africa: a report on the All
Africa Conference of Churches and World Council of Churches Workshop on Awareness Building
vi, 62 p vols (Nairobi, Kenya: Refugee Services, All Africa Conference of Churches, 1987).
- , Die Evangelisch-methodische Kirche und die ökonomische Bewegung. -- 31 p. --
vols, EmK heute (Stuttgart: Christliches Verlagshaus, 1988).
- , Alive together: a practical guide to ecumenical learning 95 p vols (Geneva:
Sub-Unit on Education, World Council of Churches, 1989).
- , The papacy and Christian unity: and, Does ecumenism have a future? 31 p vols, Ecumenicom
(Belmont, N.C: The Ecumenical Institute, 1990).
- , Development assessed: ecumenical reflections and actions on development:
Consultation, World Council of Churches Unit III, Justice, Peace and Creation, Geneva,
9-12 January 1995 (Geneva: WCC, 1995).
- , Theology for our times: a special number on the theme of the VIII Assembly of the
World Council of Churches to be held at Harare (Zimbabwe) in 1998, Theology for our
times (Bangalore, India: Ecumenical Christian Centre, 1996).
- , Be led by the Spirit in hope: 1998 week of prayer for Christian unity 48 p vols
(Garrison, New York: Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute, 1997).
- Eine heilige Kirche. 2001.: (Periodical)
- Kristen gemenskap: Kristelig fellesskap: Kristeligt faellesskab: Kristittyen yhteys.
2001.: (Periodical)
- Ecumenical press service. 2001.: (Periodical)
- Ecumenical press service: American edition. 2001.: (Periodical)
- K. C. Abraham et al., Ecumenism in Asia: essays in honour of Feliciano Carino
xvi, 128 p vols (Bangalore: Association for Theological Education in South East Asia,
- Audrey Abrecht, Half the world's people: a report of the Consultation of Church Women
Executives, Glion, Switzerland, January 1977 64 p vols (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, 1978).
- Paul Abrecht et al., Before it's too late: the challenge of nuclear disarmament ; the
complete record of the public hearing on nuclear weapons and disarmament xiii, 391 p.,
[4] p. of plates vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1983).
- Paul Abrecht and Roger Lincoln Shinn, Church and society: ecumenical perspectives:
essays in honour of Paul Abrecht xiii, 163 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches,
- Elisabeth Adler, A small beginning: An assessment of the first five years of the
Programme to Combat Racism vi, 102 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1974).
- Elisabeth Adler, World Council of Churches, and Programme to combat racism, Justice
for Aboriginal Australians: report of the World Council of Churches team visit to the
Aborigines June 15 to July 3, 1981 90 p vols (Geneva: Programme to Combat Racism,
World Council of Churches, 1981).
- Advisory Commission on the Theme of the Second Assembly of the World Council of
Churches, World Council of Churches, and Assembly, The second report of the Advisory
Commission on the Theme of the Second Assembly of the World Council of Churches to be held
in August 1954 at Evanston, Illinois 25, [1] p vols (New York: World Council of
Churches, 1952).
- African Rights (Organization), Rwanda: the protestant churches and the genocide: an
appeal to the World Council of Churches' meeting in Harare 24 p vols (London: African
Rights, 1998).
- Peter Ainslie, Towards Christian unity 105 p vols (Baltimore, Md: Association for
the promotion of Christian unity, 1918).
- Peter Ainslie, If not a united church -- what?: The Reinicker lectures at the
Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary in Virginia 132 p vols (New York: Fleming H.
Revell, 1920).
- Giuseppe Alberigo, Les Eglises après Vatican II: dynamisme et prospective: actes du
colloque international de Bologne, 1980 360 p vols, Théologie historique
(Paris: Beauchesne, 1981).
- Giuseppe Alberigo, Nostalgie di unità: saggi di storia dell'ecumenismo 1. ed. --
ed. 175 p vols, "Dabar.": Saggi di storia religiosa (Genova: Marietti,
- Giuseppe Alberigo, Christian unity: the Council of Ferrara-Florence, 1438/39-1989
xii, 685 p. -- vols, Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium (Leuven:
University Press, 1991).
- All-Africa Church Conference, The Urban Africa Consultation: held in Nairobi, Kenya,
March, 1961 55 p vols (Kitwe, Northern Rhodesia: The Conference, 1962).
- All Africa Conference of Churches and World Council of Churches, Structures of
injustice: a report of a consultation on violations of human rights, held in Khartoum,
Sudan, from 16-22 February, 1975 47 p vols (Nairobi: All Africa Conference of
Churches, 1975).
- All Africa Conference of Churches, Too many, too long: refugees in Africa and the
churches' response 16 p vols (Nairobi, Kenya: All Africa Conference of Churches,
- A. M. Allchin, The Abbé Paul Couturier: apostle of Christian unity 16 p vols
(Westminster: Faith Press, 1960).
- A. M. Allchin, Prophets of unity: five addresses given at Fairacres during the Week
of Prayer for Christian Unity, January 1971 13 p vols, Fairacres publication
(Oxford: SLG Press, 1971).
- A. M. Allchin, Eucharist and unity: thoughts on the Anglican-Roman Catholic
International Commission's Agreed Statement on Eucharistic Doctrine: together with the
full text of that statement by permission of SPCK 13, vi p vols, Fairacres
publication (Oxford: SLG Press, 1972).
- Caroline Allison, It's like holding the key to your own jail: women in Namibia x,
71 p., [2] p. of plates vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1986).
- Hans Ludwig Althaus, Ökumenische Dokumente: Quellenstücke über die Einheit der
Kirche 251 p vols (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1962).
- Johannes Althausen and Institut Berlin Ökumenisches, Die Kirche im Gespräch der
Kirchen: ökumenischen Themen 1. Aufl ed. 267 p vols (Berlin: Evangelische
Verlagsanstalt, 1975).
- Leo George Marie Alting von Geusau, Ecumenism and the Roman Catholic Church 2 ed.
v, 186 p vols, Documentatie-Centrum Concilie (Westminster, Md: Newman Press, 1966).
- James Amanze, The origin and development of the Ecumenical Movement in Botswana,
1965-1994 71 p vols, Studies on the Church in Southern Africa (Gaborone,
Botswana: Departments of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Botswana, 1994).
- James Amanze, A history of the ecumenical movement in Africa 320 p vols
(Gaborone, Botswana: Pula Press, 1999).
- Amecea, Record of the Seminar on Ecumenism, held at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary,
Nairobi, March 31st-April 4th, 1970 120 p vols (Nairobi: Amecea, 1970).
- American Committee for the World Council of Churches, Landmarks: 1937: Oxford,
Edinburgh; 1939, Utrecht; 1946, Geneva 24 p vols (New York: American Committee for the
World Council of Churches.
- American Council of Christian Churches, The ecumenical blueprint for a world
revolutionary conspiracy: Report of the World Conference on Church and Society 15 p
vols (New York: American Council of Christian Churches, 1966).
- Sam Amirtham and World Council of Churches., Stories make people: examples of
theological work in the community: Geneva: WCC Publications, 1989).
- Samuel Amirtham et al., Ministerial formation in a multifaith milieu: implications of
interfaith dialogue for theological education 122 p vols (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, 1986).
- Samuel Amirtham and J. S. Pobee, Theology by the people: reflections on doing
theology in community x, 143 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1986).
- Samuel Amirtham, Hui sok Mun, and World Council of Churches, The Teaching of
ecumenics xii, 142 p vols (Geneva: WCC Publications, 1987).
- Samuel Amirtham and World Council of Churches, Stories make people: examples of
theological work in community ix, 99 p vols (Geneva: WCC Publications, 1989).
- Samuel Amirtham et al., The Invitation to the feast of life: resources for spiritual
formation in theological education vii, 249 p vols (Geneva?: World Council of
Churches, Programme on Theological Education, 1991).
- Samuel Amirtham et al., New horizons in ecumenism: essays in honour of Bishop Samuel
Amirtham 155 p vols (Bangalore: Board of Theological Education of the Senate of
Serampore College and Board for Theological Text Book Programme of South Asia, 1993).
- Justin Uchechukwu Anaele, The role of the laity in ecumenism with reference to the
church in Nigeria 146 p vols (Rome: s.n., 1985).
- Tim Andersen et al., The final report on the Theological Students Conference: at the
Sixth Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Vancouver, 1983 x, 102, [28] p vols
(Chicago: s.n., 1983).
- H. George Anderson, James R. Crumley, and J. G. M. Willebrands, Promoting unity:
themes in Lutheran-Catholic dialogue xii, 112 p vols (Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1989).
- Philip J. Anderson and Karl Arthur Olsson, Amicus Dei: essays on faith and friendship
presented to Karl A. Olsson on his 75th birthday xv, 293 p vols (Chicago, Ill:
Covenant Publications, 1988).
- Samuel James Andrews, Some Thoughts on Christian Unity, 1888.
- Anglican Church of Canada et al., Growth in understanding: a study guide on church
union. Under the auspices of the Committee on Christian Unity and the Church Universal of
the Anglican Church of Canada and the Commission on Union of the United Church of Canada
vii, 132 p vols (Toronto: The Anglican Church of Canada, 1959).
- Anglican Church of Canada et al., Growth in understanding: a study guide on church
union [prepared] under the auspices of the Committee on Christian Unity and the Church
Universal of the Anglican Church of Canada and the Commission on Union of the United
Church of Canada 132p vols (Toronto, 1961).
- Anglican Church of Canada et al., The report from the Committee on Christian Unity
and the Church Universal of the Anglican Church of Canada & the Committee on Union of
the United Church of Canada 15 p vols (Toronto, Ont.?: the Committees, 1965).
- Anglican Church of Canada et al., The principles of union between the Anglican Church
of Canada and the United Church of Canada: the study guide. [Prepared by R.C. Chalmers.]
71p vols (Toronto, 1965).
- Anglican Consultative Council et al., Many gifts, one spirit: report of ACC-7,
Singapore, 1987 xii, 167 p vols (London: Church House Publishing, 1987).
- Anglican Consultative Council et al., Clarifications of certain aspects of the agreed
statements on eucharist and ministry of the First Anglican-Roman Catholic International
Commission: together with a letter from Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, President,
Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity v, 13 p vols (London: Church House
and Catholic Truth Society for the Anglican Consultative Council and the Pontifical
Council for Promoting Christian Unity, 1994).
- Anglican/Roman Catholic International Commission et al., Church as communion: an
agreed statement 39 p vols (London: published for the Anglican Consultative Council
and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity by the Catholic Truth Society,
- Stan Anih, The cathedral and the mosque can co-exist in Nigeria: practical ecumenism
45 p vols (Enugu, Nigeria: Institute of Ecumenical Education, 1984).
- Stan Anih, The crucified nation: (The prospects of ecumenical education in Nigeria)
32 p vols (Enugu, Nigeria: Institute of Ecumenical Education, 1989).
- Stan Anih, An introduction to the fundamentals of religious ecumenism in Nigeria
60 p vols (Nigeria: S. Anih, 1990).
- Stan Anih, Religious ecumenism and education for tolerance (Enugu: S. Anih,
- Stan Anih, Third millenium God-talk 201, [1] p vols (Enugu: Institute of
Ecumenical Education Thinkers Corner, 1995).
- Nicholas Apostola and World Council of Churches, A Letter from Christ to the world:
an exploration of the role of the laity in the church today xi, 147 p vols (Geneva:
WCC Publications, 1998).
- Tosh Arai and S. Wesley Ariarajah, Spirituality in interfaith dialogue xi, 103 p
vols (Geneva: WCC Publications, 1989).
- Archdiocese of chicago, Guidelines for Ecumenism 1968.
- Ariarajah S.Wesley et al., Spirituality in interfaith dialogue: Geneva: WCC
Publications, 1989).
- Ariarajah S.Wesley and World Council of Churches, Gospel and culture: an ongoing
discussion within the ecumenical movement, Gospel and cultures pamphlet ; 1:
Geneva: WCC Publications, 1994).
- Ariarajah S.Wesley, Did I betray the Gospel?: the letters of Paul and the place of
women, Risk book series ; 70: Geneva: WCC Publications, 1996).
- Ariarajah S.Wesley and World Council of Churches, Not without my neighbour: issues in
interfaith relations, Risk book series ; no. 85: Geneva: WCC Publications,
- S. Wesley Ariarajah and World Council of Churches, The Bible and people of other
faiths xiv, 71 p vols, The Risk book series (Geneva: World Council of Churches,
- S. Wesley Ariarajah, Hindus and Christians: a century of Protestant ecumenical
thought x, 244 p vols, Currents of encounter (Grand Rapids, Mich: W.B. Eerdmans
Pub. Co, 1991).
- S. Wesley Ariarajah and World Council of Churches, Gospel and culture: an ongoing
discussion within the ecumenical movement xv, 50 p vols, Gospel and cultures
pamphlet (Geneva: WCC Publications, 1994).
- S. Wesley Ariarajah, Did I betray the Gospel?: the letters of Paul and the place of
women xiv, 58 p vols (Geneva: WCC Publications, 1996).
- S. Wesley Ariarajah and World Council of Churches, Not without my neighbour: issues
in interfaith relations 130 p vols, Risk book series (Geneva: WCC Publications,
- Francis A. Arinze, Towards Christian unity 50 p vols (Enugu, Nigeria: Ude's
Publishing Co, 1966).
- Pierre Arminjon, Le mouvement œcuménique: efforts faits pour réaliser l'union ou
le rapprochement des Églises chrétiennes 93 p vols (Paris: P. Lethielleux, 1955).
- Marcos Arruda, World Council of Churches, and Advisory Group on Economic Matters, Ecumenism
and a new world order: the failure of the 1970s and the challenges of the 1980s: documents
related to the work of the Advisory Group on Economic Matters 97 p vols, An
Ecumenical approach to economics (Geneva: Commission on the Churches' Participation in
Development, World Council of Churches, 1980).
- Art Institute of Chicago, World Council of Churches, and Assembly, Masterpieces of
religious art: exhibition held in connection with the Second Assembly of the World Council
of Churches, July 15 through August 31, 1954 60 p. (chiefly illus.) vols (Chicago,
- C. J. Arthur et al., The globalization of communications: some religious implications
69 p vols (Geneva Switzerland: WCC Publications, 1998).
- Irja Askola et al., Living letters: a report of visits to the churches during the
Ecumenical Decade--Churches in Solidarity with Women 50 p vols (Geneva: WCC
Publications, 1997).
- Hans Asmussen, Rom, Wittenberg, Moskau: zur grossen Kirchenpolitik 161p vols
(Stuttgart: Schwabenverlag, 1956).
- Associated Ministers of Worcester-shire et al., The judgment and advice of the
Assembly of the Associated Ministers of VVorcester-shire held at Worcester, Aug. 6th 1658:
concerning the endeavours of ecclesiasticall peace, and the waies and meanes of Christian
unity, which Mr. John Durey doth present, sent unto him in the name, and by the
appointment of the aforesaid Assembly 201:5 ed. [8] p vols, Early English books,
1641-1700 (London: Printed for T. Underhill ... and F. Tyton, 1658).
- Association for the Promotion of Christian Unity ( and Faith and Order Committee,
"A Response to Lund,".
- Association for Theological Education in South East Asia and Christian Conference of
Asia, Jesus Christ with people in Asia: report of the Asian Consultation in Singapore,
July 5-11, 1982 on the theme Jesus Christ--the life of the world 73 p vols (Singapore:
s.n, 1982).
- Clarence Royalty Athearn, Ten reasons for federation: an essay on the advantages of
federation as exemplified by the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America
22 p vols (Boston: Boston University School of Religious Education, 1928).
