Archive for tag: Prairie Centre for Ecumenism

Archive pour tag : Prairie Centre for Ecumenism

With sadness, we announce the death of our friend and colleague, Sister Anne Keffer. She died Wednesday, Feb. 1 in Waterloo after a long illness. She will be remembered by her ecumenical colleagues for her sense of humour, compassion, and dedication to the path of unity.
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Posted: Feb. 3, 2023 • Permanent link:
Categories: Memorials, NewsIn this article: Anne Keffer, deacons, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism
Transmis : 3 févr. 2023 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Memorials, NewsDans cet article : Anne Keffer, deacons, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism

The Board of the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism has named their new Executive Director. Mary Nordick, Board Chairperson writes:

“The Board of the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism is pleased to announce Cathryn Wood’s promotion to Executive Director. Cathryn’s leadership skills have been demonstrated internally with her work with the Board on strategic planning and stabilizing the Centre financially. Her effective presence representing the PCE as an ecumenical community partner has helped to steer the Centre through the pandemic challenge. We look forward to her high-level development of approaches and partnerships as together we serve the prairie provinces in ecumenical leadership and support.

Cathryn Wood has been on staff at the Centre since 2015 as the Program Coordinator and is happy to be in this new role! She lives in Saskatoon with her husband, Chris and has four daughters Katie (Jarret), Emma, Laura, and Jessie. She is also the music director at St. Stephen’s Anglican Church in Saskatoon.
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Posted: June 2, 2022 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Prairie Centre for Ecumenism
Transmis : 2 juin 2022 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Prairie Centre for Ecumenism

Among the many factors that influence Canadian religious experience is the sheer size of our country. Canada is the second largest country in the world, 40% of which is in the Arctic, north of 60o latitude. Stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the United States to the North Pole, Canada has ten provinces and three territories. We are surrounded by three oceans: the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic. Our only land border is with the United States and it has experienced almost 200 years of peace. Canada is a confederation of former British colonies, with a parliamentary form of government in a federal system of ten provinces and three territories. The union of the former colonial territories and independence from Britain occurred peacefully, and Canada remains a strong proponent of international engagement and cooperation. The vast distances between our cities have promoted both self-reliance and formation of distinct identities in the regions, but can also engender feelings of alienation or resentment.

Canada is known for its natural splendour: its mountains, forests, lakes and rivers, seas of wheat and three ocean shorelines. This is a land rich in agriculture and natural resources. Canada is also a land of diverse peoples: First Nations, Inuit, and Métis,2 and many people who came to settle here from around the world. We have two official languages, French and English, yet many Canadians also celebrate the cultural and linguistic heritages of their ancestral homelands.
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Posted: Jan. 13, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: ResourcesIn this article: Canada, Centre Canadien d’œcuménisme, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, spiritual ecumenism, WPCU
Transmis : 13 janv. 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ResourcesDans cet article : Canada, Centre Canadien d’œcuménisme, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, spiritual ecumenism, WPCU

The world will pray with Canada this January, and in a special way with native Canadians. For the second time in the 106-year history of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Canadians have written the biblical reflections, prayer services and educational materials to be used worldwide.

Celebrated Jan. 18-25, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is prepared each year in a different country under the direction of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity in Rome and the Geneva-based World Council of Churches’ Faith and Order Commission. Since the two major ecumenical organizations took over the annual event in 1968, Canada is just the second country to be asked twice to prepare the worship and study material.

Coming back to Canada, the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity wanted to make sure the material is fresh and reflects a different perspective. In 1989 Canada’s offering was prepared by the Canadian Council of Churches. This time, preparations were led by the Canadian Centre for Ecumenism in Montreal and the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism in Saskatoon.

