Canada |
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British Columbia |
Ontario |
Prairies |
Regional ecumenical bodies
- KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives
• Prairies North Region (Alberta & Saskatchewan)
• Cambrian Agassiz Region (Manitoba)
- KAIROS: Initiatives canadiennes œcuméniques pour la justice
• Prairies-Nord (Alberta et Saskatchewan)
• Cambrian-Agassiz (Manitoba)
Prairie Centre for Ecumenism (formerly the Saskatoon Centre for Ecumenism)
(600-45th Street West, Saskatoon, SK, S7L 5W9, ph: 306-653-1633, fax: 306-653-1802)
At the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, we seek to call all Christian churches, regardless of
denomination, to the goal of visible reconciliation and unity for the world's sake,
expressed in one faith and one eucharistic fellowship in Christ." The Prairie Centre
for Ecumenism has been in operation since 1984. Our ministry involves the promotion of
inter-church dialogue, understanding and co-operation. In addition, the Centre is also
actively involved in inter-religious dialogue.
Dr. Darren Dahl, director,
Cathryn Wood, program coordinator,
Office manager,
- Archdiocese of Edmonton (Roman Catholic)
Julien Hammond, Ecumenical & Interreligious Relations,
- Calgary Council of Churches
- Calgary Inter-Faith Community Association
Rev. V. Hennig, 7515-7 St SW, Calgary, AB T2V 1G1
- Calgary Inter-faith SAWDAP
Mrs. Caroline Brown, 240-15 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2R 0P7
- Diocese of Calgary (Roman Catholic)
Commission on Ecumenical & Interreligious Relations,
- Diocese of St. Paul (Roman Catholic)
Lousie Lavoie, Ecumenical & Interreligious Relations,
- Edmonton & District Council of Churches
- Eparchy of Edmonton (Ukrainian Catholic)
Virginia Sharek, Ecumenical & Interreligious Relations,
- Archdiocese of St. Boniface (Roman Catholic)
Rev. Luis Melo, SM, Ecumenical & Interreligious Relations
- Archdiocese of Winnipeg (Roman Catholic)
Rev. Robert Polz, Ecumenical & Interreligious Relations
- Lutheran-Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue of Winnipeg (LARC)
Rev. Luis Melo, SM, chairperson
- Manitoba Interfaith Council
Rev. Ted Chell, 640 Strathcona Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 3G1, ph: 204-775-3536, email:
- Ecumenical officers & convenors
- Rev. Jan Bigland-Pritchard, Diocese of Saskatoon, Anglican Church of Canada
- Rev. Gerald Borkowsky, Saskatchewan Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
- Commission on Ecumenical & Interreligious Relations, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Regina
- Rev. John Gardner, Diocese of Qu'Appelle, Anglican Church of Canada
- Rev. John Haas, Interchurch-Interfaith Coordinator, Saskatchewan Conference, United Church of Canada •
- Rev. Craig O'Brien, Diocese of Saskatchewan, Anglican Church of Canada
- Nicholas Jesson, ecumenical officer, Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon,
- Battlefords Ministerial Association
- Craik Inter-Church Association
- Davidson Inter-Church Association
Earthcare Connections
"Earthcare Connections is a charity dedicated to educating people
about healthy and environmentally friendly choices. Being attentive to the needs of the
environment and taking appropriate actions to minimize harmful effects is the course
Earthcare Connections is taking. When people work together, any goal can be accomplished.
Together, we must reflect upon our actions, and not take for granted the creation that
surrounds us. There must be balance. As creation provides for us the necessities for life,
we must give back to creation by being responsible. Three components comprise the mandate
of Earthcare Connections. You can learn about the Genesis Land Conservancy, Earthcare
Balloon and The
Learning Centre in their respective sections. Although they each have their own focus,
each project illustrates the purpose of Earthcare Connections. Learn more about Earthcare
Connections by reading about Our Story and Guiding Principles and looking at Communications."
[from the website]
- Kenaston Inter-Church Association
- Kindersley & District Ministerial Association
- Humboldt & District Ministerial Association
Fr. Leo Hinz, OSB, Box 1989, Humboldt, SK, S0K 2A0
Inter-Church Uranium Committee Educational Co-operative
ICUC is an inter-church coalition to raise awareness and educate
regarding nuclear weapons and uranium mining. The ICUC was established at the call of the
local church leaders of Saskatchewan in response to the growing concerns over the nuclear
industry and Saskatchewan's contribution to it. The ICUC combines an educational and
action programme with a watchdog function, serving to alert the churches and the general
public to the issues that come before the relevant regulatory agencies.
- Local Church Leaders' Group (LCL's) (Saskatoon)
Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, convenor, email:
- Melville Association of Churches
Catherine Gaw, Box 878, Melville, SK, S0A 2P0
- Nutana Park Ecumenical Committee (Saskatoon)
- Prince Albert Ministerial Association
- Regina Council of Churches (RCC)
- Saskatoon Council of Churches (SCC)
c/o Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, 600 - 45th Street West, Saskatoon, SK, S7L 5W9
The SCC suspended its activities in 2004
- Saskatoon Evangelical Ministers Fellowship (SEMF)
Pastor Jim Randall, president, email:
- Saskatoon Inner City Council of Churches (SICCC)
A community of churches in the downtown core of Saskatoon. This group
includes pastors and lay representatives from each of the churches involved. One of the
oldest ecumenical orgainisations in Saskatoon, the SICCC has been instrumental in the
establishment of numerous inner-city ministries. It continues to have an active
involvement in the inner-city and to advocate for greater attention to the problems of
street life in Canada's cities.