- Jesudas Athyal, To minister or to administer?: perspectives on church administration
xxv, 84 p vols (Madras, India: Academy of Ecumenical Indian Theology and Church
administration, 1994).
- James Atkinson, Rome and Reformation today: how Luther speaks to the new situation
36 p vols, Latimer studies (Oxford: Latimer House, 1982).
- Roger Aubert, Le Christ et les Églises 277 p vols, Chrétienté nouvelle
(Paris: Editions Universitaires, 1961).
- Theological Seminary Austin Presbyterian and Consultation on Church Union, COCU and
covenant 72 p vols, Austin seminary bulletin (Austin, Tex: Austin Presbyterian
Theological Seminary, 1981).
- George Austin, World Council of Churches' programme to combat racism 20 p vols, Conflict
studies (London: Institute for the Study of Conflict, 1979).
- Australian Council of Churches and D. 'A. Wood, Churches and councils - Australia and
the world: three statements on the ecumenical situation today 55 p vols (Sydney:
Australian Council of Churches, 1972).
- Australian Council of Churches and Russell Rollason, Racism in Australia in the
1980's: a collection of addresses from the Australian Council of Churches 100 p vols
(Sydney: Australian Council of Churches, 1981).
- Paul D. L. Avis, Christians in communion x, 150 p vols (London: Chapman Mowbray,
- John Baillie and World Council of Churches, Evanston: a beginning, not the end: An
NBC radio discussion 15 p vols, Round Table (Chicago, Ill: University of
Chicago, 1954).
- Roland Herbert Bainton, Christian unity and religion in New England 294 p vols
(Boston: Beacon Press, 1964).
- Sebastian Bakare and World Council of Churches, The drumbeat of life: jubilee in an
African context ix, 52 p vols, Risk book series (Geneva: WCC Publications,
- Daryl M. Balia, Christian resistance to Apartheid: ecumenism in South Afrika [sic]
1960-1987 206 p. -- vols, Perspektiven der Weltmission (Ammersbek bei Hamburg:
Verlag an der Lottbek, 1989).
- Brigalia Bam, World Council of Churches, and Family and Society Dept.of Cooperation of
Men and Women in Church, What is ordination coming to?: Report of a Consultation on the
Ordination of Women held in Cartigny, Geneva, Switzerland, 21st-26th September 1970 86
p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, Dept. on Cooperation of Men and Women in
Church, Family and Society, 1971).
- Canaan Banana, The gospel according to the ghetto 18 p vols (Geneva: World
Council of Churches, 1977).
- Anwar M. Barkat and World Council of Churches, Conflict, violence, and peace 162
p vols, World Council studies (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1970).
- Frank Barnaby, Nuclear proliferation and the South African threat 22 p vols
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1977).
- Madeleine Barot, Cooperation of men and women in church, family and society 48 p
vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1964).
- William R. Barr et al., The Church in the movement of the Spirit xii, 136 p vols
(Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1994).
- Julio Barreiro and Julio de Santa Ana, Separation without hope?: essays on the
relation between the Church and the poor during the industrial revolution and the Western
colonial expansion 192 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, Commission on the
Churches' Participation in Development, 1978).
- Hans Martin Barth, Spiritualität Heft 74 ed. 191 p vols, Bensheimer Hefte:
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- Robert Bertram and Richard R. Caemmerer, The lively function of the Gospel: essays in
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- Thomas F. Best and World Council of Churches, Living today towards visible unity: the
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- Thomas F. Best et al., Vancouver to Canberra, 1983-1990: report of the Central
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- Thomas F. Best, Survey of church union negotiations, 1988-1991 27 p. -- vols, Faith
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- Thomas F. Best and Günther Gassmann, Regional consultations in preparation for the
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- Thomas F. Best, Dagmar Heller, and World Council of Churches, Eucharistic worship in
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- Eberhard Bethge, Friendship and resistance: essays on Dietrich Bonhoeffer viii,
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- Robert S. Bilheimer, Breakthrough: the emergence of the ecumenical tradition x,
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- Hugh Blenkin, Immortal sacrifice: a study, in the cause of Christian unity, of the
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- Frederick M. Bliss, Understanding reception: a backdrop to its ecumenical use
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- John Bluck, Beyond neutrality: a Christian critique of the media vii, 62 p vols
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- John Bluck, World Council of Churches, and Assembly, Beyond technology: contexts for
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- John Bluck, Everyday ecumenism: can you take the world church home? x, 70 p vols,
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- John Bluck, Christian communication reconsidered viii, 75 p vols (Geneva: WCC
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- Myra Blyth et al., '--And your neighbour as yourself': seven studies exploring what
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- Cécile Bodmer de Traz and Jean Georges Bodmer de Traz, New-Delhi: la troisième
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- Marc Boegner, L'Exigence œcuménique, souvenirs et perspectives 367p vols
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- Marc Boegner, The long road to unity: memories and anticipations 416 p., 13
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- Allan Aubrey Boesak, Walking on thorns: the call to Christian obedience x, 65 p
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- Frances E. Bonwick, Ecumenical album 32 p vols (Toronto: Board of Information and
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- Frederick Houk Borsch, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States
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- Marina Boudart, Michel Boudart, and René Bryssinck, Modern Belgium xxxi, 561 p
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- Robin H. S Boyd and World Council of Churches, Ireland: Christianity discredited or
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- Charles Boyer, Christian unity 1st ed. ed. 131 p vols, Twentieth century
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- Carl E. Braaten, Mother church: ecclesiology and ecumenism ix, 164 p vols
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- Alan A. Brash, Delhi 1961: a report on the Third Assembly of the World Council of
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- Jerzy Braun, Ekumenizm w uchwalach soboru i w okresie posoborowym 3-76 p vols
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- Joseph P. Brennan, Robert Francis McNamara, and Rochester Bernard's Seminary, Essays
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- Allen Brent, Cultural episcopacy and ecumenism: representative ministry in church
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- Earl D. C. Brewer, Mance C. Jackson, and Methodist Council World, Wesleyan
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- Ion Bria, Go forth in peace: Orthodox perspectives on mission Rev. ed ed. v, 102
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- Ion Bria, The sense of ecumenical tradition: the ecumenical witness and vision of the
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- Ion Bria and Dagmar Heller, Ecumenical pilgrims: profiles of pioneers in Christian
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- Ion Bria and World Council of Churches, Romania: Orthodox identity at a crossroads of
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- Ion Bria, The liturgy after the liturgy: mission and witness from an Orthodox
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- Keith R. Bridston, World Council of Churches, and Commission on Faith and Order, Orthodoxy:
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- Keith R. Bridston and Walter D. Wagoner, Unity in mid-career: an ecumenical critique
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- British Council of Churches and Catholic Truth Society (, Views from the pews: Lent
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- Arie R. Brouwer and World Council of Churches, Overcoming the threat of death: a
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- Robert McAfee Brown, The ecumenical revolution: an interpretation of the
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- Hugh Lewin, A Community of clowns: testimonies of people in urban rural mission
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- Christine Lienemann-Perrin, Training for a relevant ministry: a study of the
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- Hans Georg Link et al., Confessing our faith around the world, II ix, 100 p vols,
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- Robert C. Lodwick, Remembering the future: the challenge of the churches in Europe
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- Lefferts Augustine Loetscher, The problem of Christian unity in early
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- Raphael Loewe and Leon Roth, Studies in rationalism, Judaism & universalism: in
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- Nicolas Lossky and David Holeton, Dictionary of the ecumenical movement xvi, 1196
p vols (Geneva: WCC Publications, 1991).
- Kathy Lowe and Martin E. Marty, Opening eyes and ears: new connections for Christian
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- Arthur Lowndes, The Christian Unity Foundation no. 2 ed. 13 p vols, Leaflet
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- Paul Löffler, The layman abroad in the mission of the church: a decade of discussion
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- Paul Löffler et al., Secular man and Christian mission: A discussion through
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Lavateri Historia Sacramentaria, Hospiniani Historia Sacramentaria...nebst andern noch
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- Hans Lubsczyk, Mit ganzem Herzen glauben: ein Gespräch mit der russischen Orthodoxie
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- Robert C. Mackie and Charles C. West, The sufficiency of God: essays on the ecumenial
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- Jorge Maldonado and World Council of Churches, Even in the best of families: the
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- John M. Mangum, The New faith-science debate: probing cosmology, technology, and
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- Tuomo Mannermaa, Der im Glauben gegenwärtige Christus: Rechtfertigung und Vergottung
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- Joseph Mariani, La situation religieuse du Tyrol au 16e siècle et le mouvement
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- James B. Martin-Schramm, Population perils and the churches' response xxiii, 56 p
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- James Massey, Down trodden: the struggles of India's Dalits for identity, solidarity
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- Hugh McCullum, The angels have left us: the Rwanda tragedy and the churches xxiv,
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- Karl Michel, Das Opus tripartitum des Humbertus de Romanis, O. P: ein Beitrag zur
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- Nicolae Mihai ta and Christian Federation World Student, Orthodox youth and the
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- Joseph Quinter Miller, Christian unity: its relevance to the community 122 p vols
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- W. J. Milligan, The new nomads: challenges facing Christians in Western Europe x,
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- Betty Mills and Lucile Hasley, Mind if I differ?: A Catholic-Unitarian dialogue
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- David Millwood, The poverty makers viii, 69 p vols (Geneva: World Council of
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- Ambrose Moyo and World Council of Churches, Zimbabwe: the risk of incarnation ix,
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- Geiko Müller-Fahrenholz, Partners in life: the handicapped and the church iv,
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- Stephen Neill, Ecumenism light and shade ix, 90 p vols, The Gallagher memorial
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- J. Robert Nelson, One lord, one church 92 p vols, World Christian books
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- J. Robert Nelson, Christian unity in North America: a symposium 208 p vols (St.
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- J. Robert Nelson, Overcoming Christian divisions: A rev. ed. of the World Christian
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- John Robert Nelson et al., Faith and Order report on the issues that divide
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- David Neuhaus, Ghassan Rubeiz, and Kathy Bergen, Justice and the Intifada:
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- Richard John Neuhaus, Michael Cromartie, and Ethics and Public Policy Center
(Washington, Piety and politics: evangelicals and fundamentalists confront the world
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- Johannes Neumann, Auf Hoffnung Hin: eine Sammlung oekumenischer Gedanken 284 p
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- Peter Neuner, Dietrich Ritschl, and Ökumenischer Studienausschuss Deutscher, Kirchen
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- Peter Neuner, Ökumenische Theologie: die Suche nach der Einheit der christlichen
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- Herbert T. Neve et al., Sources for change: Searching for flexible church structures.
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- A. F. S. Neves and A. F. S. Neves, Para um ecumenismo omnitotidimensional em Angola:
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- Lesslie Newbigin, The reunion of the church: a defence of the South India scheme
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- Lesslie Newbigin, Mission in Christ's way: Bible studies vii, 40 p vols, WCC
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- William Nicholls, Ecumenism and catholicity 159 p vols, The Norrisian prize
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- James Hastings Nichols, Evanston, an interpretation 1st ed. ed. 155 p vols (New
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- D. Preman Niles and World Council of Churches, Resisting the threats to life:
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- Jon Nilson, Nothing beyond the necessary: Roman Catholicism and the ecumenical future
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- Emmanuel Chukwuemeka Nnadozie, Nigeria politics challenges Christian unity:
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- O. Frederick Nolde, Toward world-wide Christianity. -- 263 p vols (New York:
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- Otto Frederick Nolde and Charles Habib Malik, Free and equal: human rights in
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- A. E. Nordenskiöld, Johan Adolf Ekelöf, and Clements R. Markham, Facsimile-atlas to
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- William A. Norgren et al., Ecumenism of the possible: witness, theology and the
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- Cecil Northcott, Evanston World Assembly: a concise interpretation 48 p vols
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- Peder Nørgaard-Højen, Leuenberg og Økumene: tekster og kommentarer til belysning
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- Paul David Numrich, Old wisdom in the New World: Americanization in two immigrant
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- Roger Nunn, This growing unity: a handbook on ecumenical development in the counties,
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- John A. O'Brien, Steps to Christian unity 1st ed. ed. 321 p vols (Garden City,
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- Margaret O'Gara, The ecumenical gift exchange xii, 180 p vols (Collegeville,
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- Ron O'Grady and World Council of Churches, Bread and freedom: understanding and
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- Ron O'Grady and World Council of Churches, Third world stopover: the tourism debate
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- Charles A. O'Neill and Bernard J. Cooke, Ecumenism and Vatican II xii, 146 p vols
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- Simeon Wilberforce O'Neill, A contribution to the cause of Christian unity: or, The
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- Anne Pattel-Gray, Through aboriginal eyes: the cry from the wilderness xix, 158 p
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- Werner Petersmann, Wider die "Irrlehre" des Weltkirchenrates: zur
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'76: e. Bonhoeffer-Symposion 188 p vols, Internationales Bonhoeffer Forum
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- Antonie Plamadeala, Vocatie si misiune crestina în vremea noastra 457 p vols
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- J. S. Pobee and Bärbel von Wartenberg-Potter, New eyes for reading: biblical and
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- J. S. Pobee, Who are the poor?: the Beatitudes as a call to community 71 p vols, The
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viii, 238 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1990).
- J. S. Pobee and World Council of Churches, West Africa: Christ would be an African
too xi, 52 p vols, Gospel and cultures pamphlet (Geneva: WCC Publications,
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ecumenical imperative, catalyst of renewal ix, 164 p vols (Geneva: WCC Publications,
- J. S. Pobee and Gabriel Ositelu, African initiatives in Christianity: the growth,
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movement xiii, 73 p vols, Risk book series (Geneva: WCC Publications, 1998).
- John Pobee and World Council of Churches, Towards viable theological education:
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- John S. Pobee and World Council of Churches, West Africa: Christ would be an African
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of renewal: Geneva: WCC Publications, 1997).
- John S. Pobee and Gabriel Ositelu, African initiatives in Christianity: the growth,
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- C. J. Podmore et al., Anglican-Moravian conversations: the Fetter Lane common
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- Willem Hendrik van de Pol, The Christian dilemma: Catholic Church--Reformation
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- Heinrich Pompey, Caritas - das menschliche Gesicht des Glaubens: Ökumenische und
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- Muriel Porter, Land of the spirit?: the Australian religious experience xi, 102 p
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- Klaus Poser, World Council of Churches, and Refugee and World Service Commission on
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Consultation, Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World Service, Larnaca, 1986 ix, 133 p.,
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- Philip Potter, Life in all its fullness x, 173 p vols (Geneva: World Council of
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Council of Churches, 1984).
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- John Poulton, The feast of life: a theological reflection on the theme "Jesus
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- Jan Hendrik Pranger, Dialogue in discussion: the World Council of Churches and the
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- Roy Preiswerk et al., The Slant of the pen: racism in children's books xvii, 154
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- Ronald H. Preston and International Foundation, Technology and social justice: an
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- Ronald H. Preston, Confusions in Christian social ethics: problems for Geneva and
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- T. S. Preston, Lectures on Christian unity: delivered in S. Ann's Church,
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- Tony Price, Church of England, and Council Evangelical, Evangelical Anglicans and the
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- W. C. G. Proctor, Roman Catholics and Protestants: essays critical and conciliatory
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- J. F. Puglisi and S. J. Voicu, A bibliography of interchurch and interconfessional
theological dialogues 260 p vols (Rome, Italy: Centro pro unione, 1984).