Having Canada’s independent ecumenical centres take over was the initiative of Saskatoon Bishop Donald Bolen, who for years worked on the Week of Prayer as an official for the Pontifical Council in Rome. Though the CCC did not lead the 2014 effort, general secretary Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton played an important role helping to review the material, said Nicholas Jesson, ecumenical officer for the diocese of Saskatoon and part of the 2014 writing committee.
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Posted: Jan. 2, 2014 • Permanent link:
Categories: Catholic Register, ResourcesIn this article: Canada, Centre Canadien d’œcuménisme, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, spiritual ecumenism, WPCU
Transmis : 2 janv. 2014 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Catholic Register, ResourcesDans cet article : Canada, Centre Canadien d’œcuménisme, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, spiritual ecumenism, WPCU

The world will pray with Canada this January, and in a special way with native Canadians. For the second time in the 106-year history of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Canadians have written the biblical reflections, prayer services and educational materials to be used worldwide.

Celebrated Jan. 18-25, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is prepared each year in a different country under the direction of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity in Rome and the Geneva-based World Council of Churches’ Faith and Order Commission. Since the two major ecumenical organizations took over the annual event in 1968, Canada is just the second country to be asked twice to prepare the worship and study material.

Coming back to Canada, the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity wanted to make sure the material is fresh and reflects a different perspective. In 1989 Canada’s offering was prepared by the Canadian Council of Churches. This time, preparations were led by the Canadian Centre for Ecumenism in Montreal and the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism in Saskatoon.
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Posted: July 28, 2013 • Permanent link:
Categories: Catholic RegisterIn this article: Canada, Centre Canadien d’œcuménisme, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, WPCU
Transmis : 28 juil. 2013 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Catholic RegisterDans cet article : Canada, Centre Canadien d’œcuménisme, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, WPCU

The Anglican Church of Canada’s first National Indigenous Bishop explored the challenge and the promise of reconciliation at a Summer Ecumenical Institute organized by the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism June 10-13 at the Cathedral of the Holy Family in Saskatoon. Reconciliation is critical to understanding what new life in Christ is meant to be, he said, citing a New Testament understanding of reconciliation as central to what Jesus came to do. “Reconciliation is critical to Christian identity, it is fundamental to the primary response to the Good News of Jesus Christ. I think it is impossible to overstate this. This is why we say ‘forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us’ – because reconciliation is key to the acceptance and experience of Jesus and the message of Jesus,” he said.
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Posted: June 17, 2013 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Indigenous peoples, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Summer Ecumenical Institute
Transmis : 17 juin 2013 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Indigenous peoples, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Summer Ecumenical Institute

The Board and staff of the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism are excited to have a new Director in place. We welcome Dr. Darren Dahl, who began his duties on May 1st. He will be working half-time at the Centre. He is also a sessional lecturer in the department of Religion and Culture at St. Thomas More College and a Fellow in the Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies programme at the University of Saskatchewan. A former Lutheran pastor, Darren was recently received into the Roman Catholic church. He is interested in the relation of ecumenical dialogue to its secular cultural context as well as ecumenical dialogue between Roman Catholics and the Orthodox churches.
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Posted: May 9, 2012 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Prairie Centre for Ecumenism
Transmis : 9 mai 2012 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Prairie Centre for Ecumenism

POSITION AVAILABLE: The Board of the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism in Saskatoon invites applications for the half-time position of Director for the Centre. The Director is to innovate and implement programs, services and other undertakings in accordance with the vision and priorities of the Centre as outlined in the Constitution of the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism. The Director will address such priorities as developing resources, implementing programs, promoting ecumenism, being an ecumenical facilitator for the sponsoring and other churches and engaging in ecumenical dialogues.

The Director will have a theological formation in the Christian Faith with experience in and first-hand knowledge of ecumenism. The Director will have a combination of University Education and experience in related topics. The Director’s skill set will include interpersonal skills; written, oral and computer/electronic abilities; the ability to work with the Board on programs and operations and the ability to supervise staff.

For more information contact the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism at 306 653-1633 or at pce [at] ecumenism [dot] net. Resumes may also be sent to 600 – 45th Street West, Saskatoon, SK S7L 5W9.

