What is Growing Together?

Growing Together is a series of Sunday bulletin inserts prepared by a special writing team for the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism.  Produced annually since 1985, GT normally consists of a set of 5 inserts each year.

Starting in 2010, the GT series will be a free service from the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism. PDF files containing a print-ready version of the document will be available on this website. Camera-ready prints of the GT series will be available at a minimal cost to cover printing and postage. Back issues of GT are also free, available online back to 1993.

How can Growing Together be used?

Churches are encouraged to use the inserts in their church bulletins, although they are also appropriate for study groups or in other ways.  Some topics lend themselves to study sessions, and may have discussion questions included. The inserts are numbered, but do not have dates, allowing the subscriber to distribute the material at any time.

Subjects include: Bible, Christian unity, interfaith relations, Christian spirituality, current ethical debates, Christian feminism, social justice and environmental topics, biographies

How do we choose our Growing Together topics?

Generally the team attempts to pick topics that will have a wide interest in Canadian churches. The text may use Canadian examples on occasion, but the text will normally be appropriate for use in churches anywhere. The five issues cover topics that are contemporary at the time of publication, and therefore older issues may require adaption for current use.

Topics vary from year to year, but generally cover issues of ecumenical importance. In the past, we have examined topics such as: theological dialogues, social justice, major ecumenical events, environment & ethics, gender, language & sexuality issues, world conferences, inter-religious dialogue, and reading & interpreting the Bible. Feedback is encouraged to help us improve our format, layout, content and selection of topics.


Growing Together issues
Back issues are only available online from 1993 to present
ISSN: 1920-8677 (online) & 1481-9465 (print, discontinued)

2013 - Twenty-Ninth series

29th writing team: Rev. Paul Matheson (Baptist), Gertrude Rompré (Roman Catholic), Ole Shenk (Lutheran), and Rev. Michael Webster (United Church). Our editor is Frank Roy.

  1. What the Bible Says About Forgiveness
  2. Forgiveness: Myths and Mystery
  3. Re-Thinking Forgiveness
  4. Is God's Forgiveness an Easy Way Out

2012 - Twenty-Eighth series

28th writing team: Rev. Dr. Jan Bigland-Pritchard (Anglican), Rev. Paul Matheson (Baptist), Vern Ratzlaff (Mennonite), Frank Roy (Roman Catholic), and Rev. Michael Webster (United Church). Our editor is Frank Roy.

  1. The Case for Humour
  2. Is the Bible a Comic Book?
  3. What Kind of Fool Am I?
  4. A Laugh a Day...
  5. Laugh With, Not At

2011 - Twenty-Seventh series

27th writing team: Rev. Dr. Jan Bigland-Pritchard (Anglican), Rev. Paul Matheson (Baptist), Leah Perrault (Roman Catholic), Vern Ratzlaff (Mennonite), and Rev. Michael Webster (United Church). Our editor is Frank Roy.

  1. Complex Simplicity
  2. A Long-Term Project
  3. Discovering the Joy of Community
  4. Staying Generous When Christians Disagree
  5. Following the Crucified Carpenter

2010 - Twenty-Sixth series

26th writing team: Rev. Dr. Jan Bigland-Pritchard (Anglican), Alison Jantz (Mennonite), Frank Roy (Roman Catholic), and Rev. Michael Webster (United Church). Frank Roy also serves as our editor.

  1. A Response to Advertizers
  2. Do we have the time?
  3. Abundance and Scarcity in a Culture of Fear: The H1N1 Pan(ic)demic

2009 - Twenty-Fifth series

25th writing team: Rev. Jan Bigland-Pritchard (Anglican), Rev. Colin Clay (Anglican), Rev. Anita Retzlaff (Mennonite), and Rev. Michael Webster (United).

  1. Love is a Choice
  2. Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, 'Let My People Go' – William Wilberforce 1759-1833
  3. Whoever Saves One Life
  4. Ghandi
  5. Romeo Dallaire: Prophet from Uganda

2008 - Twenty-Fourth series

24th writing team: Rev. Dr. Jan Bigland-Pritchard (Anglican), Rev. Colin Clay (Anglican), Rev. Anita Retzlaff (Mennonite), Rev. Paul Matheson (Baptist), and Rev. Michael Webster (United Church).