- Joan Puls, Every bush is burning: a spirituality for our times xii, 102 p vols, The
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- John R. Quinn, The reform of the papacy: the costly call to Christian unity 189 p
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- Konrad Raiser, Ecumenism in transition: a paradigm shift in the ecumenical movement?
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- Konrad Raiser, To be the church: challenges and hopes for a new millennium xvii,
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- Cecil Rajendra, Songs for the unsung--: poems on unpoetic issues like war and want
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- Cecil Rajendra, Dove on fire: poems on peace, justice and ecology ix, 82 p vols, Risk
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- Jether Pereira Ramalho, World Council of Churches, and Commission on the Churches'
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- André Randriantsalama, La voie malagasy: bouquet de poèmes de jeunesse 196, [1]
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- Larry L. Rasmussen, Earth community, earth ethics xvi, 366 p vols (Geneva: WCC
Publications, 1996).
- Joseph Ratzinger, Church, ecumenism, and politics: new essays in ecclesiology 278
p vols (New York: Crossroad, 1988).
- Robert Eldred Reber, The World Council of Churches and world development: proposals
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- Ranjini Rebera and World Council of Churches, We cannot dream alone: a story of women
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- Ranjini Rebera et al., We cannot dream alone: a story of women in development
xiii, 125 p vols (Geneva: WCC Publications, 1990).
- Ernie Regehr and Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, Militarism and
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- Harald Rein, Kirchengemeinschaft: die anglikanisch-altkatholisch-orthodoxen
Beziehungen von 1870 bis 1990 und ihre ökumenische Relevanz Bd. 477 ed. v vols, Europäische
Hochschulschriften (Bern: P. Lang, 1993).
- Marc Reuver and World Council of Churches, Christians as peace makers: peace
movements in Europe and the USA x, 84 p vols (Geneva: WCC Publications, 1988).
- Marc Reuver, Friedhelm Solms, and Gerrit Huizer, The ecumenical movement tomorrow:
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- Marc Reuver, Requiem for Constantine: a vision of the future of church and state in
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- Marc Reuver, Faith and law: juridical perspectives for the ecumenical movement
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- Petr Rezek, Filosofie a politika kýce 1. vyd ed. 107 p vols, Edice Oikúmené
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- Neville Richardson, The World Council of Churches and race relations, 1960 to 1969
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- Russell E. Richey and United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry (, Ecumenical
& interreligious perspectives: globalization in theological education xvii, 152 p
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- Edmund W. Robb and Julia Robb, The betrayal of the church: apostasy and renewal in
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- Ronald G. Roberson, The Eastern churches pastoral directory 31 p vols (Montreal:
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- E. Roberts-Thompson, With hands outstretched: Baptists and the Ecumenical Movement
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- Wendy S. Robins et al., Speaking for ourselves: Bible studies and discussion starters
by women x, 106 p vols (Geneva: WCC Publications, 1990).
- Wendy S. Robins, Rachel Angogo Kanyoro, and World Council of Churches, The power we
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- Wendy S. Robins, Through the eyes of a woman: Bible studies on the experience of
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- Wendy S. Robinson and World Council of Churches, Through the eyes of a woman: Bible
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- William Robinson, Essays on Christian unity 287 p vols (London: James Clarke
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- Patrick C. Rodger, World Council of Churches, and Commission on Faith and Order, Unity:
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- Patrick Campbell Rodger, Lukas Vischer, and World Council of Churches, Report 126
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- Pedro Rodríguez, Iglesia y ecumenismo 418 p vols (Madrid: Rialp, 1979).
- Barbara Rogers, World Council of Churches, and Programme to combat racism, Race: no
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- Jacqueline Rolo, Philippa Stewart Craig, and Evangeline Parmenter, This is ecumenism:
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- Michael Root and Risto Saarinen, Baptism and the unity of the church vi, 209 p
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- Stephen C. Rose, The development apocalypse: or, will international injustice kill
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- Richard W. Rosseau, Interreligious dialogue: facing the next frontier v. 1 vols
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- Jacques Rossel, Uppsala 68: ein Aufruf zur kritischen Solidarität 63 p vols
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- Pierre Rossouw, Ecumenical panorama: a perspective from South Africa 1st ed ed.
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- Ruth Rouse, John R. Mott: an appreciation 26 p., [2] leaves of plates vols
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- Ruth Rouse and Stephen Neill, Geschichte der ökumenischen Bewegung 556 p. --
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- Ruth Rouse, Stephen Neill, and Harold Edward Fey, A history of the ecumenical
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- Richard C. Rowe, Bible study in the World Council of Churches 81 p vols (Geneva:
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- Karl Heinrich Rudersdorf, Das Entwicklungskonzept des Weltkirchenrats: Entstehung und
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- William G. Rusch, Ecumenism--a movement toward church unity x, 133 p vols
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- William G. Rusch, Reception: an ecumenical opportunity 22 ed. 78 p vols, LWF
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- Herbert J. Ryan, Breaking the ecumenical logjam: the Roman Catholic agenda 24 p
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- Thomas Ryan, Tales of Christian unity: the adventures of an ecumenical pilgrim v,
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- Thomas Ryan, A survival guide for ecumenically minded Christians 163 p vols
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- Todor Sabev, The Orthodox churches in the World Council of Churches: towards the
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- John W. Sadiq, Adventure in Christian fellowship: the story of the Ecumenical
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- Nicholas Sagovsky, Ecumenism, Christian origins, and the practice of communion x,
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- Robley Edward Whitson, Mysticism and ecumenism xv, 209 p vols (New York: Sheed
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- Thomas Wieser, World Council of Churches, and Dept.on Studies in Evangelism, Planning
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- Thomas Wieser, Whither ecumenism?: a dialogue in the transit lounge of the ecumenical
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- Lewin Lascelles Williams and World Council of Churches, The Caribbean: enculturation,
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- James M. Wilson, The origin and aim of the Acts of the apostles: being six sermons
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- Andrew Wingate, Encounter in the spirit: Muslim-Christian meetings in Birmingham
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- Andrew Wingate, Does theological education make a difference?: Global lessons in
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- Gregory Charles Wingenbach, Broken, yet never sundered: Orthodox witness and the
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- Ralph D. Winter, World Council of Churches, and Commission on World Mission and
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- Jürgen Wilhelm Winterhager, Weltwerdung der Kirche: die ökumenische Bewegung als
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- Monika Maria Wolff, Gott und Mensch: ein Beitrag Yves Congars zum ökumenischen
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- Academies and Movements for Social Concern World Collaboration Committee of Christian
Lay Centres and World Council of Churches, Directory of ecumenical conference centres:
for ecumenical solidarity, for conference and retreat, for programme collaboration, for
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World Council of Churches, 1994).
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Studienergebnisse der Kommission für Glauben und Kirchenverfassung 116 p vols, Beiheft
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- World Conference on Faith and Order and Commission on the Church of Christ and the Word
of God, Report of Commission II on the Church of Christ and the Word of God no. 87
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- World Conference on Faith and Order, Continuation Committee, and H. N. Bate, A
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- World Conference on Faith and Order et al., World Council of Churches Commission on
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vols (Oxford: Continuation committee, 1948).
- World Conference on Faith and Order, World Council of Churches, and Commission on Faith
and Order, Faith and order: the report of the Third World Conference at Lund, Sweden,
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- World Conference on Faith and Order et al., Message, section reports, discussion
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paper ; 164: Geneva: WCC Publications, 1993).
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conversations and their significance no. 55 ed. 9 p vols, Faith and order paper.
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Laity, World Council of Churches.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development.
CCPD: for a change.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Programme Unit III on Justice, Peace and Creation. Forum.:
- World Council of Churches. Church and society newsletter.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Sub-unit for Dialogue with People of Living Faiths and
Ideologies. Current dialogue.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World Service.
CICARWS.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Youth Office. Youth.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development.
CCPD network letter.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development.
CCPD activity report.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Christian Medical Commission. Contact.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches. Women in a changing world.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Commission on World Mission and Evangelism. International
review of mission.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches, Study on Patterns of Ministry and Theological Education,
World Council of Churches, and Theological Education Fund. Ministry.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Division of Studies. Study encounter.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Desk for Documentation Concerning Eastern European
Countries. Current developments in the eastern European churches.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Division of Interchurch Aid and Service to Refugees.
Newsletter.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches, Dept.on the Laity, World Council of Churches, Dept.on the
Cooperation of Men and Women in Church and Society, World Council of Churches, and Dept.on
Cooperation of Men and Women in Church, Family and Society. Laity.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Dept.on Church and Society. Project papers: on the common
Christian responsibility toward areas of rapid social change.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Division of Studies. Bulletin - Division of Studies, World
Council of Churches.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Secretary for Laymen's Work. Laymen's work.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches, Refugee and World Service Division of Inter-Church Aid, and
Elfan Rees, The refugee problem today: A statement submitted under the authority of the
World Council of Churches Refugee Commission to the Assembly at Amsterdam, August, 1948
21 p vols (New York: reprinted by Church World Service,8.
- World Council of Churches and Division of Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World Service.
Refugees =: Refugies =: Flüchtlinge =: Refugiados.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches, Division of Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World Service,
World Council of Churches, and Division of World Mission and Evangelism. Service programme
and list of projects.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Unit IV: Sharing and Service, 50 years and more--
(Geneva: World Council of Churches.
- World Council of Churches, Faith and Order, 1954.
- World Council of Churches and John P. Taylor, For the first time ... Pictures and
text about the World Council 40 p vols (Lausanne, Switzerland.
- World Council of Churches and Division of Studies, "The lordship of Christ over
the world and the Church.": A report from the consultation held at Arnoldshain,
Germany, July 5-8, 1956 13 p vols (Geneva.
- World Council of Churches. Occasional study pamphlet.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World Service,
World Council of Churches, and Commission on World Mission and Evangelism. Service
programmes of unit II for justice and service.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches, So Much in Common, 1973.
- World Council of Churches. URM Newsletter.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Youth Dept. Youth Department news sheet. 12 BC.:
- World Council of Churches et al., Evanston spricht!: Botschaft und Berichte der
Zweiten vollversammlung des Oekumenschen Rates der Kirchen in Evanston, Ill. USA, 15. bis
31. August 1954 103 p vols (Zürich: Gotthelf, 195).
- World Council of Churches and Advisory Commission, First report of the advisory
commission on the theme of the second assembly of the World Council of Churches: to be
held in August 1954 at Evanston, Illinois 14 p vols (New York: World Council of
Churches, 195).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Official pamphlets or
publications: series III, 1962-1970 2 microfilm reels vols (S.l.: Southwest Microfilm,
- World Council of Churches, International, Missionary Council, World Alliance of YMCAs,
World Young Women's Christian Association, World Student, Christian Federation, World
Council of Christian Education and Sunday School Association, United Bible Societies,
World Alliance for International Friendship Through the Churches, and World's Sunday
School Association. Ecumenical press service. 1914.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Division of Inter-church Aid and Service to Refugees.
Consultation digest. 1919.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Foi et constitution:
actes officiels de la deuxième conférence universelle Edimbourg, 3-18 Aout 1937 426
p vols (Paris: Fischbacher, 1939).
- World Council of Churches, Pamphlets 15 pieces vols (Geneva: by the Council,
- World Council of Churches, We have dared and God has justified our daring 23 p
vols (New York: by the Council, 1944).
- World Council of Churches and American Committee, "Under the cross": new
insights gained by the churches which have been "under the cross" of persecution
and suffering 16 p vols (New York: American Committee of the World Council of
Churches, 1945).
- World Council of Churches, The World Council of Churches, its process of formation:
minutes and reports of the meeting of the Provisional Committee of the World Council of
Churches held at Geneva from February 21st to 23rd, 1946; the constitutional documents of
the World Council of Churches and an introd. by W. A. Visser 't Hooft 205 p vols
(Geneva, 1946).
- World Council of Churches. The Ecumenical review. 1948.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order. Papers. 1948.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches, The message and reports of the First Assembly of the World
Council of Churches with aids to study and discussion 93 p vols (London: SCM Press,
- World Council of Churches, Revised interim report of a study on the Life and work of
women in the church including reports of an Ecumenical Conference of Church Women, Baarn,
Holland, and of the Committee on The life and work of Women in the Church of the Assembly
of the World Council of Churches, Amsterdam, 1948 76 p vols (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, 1948).
- World Council of Churches, We intend to stay together: highlights of the first
assembly of the World Council of Churches, Amsterdam, Holland, August 22nd to September
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Churches, 1948).
- World Council of Churches et al., First assembly of the World Council of Churches:
constituting resolution-- assembly message-- reports of sections-- concerns of churches
66 p vols (New York: American Committee for the World Council of Churches, 1948).
- World Council of Churches and United States Conference. Financial report. 1948.:
- World Council of Churches and Central Committee. Minutes and reports of the meeting.
1948.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Assembly, The Ten formative years, 1938-1948: report on
the activities of the World Council of Churches during its period of formation 79 p
vols (Geneva, Switzerland: The Council, 1948).
- World Council of Churches et al., The First Assembly of the World Council of
Churches: held at Amsterdam, August 22nd to September 4th, 1948 271 p. -- vols, Man's
disorder and God's design (London: SCM Press, 1949).
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1949.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Minutes of meeting held
at Bishop Otter College, Chichester (England) July 16th to 20th, 1949 56 p vols (N.p.:
issued by the Commission, 1949).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Commission on Faith and
Order of the World Council of Churches meeting at Chichester, England, July 16th to 20th,
1949 no. 2 ed. 56 p vols, Faith and order paper (London: The Commission, 1949).
- World Council of Churches, Findings and decisions 95 p vols (Geneva, 1949).
- World Council of Churches, Man's disorder and God's design 4 v. in 1 vols, The
Amsterdam Assembly series (New York: Harper, 1949).
- World Council of Churches, Official report 271 p vols (New York: Harper, 1949).
- World Council of Churches and U.S.Conference. Ecumenical courier. 1949.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Study Dept, Christian action in society: an ecumenical
inquiry 18 p vols (Geneva, Switzerland: WCC, 1949).
- World Council of Churches et al., The church and the disorder of society: report of
Section III 11 p vols (New York: Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America,
- World Council of Churches and Study Dept, Evangelization of modern man in mass
society: an ecumenical inquiry 20 p vols (Geneva, Switzerland: WCC, 1949).
- World Council of Churches and Study Dept, The responsible society: Christian action
in society: an ecumenical inquiry 23 p vols (Geneva, Switzerland: Study Department of
the World Council of Churches, 1949).
- World Council of Churches, Roll call: a list of the member churches of the World
Council of Churches 16 p vols (New York, 1949).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Oliver S. Tomkins, The
church in the purpose of God: an introduction to the work of the Commission on Faith and
Order of the World Council of Churches, in preparation for the Third World Conference on
Faith and Order to be held at Lund, Sweden, in 1952 118 p vols (New York: World
Council of Churches, 1950).
- World Council of Churches and Central Committee, The church, the churches, and the
World Council of Churches: the ecclesiological significance of the World Council of
Churches: a statement commended to the churches for study and comment 15p vols (New
York: The Council, 1950).
- World Council of Churches, Ecumenical book shelf 5 v. in 1 vols (New York: by the
Council, 1950).
- World Council of Churches et al., Ways of worship: the report of a theological
commission of faith and order 362 p vols (London: SCM Press, 1951).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and R. Newton Flew, The
church: report of a theological commission on faith and order 78 p vols (London:
Published on behalf of the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches by
the SCM Press, 1951).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Donald Macpherson Baillie,
Intercommunion: Report of a theological commission of faith and order 32, [1] p
vols (London: SCM press, 1951).