Closing date for applications is Feb. 29, 2012
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Posted: Feb. 7, 2012 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Prairie Centre for Ecumenism
Transmis : 7 févr. 2012 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Prairie Centre for Ecumenism

The Rev. Eric Dyck, chaplain-general of the Canadian Priory of the Order of Saint Lazarus was in Saskatoon recently to confirm a financial grant the order is giving to the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism’s Ecumenical Shared Ministries Bureau. The Order of St. Lazarus, or, more correctly, the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of
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Posted: Oct. 8, 2011 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Prairie Centre for Ecumenism
Transmis : 8 oct. 2011 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Prairie Centre for Ecumenism

Faith in face of persecution; Martyred nuns examples of the price of principles How strong would your faith be in the face of persecution? That question, expressed in the theme, The Cost of Discipleship in Our Time, will be examined March 20 at a workshop hosted by the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism. The workshop will
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Posted: Mar. 13, 2010 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, workshop
Transmis : 13 mars 2010 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, workshop

A history of the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism (PCE), a book entitled God’s Reconciling Grace, is a story of ecumenism over 25 years.

The editorial committee consists of Vern Ratzlaff, Ursula Wigg, Carol Pek, and Colin Clay with contributions from Fr. Bernard de Margerie and a cast of thousands, says Rev. Jan Bigland-Pritchard, director of the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism.

“The book is filled with stories of ecumenical co-operation in Saskatchewan, focusing on the Prairie Centre, but not exclusively,” she says.

God’s Reconciling Grace ($10) will be launched at a banquet on June 4 that is part of the Summer Ecumenical Institute, a conference being held from June 2-5 at Queen’s House of Retreats.
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Posted: May 30, 2009 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: books, Canada, ecumenical centre, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon
Transmis : 30 mai 2009 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : books, Canada, ecumenical centre, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon

The Prairie Centre for Ecumenism is sponsoring an ecumenical Lenten study of reforms that shape the Christian church of the 21st century. Nick Jesson, one of the presenters, describes the series as “a forward look so we can understand where the church came from and how we are building it for the future.” The study
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Posted: Feb. 21, 2009 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatoon, workshop
Transmis : 21 févr. 2009 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatoon, workshop

An Ecumenical Lenten Study of five reforms that will shape the church of the 21st Century. Join Sandra Beardsall and Nick Jesson as we examine the bricks and mortar of Christ’s church and plan for the years ahead. This is a community-build, everyone has a part in building the house of God.

Topics include:

Mar. 2 @ 6:45 pm • Checking the Blueprints — Listening Anew to the Word of God in Scripture;
Mar. 9 @ 6:45 pm • Firming Up the Foundation — Rethinking the nature and mission of the church;
Mar. 16 @ 6:45 pm • Moving the Walls — Reimagining the life of worship;
Mar. 23 @ 6:45 pm • Barn-Raising Together — Searching for Christian unity; and
Mar. 30 @ 6:45 pm • Meeting the Neighbours — Inter-religious relations.

Five Monday evenings beginning March 2 at St. James’ Anglican Church, Saskatoon (corner of Dufferin & 12th Street)
Sessions begin at 6:45 pm. No registration required.
Each evening will include prayer, fellowship, an introduction to the theme, and group discussion.
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Posted: Feb. 13, 2009 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatoon, workshop
Transmis : 13 févr. 2009 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatoon, workshop

The leaders of seven Saskatoon churches entered into covenant with each other on Sunday, January 25. The Covenant commits the churches to work and pray together for Christian unity, and expresses a continuing commitment to support for the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism.

… continued
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Posted: Jan. 26, 2009 • Permanent link:
Categories: DocumentsIn this article: ecumenical centre, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatoon
Transmis : 26 janv. 2009 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : DocumentsDans cet article : ecumenical centre, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatoon

Help us record the history of ecumenism in our community!

You are invited to share your stories about local ecumenical events or activities that have improved relationships between Christians in Saskatchewan over the years.

Stories will be collected and included in an anniversary history book being prepared by The Prairie Centre for Ecumenism to mark its 25th anniversary in 2009. Please take some time to write up an event or activity, past or present, which brought you closer to other Christians in your area. Photographs are also welcome.

