The Canadian Centre for Ecumenism Celebrates 40 Years!

 — May 1, 20041 mai 2004

Issue No. 7, May 2004

The Canadian Centre for Ecumenism Celebrates 40 Years!

In October 1963 Father Irenée Beaubien s.j., founded the Canadian Centre for Ecumenism. For four decades the Centre has carried on its mission faithfully and has fostered reconciliation between Christians as well as dialogue with other religious traditions.

This year we celebrate these forty years of service and inspiration with joy and gratitude. The influence of the Centre has been felt in the ecumenical movement at the local, regional, national and international levels. This has been possible thanks to the many individuals and institutions who have shared and supported the Centre’s vision through their many talents and resources, including considerable financial support.

In the spirit of our 40th anniversary we give both thanks and praise for the road travelled together, and for all that has been accomplished in the past. We also want to contemplate the path ahead and join our prayers for a future characterized by a culture of dialogue and reconciliation.

To underline our 40th anniversary, we had a special ecumenical worship last October. In addition:

— A special issue of our periodical Ecumenism to be published in the month of June. The March and June issues will be combined and will provide an occasion for reflection on Ecumenical Situations and Challenges Across Canada.

— A cycle of conferences will be given in line with the general theme of The Influence of Interreligious Dialogue Upon the Ecumenical Movement:

— March 24th at the University of Sherbrooke in Sherbrooke, Quebec
— May 20th at a Benefit Conference with Professor Douglas Hall in Montreal entitled “Many Churches, Many Faiths, One Planet”
— And in Toronto in the fall of 2004 a conference with the new Secretary General of the World Council of Churches, Rev. Samuel Kobia.

Posted: May 1, 2004 • Permanent link:
Categories: ConferencesIn this article: Centre Canadien d’œcuménisme, events
Transmis : 1 mai 2004 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ConferencesDans cet article : Centre Canadien d’œcuménisme, events

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