- World Council of Churches and Central Committee, The calling of the church, to
mission and to unity 7 p vols (New York: World Council of Churches, 1951).
- World Council of Churches, Faith and Order Commission, and heological Commission on the
Church, The Church: report of a Theological Commission on Faith and order. Chairman,
the Rev. Dr. R. Newton Flew, secretary, the Rev. Canon KennethRiches 78 p vols:
Published on behalf of the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches by
the S.C.M. Press, 1951).
- World Council of Churches, Division of Inter-church Aid and Service to Refugees, and
Missionary Council International, Report of a conference on Arab refugee problems,
Beirut, Lebanon, May 4-8, 1951 56p vols (Geneva: WCC, Service to Refugees, 1951).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Oliver S. Tomkins, The
church in the purpose of God: an introduction to the work of the Commission on Faith and
Order of the World Council of Churches, in preparation for the Third World Conference on
Faith and Order to be held at Lund, Sweden, in 1952 118 p vols (New York: World
Council of Churches, 1952).
- World Council of Churches et al., The nature of the church: papers presented to the
Theological Commission appointed by the Continuation Committee of the World Conference on
Faith and Order 347 p vols (New York: Harper, 1952).
- World Council of Churches et al., Intercommunion: the report of the Theological
Commission appointed by the Continuation Committee of the World Conference on Faith and
Order, together with a selection from the material presented to the commission 406 p
vols (London: SCM Press, 1952).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Who's who =: Wer Ist's?
=: quiestes-vous? Rev. ed. and list of delegates appointed by their churches together
with others attending the conference ed. 70 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva:
Faith and Order Commission, World Council of Churches, 1952).
- World Council of Churches, The meaning of hope in the Bible 27 p vols (Geneva:
The study department of the World Council of Churches, 1952).
- World Council of Churches and Study Dept, Ecumenical studies: Towards the second
Assembly of the World Council of Churches, 1954. Introductory leaflet no. 1-6 6 v. in
1 vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1952).
- World Council of Churches and Secretariat for Evangelism, Evangelism in France:
information bulletin 2d ed ed. [58]p vols (Geneva: The Secretariat, 1952).
- World Council of Churches, Secretariat for Evangelism, and Roland W. Scott, Evangelism
in India: a survey 59 p vols (Geneva, 1952).
- World Council of Churches, "Faith and Order" presents in popular form: an
explanatory preface to its preparatory study for the World Assembly, 1954; our oneness in
Christ and our disunity as churches 6 p vols (New York: World Council of Churches,
- World Council of Churches and Study Dept, Social questions - the responsible society
in a world perspective 15 p vols (Geneva, 1953).
- World Council of Churches et al., Together to be his witnesses: a study guide to
Evanston 31 p vols (Geneva, 1953).
- World Council of Churches, What the World Council is 14 p vols (Geneva: World
Council of Churches, 1953).
- World Council of Churches.Division of Inter-church Aid, Refugee and World Service.
Year-end report. 1953.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Faith and order: finding
our oneness no. 19 ed. 12] p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: the Council,
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Faith and order, our
oneness in Christ and our disunity as churches: an ecumenical survey no. 18 ed. vii,
58 p vols, Faith and order paper (New York: Harper, 1954).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Wilhelm Stählin, Der
Konferenzberichht mit den wichtigsten Reden und Dolumenten samt einer Einführung no.
15 ed. 122 p vols, Faith and order papers (Witten: Luther Verlag, 1954).
- World Council of Churches et al., Minutes: Commission and Working Committee, Evanston
and Chicago, 1954 40 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva, 1954).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order. Official pamphlets or
publications: series II, 1948-1962. 1954. Fort Worth, TX, Texas Christian University.: Ref
Type: Map
- World Council of Churches et al., Record of series I (1910-1948) official pamphlets
or publications of the Commission on Faith and Order 2 microfilm reels vols (Fort
Worth, TX: Texas Christian University, 1954).
- World Council of Churches et al., Faith and order papers, no. 20-35, 1954-1961 1
microfilm reel vols (Fort Worth, TX: Texas Christian University, 1954).
- World Council of Churches, (2nd Assembly, and Ill 1954 Evanston, Assembly work book:
prepared for the Second Assembly of the World Council of Churches, Northwestern
University, Evanston, Illinois, U.S.A., August 15-31, 1954 108 p., 1 fold. leaf vols
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1954).
- World Council of Churches, (2nd Assembly, and Ill 1954 Evanston, Christ, the hope of
the world: the second assembly of the World Council of Churches 16 p. ; 23 cm vols
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1954).
- World Council of Churches, (2nd Assembly, and Ill 1954 Evanston, Evanston 1954
(motion picture) 1 reel vols: World Council of Churches, 1954).
- World Council of Churches, (2nd Assembly, and Ill 1954 Evanston, Official handbook
127 p vols (S.l: s.n., 1954).
- World Council of Churches, (2nd Assembly, and Ill 1954 Evanston, Selected addresses
from the accredited visitors program: Second Assembly of the World Council of Churches,
Evanston, Illinois, August 15, 1954 1 v. (various pagings) vols (Geneva, 1954).
- World Council of Churches, (2nd Assembly, and Ill 1954 Evanston, A Study guide: based
upon the report from six sub-sections of the second assembly of the World Council of
Churches, the ecumenical surveys prepared for the assembly, and the third report of the
advisory commission on the main theme 60 p vols (New York: Interseminary Committee,
National Council of the Churches of Christ, 1954).
- World Council of Churches and Youth Dept, Pamphlets 5 pieces vols (Geneva: by the
Council, 1954).
- World Council of Churches et al., Documents 7 v vols (Evanston, Ill, 1954).
- World Council of Churches, Ecumenical studies [7] p vols (Geneva: World Council
of Churches, 1954).
- World Council of Churches and Secretariat for Evangelism, Evangelism in Scotland
[56]p vols (Geneva: The Secretariat, 1954).
- World Council of Churches and Central Committee, The first six years, 1948-1954: a
report on the activities of the departments and secretariats of the Council 149 p vols
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1954).
- World Council of Churches and Division of Interchurch Aid and Service to Refugees, How
the churches helped Holland [37] p vols (Utrecht: World Council of Churches, Committee
of Interchurch Aid and Service to Refugees, 1954).
- World Council of Churches, Laymen: specialists in the church [7] p vols (Geneva:
World Council of Churches, 1954).
- World Council of Churches et al., Miscellaneous pamphlets on 2d Assembly 8 pieces
vols (Geneva: by the Council, 1954).
- World Council of Churches and Advisory Group on Economic Matters, Miscellaneous
pamphlets on education 6 pieces vols (Geneva: by the Council, 1954).
- World Council of Churches and Refugee and World Service Division of Inter-Church Aid, [Pamphlets]
1954-1963 4 pieces vols (Geneva: by the Council, 1954).
- World Council of Churches and Advisory Commission on the Main Theme of the Second
Assembly, Report: Christ, the hope of the world 51 p vols (New York: Harper, 1954).
- World Council of Churches and Division of Interchurch Aid and Service to Refugees, The
service to refugees in 1953 15 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1954).
- World Council of Churches, Six ecumenical surveys: preparatory material for the
Second Assembly of the World Council of Churhes, Northwestern University, Evanston,
Illinois, U.S.A., 1954 1 v. (various pagings) vols (New York: Harper, 1954).
- World Council of Churches et al., Who's who =: Qui êtes-vous? = Wer ist's? 77 p
vols (s.l: s.n, 1954).
- World Council of Churches, World Council picture book 32 p vols (Philadelphia:
Westminster Press, 1954).
- World Council of Churches et al., The Christian hope and the task of the church: six
ecumenical surveys and the report of the Assembly 1 v. (various pagings) vols (New
York: Harper, 1954).
- World Council of Churches et al., Die Kirche: Bericht der Theologischen Kommission
für Glauben und Kirchenverfassung, veröffentlicht im Auftrage des Ausschusses für
Glauben und Kirchenverfassung im Ökumenischen Rat der Kirchen 79 p vols, Kleine
Texte für Vorlesungen und Übungen (Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 1955).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Minutes of the Working
Committee: Davos, Switzerland, 1955 24 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva,
- World Council of Churches, (2nd Assembly, and Ill 1954 Evanston, Evanston speaks:
reports from the Second Assembly of the World Council of Churches, August 15-31, 1954
115 p vols (London: Pub. for the World Council of Churches by SCM Press, 1955).
- World Council of Churches and Dept.of Church and Society, The common Christian
responsibility toward areas of rapid social change: a study of the meaning of responsible
emancipation [5] p vols (Geneva, Switzerland: World Council of Churches, 1955).
- World Council of Churches et al., The Evanston report: the Second Assembly of the
World Council of Churches, 1954 viii, 360 p vols (New York: Harper, 1955).
- World Council of Churches and Dept.on the Cooperation of Men and Women in Church and
Society, Pamphlets 2 pieces vols (Geneva: by the Council, 1955).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Minutes of the Working
Committee: July 1956, Herrenalb, Germany 40 p vols, Faith and order paper
(Geneva, 1956).
- World Council of Churches and Family and Society Dept.on Cooperation of Men and Women in
Church, Men and women in church and society 19 p vols (Geneva: Department on the
Cooperation of Men and Women in Church and Society of the World Council of Churches,
- World Council of Churches, Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, World Council of
Churches, Dept.on Studies in Evangelism, World Council of Churches, and Division of World
Mission and Evangelism. A Monthly letter about evangelism: Monatlicher Informationsbrief
über Evangelisation: Lettre mensuelle sur l'évangélisation. 1956.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Division of Studies, A regional conference on The
responsible society in national and international affairs: The Arnoldshain report, 1956
30p vols (Geneva: The Council, 1956).
- World Council of Churches and Dept.on the Laity, Signs of renewal: the life of the
lay institute in Europe 63 p vols (Geneva: Dept. on the Laity, World Council of
Churches, 1956).
- World Council of Churches and Dept.of Information, Sound and image: report of the
audiovisual consultation, Bossey, Switzerland, May 1956 90 p vols (Geneva, 1956).
- World Council of Churches, Statements of the World Council of Churches on social
questions: with a preface on the development of ecumenical social thinking 2nd ed ed.
71 p vols (Geneva: Department on Church and Society, Division of Studies, 1956).
- World Council of Churches, The World Council of Churches: what it is and what it does
24 p vols (Geneva?, 1956).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Responses of the
churches to the report of the third world conference on faith and order, Lund 1952 no.
24 ed. 54 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: The Commission, 1957).
- World Council of Churches et al., Minutes of the Commission and the Working
Committee, 1957, New Haven, Connecticut 48 p vols, Faith and order paper
(Geneva, 1957).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, "Minutes of the
Commission and the Working Committee Held at New Haven, Conn., 20 July, 1957,"
- World Council of Churches and Youth Dept, Advertising brochures for work camps 8
pieces vols (Geneva: by the Council, 1957).
- World Council of Churches and Dept.of Youth, Ecumenical youth team to Latin America,
November 27, 1956 - February 26, 1957 24, 5 p vols (Geneva: s.n., 1957).
- World Council of Churches, Forward together: a series of 14 color leaflets on the
work of the World Council of Churches 1 envelope (14 pamphlets) vols (Geneva: World
Council of Churches, 1957).
- World Council of Churches and Refugee and World Service Division of Inter-Church Aid, Hungary--special
report 30 p vols (Geneva, 1957).
- World Council of Churches et al., Report of the consultation on "The renewal of
the church" held at Yale Divinity School, New Haven, Conn., U.S.A., July 15-20, 1957
43 p vols (S.l: s.n, 1957).
- World Council of Churches, Response to Evanston: a survey of the comments sent in by
the member churches on the Report of the Second Assembly of the World Council of Churches
held at Evanston, Illinois, in August 1954 86 p vols (Geneva, 1957).
- World Council of Churches and Youth Dept, Second list of youth camps: conferences and
travel in Europe, organised by churches and Christian youth organisations 2 v. in 1
vols (Geneva: by the Council, 1957).
- World Council of Churches and Youth Dept, Survey of ecumenical work camps, 1957-1962
5 v. in one vols (Geneva: by the Dept, 1957).
- World Council of Churches and Dept.of Youth, Ten years of Ecumenical work camps,
1947-1956 15 p vols (Geneva: s.n., 1957).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Minutes of the Working
Committee: 1958, Geneva, Switzerland 63 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva,
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Minutes of the Working
Committee held at Geneva, Switzerland, 15-20 July, 1958 63 p vols, Faith and order
paper (Geneva: The Commission, 1958).
- World Council of Churches, A Provisional study document on "Christians and the
prevention of war in an atomic age--a theological discussion" 43 p vols (Geneva:
World Council of Churches, 1958).
- World Council of Churches and Youth Dept, Preliminary list of youth camps:
conferences and travel in Europe organised by churches and Christian Youth Organisations,
1958-1960 5 v. in 1 vols (Geneva: by the Council, 1958).
- World Council of Churches, Division of Studies, and Dept.on Churches and Society, Progress
report on the study of the common Christian responsibility toward areas of rapid social
change, 1955-1958 2d rev. ed ed. 80 p vols (Geneva, 1958).
- World Council of Churches. Report of the Theological Education Fund. 1958.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Youth Dept, Report of the Youth faith and order
consultation on baptism and confirmation held at "De Hoorneboeg", Holland,
January 6-11, 1958 73 p. in various pagings vols (Geneva, Switzerland: World Council
of Churches. Youth Department, 1958).
- World Council of Churches and Dept.of the cooperation of Men and Women in Church and
Society, Summary of facts about the ordination of women in the member churches of the
World Council of Churches 33 p vols (Geneva, 1958).
- World Council of Churches and Dept.on the Laity, A symposium on the laity 76 p
vols (Geneva, 1958).
- World Council of Churches, Division of Studies, and Dept.on Evangelism, Theology for
evangelism 27 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, Division of Studies, Dept. on
Evangelism, 1958).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Minutes of the working
committee 1959: Spittal, Austria 60 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva,
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Meeting of the Working
and Future Committees, August 3-8, 13, 1959 Spittal, Austria no. 27 ed. 60 p. -- vols,
Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1959).
- World Council of Churches, Dept.on the Laity, and Mark Gibbs, Meet the church: the
growth of the Kirchentag idea in Europe 1st ed ed. 33 p vols, Oikoumene
(Geneva, 1959).
- World Council of Churches and Dept.of Information, For church visitors in Europe: an
Inter-Church Aid directory 23 p vols (Geneva: by the Dept, 1959).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Minutes of the meeting
held at St. Andrews, Scotland, August 3rd to 8th, 1960 142 p vols, Faith and order
paper (Geneva, 1960).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, One Lord, one baptism
79 p vols, Studies in ministry and worship (London: SCM Press, 1960).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, One Lord, one baptism:
World Council of Churches Commission on Faith and Order report on the divine Trinity and
the unity of the church and Report on the meaning of baptism no. 29 ed. 79 p vols, Studies
in ministry and worship: Faith and order paper (London: SCM Press, 1960).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, One Lord, one baptism:
report on the divine trinity and the unity of the church and report on the meaning of
baptism 79 p vols (Minneapolis: Augsburg Pub. House, 1960).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, One Lord, one baptism:
report on the divine trinity and the unity of the church and report on the meaning of
baptism: presented to the Commission, 1960 79 p vols, Studies in ministry and
worship (London: S.C.M, 1960).
- World Council of Churches, Dept.of Information, World Council of Churches, and Youth
Dept. Ecumenical youth news. 1960.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Dept.of Youth, Report of consultation on Holy Communion
and youth, Driebergen, Holland, January 11th-15th, 1960 6 p vols (Geneva: s.n, 1960).
- World Council of Churches and Dept.on Church and Society, Statement [6] p vols
(Johannesburg: by the Council, 1960).
- World Council of Churches et al., The old and new in the church: report on tradition
and traditions [and] report on institutionalism and unity no. 34 ed. 91, [5] p vols, Studies
in ministry and worship: Faith and order paper (London: SCM Press, 1961).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, The old and the new in
the church: two interim reports: Tradition and traditions. Institutionalism and unity
91 p vols, Faith and order studies (Minneapolis: Augsburg Pub. House, 1961).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Minutes of the working
committee meeting: held at Geneva, Switzerland 16-19 June 1961 22 p vols, Faith and
order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1961).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, The Old and the new in
the church: World Council of Churches Commission on Faith and Order report on tradition
and traditions [and] report on institutionalism and unity, presented to the Commission
1961 91 p vols, Faith and order paper: Studies in ministry and worship (London:
SCM Press, 1961).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, The old and the new in
the church. -- no. 34 ed. 91, [5] p vols, Studies in ministry and worship: Faith
and order paper (London: SCM Press, 1961).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, The old and the new in
the church: World Council of Churches Commission on Faith and Order Report on tradition
and traditions [and] Report on institutionalism and unity no. 34 ed. 91 p. -- vols, Studies
in ministry and worship: Faith and order paper (London: SCM Press, 1961).
- World Council of Churches and Franklin Clark Fry, Report on the World Council of
Churches mission in South Africa: April-December, 1960 36 p vols, Oikoumene
(Geneva, 1961).
- World Council of Churches et al., Annotated agendas for the sections 32 p vols
(New Delhi: by the Council, 1961).
- World Council of Churches et al., Assembly documents No. 1-81 vols (New Delhi: by
the Conference, 1961).
- World Council of Churches and Assembly, Assembly notices v vols (New Delhi: by
the Council, 1961).
- World Council of Churches and Assembly, "Collection of Liturgies," (1961).
- World Council of Churches, Consultation on services of Holy Communion at ecumenical
gatherings 11 p vols (Switzerland: World Council of Churches, 1961).
- World Council of Churches et al., Evanston to New Delhi, 1954-1961: Report of the
Central Committee to the 3rd Assembly of the World Council of Churches 288 p vols
(Geneva, 1961).
- World Council of Churches and Division of Inter-church Aid and Service to Refugees, In
a strange land: a report of a World Conference on Problems of International Migration and
the Responsibility of the Churches, held at Leysin, Switzerland, June 11-16, 1961 95 p
vols (Geneva: Division of Inter-church Aid and Service to Refugees, World Council of
Churches, 1961).
- World Council of Churches and Assembly, The integration of the International
Missionary Council and the World Council of Churches: opening session of the Third
Assembly of the World Council of Churches, New Delhi, 3:00 p.m., Sunday, November 19, 1961
21 p vols (New Delhi: The Assembly, 1961).
- World Council of Churches and Dept.of Information, Inter-Church Aid directory 48
p vols (Geneva: by the Council, 1961).
- World Council of Churches, Jesus Christ: the light of the world 75 p vols (New
York: The Council, 1961).
- World Council of Churches and Dept.on the Laity, Laici in ecclesia: an ecumenical
bibliography on the role of the laity in the life and mission of the church xix, 107 p
vols (Geneva, 1961).
- World Council of Churches and Refugee and World Service Division of Inter-Church Aid, Pamphlets
concerned with the aims, functions, facilities, precedures and achievements of the
programme of the Division of Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World Service 13 pieces
vols (Geneva, 1961).
- World Council of Churches, Assembly, and Harold Augustus Bosley, Section on unity
papers v vols (New Delhi, 1961).
- World Council of Churches et al., Who's who? 101 p vols (Lausanne: Impr. La
Concorde, 1961).
- World Council of Churches et al., New Delhi speaks about Christian witness, service,
and unity: the message, appeal, and section reports 124 p vols (New York: Association
Press, 1962).
- World Council of Churches et al., New Delhi speaks: about Christian witness, service
and unity: the message, appeal, and section reports of the Third Assembly of the World
Council of Churches held in New Delhi, India, November 18 to December 6, 1961 124 p.
-- vols (New York: Association Press, 1962).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, He is our peace: eight
Bible studies 34 p vols (Geneva, 1962).
- World Council of Churches et al., Meetings of the Working Committee held at New
Delhi, India, 30 November 1961 and Paris, France, 30 July to 3 August 1962 67 p vols, Faith
and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order,
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and A. T. DeGroot, [Official,
numbered publications v vols (Boston: s.n, 1962).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Publications: Series IV
108 v vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, 1962).
- World Council of Churches and 1961 New Delhi India (3rd Assembly, The New Delhi
report: the third assembly of the World Council of Churches, 1961 viii, 448 p vols
(London: SCM Press, 1962).
- World Council of Churches et al., New Delhi speaks 80 p vols (London: SCM Press,
- World Council of Churches et al., Neu Delhi Dokumente: Berichte und Reden auf der
Weltkirchenkonferenz in Neu Delhi 1961 2. Aufl ed. 518 p vols, Oikoumene
(Witten: Luther-Verlag, 1962).
- World Council of Churches et al., The Christian ministry in Latin America and the
Caribean: report of a survey of theological education in the Evangelical Churches,
undertaken February-May, 1961, on behalf of the International Missionary Council (now the
Commission on World Mission and Evangelism of the World Council of Churches) 264 p
vols (Geneva, 1962).
- World Council of Churches and Dept.on Studies in Evangelism. Concept. 1-3-1962.:
- World Council of Churches et al., Worship in Scripture and tradition: essays by
members of the Theological Commission on Worship (North American Section) of the
Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches x, 178 p vols (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1963).
- World Council of Churches et al., Minutes of the Faith and Order Commission and
Working Committee; the mandate from the Fourth World Conference on Faith and Order 59
p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva, 1963).
- World Council of Churches et al., Institutionalism and church unity: a symposium
378 p vols (New York: Association Press, 1963).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Theological Commission on
Christ and the Church, Report of the Theological Commission on Christ and the Church
62 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, Commission on
Faith and Order, 1963).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Theological Commission on
Tradition and Traditions, The report of the theological commission on tradition and
traditions 64 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches,
Commission on Faith and Order, 1963).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Study Commission on
Institutionalism, The report of the Study Commission on Institutionalism 31 p vols,
Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and
Order, 1963).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Theological Commission on
Christ and the Church, Report of the Theological Commission on worship 63 p vols, Faith
and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order,
- World Council of Churches et al., Schrift und Tradition 185 p vols (Zürich:
EVZ-Verlag, 1963).
- World Council of Churches et al., Worship in Scripture and tradition: essays x,
178 p vols (New York: Oxford University Press, 1963).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and K. E. Skydsgaard, Schrift
und Tradition: Untersuchung einer theologischen Kommission 185 p vols (Zürich:
EVZ-Verlag, 1963).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Lukas Vischer, Tradition
und Traditionen 76 p vols, Faith and order paper (Zurich: EVZ Verlag, 1963).
- World Council of Churches et al., Institutionalism and church unity: a symposium
prepared by the Study Commission on Institutionalism, Commission on Faith and Order, World
Council of Churches 378 p vols (New York: Association Press, 1963).
- World Council of Churches, Dept.on the Cooperation of Men and Women in Church and
Society, and All Africa Church Conference, Christian women of Africa share in
responsibility 44 p vols (Geneva: Published jointly by the All Africa Conference of
Churches and the Dept. on Cooperation of Men and Women in Church, Family and Society of
the World Council of Churches, 1963).
- World Council of Churches. EPS. 1963.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches, Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, and Mexico City, Meeting
in Mexico: Mexico City 8-20 December 1963 20 p vols (Geneva, Switz: The Commission,
- World Council of Churches and Secretariat for Migration. Migration today. 1963.:
- World Council of Churches et al., Concerning the ordination of women 72 p vols
(Geneva, 1964).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Bibliography on the
relations between Orthodox and ancient Oriental churches 18 leaves vols (Geneva: s.n.,
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Behold, I make all
things new 32 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1964).
- World Council of Churches et al., Africa survey: report 96 p vols (Geneva, 1964).
- World Council of Churches and Dept.on the Laity, Centres of renewal for study and lay
training 64 p vols (Geneva, 1964).
- World Council of Churches et al., Christians and race relations in Southern Africa:
report on an Ecumenical Consultation on Christian Practice and Desirable Action in Social
Change and Race Relations in Southern Africa, held at Kitwe, Zambia, May 25-June 2, 1964
36 p vols (Geneva: Dept. on Church and Society, World Council of Churches, 1964).
- World Council of Churches and Division on World Mission and Evangelism, Statement
from a consultation on the preparation of missionaries 13 p vols (Geneva: Published by
the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism of the World Council of Churches, 1964).
- World Council of Churches and Secretariat for Migration, Within thy gates: a report
94 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, Secretariat for Migration, 1964).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, Witness in
six continents: records of the Meeting of the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism
of the World Council of Churches held in Mexico City, December 8th to 19th, 1963 200 p
vols (London: Published for the Division of World Mission and Evangelism of the World
Council of Churches by Edinburgh House, 1964).
- World Council of Churches et al., Minutes of the meetings of the Faith and Order
Commission and Working Committee; held at the University of Aarhus, Denmark, 15-27, August
1964 104 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva, 1965).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Minutes of the meeting
of the working committee: Held at Bad Saarow, German Democratic Republic, 9-12 July, 1965
32 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva, 1965).
- World Council of Churches et al., The Ministry of deacons. -- 86 p. -- vols
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1965).
- World Council of Churches, Consultation digest: a summary of reports and addresses
116 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1965).
- World Council of Churches and Refugee and World Service Division of Inter-Church Aid, Directory,
1965 48 p vols (Geneva: by the Council, 1965).
- World Council of Churches and Refugee and World Service Division of Inter-Church Aid, Ecumenical
programme for emergency action in Africa: approved programme 78 p vols (Geneva: s.n.,
- World Council of Churches and Dept.of Church and Society.Secretariat on Race and Ethnic
Relations, Ecumenical statements on race relations: development of ecumenical thought
on race relations, 1937-1964 47 p vols (Geneva, 1965).
- World Council of Churches, Division of Studies, and Secretariat on Religious Liberty, Main
ecumenical statements on principles concerning religious freedom iii,47p vols (Geneva:
The Secretariat, 1965).
- World Council of Churches, Dept.on Studies in Evangelism, and Hans Jochen Margull, Mission
als Strukturprinzip: ein Arbeitsbuch zur Frage missionarischer Gemeinden 246 p vols
(Genf: Oekumenischer Rat der Kirchen, 1965).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, The
programme fund of the Division of World Mission and Evangelism: Report for the year 1964,
and estimated needs for 1965 and 1966 15 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches,
- World Council of Churches, Youth Dept, World Council of Christian Education and Sunday
School Association, World Council of Churches, Programme Unit on Education, and World
Council of Churches. Risk. 1965.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches, Dept.on Church and Society, and National Council of the
Churches of Christ in the United States of America, Sixth World Order study conference.
- 1 v. (variously paged) vols (S.l: by the Conference, 1965).
- World Council of Churches and Divison of World Mission and Evangelism, A Tent-making
ministry: towards a more flexible form of ministry 16 p vols (Geneva, Switzerland:
World Council of Churches, Division of World Mission and Evangelism, 1965).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Minutes of the meeting
of the working committee: held at the Lavra of St. Sergius, Zagorsk, USSR, 27 August - 1
September, 1966 24 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, 1966).
- World Council of Churches, The deaconess; a service of women in the world of today:
(Report of the consultation in Presinge, 1965, and short studies.) no. 4 ed. 86 p
vols, World council studies (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1966).
- World Council of Churches and Refugee and World Service Division of Inter-Church Aid, Digest
of the 1966 World Consultation on Inter-Church Aid at Swanwick, Great Britain 135 p
vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, Division of Inter-Church Aid, Refugee, and World
Service, 1966).
- World Council of Churches and Division of World Mission and Evangelism, Division of
World Mission and Evangelism: programme for 1966 and 1967 12 p vols (Geneva: World
Council of Churches, 1966).
- World Council of Churches, Dept.on the Laity, and Rome Permanent Committee for
International Congresses of the Lay Apostolate, Laity formation: proceedings of the
Ecumenical Consultation, Gazzada (Italy), Sept., 7th-10th, 1965 94 p vols (Rome: s.n.,
- World Council of Churches, The Role of the 'Diakonia' of the church in contemporary
society: Report to the World Conference on Church and Society 1966: Christians in the
technical and social revolutions of our time 63 p vols (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, 1966).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Bristol 1967:
Studienergebnisse der Kommission für Glauben und Kirchenverfassung. Mit Vorwort von Lukas
Vischer 116 p vols, Beiheft zur Ökumenischen Rundschau (Stuttgart: Evang.
Missionsverlag, 1967).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Minutes of the meeting
of the working committee: Held at the Lavra of St. Sergius, Zagorsk, USSR, 27 August-1
September, 1966 24 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva, 1967).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Minutes of the meeting
of the working committee: held at Clifton Hill House, Bristol, England on July 29 and
August 9, 1967 16 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, 1967).
- World Council of Churches, Congregemur: "Let us come together." A worship
booklet for modern young people Rev. ed ed. 64 p vols (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, 1967).
- World Council of Churches, Christians in the technical and social revolutions of our
time: World Conference on Church and Society, Geneva, July 12-26, 1966 232 p vols
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1967).
- World Council of Churches et al., The Church for others, and The Church for the
world: A quest for structures for missionary congregations. Final report of the Western
European Working Group and North American Working Group of the Department on Studies in
Evangelism 135 p vols (Geneva, 1967).
- World Council of Churches, Ecumenical glossary: Glossaire oecumenique. Ökumenische
Terminologie. Terms in current use (2nd ed.) ed. vi, 78 p vols (Genève: World Council
of Churches, 1967).
- World Council of Churches, Pentacost Sunday helps for ministers and editors: the Holy
Spirit works today, May 14, 1967 1 v. (unpaged) (4 p.) vols (New York: World Council
of Churches, 1967).
- World Council of Churches et al., Ecumenical commitment and Christian education: A
report to: the WCC Commission on Faith and Order, the World Council of Christian Education
[and] the WCC Youth Department 40 p vols (Geneva: WCC, WCCE, 1968).
- World Council of Churches et al., Minutes of the meetings of the Faith and Order
Commission and Working Committee: held at Uppsala and Sigtuna, Sweden, July 3-23, 1968
36 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva, 1968).
- World Council of Churches et al., Faith and order studies, 1964-1967: study documents
presented to the Faith and Order Commission 80 p vols (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, 1968).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, New directions in faith
and order, Bristol 1967: Reports, minutes, documents 183 p vols, Faith and order
paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1968).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, God in nature and
history: appendix to Workbook for the Assembly Committees Fourth Assembly, Uppsala 1968
no. 50 ed. 31 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches,
- World Council of Churches, 4th assembly, and Sweden 1968 Uppsala, Who's who, Uppsala
1968 138 p vols (Genève: World Council of Churches, 1968).
- World Council of Churches and John Anastasiou, Councils and the Ecumenical Movement:
([Report of a study group and contributions no. 5 ed. 111 p vols, World council
studies (Geneva, 1968).
- World Council of Churches, All things new: Preparatory booklet for the Fourth
Assembly of the World Council of Churches, Uppsala, Sweden, July 4-20, 1968 48 p vols
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1968).
- World Council of Churches et al., A divided world: DICARWS presentation, Uppsala,
July 1968 12 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1968).
- World Council of Churches et al., Drafts for sections: Prepared for the 4th assembly
of the World Council of Churches 136 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1968).
- World Council of Churches and Family and Society Dept.on Cooperation of Men and Women in
Church, For the family: International and inter-Church cooperation for the development
of family counselling and family education. Report of a world consultation, organized by
the Department on Cooperation of Men and Women in Church, Family and Society, held at St.
Cergue, Switzerland, July 25th-August 2nd, 1967 171 p vols (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, 1968).
- World Council of Churches and Central Committee, New Delhi to Uppsala 1961-1968:
Report of the Central Committee to the 4th Assembly of the World Council of Churches
220 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1968).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, "Salvation
Today": the next meeting of the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism (1969/70)
7 p vols (Geneva: by the Council, 1968).
- World Council of Churches, Work book for the Assembly committees 200 p vols
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1968).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Minutes of the meeting
of the working committee: held at Eliot College, Canterbury, England, August 4-8, 1969
35 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva, 1969).
- World Council of Churches, Church Catholic, and Pontificia Commissio Iustitia et Pax, The
Committee on Society, Development and Peace 14 p vols (Geneva: s.n., 1969).
- World Council of Churches and Secretariat on Development Education, Development
education: report of the consultation organized in Geneva in May 1969 by the Secretariat
on Development Education of the World Council of Churches, Geneva 46 p vols (Geneva:
World Council of Churches, 1969).
- World Council of Churches, Sex, marriage and the family in the Pacific: Report 62
p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1969).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Minutes of the meeting
of the Working Committee: held at the Ecumenical Centre, Geneva and at Crêt-Bérard,
Puidoux (Vaud) August 3-8, 1970 56 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World
Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, 1970).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and A. T. DeGroot, An index
to the doctrines, persons, events, etc. of the Faith and Order Commission, World Council
of Churches: given in the English language editions, official, numbered publications,
1910-1948, and check list, Faith and Order Commission, official, numbered publications,
series I, 1910-1948, series II, 1948-1970 258 p. 26 cm vols (Geneva: Faith and Order
Commission, World Council of Churches, 1970).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Faith and order papers,
no. 36-42, 1962-1963 1 microfilm reel vols (S.l: s.n., 1970).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Patrick C. Rodger, Faith
and order papers, no. 43-56, 1964-1970 1 microfilm reel vols (S.l: s.n., 1970).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Survey of church union
negotiations, 1967-1969. -- no. 56 ed. 34 p. -- vols, Faith and order paper
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, 1970).
- World Council of Churches, Ecumenical book shelf: a list of official & other
publications available from the World Council of Churches 9 p vols (New York: World
Council of Churches, 1970).
- World Council of Churches and Department on Church and Society. Anticipation.
30-1-1970.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches, The fellowship of the Holy Spirit: eight Bible-studies
34 p vols (Geneva, 1970).
- World Council of Churches and Development and Peace Committee on Society, Papers from
a SODEPAX Consultation on Church Development 111 p vols, A SODEPAX report
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, Committee on Society, Development, and Peace, 1970).
- World Council of Churches and Office of Education, Seeing education whole: an
invitation, from the first consultation of the Office of Education of the World Council of
Churches, to share in an attempt to understand the distinctive tasks and challenges facing
education throughout the world today and to envisage the particular contribution of
Christians 126 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1970).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Minutes of the meeting
of the Working Committee and Commission: held at the Jesuit College, Heverlee/Louvain,
Belgium, July 31st-August 13th, 1971 72 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva,
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Konrad Raiser, Löwen
1971 [neunzehnhunderteinundsiebzig]: Studienberichte und Dokumente der Sitzung der
Kommission für Glauben und Kirchenverfassung nr. 18/19 ed. 259 p vols, Beiheft zur
Ökumenischen Rundschau (Stuttgart: Evang. Missionsverlag, 1971).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Faith and order,
Louvain, 1971: study reports and documents no. 102 ed. 264 p vols, Faith and order
paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1971).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Ecumenical exercise II
no. 58 ed. 50 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva, 1971).
- World Council of Churches and Programme to combat racism, Cabora Bassa & the
struggle for Southern Africa 32 p vols (Geneva, 1971).
- World Council of Churches and Programme to combat racism, Cunene Dam scheme and the
struggle for the liberation of Southern Africa 45 p vols (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, 1971).
- World Council of Churches et al., The education crisis and the church [16] p vols
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, Office of Education, 1971).
- World Council of Churches and Programme to combat racism, More facts and figures:
aboriginal issues, racism in Australia 37 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches,
- World Council of Churches and Programme to combat racism, Namibia: the struggle for
liberation 24 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1971).
- World Council of Churches and Office of Education, [Papers delivered at the North
American Consultation on the Educational Crisis and the Church: held at Seabury House,
Greenwich, Conn., Feb. 11-14, 1971.] 1 v. (unpaged) vols (S.l: s.n, 1971).
- World Council of Churches, Classified catalog of the ecumenical movement: World
Council of Churches, Geneva, Switzerland. -- 2 v vols (Boston: G.K. Hall, 1972).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Minutes of the meeting
of the working committee: held at the Jaarbeurs Congress Centre, Utrecht, August 3-8, 1972
52 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva, 1972).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Gerald F. Moede, Ecumenical
exercise III 41 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva, 1972).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Ecumenical exercise III:
the Church of the Lord (Aladura), Assemblies of Brethren, the African Brotherhood Church
41 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva, 1972).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and General Conference of
Seventh-Day Adventists, The World Council of Churches/Seventh-Day Adventist
Conversations: meetings in 1970 and 1971 10 p vols, Faith and Order paper
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1972).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Survey of church union
negotiations, 1969-1971. -- no. 64 ed. 20 p. -- vols, Faith and order paper
(S.l: World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, 1972).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, Salvation
today and contemporary experience: a collection of texts for critical study and reflection:
Geneva: WCC Publications, 1972).
- World Council of Churches and Library, Classified catalog of the ecumenical movement
2 v vols (Boston: G. K. Hall, 1972).
- World Council of Churches, Office of Education, and Programme, Unit, III. Education
newsletter. 1972.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Dept.of Finance and Central Service, First list of
corporations directly involved in investment in or trade with South Africa, Namibia,
Zimbabwe, Angola, Mozambique and Guine-Bissao 9 p vols (Geneva, 1972).
- World Council of Churches, Programme Unit on Justice and Service, World Council of
Churches, and Commission on Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World Service. Justice and
service. 1972.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Programme to combat racism, Malaysian minority:
plantation workers of Indian origin, a "legacy" of colonialism 44 p vols
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, Programme to Combat Racism, 1972).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, Salvation
today: Bangkok, 29th December 1972-8th January 1973 36 p vols (Geneva: by the Council,
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Minutes of the meeting
of the working committee: held at the St. Sergius Monastery, Zagorsk, USSR, August 6-14,
1973 57 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva, 1973).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development.
CCPD documents. 1973.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches, Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, and Bobbi Wells
Hargleroad, Struggle to be human: stories of urban-industrial mission 77 p vols
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1973).
- World Council of Churches and Programme to combat racism, Time to withdraw:
investments in Southern Africa 26 p vols (Geneva: W.C.C. Publications Office, 1973).
- World Council of Churches, Violence, nonviolence and the struggle for social justice:
A statement commended by the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches, August
1973 for study, comment and action 19 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches,
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Meeting of the
Commission on Faith and Order, held at the Mensah Sarbah Hall, University of Ghana, Legon,
Ghana, July 23 - August 4, 1974: minutes and documents 125 p vols, Faith and order
paper (Geneva: The Commission, 1974).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, La réconciliation des
Églises: baptême, eucharistie, ministère 111 p vols (Taizé: Presses de Taizé,
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and World's Student Christian
Federation, Cantate Domino: an ecumenical hymn book 4th ed. ed. xxiv, 379 p vols
(Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1974).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, What kind of unity?
69 ed. 131 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva, Switzerland: World Council of
Churches, 1974).
- World Council of Churches and Communications Dept. One world. 1974.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches et al., Jesus Christ frees and unites 46 p vols
(Geneva: WCC, 1974).
- World Council of Churches, Notes for sections, 5th Assembly 6 v vols (Geneva:
WCC, 1974).
- World Council of Churches, Jesus Christ frees and unites [1]: section I: confessing
Christ today, Notes for sections, Fifth Assembly: Geneva: WCC Publications,
- World Council of Churches, Jesus Christ frees and unites [3]: section III: seeking
community - the common search of people of various faiths, cultures and ideologies, Notes
for sections, Fifth Assembly: Geneva: WCC Publications, 1974).
- World Council of Churches, Jesus Christ frees and unites [4]: section IV: education
for liberation and community, Notes for sections, Fifth Assembly: Geneva: WCC
Publications, 1974).
- World Council of Churches, Jesus Christ frees and unites [6]: section VI: human
development - the ambiguities of power, technology and quality of life, Notes for
sections, Fifth Assembly: Geneva: WCC Publications, 1974).
- World Council of Churches, Jesus Christ frees and unites [2]: section II: what unity
requires, Notes for sections, Fifth Assembly: Geneva: WCC Publications, 1974).
- World Council of Churches, Jesus Christ frees and unites [5]: section V: structures
of injustice and struggles for liberation, Notes for sections, Fifth Assembly:
Geneva: WCC Publications, 1974).
- World Council of Churches, Ecumenical terminology: terminologie œcuménique:
Ökumenische Terminologie: Terminología ecuménica xv, 564 p vols (Geneva: World
Council of Churches, 1975).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Geiko Müller-Fahrenholz, Accra
1974 [i.e. neunzehnhundertvierundsiebzig]: Sitzung d. Komm. f. Glauben u.
Kirchenverfassung: Berichte, Reden, Dokumente 1. und 2. Aufl ed. 198 p vols, Beiheft
zur Ökumenischen Rundschau (Korntal (bei Stuttgart): Evang. Missionsverlag, 1975).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Uniting in hope: reports
and documents from the meeting of the Faith and Order Commission, 23 July-5 August, 1974,
University of Ghana, Legon no. 72 ed. vii, 144 p vols, Faith and order paper
(Geneva: Commission on Faith and Order, World Council of Churches, 1975).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, One baptism, one
eucharist, and a mutually recognized ministry: three agreed statements no. 73 ed. 60 p
vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1975).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, The Orthodox Church and
the churches of the Reformation: a survey of Orthodox-Protestant dialogues vi, 101 p
vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1975).
- World Council of Churches et al., Racism in theology and theology against racism:
report of a consultation organized by the Commission on Faith and Order and the Programme
to Combat Racism 20 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1975).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Uniting in hope: reports
and documents 144 p vols (Geneva, 1975).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Giving account of the
hope that is within us p. 25-80 vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1975).
- World Council of Churches et al., Racism in theology and theology against racism: a
report of a consultation 20 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1975).
- World Council of Churches and Justice and Development Africa and Middle East Churches'
Consultation on Peace, Church statements on peace and justice 64 p vols (Cairo:
Ministry of Information, State Information Service, 1975).
- World Council of Churches et al., Leitourgia [romanized form]: a worship book for the
fifth assembly of the World Council of Churches 98 p vols (Geneva, Switz: World
Council of Churches, under the auspices of the assembly worship committee, 1975).
- World Council of Churches and Refugee and World Service Division of Inter-Church Aid, Ministries
of service, 1975 39 p vols (s.l: The Commission, 1975).
- World Council of Churches and Task Force Orthodox, Orthodox contributions to Nairobi:
papers compiled and presented 35 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1975).
- World Council of Churches, Sexism in the 1970s: discrimination against women: a
report of a World Council of Churches consultation, West Berlin, 1974 150 p vols
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1975).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development, To
break the chains of oppression: results of an ecumenical study process on domination and
dependence viii, 113 p vols, CCPD development studies (Geneva: by the
Commission, 1975).
- World Council of Churches, Central Committee, and David Enderton Johnson, Uppsala to
Nairobi, 1968-1975: report of the Central Committee to the Fifth Assembly of the World
Council of Churches 256 p vols (New York: Friendship Press, 1975).
- World Council of Churches et al., Work book for the 5th Assembly of the World Council
of Churches: Nairobi, Kenya, 23 November-10 December 1975 iv, 176 p vols (Geneva:
World Council of Churches, 1975).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Giving account of the
hope today ii, 54 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and
Order, 1976).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, For the years ahead:
programme of the Commission on Faith and Order after the 5th Assembly of the World Council
of Churches, Nairobi, 1975 no. 80 ed. ii, 37 p vols, Faith and order paper
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1976).
- World Council of Churches et al., What unity requires: papers and report on the unity
of the Church. -- 74 p. -- vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council
of Churches, 1976).
- World Council of Churches et al., Breaking barriers, Nairobi 1975: the official
report of the fifth Assembly of the World Council of Churches, Nairobi, 23 November-10
December, 1975 xii, 411 p., [4] leaves of plates vols (London: Published in
collaboration with the World Council of Churches by SPCK, 1976).
- World Council of Churches and Ecumenical Synod Reformed, The nature of the church and
the role of theology: papers from a consultation between the World Council of Churches and
the Reformed Ecumenical Synod, Geneva, 1975 72 p vols (Geneva: by the World Council of
Churches and the Reformed Ecumenical Synod, 1976).
- World Council of Churches, Doctoral dissertations on ecumenical themes: a guide for
teachers and students. -- 70 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1977).
- World Council of Churches, Towards an ecumenical consensus: baptism, eucharist,
ministry 30 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1977).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Standing Commission.
Minutes of the meeting of the Standing Commission. 1977.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Minutes of the meeting
of the standing commission: held at Kloster Loccum, Federal Republic of Germany, July
18-25, 1977 47 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: The Commission, 1977).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Towards an ecumenical
consensus on baptism, the eucharist and the ministry: a response to the Churches 30 p
vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1977).
- World Council of Churches, Christians meeting Muslims: WCC papers on ten years of
Christian-Muslim dialogue 158 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1977).
- World Council of Churches, In each place: towards a fellowship of local churches
truly united iii, 92 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1977).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, Mission and
justice: urban and industrial mission at work 70 p vols (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, Urban Industrial Mission, 1977).
- World Council of Churches and Programme to combat racism, The World Council of
Churches and bank loans to apartheid 95 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches,
- World Council of Churches, For all God's people: ecumenical prayer cycle. -- 234
p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1978).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Giving account of the
hope together 135 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, 1978).
- World Council of Churches et al., Study on the community of women and men in the
church 39 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1978).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Sharing in one hope:
reports and documents from the meeting of the Faith and Order Commission, 15-30 August,
1978, Ecumenical Christian Centre, Bangalore, India xiii, 290 p vols, Faith and
order paper (Geneva: Commission on Faith and Order, World Council of Churches, 1978).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Giving account of the
hope together 135 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, 1978).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Choan Seng Song, Growing
together into unity: texts of the Faith and Order commission on conciliar fellowship
vi, 194 p vols (Madras: Christian Literature Society in association with the the Faith and
Order Commission of the World Council of Churches, 1978).
- World Council of Churches, Church and state, opening a new ecumenical discussion
183 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1978).
- World Council of Churches, Department on Church and Society, and Charles Birch, Faith,
science and the future: preparatory readings for a World conference organized by the World
Council of Churches at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., USA,
July 12-24, 1969 iv, 236 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1978).
- World Council of Churches and Programme on Theological Education. Ministerial formation.
1978.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, The
Christian community in mission ... in a near global context: a European seminar on
education for mission, Aarhus, Denmark, May, 1977 40 p vols (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, 1978).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, How does the church
teach authoritatively today? p. 77-93 vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva:
World Council of Churches, 1979).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Living in hope: a call
to Christians around the world to share their common account of hope 11 p vols
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1979).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Minutes and
supplementary documents from the meeting of the Commission on Faith and Order held at the
Ecumenical Christian Centre, Whitefield, Bangalore, India, 16-30 August, 1978 v, 80 p
vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: The Commission, 1979).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Geiko Müller-Fahrenholz, Bangalore
1978: Sitzung d. Komm. für Glauben u. Kirchenverfassung: Berichte, Reden, Dokumente
272 p vols, Beiheft zur Ökumenischen Rundschau (Frankfurt am Main: Lembeck, 1979).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Forum II: the report of
the second Forum on Bilateral Conversations 30 p vols, Faith and order paper
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, 1979).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Sharing in one hope:
Bangalore 1978 xiii, 290 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council
of Churches, 1979).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, "Toward a Fuller
Community of Women and Men in the Church. --," (1979).
- World Council of Churches and Central Committee, CCIA related matters: 1. public
issues, 2. human rights, 3. militarism & arms race [59] p vols (Geneva: Commission
of the Churches on International Affairs, 1979).
- World Council of Churches, Guidelines on dialogue with people of living faiths and
ideologies iv, 22, [1] p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1979).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development, and
Comisión Evangélica Latinoamericana de Educación Cristiana, Junto a nuestro pueblo
71 p vols (Lima, Perú: Comisión para la Participación de las Iglesias en el Desarrollo,
- World Council of Churches and Secretariat Migration, Migrant workers in South Africa
no. 3 ed. 54 p vols, Dossier (World Council of Churches) (Genève: Migration
Secretariat, World Council of Churches, 1979).
- World Council of Churches.Orthodox Task Force, The New Valamo Consultation: the
ecumenical nature of the Orthodox witness 86 p., [2] leaves of plates vols (Geneva:
World Council of Churches, Orthodox Task Force, 1979).
- World Council of Churches.Programme to Combat Racism and World Council of
Churches.Office of Education, Racism in children's and school textbooks: a report based
on the documents and discussion of the first workshop on "Racism in Children's and
School Textbooks", Evangelische Akademie Arnoldshain, Federal Republic of Germany,
13-18 October 1978: a study guide 28 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1979).
- World Council of Churches and Sub-unit for Dialogue with People of Living Faiths and
Ideologies, Religious experience in humanity's relation with nature: a consultation,
Yaoundé, Cameroon 1978 37 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1979).
- World Council of Churches and Programme on Theological Education, Report of the
consultation on ministerial formation v., 109 p vols (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, Programme on Theological Education, 1979).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development, and
Julio de Santa Ana, Towards a church of the poor: the work of an ecumenical group on
the church and the poor xxiv, 210 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1979).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, Your
kingdom come 28 p vols (Geneva, Switzerland: Commission on World Mission and
Evangelism, 1979).
- World Council of Churches, Empty hands: an agenda for the churches: a study guide on
the ecumenical sharing of resources for use by churches, local congregations and other
groups. -- 60 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1980).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Episkopé and episcopate
in ecumenical perspective vi, 59 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World
Council of Churches, 1980).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Standing Commission, Minutes
of the meeting of the Standing Commission held at Taizé, France August 20-24, 1979 99
p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1980).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Towards a confession of
the common faith vi, 13, [1] p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World
Council of Churches, 1980).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Survey of church union
negotiations 1977-1979 30 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council
of Churches, 1980).
- World Council of Churches and A. J. Van der Bent, The whole oikoumene: a collection
of bibliographies of the works of Philip A. Potter v, 58 p vols (Geneva: World Council
of Churches, 1980).
- World Council of Churches, Cantate Domino: an Ecumenical Hymn Book: Ein Ökumenisches
Gesangbuch: Psautier cuménique New ed., Full music ed ed. (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1980).
- World Council of Churches, Cantate Domino: full music edition: an ecumenical hymn
book New ed ed. xxviii, 348 p vols (Oxford, Eng.: Oxford University Press, 1980).
- World Council of Churches and Central Committee, CCIA related matters: public issues
24 p vols (Geneva: Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, 1980).
- World Council of Churches, Programme to combat racism, and Comisión Evangélica
Latinoamericana de Educación Cristiana, Cómo enfrentar el racismo en la década del
80?: consulta de iglesias latinoamericanas 77 p vols (Ginebra: Consejo Mundial de
Iglesias, Programa para Combatir el Racismo, Programa de Educación, 1980).
- World Council of Churches. Directory, Christian Councils. 1980.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches, Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development, and
Comisión Evangélica Latinoamericana de Educación Cristiana. Luchando por compartir la
riqueza y el poder. 1980.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Commission on World Mission and Evangelism. A monthly
letter on evangelism =: Monatlicher Informationsbrief über Evangelisation =: Lettre
mensuelle sur l'évangélisation. 1980.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development.
Network letter. 1980.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches et al., The Orthodox approach to diaconia: consultation on
church and service, Orthodox Academy of Crete, November 20-25, 1978 64 p vols (Geneva:
World Council of Churches, 1980).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development, Towards
a church in solidarity with the poor 34 p vols (Geneva: the Commission, 1980).
- World Council of Churches, Programme to combat racism, and A. J. Van der Bent, World
Council of Churches' statements and actions on racism 1948-1979 ix, 69 p vols (Geneva:
World Council of Churches, 1980).
- World Council of Churches, Christians meeting Muslims: WCC papers on ten years of
Christian-Muslim dialogue: Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1980).
- World Council of Churches, Classified catalog of the ecumenical movement. First
supplement li, 571 p vols (Boston: G. K. Hall, 1981).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, The three reports of the
Forum on bilateral conversations 52 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva:
World Council of Churches, 1981).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Growing towards
consensus and commitment: report of the fourth international Consultation of United and
Uniting Churches, Colombo, Sri Lanka ii, 82 p vols, Faith and order paper
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1981).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Minutes of the meeting
of the Standing Commission: held at the Centre Jean XXIII, Annecy, France, January 3-10,
1981 89 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches,
Commission on Faith and Order, 1981).
- World Council of Churches and Sub-unit for Dialogue with People of Living Faiths and
Ideologies, Christian presence and witness in relation to Muslim neighbours: a
conference, Mombasa, Kenya, 1979 vi, 88 p vols, Oikoumene (Geneva: World
Council of Churches, Dialogue with People of Living Faiths and Ideologies, 1981).
- World Council of Churches et al., Assembly assembling: towards the sixth assembly of
the World Council of Churches, Vancouver, 1983 14 p vols (Geneva: the Council, 1981).
- World Council of Churches and Programme on Theological Education, Global solidarity
in theological education: report of the U.S./Canadian Consultation held at Trinity
College, University of Toronto,Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 12-15 July, 1981 140 p vols
(Geneva: Programme on Theological Education, World Council of Churches, 1981).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development, and
Reinhild Ursula Traitler, In search of the new (III): documents of an ecumenical
action/reflection process on new life styles 115 p vols (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, 1981).
- World Council of Churches et al., Transnational corporations, technology and human
development: report of the third Meeting of the Advisory Group on Economic Matters, held
in Rome, Italy, October 15-19, 1980 65 p vols, An Ecumenical approach to economics
(Geneva: Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development, World Council of
Churches, 1981).
- World Council of Churches. Scholarships newsletter. 1981.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, [Official, numbered
publications no. 36-96 ed. 5 microfilm reels vols, Faith and order paper
(Peoria, Ariz: Ecumenism Research Agency, 1982).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Michael Kinnamon, Towards
visible unity: [proceedings of the meeting of the] Commission on Faith and Order, Lima,
1982 2 v vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: Commission on Faith and Order,
World Council of Churches, 1982).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Baptism, eucharist and
ministry x, 33 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, 1982).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on the Programme to Combat Racism, The
Churches' involvement in Southern Africa no. 14 ed. 76 p vols, PCR information
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, Programme Unit on Justice and Service, Commission on
the Programme to Combat Racism, 1982).
- World Council of Churches, Sub-unit on Education, and Ecumenical Institute, Education
for effective ecumenism: a report on a workshop held at the Ecumenical Institute, Bossey,
from 20 to 29 June, 1982 151 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1982).
- World Council of Churches, Church and Society, and Commission of the Churches on
International Affairs, Before it's too late: report of a public hearing on nuclear
weapons and disarmament 24 p vols (Geneva, Switzerland: World Council of Churches,
- World Council of Churches and Van der Bent, A. J. Handbook, member churches. 1982.:
- World Council of Churches, Images of life: an invitation to Bible study 28 p vols
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1982).
- World Council of Churches and Assembly, Issues: discussion papers on issues arising
out of the life and work of the World Council of Churches in preparation for its Sixth
Assembly, Vancouver, Canada, July 24 to August 10, 1983 1 portfolio (8 pamphlets) vols
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1982).
- World Council of Churches and Church and Society, Manipulating life: ethical issues
in genetic engineering x, 36 p vols (Geneva: Church and Society, World Council of
Churches, 1982).
- World Council of Churches. Resource sharing book: programmes/projects and services.
1982.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches et al., World hunger, a Christian reappraisal: report of
the fourth Meeting of the Advisory Group on Economic Matters, held in Washington, D.C.,
USA, October 5-8, 1981 63 p vols, An Ecumenical approach to economics (Geneva:
Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development, World Council of Churches,
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Hans Georg Link, Schritte
zur sichtbaren Einheit Lima 1982: Berichte, Reden, Dokumente 213 p vols, Beiheft
zur Ökumenischen Rundschau (Frankfurt am Main: O. Lembeck, 1983).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Baptism, Eucharist and
ministry 1st Canadian ed ed. x, 33 p vols, Faith and order paper (Toronto:
Anglican Book Centre, 1983).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development, Churches
and the transnational corporations: an ecumenical programme x, 145 p vols, Oikoumene
(Geneva: The Commission, 1983).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development.
CCPD documents: reports and background papers. 1983.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Refugee and World Service Commission on Inter-Church Aid, Contemporary
understandings of diakonia: report of a consultation, Geneva, Switzerland 22-26 November,
1982 67 p vols (Geneva: Commission on Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World Service,
World Council of Churches, 1983).
- World Council of Churches et al., Gathered for life: official report, VI Assembly
World Council of Churches, Vancouver, Canada, 24 July-10 August 1983 viii, 355 p vols
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1983).
- World Council of Churches and Assembly, Jesus Christ, the life of the world: a
worship book for the Sixth Assembly of the World Council of Churches = Jésus Christ, vie
du monde = Jesus Christus, das Leben der Welt = Jesucristo, vida del mundo xiii, 166 p
vols (Geneva, Switzerland: World Council of Churches, 1983).
- World Council of Churches and Programme to combat racism, Land rights for indigenous
people 91 p vols, PCR information (Geneva: World Council of Churches, Programme
Unit on Justice and Service, Commission on the Programme to Combat Racism, 1983).
- World Council of Churches et al., Nairobi to Vancouver, 1975-1983: report of the
Central Committee to the Sixth Assembly of the World Council of Churches xxv, 238 p
vols (Geneva: The Council, 1983).
- World Council of Churches and Programme to combat racism, South Africa in crisis
105 p vols, PCR information (Geneva: World Council of Churches, Programme Unit on
Justice and Service, Commission on the Programme to Combat Racism, 1983).
- World Council of Churches and Corrymeela Community, Violence, nonviolence and civil
conflict 32 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1983).
- World Council of Churches et al., Work book, Vancouver 83: work book for the Sixth
Assembly of the World Council of Churches, Vancouver, Canada, 24 July to 10 August 1983
iv, 119 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1983).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Standing Commission, Minutes
of the meeting of the Standing Commission held at the Orthodox Academy, Crete, Greece,
6th-14th April 1984 i, 96 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council
of Churches, The Commission, 1984).
- World Council of Churches and Refugee and World Service Commission on Inter-Church Aid, The
churches in Italy 42 p vols (Geneva: Commission on Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World
Service, World Council of Churches, 1984).
- World Council of Churches and Refugee and World Service Commission on Inter-Church Aid, The
Churches in Portugal: the pathway to the future 36 p vols (Geneva: Commission on
Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World Service, World Council of Churches, 1984).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Inter-Church Aid Refugee and World Service, The
Churches in Spain 32 p vols (Geneva: Commission on Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World
Service, World Council of Churches, 1984).
- World Council of Churches, Office of Family Education, and ma Mpolo Masamba, Family
profiles: stories of families in transition 96 p vols (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, 1984).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order. Information. 1985.:
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Fourth forum on
bilateral conversations: report [Bossey, Switzerland, 5-9 March 1985] 20 p vols, Faith
and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1985).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development, African
churches and people's development 4 ed. 66 p vols, CCPD documents (Geneva:
World Council of Churches, Programme Unit on Justice and Service, Commission on the
Churches' Participation in Development, 1985).
- World Council of Churches, By our lives--: stories of women, today and in the Bible
xiv, 57 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1985).
- World Council of Churches and Refugee Service. Ecumenical refugee network news. 1985.:
- World Council of Churches, Fourth forum on bilateral conversations: report 20 p
vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1985).
- World Council of Churches et al., The international financial system: an ecumenical
critique: report of the Meeting of the Advisory Group on Economic Matters, held in Geneva,
Switzerland, November 1-4, 1984 vi, 88, a-c p vols, An Ecumenical approach to
economics (Geneva: Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development, World
Council of Churches, 1985).
- World Council of Churches and Sub-unit on Renewal and Congregational Life. Lay and study
centres newsletter. 1985.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Programme to combat racism, Racism in Western Europe
no. 21 ed. 74 p vols, PCR information (Geneva: The Council, 1985).
- World Council of Churches. World Council of Churches information. 1985.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and A. J. Van der Bent, Vital ecumenical concerns: sixteen
documentary surveys 333 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1986).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Günther Gassmann, Glaube
und Erneuerung, Stavanger, 1985: Sitzung der Kommission für Glauben und
Kirchenverfassung: Berichte, Reden, Dokumente 194 p vols, Beiheft zur Ökumenischen
Rundschau (Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Otto Lembeck, 1986).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Standing Commission, Minutes
of the meeting of the Standing Commission held at the Hoffbauer-Stiftung Potsdam, GDR
13-20 July 1986 59 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, 1986).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Thomas F. Best, Faith
and renewal: reports and documents of the Commission on Faith and Order, Stavanger 1985,
Norway, 13-25 August 1985 vii, 256 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: The
Council, 1986).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Standing Commission, Minutes
of the Standing Commission held at the Hoffbauer-Stiftung, Potsdam, GDR, 13-20 July 1986
59 p. -- vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1986).
- World Council of Churches and Ecumenical Institute, Experiences, findings &
action proposals: Consultation on Ecumenical Learning, 24 June - 1 July 1986 170, 3,
12 p vols (Bossey, Switzerland: Ecumenical Institute, 1986).
- World Council of Churches and Communications Dept, Audio visual resources, South
Africa and Namibia =: Audio visuelles Material zu Südafrika und Namibia = Matériel audio
visuel sur l'Afrique du Sud et la Namibie 36 p vols (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, 1986).
- World Council of Churches and Sub-unit for Dialogue with People of Living Faiths and
Ideologies, My neighbour's faith--and mine: theological discoveries through interfaith
dialogue: a study guide xi, 52, [2] p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1986).