Send submissions to:
The Prairie Centre for Ecumenism,
600 – 45 St. West, Saskatoon, SK. S7L 5W9
E-mail: pce [at] ecumenism [dot] net

We look forward to hearing from you!
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Posted: Dec. 2, 2008 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: ecumenical centre, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism
Transmis : 2 déc. 2008 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : ecumenical centre, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism

Multifaith Reflection on Restorative Justice

Across Canada, the theme for Restorative Justice Week 2008 is “Fostering a Restorative Worldview”. In Saskatoon, the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism is hosting a symposium entitled “A Multifaith Reflection on Restorative Justice … an evening of shared perspectives”. The symposium will be held Wednesday, November 19th at Knox United Church (Spadina Crescent & 24th Street) from 6 to 9:30 pm.

A meatless supper wil be shared at 6 pm, with a panel of speakers at 7 pm: Claire Ewert Fisher (Christian), Cantor Neil Schwartz (Jewish), a representative from the Islamic Association of Saskatoon, and Harvey Thunderchild (Traditional Aboriginal).

Registration: $15 before November 12th, or $18 after November 12th, $8 under-waged. Students free if registered in advance, or $8 at door. Doors open for registration at 5:15 pm. Register by cheque, payable and sent to: Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, 600 – 45th Street West, Saskatoon, SK S7L 5W9. It is necessary to know in advance if registrants plan to attend the supper. For more information call 306-653-1633.
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Posted: Nov. 6, 2008 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: 2008, interfaith, justice, multifaith, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, restorative justice, Saskatoon
Transmis : 6 nov. 2008 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : 2008, interfaith, justice, multifaith, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, restorative justice, Saskatoon

Upcoming programs at the PCE in 2008-2009

2009 marks the 50th anniversary of the announcement by Pope John XXIII of the Second Vatican Council, one of whose two main aims was the advancement of Christian unity. It is also 50 years since Fr. Bernard de Margerie received his call to the ministry of ecumenism, and 25 years since the founding of the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism. The theme running throughout our 2008-09 programs will be The Ministry of Christian Reconciliation and Unity: Giving Thanks for the Past, Committing to the Future.

A number of our regular programs have been dedicated to this theme, and some special projects are being planned as well. Here is some preliminary information and dates for this year:

• Ecumenical Contacts Workshop
• Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
• 6th Annual Ecumenical Scripturefest
• Summer Ecumenical Institute

Ecumenical Contacts Workshop

Saturday, October 25th, 2008 at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Spadina & 20th St.). Beginning with registration at 8:30 a.m., closing at 12:00. “All the Saints Gather for Prayer: theory and practice of prayer together for Christian unity and reconciliation.” Progress in ecumenism comes out of prayer, especially prayer together. We will prepare for our 2009 year of celebrations by exploring theory and best practice for planning worship ecumenically. Led by Nick Jesson and Amanda Currie with others. Worship resources table available. Please join us.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

January 18-25, 2009 Theme: “That they may become one in your hand” (Ez. 37:17)
Our Week of Prayer observances in Saskatoon will be as rich as usual. Mark your calendars with the closing service of the Week of Prayer on the “50-50-25” theme. We have much to celebrate at this service. Plan to join us at McClure United Church in Saskatoon at 3:00 p.m., January 25th.

6th Annual Ecumenical Scripturefest

Scripturefest, a program from Queen’s House of Retreats, will follow our theme for the year. It will be an occasion for reflecting and dialoguing about the scripture readings set for the 2009 Week of Prayer, “That They May Become One in Your Hand” (Ez. 37:17). Saturday, Jan. 24th at Queen’s House, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Keynote Speakers: Rev. David Jobling & Rev. Bill Richards. Cost is $35 (includes lunch). Please book ahead through Queen’s House (306-242-1916).