  1. The Wonder of Creation
  2. Having Dominion
  3. Planning for the End of the World
  4. Discovering God in Creation
  5. Sustainability: Hands and Feet of Christ in our World

2007 - Twenty-Third series

23rd writing team: Rev. Colin Clay (Anglican), Margaret Dutli (Roman Catholic), Rev. Anita Retzlaff (Mennonite), Rev. Paul Matheson (Baptist), and Rev. Betty Lynn Schwab (United Church).

  1. Hear The Word Of The Lord
  2. The Power of Words
  3. When We Disagree: Living with Difference in our Congregations
  4. A Muslim Friend I would Like to Have Known
  5. The Spirituality of Travel

2006 - Twenty-Second series

22nd writing team: Rev. Colin Clay (Anglican), Margaret Dutli (Roman Catholic), Rev. Anita Jantz (Mennonite), Rev. Paul Matheson (Baptist), and Rev. Betty Lynn Schwab (United Church).

  1. Finding Life in Ecumenical Cooperation: The State of the Rural church on the Prairies
  2. Seeking Justice
  3. When Disaster Strikes – How Christians Think About God
  4. When Disaster Strikes – How Christians Respond
  5. Brother Lawrence, Kitchen Saint

2005 - Twenty-First series

21st writing team: Rev. Colin Clay (Anglican), Margaret Dutli (Roman Catholic), Rev. Anita Jantz (Mennonite), Rev. Paul Matheson (Baptist), and Rev. Betty Lynn Schwab (United Church).

  1. What Good is Religion?
  2. Retirement: A Lifelong Investment
  3. Lectio Divina
  4. The Heresy Club: Are You A Member?
  5. Jesus Meets a Persistent Woman

2004 - Twentieth series

20th writing team: Rev. Colin Clay (Anglican), Rev. Anita Jantz (Mennonite), Sister Anne Keffer (Lutheran), Paul Matheson (Baptist), and Rev. Betty Lynn Schwab (United). Editor: Frank Roy.

  1. Terrorism: A word of encouragement
  2. Journeying with God (a Multi-faith experience)
  3. Tin pans and poetry: Servant leadership
  4. When God is enough -- The struggle of suffering
  5. The wonders of creation

2003 - Nineteenth series

19th writing team: Rev. Colin Clay (Anglican), Rev. Anita Jantz (Mennonite), Sister Anne Keffer (Lutheran), Frank Roy (Roman Catholic), and Rev. Betty Lynn Schwab (United). Co-editors were Rev. Betty Lynn Schwab and Frank Roy.

  1. A welcoming church?
  2. Ten rooms? Four baths?
  3. Living in peace: Lessons from the sandbox
  4. A young Muslim voice
  5. Evil: Why?

2002 - Eighteenth series

18th writing team: Rev. Anita Jantz (Mennonite), Sister Anne Keffer (Lutheran), Rev. Michael Lawson (Anglican), Rev. Jeanette Liberty-Duns (United), and Larry Novakowski (Roman Catholic). Editors were Frank Roy and Rev. Betty Lynn Schwab.

  1. Forgiveness
  2. A Take-Home Bible Study of John
  3. Overcoming Violence - a Decade
  4. Nurturing Faith in the Home
  5. What would Jesus Think of Globalization?

2001 - Seventeenth series

17th writing team: Rev. Anita Jantz (Mennonite), Sister Anne Keffer (Lutheran), David Peacock (Roman Catholic), Rev. Betty Lynn Schwab (United), and Rev. Helen Tervo (Anglican). Editor was Frank Roy.

  1. A Recipe for Unity or How to Covenant
  2. Are Young People Ecumenical?
  3. Men! What Do They Want?
  4. Encountering the Human Face of God (The pain of homosexuality)
  5. Shop 'til You Drop

2000 - Sixteenth series

16th writing team: Rev. Anita Jantz (Mennonite), Sister Anne Keffer (Lutheran), David Peacock (Roman Catholic), Rev. Betty Lynn Schwab (United), and Rev. Helen Tervo (Anglican). Editor was Frank Roy.