- World Council of Churches et al., Racism in Asia: race and minority issues no. 22
ed. 84 p vols, PCR information (Geneva: World Council of Churches, Programme Unit
on Justice and Service, Commission on the Programme to Combat Racism, 1986).
- World Council of Churches, The Role of the World Council of Churches in international
affairs 28 p vols (Geneva, Switzerland: WCC, 1986).
- World Council of Churches and Programme to combat racism, Southern Africa, the Harare
and Ai-gams declarations: a call for freedom and independence for South Africa and Namibia
no. 23 ed. 84 p vols, PCR information (Geneva: World Council of Churches, Programme
Unit on Justice and Service, Commission on the Programme to Combat Racism, 1986).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Confessing one faith:
towards an ecumenical explication of the apostolic faith as expressed in the
Nicene-Constantinopolitan creed (381) iv, 113 p vols, Faith and order paper
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, 1987).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Unity and renewal: a
study guide for local groups: programme on the unity of the church and the renewal of
human community 20 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, 1987).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Standing Commission, Minutes
of the meeting of the Standing Commission held at the Residencia San Cristobal
Majadahonda, Madrid, Spain 14-21 August 1987 117 p vols, Faith and order paper
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1987).
- World Council of Churches and Programme to combat racism, The Economic basis of
racism 48 p vols, PCR information (Geneva: World Council of Churches, Programme
Unit on Justice and Service, Commission on the Programme to Combat Racism, 1987).
- World Council of Churches and Programme to combat racism, The Churches' search for
justice and peace in southern Africa, meeting in Lusaka, Zambia, 4-8 May 1987 41 p
vols (Geneva, Switzerland: Programme to Combat Racism, World Council of Churches, 1987).
- World Council of Churches et al., Hearing on AIDS, Central Committee, Geneva, January
1987 27 p vols, Church and society documents (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, Programme Unit on Faith and Witness, Sub-unit on Church and Society, 1987).
- World Council of Churches et al., Labour, employment and unemployment: an ecumenical
reappraisal ; report of the meeting of the Advisory Group on Economic Matters held in
Geneva, Switzerland October 10-13, 1985 81 p vols, An ecumenical approach to
economics (Geneva: Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development, World
Council of Churches, 1987).
- World Council of Churches and Human Rights Resources Office for Latin America, La
Situation des droits de l'homme au Paraguay 14 p vols (Genève: Bureau des droits de
l'homme en Amérique Latine, Conseil Œcuménique des Eglises, 1987).
- World Council of Churches and Programme on Theological Education, Spiritual formation
in theological education: an invitation to participate 29 p vols (Geneva: Programme on
Theological Education, World Council of Churches, 1987).
- World Council of Churches, And so set up signs: the World Council of Churches' first
40 years 74 p vols (Geneva: WWC Publications, 1988).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Standing Commission, Minutes
of the meeting of the Standing Commission held at the Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of
Theology, Brookline, Boston, USA, 2-10 September, 1988 iii, 130 p vols, Faith and
order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1988).
- World Council of Churches et al., Creation and the Kingdom of God 77 p vols, Church
and society documents (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1988).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development.
Debt resource material. 1988.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Sub-Unit on Women in Church and Society. Decade link.
1988.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches et al., Hearings on "U.S. foreign policy and South
Africa's illegal occupation of Namibia" 68 p vols (Geneva: The Council, 1988).
- World Council of Churches and Human Rights Resources Office for Latin America, La
Situation des droits de l'homme au Paraguay 14 p vols (Genève?: Bureau des droits de
l'homme en Amérique Latine, Conseil écuménique des Eglises?, 1988).
- World Council of Churches and Allan R. Brockway, The theology of the churches and the
Jewish people ix, 186 p vols (Geneva: WCC Publications, 1988).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, Your will
be done: mission in Christ's way: study material and Biblical reflection 80 p vols
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1988).
- World Council of Churches, Ecumenical decade, 1988-1998: churches in solidarity with
women: prayers and poems, songs and stories 99 p vols (Geneva: WCC Publications,
- World Council of Churches.Commission on World Mission and Evangelism., Your will be
done: mission in Christ's way: study material and biblical reflection, WCC mission
and evangelism series ; no.9: Geneva: WCC Publications, 1988).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development.
CCPD: for a change. --. 1989.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches et al., Land is our life no. 25 ed. 99 p vols, PCR
information (Geneva: World Council of Churches, Programme to Combat Racism, 1989).
- World Council of Churches, Stuart E. Brown, and World Council of Churches, Meeting in
faith: twenty years of Christian-Muslim conversations sponsored by the World Council of
Churches ix, 181 p vols (Geneva: WCC Publications, 1989).
- World Council of Churches et al., Poor in the world economy: presentations at the
Central Committee Moscow 1989 38 p vols, Occasional study pamphlet (Geneva:
World Council of Churches, Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development,
- World Council of Churches et al., Racial justice: an issue of justice, peace and the
integrity of creation 94 p vols, PCR information (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, Programme to Combat Racism, 1989).
- World Council of Churches, Eminent Church Persons Group, and James A. C. Mutambirwa, South
Africa: the sanctions mission: report of the Eminent Church Persons Group xii, 135 p
vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1989).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, and Georges
Lemopoulos, Your will be done: Orthodoxy in mission: CWME consultation of Eastern
Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches, Neapolis, Greece, April 16-24, 1988 267 p.,
[1] leaf of plates vols (Geneva: Published for the Commission on World Mission and
Evangelism by WCC Publications, 1989).
- World Council of Churches Assembly, Come, Holy Spirit, renew the whole creation: six
Bible studies: on the theme of the Seventh Assembly of the World Council of Churches:
Geneva: WCC Publications, 1989).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Church and world: the
unity of the Church and the renewal of human community viii, 90 p vols, Faith and
order paper (Geneva: WCC Publications, 1990).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Church and world: the
unity of the church and the renewal of human community: a faith and order study document
viii, 90 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: WCC Publications, 1990).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Standing Commission, Minutes
of the meeting of the Standing Commission held at the Scottish Churches' House, Dunblane,
Scotland, 16-24 August, 1990 86 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: The
Commission, 1990).
- World Council of Churches and Programme to combat racism, Hear the downtrodden speak:
reports of PCR team visits in Asia 116 p vols, PCR information (Geneva: World
Council of Churches, Programme to Combat Racism, 1990).
- World Council of Churches and Peace and Creation Programme Unit III on Justice, Justice,
peace and the integrity of creation: resource materials 14 pieces in folder vols
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, JPIC Office, 1990).
- World Council of Churches et al., Let the Spirit speak to the churches: a guide for
the study of the theme and the issues: World Council of Churches, Seventh Assembly, 1991
xi, 25 p vols (Geneva: WCC Publications, 1990).
- World Council of Churches and Visual Arts Dept, List of audiovisual resources related
to Justice, peace and the integrity of creation =: Liste de materiel audiovisuel en
rapport avec le programme Justice, paix et sauvegarde de la création = Verzeichnis der
audiovisuellen Beiträge zum Thema Gerechtigkeit, Frieden und Bewahrung der Schöpfung
2nd ed ed. 1 v. (unpaged) vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1990).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development, and
Julio de Santa Ana, The Political economy of the Holy Spirit: discussion on the seventh
assembly theme of WCC 67 p vols, Occasional study pamphlet (Geneva: World
Council of Churches, Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development, 1990).
- World Council of Churches and Assembly, Resources for sections: the theme, subthemes
and issues: World Council of Churches, seventh Assembly, 1991 115 p vols (Geneva:
World Council of Churches, 1990).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, and Frederick R.
Wilson, The San Antonio report: Your will be done: mission in Christ's way vi, 214
p., [4] p. of plates vols (Geneva: WCC Publications, 1990).
- World Council of Churches and Joint Working Group of the Roman Catholic Church and the
World Council of Churches, The Notion of "hierarchy of truths": an ecumenical
interpretation ; The Church: local and universal: two studies commissioned and received by
the Joint Working Group between the Roman Catholic Church and the World Council of
Churches viii, 24 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: WCC Publications,
- World Council of Churchs, Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, and Frederick R.
Wilson, The San Antonio report: your will be done: mission in Christ's way 214 p.,
[4] p. of plates vols (Geneva: WCC Publications, 1990).
- World Council of Churches Commission on Faith and Order, Baptism, Eucharist &
ministry, 1982-1990: report on the process and responses, Faith and order paper ;
no.149: Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1990).
- World Council of Churches Assembly, Let the Spirit speak to the churches: a guide for
the study of the theme and the issues: Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1990).
- World Council of Churches Commission on Faith and Order and World Council of Churches, Church
and world: the unity of the Church and the renewal of human community: a Faith and Order
study document, Faith and Order paper ; 151: Geneva: World Council of Churches,
- World Council of Churches, Joint Working Group of the Roman Catholic Church and the
World Council, and Churches of, The Notion of "hierarchy of truths": an
ecumenical interpretation ; The Church: local and universal: two studies, Faith and
order paper ; no.150: Geneva: WCC Publications, 1990).
- World Council of Churches Commission on Faith and Order, Church and world: the unity
of the church and the renewal of human community, Faith and order paper ; no.151:
Geneva: WCC Publications, 1990).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Confessing the one
faith: an ecumenical explication of the apostolic faith as it is confessed in the
Nicene-Constantinopolitan creed (381) viii, 139 p vols, Faith and order paper
(Geneva: WCC Publications, 1991).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Gemeinsam den einen
Glauben bekennen: eine ökumenische Auslegung der apostolischen Glaubens, wie er im
Glaubensbekenntnis von Nizäa-Konstantinopel (381) bekannt wird 2. Aufl ed. 146 p vols
(Frankfurt am Main: Lembeck, 1991).
- World Council of Churches and Programme to combat racism, Assembly 1991 no. 29
ed. 102 p vols, PCR information (Geneva: World Council of Churches, Programme to
Combat Racism, 1991).
- World Council of Churches and Programme to combat racism, Between two worlds: the
report of the WCC team visit to aboriginal communities in Australia, January, 1991 no.
28 ed. 100 p vols, PCR information (Geneva: World Council of Churches, Programme to
Combat Racism, 1991).
- World Council of Churches and Programme to combat racism, From Cottesloe to Cape
Town: the WCC visit to South Africa October 1991 ; challenges for the Church in a
Post-Apartheid South Africa, PCR information (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, Programme to Combat Racism, 1991).
- World Council of Churches, Assembly, and Australian Council of Churches, In spirit
and in truth: a worship book = En esprit et en vérité: louanges et prieres = En espiritu
y en verdad: libro de culto = Im Geist und in der Wahrheit: ein Gottesdienstbuch xvi,
198 p., [8] p. of plates vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1991).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on the Churches' Participation in Development, Sacrifice
and humane economic life 80 p vols, Occasional study pamphlet (Geneva: The
Commission, 1991).
- World Council of Churches et al., Signs of the Spirit: official report, seventh
assembly, Canberra, Australia, 7-20 February 1991 xiv, 396 p vols (Geneva: WCC
Publications, 1991).
- World Council of Churches, What is your church doing about UNCED? (Genève: World
Council of Churches, 1991).
- World Council of Churches Commission on Faith and Order, Confessing the one faith: an
ecumenical explication of the apostolic faith as it is confessed in the
Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed (381) New revised version ed., Faith and order
paper ; no.153: Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1991).
- World Council of Churches Assembly and John Bluck, Canberra take-aways: what the
assembly offers a local congregation, Risk book series ; 49: Geneva: WCC
Publications, 1991).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Standing Commission, Minutes
of the meeting of the Standing Commission held at Centro Nazareth, Rome, Italy, 19-26
June, 1991 93 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: The Commission, 1992).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Standing Commission, Minutes
of the meeting of the Faith and Order Standing Commission, Dublin, Ireland, 1992 79 p
vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1992).
- World Council of Churches' Unced Group, Searching for the new heavens & the new
earth: an ecumenical response to UNCED 48 p vols (Geneva, Switzerland: World Council
of Churches' Unced Group, 1992).
- World Council of Churches and Programme Unit III on Justice, Peace and Creation. Report
- Unit III Commission, Justice, Peace and Creation. 1992.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Advisory Group on Economic Matters, Christian faith and
the world economy today: a study document from the World Council of Churches 59 p vols
(Geneva: WCC Publications, 1992).
- World Council of Churches and Programme Unit III on Justice, Peace and Creation. Echoes.
1992.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Programme Unit III on Justice, Peace and Creation. Echoes:
justice, peace & creation news. 1992.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches. Ecumenical refugee and migration news. 1992.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Programme Unit III on Justice, Peace and Creation. Minutes
- Unit III Commission, Justice, Peace and Creation. 1992.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches Advisory Group on Economic Matters, Christian faith and the
world economy today: a study document from the World Council of Churches: Geneva:
World Council of Churches, 1992).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Towards koinonia in
faith, life, and witness: a discussion paper: Fifth World Conference on Faith and Order,
Santiago de Compostela, 1993 45 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World
Council of Churches, Faith and Order, 1993).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Worship book =: Libro de
culto: Fifth World Conference on Faith and Order, Santiago de Compostela, 1993 xxv,
130 p vols (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1993).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Standing Commission, Minutes
of the meeting of the Faith and Order Standing Commission held at Bernhäuser Forst,
Stuttgart, Germany, 29 March-6 April 1993 63 p vols, Faith and order paper
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1993).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Standing Commission, Minutes
of the meeting of the Faith and Order Standing Commission, Stuttgart, Germany, 1993, Faith
and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1993).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Partakers of the
promise: biblical visions of koinonia vii, 56 p vols (S.l.: Faith and Order Commission
of the World Council of Churches, 1993).
- World Council of Churches and Commission on Faith and Order, Eglise et monde:
l'unité de l'Eglise et le renouveau de la communauté humaine 151 ed. 118 p vols, Faith
and order paper (Paris: Les Editions du Cerf, 1993).
- World Council of Churches and World Conference on Faith and Order, Towards koinonia
in faith, life and witness: a discussion paper, April 1993, Faith and order paper ;
no.161: Geneva: WCC Publications, 1993).
- World Council of Churches, Thomas F. Best, and Wesley Granberg-Michaelson, Koinonia
and justice, peace, and creation: costly unity: presentations and reports from the World
Council of Churches' consultation in Rønde, Denmark, February 1993 viii, 104 p vols
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, Unit III and Unit I, 1993).
- World Council of Churches, Memoir of the art and liturgy seminar: Rio de Janerio,
15-28 Feb. 1993 (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1993).
- World Council of Churches, Towards a common understanding and vision of the World
Council of Churches (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1993).
- World Council of Churches, Guidelines on dialogue with people of living faiths and
ideologies: Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1993).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Standing Commission, Minutes
of the meeting of the Faith and Order Standing Commission, 4-11 January 1994, Cret-Berard,
Switzerland 107 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of
Churches, 1994).
- World Council of Churches, Lutheran, World Federation, World Alliance of Reformed
Churches (Presbyterian and Congregational), and Conference of European Churches. ENI
bulletin. 1994.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Churches in Mission: Mission and Evangelism in Unity.
Ecumenical letter on evangelism =: Ökumenischer Brief über Evangelisation = Lettre
œcuménique sur l'évangélisation. 6-5-1994.: (Periodical)
- World Council of Churches and Office on Interreligious Relations, The Spiritual
significance of Jerusalem for Jews, Christians and Muslims 81 p vols (Geneva: World
Council of Churches, 1994).
- World Council of Churches, Commission on Faith and Order, and Standing Commission, Minutes
of the meeting of the Faith and Order Standing Commission, 5-12 January 1995, Aleppo,
Syria ii, 177 p vols, Faith and order paper (Geneva: World Council of Churches,
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