Summer Ecumenical Institute

Mark your calendars now for June 2-5, 2009 and plan to be with us at Queen’s House of Retreats in Saskatoon. The Summer Ecumenical Institute will follow our 50-50-25 theme, reviewing and celebrating the achievements of the ecumenical movement over the past 50 years, describing where the ‘growing edge’ is today and dreaming dreams for our future.

We are delighted that Fr. Tom Ryan, a much-sought-after speaker and retreat leader, has accepted the invitation to be one of our keynote speakers.

Further details will follow later in the fall.
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Posted: Aug. 29, 2008 • Permanent link:
Categories: Conferences, DialogueIn this article: events, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, prayer, Saskatoon
Transmis : 29 aoüt 2008 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Conferences, DialogueDans cet article : events, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, prayer, Saskatoon

This year marks the 100th anniversary of International Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in North America, and the 20th anniversary of the event in Saskatoon. Sister Juliana Heisler, director of parish life at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, has witnessed a steady increase in interest over the past two decades. “Services of prayer
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Posted: Jan. 12, 2008 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatoon, WPCU
Transmis : 12 janv. 2008 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatoon, WPCU

Conflict is not necessarily a bad thing. Yet in the churches there is a fear of conflict, and a tendency to go for peace at any price, sweeping conflict under the carpet until it cannot be contained. The 2007 Summer Ecumenical Institute aims to help church people build a vision of how conflict can become a force for good in our communities, and to equip participants with the basic skills they need to become active peace-builders in their own settings.

The Summer Ecumenical Institute (SEI) — scheduled for June 26 to 29 in Saskatoon — is sponsored by the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism.
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Posted: Jan. 7, 2007 • Permanent link:
Categories: ConferencesIn this article: 2007, Christian unity, conflict, events, peace, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, resolution, Saskatoon, Summer Ecumenical Institute
Transmis : 7 janv. 2007 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ConferencesDans cet article : 2007, Christian unity, conflict, events, peace, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, resolution, Saskatoon, Summer Ecumenical Institute

It is significant that the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism will be host Wednesday to the fifth annual conference on restorative justice. Fr. Bill Bernard, chair of the preparation committee, observes the conference goal is to bring together as many people as possible who work in the area of restorative justice. “We hope to create dialogue
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Posted: Nov. 11, 2006 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: justice, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, restorative justice, Saskatoon, workshop
Transmis : 11 nov. 2006 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : justice, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, restorative justice, Saskatoon, workshop

The Canadian Centre for Ecumenism and the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism join church leaders and inter-church organizations around the world in urging an immediate cessation of hostilities in the conflict between Israel and Hezbullah. The CCE‘s new Executive Director Anthony Mansour and the Associate Director Adèle Brodeur write: “We call for an immediate implementation of
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Posted: Aug. 12, 2006 • Permanent link:
Categories: Documents, NewsIn this article: Centre Canadien d’œcuménisme, Israel, Lebanon, Middle East, Palestine, peace, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, statements
Transmis : 12 aoüt 2006 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Documents, NewsDans cet article : Centre Canadien d’œcuménisme, Israel, Lebanon, Middle East, Palestine, peace, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, statements

The Prairie Centre for Ecumenism is pleased to announce that its Summer Ecumenical Institute for 2007 will take place in Saskatoon June 26-29. The theme of the conference is conflict resolution and transformation within and among churches, under the working title “Making Peace in the Household of God.”

Many Canadian churches appear to be experiencing conflict, often more within than between denominations. Liberals and conservatives in many churches are in tension over issues such as human sexuality and the interpretation of scripture, and the ‘heat’ seems to be rising. The skills of courtesy, listening and dialogue, which ecumenically-minded people have been developing over the years, are today needed just as much within our churches as between them.
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Posted: June 15, 2006 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Christian unity, conflict, peace, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, resolution, Saskatoon, Summer Ecumenical Institute, transformation
Transmis : 15 juin 2006 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Christian unity, conflict, peace, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, resolution, Saskatoon, Summer Ecumenical Institute, transformation

The Prairie Centre for Ecumenism will be hosting a very special retreat this summer, perhaps a unique event in Canada. Pastors and members of three very different church traditions – the Ukrainian Catholic Church, Mennonite Church Saskatchewan and the Foursquare Gospel Church – will spend three days together sharing their treasures of corporate worship and private devotion. Each worship session will be led by a member of the tradition to which it belongs, with explanations of the service’s meaning and time for questions. In addition we will be introduced to ways of private prayer and devotion characteristic of these traditions, with explanations and private time in which to ‘try out’ different types of prayer for ourselves.