  1. One Jesus, Four Portraits
  2. Orchids, Whales and Me
  3. Springtime in Ecumenism
  4. From Fighting to Friendship
  5. When Receiving is Giving

1999 - Fifteenth series

15th writing team: Rev. Garth Ewart-Fisher (Mennonite), Nicholas Jesson (Roman Catholic), Sister Anne Keffer (Lutheran), Rev. Betty Lynn Schwab (United), and Rev. Helen Tervo (Anglican). Editor was Frank Roy.

  1. An Ecumenical Report Card
  2. Growing: Through Doubt to Faith
  3. Sticking Together When the Glue Feels Crusty
  4. Jubilee: Renewing Our Vision
  5. The Labyrynth: An Inner Journey

1998 - Fourteenth series

14th writing team: Rev. Garth Ewart-Fisher (Mennonite), Rita Gillies (Roman Catholic), Nicholas Jesson (Roman Catholic), Christopher Lind (Anglican), and Rev. Betty Lynn Schwab (United). Editor was Frank Roy.

  1. Walking in the Light of God
  2. The Pilgrim Earth
  3. Christians, Awake!
  4. Salvation and the World Religions
  5. Closer to God: A Celtic Way

1997 - Thirteenth series

13th writing team: Rita Gillies (Roman Catholic), Nicholas Jesson (Roman Catholic), Christopher Lind (Anglican), Rev. Ken Peterson (Lutheran), and Rev. Betty Lynn Schwab (United). Editor was Frank Roy. Special thanks to our guest writer, Carolyn Whitney-Brown, a writer and a member of L’Arche Daybreak. L’Arche communities can be found in many cities.

  1. Table Grace
  2. Abraham
  3. Beloved of God
  4. Pay Yourself First!
  5. Did Jesus Really Say That?

1996 - Twelfth series

12th writing team: Rita Gillies (Roman Catholic), Nicholas Jesson (Roman Catholic), Christopher Lind (Anglican), Rev. Ken Peterson (Lutheran), and Rev. Betty Lynn Schwab (United). Editor was Frank Roy.

  1. The Gospel of the Trees
  2. Understanding the Bible
  3. "Teach Us To Pray..."
  4. Towards Full Communion
  5. Another Deficit
  6. Ecumenism in Action (undated)

1995 - Eleventh series

11th writing team: Rita Gillies (Roman Catholic), Nicholas Jesson (Roman Catholic), Christopher Lind (Anglican), Rev. Ken Peterson (Lutheran), and Rev. Betty Lynn Schwab (United). Editor was Frank Roy.

  1. On Reading Our Bible - II
  2. Christian Faith and Social Program Cuts
  3. Mary and the Saints in Ecumenical Dialogue
  4. A Call to Dialogue with Islam
  5. Women: On the Way

1994 - Tenth series

10th writing team: Rita Gillies (Roman Catholic), Christopher Lind (Anglican), Rev. Bernard de Margerie (Roman Catholic), Rev. Ken Peterson (Lutheran), and Rev. Betty Lynn Schwab (United). Editor was Frank Roy.

  1. Christian Unity - Next Steps
  2. Democracy, Baptism and God
  3. On Reading Our Bible
  4. Religious Pluralism and The 1993 Parliament of World Religions
  5. Human Rights, Sexual Orientation & Faith

1993 - Ninth series

9th writing team: Rita Gillies (Roman Catholic), Christopher Lind (Anglican), Rev. Bernard de Margerie (Roman Catholic), Rev. Ken Peterson (Lutheran), and Rev. Betty Lynn Schwab (United). Editor was Frank Roy.

  1. "For the Conversion of the Churches"
  2. Watch your language!
  3. The Farm Crisis is a Crisis of Community
  4. Evangelism: A Rainbow in Reverse?
  5. Road from Rio -- Reflections of the 'Earth Summit'

1992 - Eighth series

8th writing team: Rev. Tom Brownlee (Presbyterian), Mary Cross (Mennonite), Rita Gillies (Roman Catholic), Christopher Lind (Anglican), Rev. Bernard de Margerie (Roman Catholic), and Rev. Ken Peterson (Lutheran).

