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Episkopé and Episcopacy and the Quest for Visible Unity: Two Consultations

Episkopé and Episcopacy and the Quest for Visible Unity: Two Consultations
Falconer, Alan & Peter Bouteneff, eds.
WCC Publications, 1999
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1311-1

A short historical overview of the ecumenical discussion of ministry and episcopacy, and papers describing particular situations and approaches to the exercise of episkopé.

Agreement on the ministry is one of the most elusive facets of the search for the visible unity of the church. And among the differences which separate churches in this area, one of the hardest to resolve is how the ministry of oversight or episkopé is exercised. Recognizing that new forms of exercising oversight were emerging and new questions about episkopé arising, the fifth world conference on Faith and Order in 1993 urged renewed ecumenical study of this theme. The papers included in this volume come out of two consultations held in 1997.