Thursday May 25 to Saturday May 27, 2006 at Queen’s House of Retreats (601 Taylor St. West, Saskatoon)

Costs: $175 live-in, $150 commuters. Please register with Queen’s House directly (tel. 306-242-1916) by May 10 to ensure the viability of this event. If you would like more information about the retreat, contact the PCE at (306) 653-1633. This event will be held in lieu of the 2006 Summer Ecumenical Institute.
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Posted: Apr. 21, 2006 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Canada, Christian unity, events, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, prayer, Saskatoon, Summer Ecumenical Institute, worship
Transmis : 21 avril 2006 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Canada, Christian unity, events, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, prayer, Saskatoon, Summer Ecumenical Institute, worship

Since taking over in January as director of the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Jan Bigland-Pritchard has been kept busy. The centre has just been host to a shared ministry conference that she describes as “a wonderful event, and extremely gratifying in terms of the number that attended.” This has been a homecoming for Bigland-Pritchard, who
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Posted: May 14, 2005 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Christian unity, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism
Transmis : 14 mai 2005 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Christian unity, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism

The Prairie Centre for Ecumenism has much to celebrate: new premises, a new director, and 20 years of bringing people of faith together. Board member Rev. Hugh Farmer says the location change has been in the works for a while, but the actual move from Second Avenue began in May. PCE‘s new home is the
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Posted: Oct. 30, 2004 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatoon
Transmis : 30 oct. 2004 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatoon

The Ninth Biennial Assembly was a significant moment in the 120-year history of the Deaconess Community of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). After more than a year without a motherhouse or a directing deaconess, the community met May 14-17 here at the Cenacle Retreat House and elected Sister E. Anne Keffer to a four-year term as its directing deaconess.

The Deaconess Community is a community of lay women consecrated by the church to a ministry of Word and service. Sisters in the community work in a variety of settings such as health care, Christian education and social services.

Deaconesses are theologically trained and professionally prepared for their careers. They are called to ministry by congregations and synods of the ELCA and Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC).
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Posted: May 21, 2004 • Permanent link:
Categories: ELCA NewsIn this article: Prairie Centre for Ecumenism
Transmis : 21 mai 2004 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ELCA NewsDans cet article : Prairie Centre for Ecumenism

Le colloque œcuménique pour l’été 2004 se tiendra à l’Université Canadian Mennonite, à Winnipeg, du 9 au 12 mai 2004; le thème sera: « Soyez sans crainte ». Le colloque est parrainé par le Prairie Centre for Ecumenism et organisé par des représentants des diverses Églises de Winnipeg.

Le thème principal du colloque présente ce qui unit les chrétiens dans une société qui favorise une culture axée sur la peur. Le conférencier invité est le Dr Tom Yoder Neufeld, professeur des études sur la paix et la résolution de conflits du Conrad Grebel College de l’Université de Waterloo. Les conférence du dimanche et du lundi soir sont ouvertes au grand public.
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Posted: Apr. 1, 2004 • Permanent link:
Categories: ConferencesIn this article: 2004, Christian unity, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Summer Ecumenical Institute
Transmis : 1 avril 2004 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ConferencesDans cet article : 2004, Christian unity, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Summer Ecumenical Institute

Issue No. 6, April 2004 “Be Not Afraid,” Summer Ecumenical Institute 2004 The 2004 Summer Ecumenical Institute, “Be Not Afraid,” is to be held at Canadian Mennonite University in Winnipeg May 9-12. Sponsored by the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, it is being planned by representatives from a wide range of Winnipeg churches. The central theme
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Posted: Apr. 1, 2004 • Permanent link:
Categories: ConferencesIn this article: 2004, Christian unity, events, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Summer Ecumenical Institute
Transmis : 1 avril 2004 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ConferencesDans cet article : 2004, Christian unity, events, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Summer Ecumenical Institute