  1. 1992: Reflect / Repent / Renew
  2. Much to Learn from Each Other - Catholic-Reformed Dialogue: Where are things at?
  3. Let's Stop the Violence Against Women
  4. Spirituality
  5. Native Spirituality

1991 - Seventh series

7th writing team: Rita Gillies (Roman Catholic), Christopher Lind (Anglican), Rev. Bernard de Margerie (Roman Catholic), Tom Martin (United), Rev. Ken Peterson (Lutheran), and Rev. Nancy Selwood (Anglican).

  1. Canadian "Coalitions"
  2. Aboriginal Rights
  3. Racism
  4. On Religious Liberty
  5. Shared Ministry - Seeds of Hope

1990 - Sixth series

6th writing team: Rita Gillies (Roman Catholic), Christopher Lind (Anglican), Rev. Bernard de Margerie (Roman Catholic), Tom Martin (United), Ollie Miller (Lutheran), and Rev. Ken Peterson (Lutheran).

  1. Together in the Prayer of Christ
  2. A Better Tomorrow: Justice for All
  3. Which side are we on?
  4. WCC - Canberra 1991
  5. Interfaith Relations

1989 - Fifth series

5th writing team: Ruth Brown (Anglican), Rita Gillies (Roman Catholic), Rev. Charles Johnston (United), Rev. Bernard de Margerie (Roman Catholic), Tom Martin (United), Rev. Robert McLaren (Baptist), Rev. Ken Peterson (Lutheran), and the Rt. Rev. Roland Wood (Anglican bishop of Saskatoon, special contributor).

  1. Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
  2. Lambeth Conference
  3. Difficulties of Evangelism in Ecumenism
  4. WCC Decade of Solidarity with Women
  5. "We Talking about Us" (Interfaith #2)

1988 - Fourth series

4th writing team: Ruth Brown (Anglican), Rita Gillies (Roman Catholic), Rev. Bernard de Margerie (Roman Catholic), Tom Martin (United), Rev. Robert McLaren (Baptist), Rev. Paul Newman (United), Rev. Orest Olekshy (Orthodox Church in America), and Rev. Ken Peterson (Lutheran).

  1. Orthodoxy and Millenium
  2. Inclusiveness and Inclusive Language
  3. Reconciliation with Aboriginal People
  4. Introduction to Interfaith (Interfaith #1)

1987 - Third series

3rd writing team: Caroline Heath (Roman Catholic), Tom Martin (United), Rev. Robert McLaren (Baptist), Rev. Paul Newman (United), and Rev. Ken Peterson (Lutheran).

  1. The Fear and Fascination of Ecumenism
  2. Common Worship Trends
  3. Baptism
  4. Fundamentalism
  5. Abortion

1986 - Second series

  1. Exploring Christian Unity
  2. Ecumenical Dialogue and the Bible
  3. Ecumenical Dialogue and Ministry/Authority
  4. Evangelism
  5. Ecumenism and Mixed Marriage
  6. Local Ecumenism

1985 - First ecumenical series

For this initial series, the topics were in the form of questions, 2 or 3 per issue. A duplicate "Catholic edition" was also distributed, with only minor revisions.
1st writing team: Rev. Eric Bays (Anglican), Rev. Bernard de Margerie (Roman Catholic), Rev. Ken Peterson (Lutheran), and Rev. Gary Redcliffe (United).

  1. • Meaning of John 17: 21
    • Christian Unity relating to church work.
  2. • What kind of unity are we seeking?
    • Main beliefs held in common?
    • How did "Week of Christian Unity" get started?
  3. • What's at stake in ecumenical movement?
    • Some main points that keep Christian churches apart.
    • How Christians are working together in Saskatoon.
  4. • Fears among Christians about ecumenism.
    • Where do the churches stand regarding the Holy Bible?
    • Ways Christian churches are working together in Canada.
  5. • How are churches being called to conversion regarding Christian unity?
    • BEM -- what is the document all about?
    • Where do the Christian churches stand regarding baptism?
  6. • Is there a danger of "watering down" one's own faith by getting involved in ecumenical dialogue?
    • How do the various churches approach Holy Communion?
    • How can local congregations / parishes, & individuals, get involved in work for Christian unity?