By Michael Swan, The Catholic Register Canada has gained a new ecumenical web site, and the start of a centralized, on-line archive of Canadian and international ecumenical dialogue. Want to know what Catholics and Lutherans have really said about their shared understanding of justification, or what the Catholic bishops of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland
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Posted: Sept. 7, 2003 • Permanent link:
Categories: Catholic Register, ResourcesIn this article: Centre Canadien d’œcuménisme, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, website
Transmis : 7 sept. 2003 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : Catholic Register, ResourcesDans cet article : Centre Canadien d’œcuménisme, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, website

«Je suis la vigne, vous êtes les sarments: celui qui demeure en moi et en qui je demeure, celui-là portera du fruit en abondance… Ce que je vous demande c’est de vous aimer les uns les autres.» (Jean 15, 5 et 17)

Bienvenue à notre nouveau site web intitulé «œcuménisme au Canada».

Ce site est développé conjointement par les deux centres au Canada qui s’occupent des relations interchrétiennes et interreligieuses, le Centre canadien d’œcuménisme et le Prairie Centre for Ecumenism. Il vise à montrer les fruits nombreux que portent les différentes Églises au Canada.
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Posted: Sept. 1, 2003 • Permanent link:
Categories: ResourcesIn this article: Canada, Centre Canadien d’œcuménisme, Christian unity, ecumenism, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, website
Transmis : 1 sept. 2003 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : ResourcesDans cet article : Canada, Centre Canadien d’œcuménisme, Christian unity, ecumenism, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, website

I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit… I am giving you these commands so that you may love one another.” (John 15:5 and 17)

Welcome to our new website entitled “Ecumenism in Canada.”

This site was developed jointly by the only two Canadian centres working in the area of interchurch and interfaith relations: the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatoon, and the Canadian Centre for Ecumenism, Montreal. It aims to show the many fruits produced by the Christian Church in Canada.
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Posted: Sept. 1, 2003 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Canada, Centre Canadien d’œcuménisme, Christian unity, ecumenism, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, website
Transmis : 1 sept. 2003 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Canada, Centre Canadien d’œcuménisme, Christian unity, ecumenism, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, website

Winifred M. O’Rourke, a founding mother of the Saskatoon Centre for Ecumenism, went to be with her Lord on October 8, 1997 at the age of 85. When the Centre was begun, she was responsible for setting up the library, spending many hours in organizing and cataloging the books. Her work and love of the Centre has been appreciated in so many ways through the years. Winifred also had a remarkable library of her own. Following her passing, her daughter Jennifer O’Rourke made many of those books available to the Centre. It is with sincere gratefulness that we have accepted this generous gift, as the collection of books has made a valuable addition to our library. For those of us who had the opportunity to know Winifred, it is like having a part of her with us.” All the books listed elsewhere in this issue are from this collection, and are available for borrowing. We wish to publicly thank the O’Rourke family for recognizing her mother’s deep love and understanding of ecumenism and thereby realizing that by passing on these books to our Centre, Winifred’s memory will continue to live on in the hearts of many people.
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Posted: June 1, 1998 • Permanent link:
Categories: MemorialsIn this article: Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatoon
Transmis : 1 juin 1998 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : MemorialsDans cet article : Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Saskatoon

The Saskatoon Centre for Ecumenism takes great pleasure in introducing Sister Anne Keffer of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada who will become Associate Director of the Centre as of June 1, 1998. Sr. Anne Keffer completed her deaconess training at the Baltimore Deaconess School, and is an active member of the Lutheran Deaconess Community, ELCA (USA).
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Posted: June 1, 1998 • Permanent link:
Categories: NewsIn this article: Lutheran, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism
Transmis : 1 juin 1998 • Lien permanente :
Catégorie : NewsDans cet article : Lutheran, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism